MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 155 ·?

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Flower Branch picked up Besser's headset and hung it on her head, "Hey, hey, can you hear me?"

"I'm Huazhi, the zombies here have been solved, no need to come."

"If you find that high-level zombies need support, send a signal, and we will come to support immediately."

Still fighting or finding high-level zombies, I heard a nice female voice from the headset.

Han Meng contacted Huazhi immediately after realizing it was Huazhi: "Why are you here now! Didn't you arrive tomorrow?"

"I found it." Jing Huai's voice came into the headset indistinctly.

"I heard that the zombies were besieged and rushed over immediately. Let's kill the zombies first and talk to you later." Huazhi turned off the call, looked at the dense zombies below, and sensed it carefully. , "Qi Chaoyang should get rid of that zombie."

The whip absorbed a lot of energy, all from the zombie.

"I want to remind him again." Huazhi hurriedly sent another message to Qi Chaoyang, instructing him that once someone was injured and turned into a zombie, he must quickly tie them with a whip.

Qi Chaoyang called back immediately, "Look at what this is?"

Flower Branch looked at the bracelet: "The crystal nucleus of the fourth-order zombie, but there should be not much energy in it."

Qi Chaoyang, "That's not it, you sucked it all by your whip." The screen shook up and down, Qi Chaoyang leaned over and looked at the screen carefully: "Where are you?"

Scenic Huai: "Dawning Base."

Qi Chaoyang: ? ? ?

Jiang Huai: "Hurry back to the base, don't delay on the road. She can rest assured to take the whip back when you go back."

There are basically researchers in the car, each of which is very important to the base, Huazhi took the whip back this time with confidence. Touching the whip, Huazhi finally felt at ease. Still her whip works.

Jing Huai took her to fly overhead, zombies jumped up and bit them along the way, Huazhi threw the whip on the ground, and sucked a wave of energy.

The two of them are going all the way. As long as they encounter the high-level zombie scenery Huai, they will kill them with one move. No matter how strong the zombies are in his hands, they are no different from ordinary zombies.

Huazhi looked at his Tang knife and always felt that the knife seemed to be more powerful.

This time, there are tens of thousands of zombies. Among them, there are nearly a thousand zombies above the third level, and there are eight fifth-order zombies killed by them.

They killed all the way, and also saved a lot of power users, those power users were more or less injured, and many people were left with only one breath. Others took out explosives and prepared to die with the zombies.

Blossoms were in a hurry and threw them all into the bell. Jing Huai has created an illusion in the bell, and they will fall asleep immediately after entering. Even if you are awake, you will not realize that you are in space.

Finally, when the sky turned from dark blue to dark blue, they killed the last high-level zombie.


Huazhi counted the time and released Bai Se, Si Hao and the mutant tiger first.

The space was inlaid with a fifth-order crystal nucleus, and a healing crystal nucleus was inlaid. The healing speed was very fast, and even the flesh on Han Ming’s body grew.

Besser experienced a bell treatment once, although this time he was unconscious since he entered, but his injury suddenly healed, and he didn't even have to think about it and knew why.

He looked at the flower branch with an awkward look, and said in a loud voice, "I owe you a life this time."

Huazhi waved his hand, "We also made a lot of crystal cores, and there is something else that needs your help."

Si Hao hugged the mutant tiger, "You can talk about anything."

Huazhi released everyone in one breath, "They, can you explain it to us?"

Si Hao sent a signal and gave a location, Han Meng quickly led someone to find them.

She looked up and down the flower branch, "Are you all okay?"

"It's fine." Huazhi turned around, "None of us were injured, and I dug a lot of crystal nuclei."

Han Meng looked at Si Hao and Bai Se, Si Hao said quickly, "Thanks to them for arriving in time, otherwise I and Bai Se would have been eaten by zombies."

Han Meng pulled the flower branch, "Go, go back to the base."

The sky is already bright, and when you are close to the Dawning Base, you can realize how terrifying this zombie tide is. There are zombie corpses everywhere. Nearly a kilometer of roadblocks on the outermost periphery of the base have also been completely destroyed. Those energized barbed wire, the deep pits full of sharp knives have also been piled up with zombie corpses.

The helicopter is pouring oil into those pits, preparing a fire to burn them all.

The fact that Dawning Base encountered the zombie wave immediately caused a heated discussion on the Internet, and everyone was discussing it.

As the car drove in, Han Meng introduced them to the current situation, "Fortunately, you are here, otherwise we wouldn't be able to kill all those high-level zombies in one night."

Flower Branch: "How come there is a sudden wave of zombies, haven't you found it before?"

Han Meng shook her head, her eyes suddenly sank, "I asked you to come here just for this."

"A month ago, we vaguely felt that something was wrong around us, but the patrolling people said that they found nothing unusual. We went to check and found nothing strange."

A month ago?

"A month ago, it was the time for the base exchange meeting." Jing Huai said in a low voice.

Han Meng nodded, "Yes, as you all know, our captain had a physical problem at the time, and we were afraid that he would have an accident at the base, so we complied with the request and went to your base to participate in the exchange meeting. "

The exchange meeting took them back and forth for more than half a month. After returning, they went to investigate, but they still found nothing, and the strange feeling before has disappeared.

"So you didn't see the zombies, and didn't detect them with instruments?" Huazhi thought it was incredible. The outermost protective measures of the major bases were the strictest, and the technology was shared.

Their bases can detect the approaching zombies in time, but the Dawning Base can't?

Han Meng shook her head, "They also said they didn't find it."

Besser's face was gloomy, "If you hadn't come, none of the psychics who went out yesterday would have survived. This matter must not be left like this!" People catch them and throw them to feed the zombies!

Huazhi felt strange, "When you went out yesterday, didn't you know there were such high-level zombies?"

Han Meng: "All abilities that can be dispatched have been dispatched, but there are too many zombies." They also know that the zombies who control the zombies must be very strong, but if they don't kill those high-level zombies Zombies, these low-level zombies will charge day and night. Zombies can survive for days and months, but they can't. No matter how strong they are, they can't hold back, it is better to seize the opportunity from the beginning, so they will take the risk yesterday.

Huazhi suddenly realized that they all went out yesterday with the determination to die.

"I have a very bad feeling." Han Meng pinched her eyebrows, she felt very bad. So many zombies came, but their base did not find it, which proved that their base must have the same inner response as Huanglong.

If there is no scenery Huai and Huazhi to kill the leading high-level zombies, their base may really fall.

"These zombies are too smart." The lead are all low-level zombies, and their only function is to consume them. When the consumption reaches a certain level and there is a breakthrough, high-level zombies will appear.

Last night, the fifth-order ability users of the base were all guarding the tower, plus countless firepower sieges, so they barely defended.

Han Meng: "If our base falls, and the ability users become the rations of those zombies-"

Huazhi put her hand on Han Meng's shoulder, "Don't think about things that didn't happen."

Flower Branch pinched her shoulders, worrying too much is useless, soldiers will block the water and cover up, only when things happen will you know what will happen.

After they entered the base, Huazhi wanted to go directly to see the power users with black energy in their bodies, but was stopped by Han Meng and the others, "No hurry, you have worked hard all night, first Go and rest."

In the end, the two of them went to rest first, and Huazhi gave Han Meng the whip.

"I sprayed the last bit of spray on Shen Guo yesterday."

Han Meng nodded: "I didn't sleep all night last night, the effect of the spray should last until tonight, let's see it together tonight."

She took out a bottle of spray and gave it to Huazhi. This bottle was bigger than the last time she gave Huazhi. "Hurry up and make it."

This spray is not easy to make, it actually took her a month or two.

Flower Branch carefully took over the spray and let Jing Huai put it away for her.

When they had enough rest, it was almost evening. Han Ming is still in the space, but it is almost better.

Huazhi asked Bai Se to borrow an interrogation room and put Han Ming in it. The Dawning Base has special interrogation abilities, and Besser reassured them and arrested them.

Here, Huazhi has other things to do. She immediately began to observe the psychic with the virus in her body. This is their main purpose for coming here this time.

A half month ago, the Dawning Base launched a virus investigation, and some of the power users were caught early during the screening, and are still locked in the underground prison. People with viruses in their bodies have marks on their ID chips. Even if they leave the Dawning Base, no other base will be willing to take them in.

Huazhi went to the underground prison to take a look. Those people are indeed black, but they are not very good-tempered, and their mouths are full of swear words.

As soon as they stepped in, an ability was launched towards them.

"You son of a bitch, let me out!"

"Besser, you bastard, if you have the ability to let Lao Tzu go out, Lao Tzu wants to duel you!"

"Bring a woman over, you think- um-"

Jiang Huai flung a power over, the man couldn't close his mouth immediately, and then he covered his neck with a flushed face, as if he was strangled by something.

The coercion of Jing Huai spread out without reservation, and everyone suddenly dared not speak again.

Beiser took a deep look at the scenery, no wonder he could kill the fifth-order zombies with one knife, his strength is really extraordinary.

These people have black energy, but they are not "gifts". After looking around, the flower branch came out. After she came out, she gave the whip to Besser, "Here is this for you, and you can use this to clean up the things on them."

"This?" Besser took the whip.

"Okay, I see." Besser turned around with the whip and entered the cell again.

"Ah!!" is the sound of a whip. "Mother Gan Lin, Bai Se! I remember you!"

It has been said that that kind of crystal core cannot be eaten, and it is still eaten for the sake of such a little power. If you eat it yourself, you will harm others, a group of rubbish.

Across the gate, you can hear the sound of whips breaking through the air and howling, Huazhi pulled the scenery Huai, "Let's go, let's go and see if there are 'gifts' elsewhere."

There are so many special crystal cores in the Dawning Base, and they are besieged by zombies, there must be an internal response.

King Huai: "Go and see the person in charge of Dawning Base, not everyone can get a 'gift'."

Huazhi nodded, feeling that Jing Huai was right. That night, they found the right opportunity.

The Dawning Base has been severely damaged, and everyone can see that this zombie wave is definitely not accidental. Since it is not accidental, will this time come, will it be the second and third time, will it go to besiege other bases, and will there be more zombies the next time it comes?

Every problem is a knife hanging over everyone's head. When they were having a meeting, Huazhi happened to be there to sit in, and all the people who came were the head of the base, and I really saw someone who had a "gift" on them.

When Huazhi pointed out that person, everyone thought it was incredible, "Are you sure it's really him?"

Flower Branch looked at them, "Is he weird?"

Si Hao nodded with difficulty, "He is the oldest person in charge of our base."

His own power level is not high, but it is like an irreplaceable lubricant for the turbulent and floating dawn base. Because of him, the Dawning Base can be so harmonious and stable. But carefully comparing the timeline, it is exactly the same as Huanglong.

Leaving the base at a fixed time, a large number of ability users died, and his strength suddenly improved.

Jing Huai looked at them: "What you want to do is up to you, you decide."

Huazhi continued: "The things in their bodies should be put in by zombies. Maybe if we kill the zombie emperor, the abilities in their bodies will also disappear."

Su Xiong calmly said: "I see, we will handle this matter."

The man also had Gu worms in his body, so Han Meng could only be dreamed to investigate, but this time, the man died when they were about to ask something.

Han Meng's face was not very good-looking, "The other party is very strong, I was discovered."

"It's okay, we still have Han Ming and Shen Guo."

Han Meng nodded. At night, she just entered the dream of Shen Guo. But unexpectedly saw a young sunny man.

The man looked at her with a smile, "It's you?" He looked at the white space around him, "You are really special."

Han Meng frowned slightly, surprised that this man saw her. But the next second, the man with a bright smile had a transparent longbow in his hand. He pulled the bowstring and aimed it at her brain!

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