MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 141 ·?

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And at the top, the numbers that had been soaring just now finally stopped.

120,000 points is by no means a small amount, and all buyers hesitated. In the camera, someone was discussing, and someone left the camera to report to the boss. The auctioneer was instructed to deliberately delay the auction progress.

"These 12 bells were made by Master Bu, the only and the last set of bells with 12 kinds of abilities, including gold, wood, water, fire, wind..."

In the box, the two sides looked at each other through the glass window, Gu Su smiled extremely brightly.

"This is the person who gave 120,000 points? Who is he, and how is he so rich."

"It looks very young, who's the prince?"

"Should I say it or not, the people at the base are really rich."

Unlike their base, even the person in charge of the base has never experienced such high consumption, everyone's income is clearly marked, according to the grade, very transparent. Unless it is like Huazhi and Jinghuai, who have made great contributions to the base, it is possible to get so many points.

However, this is 120,000! If he is from the Wei'an base, if the Wei'an base returns the resources, it will be enough for the energy expenses of their base for two or three months.

Qi Chaoyang looked at the flowers and the scenery, "Is he greeting you?"

Flower Branch nodded, "Yes."

Being polite, she nodded to him anyway. As soon as she responded, Gu Su immediately laughed even more brilliantly.

On the other side, Huang Yu's face was very ugly in the box, and Huang Lao and several people are now recovering in the villa. Several people were seriously injured that night. Although they did not become zombies, their physical condition was worse than his. However, Shen Guo recovered very well. I heard that he has been able to go to the ground in the past few days. When he is completely healed, a war is bound to break out. If they lose, the points in their hands become a pile of numbers.

He gritted his teeth and pressed the increase button again.

"125,000 points!"

Huang Yu's room lit up, but in the next second, Gu Su directly added ten thousand.

"135,000 points! 135,000 points! The guests in Box 1 got 135,000 points!"

Huang Yu looked at the No. 1 box with a pale face. It used to be the box that he used to go to, but when he came today, he took him to the No. 2 box. He thought it was the auction house watching people After the meal, I didn't expect the other party to be so powerful.

Everyone opened their mouths, speechless in shock.

Rich, too rich, also human, why are they so rich!

Flower branch bit Jing Huai's ear, "How can he be so rich, is it the points that Huang Lao gave him?"

After they came back, they went to check the information, and asked the base to help with the search, but there was no information about the church in detail, and the few materials that mentioned the church only introduced what kind of gatherings there were. Class, only a poor two or three lines.

Such a large church is placed here, but it does not seem to exist. And him, the fanatical eyes of those in the church will not deceive people. When they see Gu Su's eyes, they are more excited than those oil paintings.

Little Gray Rabbit searched all over the Internet, even flipped through the novel, but couldn't find anyone named Gu Su.

King Huai: "There are other channels."

If they are really related to those special crystal nuclei, then Gu Su must have more than these points.

130,000 points are like a string of simple numbers to him.

Think about it, too. That kind of special crystal core is addictive in the first place, and a special crystal core can only be exchanged for several ordinary crystal cores. If they really are the people who make the special crystal core behind the scenes, they must have made a lot of money. In addition, the ability user needs special medicine to restrain the black energy in the body, which is a very considerable income.

You must know that the special crystal nucleus has spread to more than a dozen bases in this area.

"One time for 135,000 points, two times for 135,000 points, three times for 135,000 points, the deal!"

The auctioneer made the final decision, and the audience immediately burst into warm applause. This time, the top management of the auction house came. At first, they were even worried that these bells would not be able to fetch a high price, but they did not expect to directly set the highest record in their auction history!

Even if they only get 3% of the intermediary fee, it is a **** profit!

The bell was the last lot. After it was over, it was put in a glass safe and escorted to Gu Su's room.

Flower Branch is really curious, but the sound insulation here is very good, she can't hear clearly, "I want to hear what they say."

Jing Huai pinched her earlobe, and the next second, Huazhi's ear became clear.

Gu Su looked at them, "Just put it here."

The steward is very humble, "Mr. Gu, do you need us to help you send it back?"

Gu Su looked at the bells, picked one up, he shook it, tried it lightly, and immediately a fire burst out and pierced the front windshield !

Gu Su's eyes lit up, "It is indeed what Bu Si made."

The bell can increase with the master's level. He is a sixth-order ability user, so naturally the level of the bell has been raised by two levels.


The steward was overjoyed, "Congratulations to Mr. Gu for getting such a baby!"

Gu Su nodded with satisfaction, and threw the bell back into the box, "Okay, you can send it back to me. I'll go say hello to my friends."

Gu Su got up and left the room. After ten seconds, there was a knock on their door.

The waiter came over, "At the door is Mr. Gu who just took pictures of the two bells. He wants to meet them."

Jiang Huai nodded slightly, "Let him in."

Originally they weren't sure what the church had to do with those crystal cores, but now, since he was able to buy these bells so generously, it seemed to support their guesses.

As soon as the door opened, Gu Su walked in casually.

"Two, long time no see." As soon as he walked in, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone around him.

If the scenery Huai is the flower of the high mountains, it should not be easily contaminated by people. He is like the handsome younger brother of the school grass next door. At first glance, it makes people feel that the sun is very close.

However, Qi Chaoyang was very upset when he saw him. For some reason, he always felt that although the man in front of him was smiling, he always gave him a bad laugh. Not when he was talking, he sat quietly beside him.

"I just photographed Master Bu Si's bell. It is said that Master Bu Si personally promised to forge weapons for the person who photographed the bell?"

King Huai nodded, "Yes."

Gu Su smiled, his eyes curved like a crescent moon in the sky, and then took out his weapon, "My weapon is this, I wonder if Mr. Bu Si can forge it?"

His weapon appeared in his hand out of thin air, and everyone's eyes were instantly focused on his hand.

Is that... a transparent bow?

"This is my companion weapon." Gu Su lovingly touched the bow in his hand. "Can you help me ask Master Bu, can you forge it?"

Completely transparent bow with a glass-like texture that looks radiant in light.

Everyone stared blankly at the bow and arrow in his hand, it was so beautiful, how could there be such a beautiful weapon, like a perfect art crafted by God, no words or words can describe it its beauty!

The next second, Gu Su opened the bow and arrow and aimed at the scenery Huai.

Huazhi's pupils shuddered, and the hand holding Jing Huai instantly became stronger.

Huazhi straightened up, and half stood in front of Jing Huai, she looked at Gu Su and asked him in a way that only the two of them could hear, "Can you see his arrows? ?"

Scenic Huai: "I can't see it, but I can feel the energy."

Flower Branch: "His arrows are condensed by viruses!" If shot—

The long arrow condensed from the black air appeared on the string the moment he drew the bow, and the arrow pointed straight at the scenery!

The expressions of the two were wrong, and the people around them immediately felt it. Jing Huai looked at Gu Su, and his tone became cold, "What do you want to do?"

Gu Su's expression looked very innocent, he loosened the full bowstring, in the eyes of others, it was as if he did nothing, just pulled the bowstring at will, only Jing Huaihe Huazhi knew that the arrow had already shot past them!

Huazhi wanted to stand in front of Jing Huai subconsciously, but was hugged by him.

"He's testing if I'm infected, don't move, just help me eat that arrow."

The flower branch paused and scratched his palm.

disappeared into the air.

Soon, Jing Huai's eyes focused on his bow. As if the bow had some kind of attraction to him, he didn't show it on his face, but the bottom of his eyes still emerged.

Gu Su raised his eyebrows slightly and retracted the bow. The smile on his face seemed to melt ice and snow, "The two think, Master Bu, can you help me forge this weapon?"

"Bu Si only has the fourth rank. If it is the sixth rank bow in your hand, the bonus effect of forging is not great."

Gu Su nodded, "It doesn't matter, then I will save the opportunity first, maybe we will meet at your base soon~"

They were talking, Ying Er on the side was always shining.

Finally, it flapped its wings and flew towards Gusu!

Huazhi didn't expect it to suddenly fly towards Gusu, she subconsciously shouted: "Eagle Er!"

Gu Su is a sixth-order ability user, and it is not a simple matter to crush this second-order mutant eagle. Huazhi is afraid that he will kill Ying Er with a wave of his hand.

But as soon as she finished speaking, she realized that Ying Er had just landed next to Gu Su, and then... it started walking around Gu Su!

The flower branches were slightly stunned, Ying Er fluttered his wings while circling in circles, as if he liked Gusu very much! The eagle eye, which has always been sharp and sharp, has become cute at this time.

Not only the flower branches, but also the people around were stunned. These eagles are usually very cold, and they are gentle only when facing the flower branch. This is the first time they have seen it approaching people other than the flower branch.

Gu Su looked at Ying Er in surprise, but soon, he bent down and rubbed Ying Er's head, "Little cute."

The black and ferocious eagle really doesn't match the word cute, but when he rubbed his head like this, Ying Er seemed to enjoy it very much, and even his eyes narrowed slightly.


Ying Yi stood at the top and watched Ying Er make a low cooing sound.

Ying Er woke up instantly.

Ying Er looked at Gu Su, then at Ying Yi, and cooed a few times. But Ying Yi had already arched his body and tightened his back at this moment, Ying Er looked at Gu Su reluctantly, and finally returned to Ying Yi's side.

But even after returning to Yingyi's side, its gaze still stayed on Gu Su.

Gu Su waved at it, "Little cutie, I am at the base, you are welcome to come and play with me at any time~"

Ying Er shook his wings, but Ying Yi stepped down immediately. As soon as the eagle looked at Gu Su, his eyes were full of danger and warning, as if it would rush up to attack in the next second.

Gu Su looked at them with a smile, then looked back at Huazhi, "Your pet is so cute."

He yawned and glanced at his watch, "Wow~, it's getting late, I should go back to sleep."

"Good night everyone~" He waved with everyone, turned and left the box.

"Di-, your points have been credited."

Randomly, Huazhi's bracelet vibrated several times, and hundreds of thousands of points were credited.

The moment he went out, Ying Er's mood obviously dropped.

Blossoms: !

It seems to really like Gu Su, but they are clearly meeting for the first time!

Read The Duke's Passion