MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 90 ·?

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As soon as those hawks chirped, even the flower branches trembled.

The flower branch looked up and met the eagle at the head.

Its eyes are sharp and sharp, with a taste that makes all dark things invisible. There was no speech or communication between them, but the brief glance at each other was enough for Huazhi to see that it was the eagle from last time, and the rapid heartbeat just disappeared immediately disappeared without a trace.

It can be seen that it has recovered very well, the black feathers look very shiny, and the two claws are very sharp, how could they suddenly appear here? Before Huazhi could figure it out, with the sharp and short eagle chirping, they dived with their heads down, and the arrows slanted towards the ground like arrows.

The eagle also has the suppression of the snake as a natural enemy. The poisonous snakes, other than the giant python, shivered instantly, and couldn't help sinking their bodies into the rabbit's fluff. The long down hair of mutant rabbits has become an excellent hiding place for them. From the outside, it is impossible to see that there are snakes on the rabbits.

Even Xu Si's high-pitched flute doesn't work anymore.

Xu Sidi also panicked in an instant, how could there be an eagle here? ! He cursed a few words in his heart, and quickly calmed down again. The strongest of these four eagles is only the third-order, and the rest are only at this level. Even if the eagle is the natural enemy of the snake, the stone snake is not afraid. And when these eagles appear, the scenery is definitely not easy!

But Xu Si was quickly slapped in the face, and the eagles rushed towards it as if they only had the python in their eyes!


The sharp and huge hook mouth stabbed on the python's head and body, and violent sparks burst out. They stared closely at the python's every move, and once the python was negligent, it rushed over immediately, not letting go of any opportunity.

With the addition of these eagles, the action of the python has been greatly restrained, and the movements of Jing Huai have become more aggressive.

He directly marked the snake with his spiritual power, and his spiritual power was implicated. The eagles seemed to understand it, and they all attacked the place he marked!

For the food in the mouth of the giant eagle.

The power of natural enemies is really powerful.

King Huai saw the angle, and the mental power directly poked the python's eyes! But the pythons didn't rely on their eyes to judge their positions, and the pain in their mouths and eyes made their movements even more frantic.

Everything in the venue was destroyed by it, and even the rabbits and poisonous snakes nearby were thrown out by it!

There is also a smaller eagle here to help!

, the poisonous snake that was still writhing on the ground was instantly divided into two halves.

Those mutant rabbits are not only entangled by poisonous snakes, but also feel the threat from eagles all the time.

Xu Si, who was hiding behind his back, played the flute for a long time, and his mouth was already dry and unbearable. But he didn't dare to slack off at all, the situation took a turn for the worse, and he didn't even doubt that as long as he slacked off a little bit, they would immediately kill him!

King Huai can dodge the attack of venom and mental power, he even has extra mental power to protect those eagles!

The third-order eagle, which could have been killed easily, was not affected by the spiritual power and venom at all under the protection of Jing Huai. In the end, the giant python could only give up the power attack, and turned to Jing Huai and the others to protect himself with his spiritual power. After that, the two sides can only rely on the body to fight hand-to-hand for a while!

With its help, Huazhi was more attentive to remove the poisonous snakes from those mutant rabbits.

Jing Huai deliberately slowed down the speed. While testing the ability of the stone snake, he matched it with the zombie snake in his previous life.

If Xu Si was the owner of this stone snake, how could it turn into a zombie in the previous life?

At that time, Jiang Xu had already half-controlled the base. It happened to be a cold winter and the base's internal resources were insufficient, so he sent people out to find resources.

As a result, dozens of people just went out when they encountered this giant python. Is the appearance of this giant python really just a coincidence?

Whether it is Jiang Xu or Xu Si, both of them are? The life of the supernatural being as their stepping stone. It's really just a coincidence, or...

The energy that Tang Dao can carry is limited, and it cannot fully withstand all of his mental power, and the ability to make it is limited, so Jing Huai is not in a hurry, and simply test Tang Dao little by little limit.

The scales at that position have been shattered, and the place where the scales stick to the flesh has also rotted into a ball as the giant eagle nibbled one after another!

Xu Si secretly hated for a while, there was no one else around, he didn't even have a target to threaten or reinforcements - no, he still has one person!

Lu Song naturally heard the movement here. The giant python was more than ten meters long, and the coercion it exuded instantly let him know that he was invincible, and naturally how long and how far he could run.

But Lu Song still thought about the third-level rabbit king. Although he avoided them far away, he did not give up the idea of ​​searching for the rabbit king, and was still searching for the rabbit king all the way.

Later, when I saw the mutant rabbits and poisonous snakes besieging Jing Huai and the others, they kept hiding in the corner.

Lu Song hid in the dark and watched, his dark eyes, like those poisonous snakes, exuded a dark and vicious dark light.

He did not see Yu Ji and Feng Kuan, but Yu Ji was seriously injured, and Feng Kuan was only second-order, so it is not surprising that he died.

Whether Jing Huai died or he killed the giant python, both sides would suffer. When he came out again, he would be able to reap the benefits of the fisherman!

Is this the strength of a fifth-order power user? ! Obviously not long ago he was just a Tier 3 ability user!

Lu Song was still secretly hating here, and suddenly he was inspired, and his legs began to walk in the direction of Jing Huai and the others involuntarily!

The heart of the giant python was once again fiercely attacked by the Jing Huai Tang knife, and an electric light slashed like a sharp sword, directly splitting them and the python!

This lightning strike was just the beginning, and then, one after another, lightning struck them! The python attacked them.

Huazhi discovered that Lu Song, who didn't know where he was going, suddenly appeared again in blue light!

His body gleamed with blue light, as if he was out of control, and his expression was slightly numb, and he was firing abilities at them.

After a short and short scream, the fire on its wings became bigger as it waved the flame!

"Don't move!" Jing Huai didn't care whether he could understand or not, the next second, Jing Huai directly evacuated all the air near his wings, and the fire was instantly extinguished.

Jiang Huai turned around, a golden light enveloped Lu Song, and the golden light enveloped the blue light, which directly crushed the blue light completely!

Lu Song shuddered violently, his pupils contracted, as if he suddenly realized.

Xu Si had a bad thought in his heart, but Jing Huai actually released his control in the blink of an eye!

When being controlled, Lu Song was not completely unconscious. Now that the control is released, the control of the body is finally restored.

They already have the upper hand, if you add another Lu Song... Xu Si was sweating profusely, and suddenly remembered what he had heard before.

Xu Si immediately shouted to Lu Song: "Help me kill him, I will give you a third-level thunder crystal core!"

Lu Song is so eager to find the Rabbit King because of the third-level crystal nucleus, the mere third-level thunder crystal nucleus, and the giant python is coming!

As if to confirm what he said, Xu Si directly took out a third-level crystal nucleus, "Kill them, not to mention the third-level crystal core, it is the fourth-level, fifth-level, and I too I can give it to you!"

The two sides seem to be evenly matched, but Jing Huai and Huazhi are still clean, not even their clothes are dirty.

Seeing that the giant python was still fighting with them, Lu Song clearly realized one thing, if Jing Huai didn't die here today, he would never have the chance to kill him in his life.

Lu Song no longer hesitated, Xu Si was still preparing to regain control of Lu Song, when he found that Lu Song suddenly moved by himself. He actually attacked Jing Huai!

Xu Si was overjoyed! Unexpectedly, Lu Song was willing to be his helper!

"Kill them, help me kill them!"

Thunders and lightnings fell from the sky, making bursts of roars, and crackling fire splashed all over the place.

Huazhi looked at the firelight, and was a little too lazy to avoid it. This thunderlight was really not enough to see. Compared with what she had experienced before, it was like tickling. She was not at all surprised that Lu Song wanted to kill them.

In the same spot every time! That position happened to be the heart of the python!

He suspected at the beginning that Jing Huai knew the secret of the stone snake, and now he is even more sure!

This is where the stone snake is most different from other snakes. Its heart is not 7 inches out, but two inches downward. It is these two inches that make it escape many crises. But it was definitely the first time they met Jing Huai, how could he know!

Xu Si was in shock, so he could only leave the signal first.

It's almost time, Jing Huai is no longer merciful, his mental power attacked Lu Song mercilessly,

In an instant, Lu Song, who was still there frantically launching supernatural powers at Jing Huai, slammed his heart!

Here again, this feeling comes again!

His heart felt as if it was tightly grasped by a hand, it hurt! The dense pain swept through his body, his strength was disappearing, and even breathing became difficult!

Xu Si didn't expect Lu Song to be such a waste, after all, he is a third-order ability user, and he can't do it after only two hits.

He is a third-order power user...

Xu Si directly turned the snake's head and let the python swallow Lu Songsheng in one breath!

None of them thought that Lu Song, who was helping Xu Si one second, would become the food of the giant python the next, even one second before he was swallowed by the giant python. , are still maintaining the state of launching abilities!

His body slid directly along the python's body, and finally stopped at the belly of the python!

But for a moment, Lu Song, who was still struggling in the belly of the python, was completely quiet.

The python's digestion ability is very strong, and the bulge quickly returned to normal as it slid up and down.

But back to normal means…

"He was digested."

Huazhi couldn't believe it, "Can you really increase your powers quickly by eating a power user or a mutant animal?"

King Huai nodded.

At this moment, the spiritual force has broken through its shackles, got into its flesh, and touched the position of its heart—

"Bang!!" The golden light wrapped around the beating snake heart and began to pull outwards violently!

Flower branch no longer cares about those little snakes, and jumps over, and the slender whip pierces the damaged part!

Xu Si finally realized that they may die here today!

He has no spiritual power himself, but because of the symbiotic relationship with the stone snake, he can adjust its spiritual power. The original invincible hit a wall here, he no longer hesitated, and immediately started to escape with the stone snake.

This is surrounded by wild countryside, if they can escape to-

"Ah!!" An eagle swooped over and instantly pecked out one of his eyes!

The moment his eyeballs burst, Xu Si's eyes were blood red!

The giant python was too busy to take care of itself, and the flower branch directly used the whip as a rope and pulled Xu Si down.

And the giant python, at the moment when its heart was pulled out, completely collapsed on the spot!

"No!!" How much effort and price he paid to raise it to the fifth-order level, but he was directly killed by Jing Huai! !

"How dare you! How dare you kill it!" Xu Sim's eyes were completely split! The eyes are full of madness!

The next second, he went straight to the python's wound!

The two saw what he took out and shoved it into the python's wound!

Flower branch immediately? The whip pulled him back, but it was too late, the thing in his hand had been put into the heart of the python!

There is... a black gas!

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