MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 163 ·?

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An father did not expect that in less than a day, the situation would take a turn for the worse.

What happened first, so that the gifts on all power users were greatly weakened to varying degrees, and the gifts on some people even disappeared!

They began to feel exhausted, lost their powers madly, and lost their five senses.

Let them do whatever they want. In the process of using the gift, they will not consume their own powers at all. So they think that this is the supreme gift from the zombie emperor.

But before they could figure out what happened, all the zombies and humans were ordered to stop in place. A group of zombies began to investigate, and before the investigation was completed, the factory behind started to catch fire again. It was obvious that the flames were not extinguished.

Flower branches and landscapes escaped very smoothly, the inside of the factory was chaotic, and the chaos outside the factory was even more chaotic.

Flower Branch looked at the black gas behind those humans, "I thought that if the octopus died, the gifts behind them would disappear."

King Huai also looked at them, "It has weakened a lot, and the Corpse Emperor is still there."

Huazhi nodded, the gifts on those people have already been materialized, and they have various shapes, showing their teeth and claws from time to time, showing off their might. But now, the gifts of many low-level power users have turned into a black gas that can't be seen, it's just black gas, and even those power users look weaker.

The most unexpected thing for them was that after a power user fainted because the black qi disappeared from his body, he was directly swept up by a group of second- and third-order zombies.

Huazhi quickly recorded this scene, she looked back at Jing Huai, "So without the gift, the zombies will eat them." Huazhi thought for a while, "Then they are like us again. already."

Zombies distinguish whether they are the same or not, and only look at the virus in their bodies.

The big octopus is dead, and obviously the Corpse Emperor cannot guarantee that the gifts on them will be the same as before. If these people can only be used as food by zombies, it should not be possible to continue to live in harmony with zombies.

But it's a good thing for them.

In the factory, just after An Fu organized the fire out, he remembered An Weijing who was still in the room, but as soon as he rushed over, he found that An Weijing was dead.

There are no wounds on the surface, and there is no abnormality in the body, but no breath can be felt on him.

An father looked at An Weijing, who was completely dead, but an unprecedented calm state appeared in his brain.

Everyone thought that An Weijing could only foretell events for at most a month, but that was under the condition that he did not harm himself, and if he overdrawn his life, it could also foretell what would happen a long time later.

He once accidentally saw a picture, high-level zombies led countless zombies and humans to slaughter the city crazily, corpses everywhere, and life was ruined. But An Weijing didn't tell anyone about it.

After that time, An Weijing probably also wanted to know if the future would really become like that. For a period of time, he began to frantically consume his life to predict the future, but only a few The next cross-time prediction, the pictures obtained are all zombies slaughtering the city.

Soon after, he and his eldest son met Gu Su.

An Weijing has repeatedly mentioned to him, don't believe in zombies, humans will eventually defeat zombies. But he has peeked at the picture predicted by An Weijing many times, how can he have the confidence to believe in the human beings who cannot see the future.

But now—

The picture predicted by An Weijing has been changing all the time, and Father An once again fell into confusion and blankness.

The gift has been weakened sharply, and all the power users in Coast City are guessing what happened.

At this moment, the Corpse Emperor was born!

The two rushed back to the joint base station in the chaos, but the joint base is also in chaos now.

When Huazhi and the others passed, Qi Chaoyang was educating those people about life and love. But it was obviously useless. Those people all looked disdainful and fierce. Even if they had something in their mouths, they still wanted to insult him.

Qi Chaoyang held the loudspeaker and spoke dryly. He also doesn't understand these people. Good people are not right, but they want to be zombies controlled by the virus. If it weren't for the end of the world, they would definitely buy millions of health care products.

As soon as the two appeared, they caused great fluctuations.

"I heard from the Wei'an base that the two of them are dead."

"Isn't it good to stand here, they came out alive!"

"Who said they were dead? It's not uninjured, head and tail."

Everyone was talking about it, Qi Chaoyang and Han Meng also greeted them with surprises, "You are finally back!"

He patted Jing Huai's shoulder, "How is it, what's going on inside?"

He winked, Jing Huai said in a low voice, "It's okay."

Qi Chaoyang gave him a thumbs up secretly, and said aloud: "So, some people insist on saying how powerful and powerful the zombies are, let us flee without fighting, those people are The spy of the zombies. Run away without hitting, and wait for the zombies to become stronger and more powerful later, can you beat them?"

People from all over the place, glanced over, there were hundreds of people, Huazhi couldn't help but ask: "Who are they?"

"It's the accomplices of those zombies." Qi Chaoyang looked at them with disgust.

"Let's go, we're waiting for you, go back first."

Those people have arranged special personnel to take care of them, and they are all people who have withstood the test of Zeng Yu's tenth level, so they are still at ease.

Yingyiyingsan, who were still standing on the edge of the roof when they walked far away, rushed over when they saw them. Fly to the flower branch.

The flower branches hugged them and rubbed them, "We're back!"

She gave them a tertiary core each as a gift. Huazhi rubbed them, and thought of the octopus monster again, and couldn't help but sigh, this is what a normal mutant animal should look like.

The kind of octopus monster raised in blood water, the evil one is not good, at first glance it is not a good mutant beast. But because it died without turning into a zombie, there is no crystal nucleus in its brain. The brain has been split open, and there should be no way for them to turn it into a zombie anymore.

Before they got to the place, the people who knew the beacon team that they were returning had already arrived. Both Xu Qi and Zhao Guo have withstood the interrogation, so Qi Chaoyang is also very relieved about them.

Han Meng and the others naturally followed. After Huazhi rescued them, Si Hao was helping Huazhi to train eagles and mutant rabbits. During this time, their progress became more obvious.

Animals rely more on instinct when attacking enemies, but Si Hao can teach them more skills.

After a few chats, they got to the point.

While listening to Huazhi talking about the octopus monster, they watched the video she took back, "You mean, when you feel the power of the octopus in the oil painting, you also feel The breath of the corpse emperor?"

Flower Branch nodded, "Yes, do you know why their energies are together?"

Huazhi didn't say anything about gifts and black energy, she just said that what the octopus spit out can control zombies, so everyone can understand.

Si Hao thought for a while, "It should have used that octopus to control zombies and humans."

Huazhi nodded, "Yes, but when we left, we found that although the Octopus was dead, the control was still there."

Si Hao looked at Huazhi with some surprise, "Are you sure the control is still there? Are all that much control there? If they are, it should be the Corpse Emperor consuming energy to maintain."

Si Hao took himself and the mutant tiger as an example.

Leverage each other. For example, when the mutant tiger is in danger and exhausted, he can borrow his abilities and strength.

Qi Chaoyang frowned slightly: "According to what you said, let's attack the Corpse Emperor now—"

"May be a good opportunity." Si Hao looked at everyone.

Meanwhile, on the sky of Coast City.

The original sun has been covered by dark clouds at some point, and they are only a few dozen kilometers away from the coastal city, and the sky is indeed clear.

A huge black cloud looks terrifying.

"Boom—" The thick lightning slammed down like a giant dragon, very terrifying.


"Thunder and lightning can kill evil, is it that God can't see them and want to kill those zombies?"

"I really want to chop to death, I will burn high incense for the gods when I go back."

The thunder was bursting, but the distance was too far, and the people at the joint base did not feel the slightest, and did not even see a dark cloud.

While listening to them, Xu Qi made notes on paper with a pen, "So, you heard them say that the upgrade of the Corpse Emperor was interrupted?!"

Huazhi nodded, "That's what they said, but we didn't see the Corpse Emperor either."

The corpse emperor's breath is hidden really well.

But they couldn't find it. It may also be because the Corpse Emperor has reached the same level as Jing Huai, so Jing Huai can't perceive it.

"Even if it is interrupted, the Corpse Emperor is still very strong." Jing Huai said lightly.

Being interrupted, you can still control so many gifts. Although I don't know what level the Corpse Emperor has reached, his strength must not be underestimated.

In addition to resources, the upgrade of abilities requires constant breakthroughs by yourself, even for zombies. To be able to break through to this level in such a short period of time is definitely not something that ordinary people can compare to.

Xu Qi was obviously excited, "If according to what you said, it's so messy inside, and the upgrade of the corpse emperor is interrupted again... Wait, wait for me, I'll check the data and Let’s analyze and analyze together!”

Joint Base high-level meeting room:


"Because your base is far away, thousands of kilometers, you don't think it will affect you." The man interrupted him directly.

He was told what to say, and he didn't dare to say anything.

The man glanced at everyone, "You still don't understand the reason why your lips are dead and your teeth are cold? Go back and wait for the zombies to find your door? The Dawning Base almost didn't finish it, why do you think you can handle it?!"

"The closest thing to here is the Huai'an base. How long can we go to the Huai'an base? One day or two days?"

"Now everyone's hearts are scattered, even if we let everyone on, everyone is already timid."

Let everyone feel timid, the shortage of materials, and the betrayal of human beings, each of which is like the last straw that broke the camel's back, oppressing everyone's already fragile nerves.

"The situation inside is not clear, so many people can't stay here forever and attack the zombies rashly, we-"

"We can launch a general attack today!" Xu Qi rushed in excitedly with the information despite the obstacles, "Huazhi and Jinghuai have returned, they brought back the detailed information of the coast city, You can see that the upgrade of the Corpse Emperor was interrupted, the power users inside were also damaged to varying degrees, and the supplies were not stolen, the supplies are all there!"

Qi Chaoyang looked at the scenery and filled up the original warehouse in one breath, and couldn't help giving them a thumbs up.

"You guys are too good, those zombies shouldn't cry to death."

They were secretly moving things for a few days, and now they all came back in the blink of an eye, and I don't know what they looked like when they found out. And there are other stocks of zombies here.

Qi Chaoyang turned around and said, "My dear, it's all meat and high-sugar and high-calorie things. Their food is much better than ours."

Qi Chaoyang stuffed a piece of chocolate into his mouth, "It's still milk nuts."

He squinted his eyes happily, and sure enough, he can eat something sweet, and there are no worries.

Shore City.

All the people and all the zombies were crawling on the ground. In the crowd, countless zombies stretched to the factory as the center and several kilometers around.

The outermost zombies are not even qualified to see the corpse emperor, but they still lie on the ground reverently and fearfully. There was a faint black mist in the air, covering the entire coastal city.

The Corpse Emperor sat quietly on the high platform.

It looks indistinguishable from a human. Its skin is no longer blue, but extremely white, and its **** skin is thick. It has complete facial features, healthy limbs, and a tall stature. The muscles and texture of the body are very obvious.

It wears simple clothes and sits on the high platform like this. The sun shone and poured directly into his position from the sky, like a god.

Gu Su stood beside it, and all the zombies were quietly crawling, daring to make any sound.

This is the corpse emperor, this is the object of their fear, to them, it is a god-like existence.

An father knelt on the ground tremblingly, couldn't help but look up to see, but under the pressure of the corpse emperor, he couldn't raise his head at all.

Will such a corpse emperor really be killed? In the future predicted by the future, can humans really defeat zombies?

After comforting them, Corpse Emperor and Gu Su returned to the room.

Gu Su looked at the Corpse Emperor, feeling very irritable. "I didn't expect them to send in such a powerful person. It was my negligence."

The gift has reached the seventh-order level. For so long, no zombie has ever escaped it or caused damage to it, so he dared to throw five fifth-order zombies in at one time.

The energy it sprays can directly control the zombies that it emits energy, even if it can't beat the opponent, it can make the opponent become its own slave.

Even the Corpse Emperor and him may not be able to successfully resist the energy it spits out. But such a seventh-order baby was killed in the blink of an eye!

No more than half an hour before and after, this time, tentacles all over the place, the room full of wreckage and limbs. And quietly left the completely airtight room, coming and going freely, and this kind of strength to kill the gift is enough to prove how powerful the opponent is.

Most importantly, they interrupted the upgrade of the Corpse King—

"It's fine." The Corpse Emperor was not as angry as Gu Su, "Just kill them all."

Gu Su nodded with a gloomy face, "When the time comes, he will be turned into a zombie, and you will definitely be able to level up better if you eat his crystal core!"

Originally, the reason to feed the gifts was to give the Corpse Emperor more energy when leveling up. As a result, the energy subsided before the breakthrough, and the leveling was not successful. This gap can be filled temporarily.

Both parties are looking forward to it.

Everyone has a lot of things to deal with, but Huazhi and Huaihuai are still strongly requested by them to rest first.

The two did not sleep all night. Although Huazhi was very excited, she felt that she really needed a good sleep.

Flower branch turned back into a rabbit, lying on Jing Huai's heart, she likes listening to his heartbeat recently. Calm and powerful, the rhythm of each heartbeat is the same.

Her mission progress bar has reached 90%. Even if there are so many zombies in it, even if she does not eat them all, she has enough energy to send the little gray rabbit home.

The flower branch spreads its claws, and the whole rabbit sticks to Jing Huai's skin without reservation, and two white and soft rabbit ears are also placed on both sides of the head. Before completing the task, she couldn't tell Jing Huai about the little gray rabbit. When the task was completed, she asked Jing Huai if she wanted to go back with her. The little gray rabbit said that if there is enough energy, they can go back and forth.

After the flower branch turns back into a rabbit, it is easy to fall asleep.

King Huai patted the flower branch lightly, holding the defensive bell he just asked Bu Si for. It will take a while to upgrade to the same level as him, but Jing Huai is very patient at the moment. Taking advantage of the time Huazhi was asleep, they were upgraded to level 8 one by one.

After finishing one, I tied one to the neck of the flower branch.

No matter what happens, he will not let himself and the people he cares about. That zombie emperor, this time, he is bound to kill it with his own hands.

It was night, and the zombies that were about to move suddenly attacked!

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