MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 149 ·?

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Although Huanglong woke up, his consciousness and vision were very blurred.

Darkness, he seemed to be in another dimension.

Huang Long was a little stunned, looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality. Wasn't he **** in a dark room?

Scenic Huai naturally couldn't let him know that he was in the space of flowers, so he created a new fantasy space for him.

Huazhi looked at him a little embarrassed: "Do you want to help him untie?"

"No, that's fine." Jing Huai pulled out the stuff in his mouth.

But after putting people in, Huazhi found that Ying Er was very interested in him!

Huazhi had never brought Ying Er to Huanglong before, he jumped around, his sharp eagle eyes were full of interest in Huanglong, and it was still glowing faintly.

I brought it by the way today, it has bugs in its stomach, so Huazhi thought about letting it stay in the bell more, maybe it can digest faster. Huazhi looked at Ying Er and held it in front of Huanglong.

Flower Branch suddenly had a headache, "There should be bugs in his body, we can't ask him directly?"

According to past experience, once he wants to speak out, the bugs in his body will come out, except for the gecko power user, there is no exception.

Jing Huai also discovered this, he took out the bottle of spray Han Meng gave from the space, "Let Han Meng come over."

The yellow dragon can't die yet.

Huazhi quickly stood up, "Yes, yes, I forgot, if it's in a dream, it doesn't matter if you say it!"

Flower Branch quickly sprayed the spray on Huanglong. After spraying, he sprayed a little more on himself and the scenery.

It was a very small spray, and after a few strokes, it has already bottomed out.

Flower Branch looked at the bottle, "Only one more spray."


Huazhi and Han Meng quickly contacted, turned around and saw that Huanglong had fallen into a deep dream, Huazhi looked at the scenery Huai, "We have to sleep too."

They put Huanglong back again, and suddenly the flower branch was about to go to sleep, but he couldn't react.

She looked at the scenery Huai, "Otherwise you will hypnotize me to make me fall asleep quickly?"

Jiang Huai rubbed her hair, "turning back into a rabbit."

The flower branch flashed and immediately changed back to the appearance of a rabbit.

Jiang Huai gently stroked the soft flesh behind her ears, Huazhi soon fell asleep. It's not easy for people to fall asleep and wake up, but when you look like a rabbit, it's easy to fall asleep.

As soon as Huazhi entered the dream, she saw Han Meng.

Han Meng gave her a "shh~" gesture and pointed to the front.

Huazhi obediently made a zipper gesture and stood with her and looked in front.

As soon as she turned her head, the flower branch froze for a moment. In front of you is a huge factory with a high gate and a power grid. The guards outside the door come and go. They are wearing clothes and holding weapons. The guards are very strict, but such strict guards are all zombies!

Huazhi immediately realized that this may be the factory that An Weijing and them talked about!

When she was too shocked, there was a familiar atmosphere behind her, Huazhi turned back, and Jing Huai also stood behind her. The three of them looked into the distance together, all silent.

Han Meng communicated with them silently in another way, "You came in a little late."

Huazhi nodded, the time passing in the dream is different from that outside, one minute outside, maybe half a day or a few days have passed in the dream.

Han Meng told them a little about the current situation.

Huang Long is obviously not the same at this moment. He is wearing neat and very stylish clothes and a hat. He seems to be thirty or forty years younger. Even the wrinkles on his face have disappeared. Also turned into a glossy black. He walked in with his head held high.

When he entered, all the zombies around made a very respectful gesture to him, and the low-level zombies at the door even shivered on the ground.

Huazhi looked at Huanglong's face and always felt something was wrong, "He looks a little strange now?"

"He's a zombie now."

Blossoms: ! !

"It's too human!"

From start to finish, just like a human being, except that the skin looks a little cyan. But the atmosphere here is dark and dark, and when the light is too low, this idea of ​​cyan is easily overlooked.

Huanglong entered the factory directly, Huazhi looked at Han Meng, "Can we go in together?"

"Of course, but it needs to be disguised." Once Huanglong noticed the strangeness in his dream, he would immediately wake up.

Although Huanglong is a low-level ability user, but for some reason, her body is very alert. Before Huazhi and the others came in, she had already been destroyed by him. A dream.

They disguised as the zombies behind Huanglong, stood behind him, and walked in with him.

The scene behind him peels off a little as he leaves, like pixel fragments.

"He is not healthy, so even the dream state is a little difficult to maintain." Han Meng explained to them.

Huazhi nodded, Huanglong will definitely not have a good ending, he has hurt so many people, and he will definitely die in the end, this is the causal cycle.

The three followed behind Huanglong and walked in. Along the way, Huazhi was carefully looking around.

Han Meng once told her that human consciousness is divided into three types, subconscious, conscious and unconscious. The subconscious is like the bottom of a huge iceberg, there are many things that are ignored or pressed in by people , and these things can only be displayed without scruples in dreams. So sometimes dreaming is also a kind of satisfaction for yourself.

These scenes are not necessarily completely copied, but they should be closely related.

They definitely have to go to that factory again, and they can use it when they write down the route now.

However, Huanglong's status is very high now, they went all the way unimpeded, and soon came to a huge room.

"My lord, the traitor who killed you has been found."

"Bring them up." Huang Long's voice seemed to suppress some anger, and he sat on the top throne.

Flower Branch looked at that position, always feeling inexplicably familiar. The sun was shining right on that seat, and it shone on that seat like a seat that the gods deserved.

Xiang Huai answered Huazhi's doubts, "It's the cross of the church."

Blossom nodded, yes, this is the same as the church cross. The difference is that there are no seats under the cross in the church.

The zombies quickly brought people up. The people who brought them up were Gu Su, as well as Shen Guo and the An family and their sons, all of them just now.

Han Ming followed by his side, "Old Huang, they all brought it here."

Gu Su obviously suffered a great deal of abuse. The originally good-looking face was covered with **** wounds. At first glance, he knew that Huang Lao hated him.

Old Huang stepped on his face, and the thick military leather boots madly crushed his wound, Gu Su soon let out a painful wailing.

The pain of ten thousand arrows piercing the heart is not comparable to anything, and it is enough to prove how patient he is.

Old Huang puffed up at them, and the few begged him again, and then they were dragged down by the rest of the zombies, and they were divided up as a feast.

After this was over, he turned and went to another place.

Xiang Huai pondered for a few seconds, and in the corridor he walked, there were a few more oil paintings on the walls.

The oil paintings are exactly the same as those in the oil painting gallery, and the scenery Huai directly copied those oil paintings.

Huazhi held her breath and looked at Huanglong nervously, wanting to see how he would react when he saw these oil paintings.

Huang Long didn't notice these oil paintings at first, but stopped soon. He stood in front of the first oil painting, frowned at the oil painting, and suddenly felt a sense of anger, Huang Long directly tore it off and tore it to pieces.

"Why are these paintings here!" His voice even became a little sharp. "Why is its face in the painting!" Huang Long's voice was full of anger, and he even emptied the head of the zombie standing next to him with one hand.

It was a fourth-order zombie, and he took out the crystal core in its brain and threw it to Han Ming.

This anger became even more violent after seeing the oil painting behind. He tore up all the oil paintings in a row, then turned to Han Ming and said, "Everything related to it has been burned!"


So, the things in the oil paintings are actually zombies?

The action that had just been interrupted by Jing Huai resumed. Huang Long walked all the way in and finally reached the back of the factory. When he reached the door, he hesitated again.

Han Meng: "He's afraid."

Flower Branch: "Scared, is there anything scary in it?"

Han Meng shook her head, "Fear is not necessarily because there is something terrifying in it, it may also be because of the unknown."

Flower branch thought of the big white rabbit toffee she opened last time, and nodded. He didn't know what was inside, so he didn't dare to open it easily.

Huang Long was really hesitant, and even his face became serious.

"He doesn't necessarily know more."

Also, to Gu Su and the others, he is like a piece of trash that can be thrown away, how could it be so useful, so there may be a lot of inside information that he doesn't know.

King Huai: "The entire factory covers an area of ​​1,000 mu, and he only entered a small part of the front."

He had read the information on that area in detail before. The factory was huge. According to the map, Huanglong had only walked a little and had not touched the core location.

Huazhi nodded, dreams are also imagined by people, but imaginations are not created out of thin air, so this must be Huanglong's personal experience, but his experience may end here.

Suddenly, there was a low roar from the door, and all three held their breath nervously.

Huang Long was still hesitating, the door suddenly burst open, and a zombie rushed out with a roar!