MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 131 ·?

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Finally waited for it, Huazhi secretly looked at it and the scenery from the corner of her eye.

The next second, Huazhi saw Jing Huai throw the crystal nucleus of that special energy on the ground.

The crystal nucleus rolled on the ground, making a crisp sound, which was very loud in the quiet space.

"Two tertiary nuclei lost."

The crystal nucleus that rolled on the ground exudes a very attractive energy.

This is what they negotiated before, and use the crystal nucleus to tempt it.

However, it remains to be verified whether what he has heard is true or not.

But in their eyes, he is already a representative of stupid people and rich money, and Huazhi still feels a little overhang.

more than three levels.

This ability has advantages and disadvantages. When dealing with major problems and trauma, it will be very effective to ease people's emotions, but in normal times, it cannot be used casually. Because people who are devoured by emotions will also suffer from physical and mental decline.

One is an ordinary third-level non-attribute crystal nucleus, and the other is a special non-attribute third-level crystal nucleus. If it is a third-order ability user, it is absolutely impossible to resist these two crystals The lure of nuclear.

Sure enough, after hearing the keyword eye, its eyes slowly moved.

Although the flower branch did not look up, you could still see its huge eyeballs, which were foggy and dark, but that large group was bigger than the heads of her and Jing Huai combined .

It is no exception.

The position of the crystal nucleus is very good, just in the sewer. They pretended not to see and looked carefully in the other direction.

The monster was about to move, and soon spread out an arm and got into the sewer.

obvious form.

It turned into a miniature version of a human! The original monster looks like its current form has been expanded dozens of times.

It got into the sewer and quickly took out the two crystal nuclei. But it's fog, the nucleus is not. The crystal core is wrapped with the spiritual power of Jing Huai.

Xing Huai's eyes were cold, and his eyes did not fluctuate much. "It has to be removed before this can be resolved."

Huazhi nodded, "Is it sent by Han Ming and the others?"

King Huai nodded. He has utility value, and so do other people. Naturally, they will not let other people go just because of him.

As long as it is man-made, there must be a breakthrough.

The monster was in a fog state, so they had nothing to do with it. After it took the core, it quickly returned to the roof.


The bell rang at two o'clock in the middle of the night, and it dissipated into a mist.

They waited patiently, and after another half an hour, "I found it, I'll go get him back."

Blossoms: ! !

Huazhi also wants to go with him, but she has to keep watch. Soldiers rarely get a good rest.

"You go, I will take good care of the villa."

Jing Huai rubbed her head and looked at the mutant eagles around, "Take care of her."

He quickly disappeared like a gust of wind.

Huazhi looked back at the villa, if he caught the monster back, everyone should not have nightmares at night.

Huazhi felt another white light left to her by Han Meng, and tried to use the crystal nucleus to stimulate, and the soft white light radiated out—

King Huai came back very quickly, Huazhi actually thought that she should go, because she has a bell. However, although Jing Huai had no storage space for living people, he packed him in a sack and brought him back.

His hallucinogenic ability became more exquisite, and when he walked to her side, she let her see the sack in his hand.

Although the two of them are on duty, the leading officer is still worried. After letting the people under him have a good rest, he slept casually for two hours and came out again.

As soon as I came out, I saw the scenery and flowers in the living room, as well as a huge sack.

The officer looked at the things on the ground in surprise, and a person's body was faintly visible inside, "This is..."

Flower Branch: "One of the reasons why we have bad energy in nightmares, if he is also cleaned up, we will not have nightmares."

Jing Huai explained: "His ability is to absorb people's emotions."

The leading officer also saw the video at night, and immediately opened the sack, and at a glance, it was very similar to the monster in the Huazhi video.

"We brought him secretly, can we take him back to the base? Stay here, I don't know when it will come to harm us again."

The officer nodded and tightened the sack, "Give it to me, and I will bring him back to the base without a sound."

This kind of ability is very special. There is no such ability user in their base. If something happens in the future, maybe it can come in handy.

He dragged the man into the room, and that night, everyone finally slept like never before.

The people disappeared, but there was no disturbance in the Wei'an base, as if nothing had happened, and they finally returned to normal in the following time.

Huazhi and Jinghuai have not seen him since they had dinner with An Weijing last time.

In the evening, Jing Huai quietly led her out the door.

"Can't he come out?"

Xing Huai nodded, "He has been locked up by his family."

"Because they think he's dying, do they want to turn him into a zombie?" Hua Zhi felt a little uncomfortable, "Do they think he can stay forever if he turns him into a zombie? "

"No." Jing Huai snapped her head, "They just don't give up his ability."

Because he has the ability to predict the future, so even if he knows that this will hollow out his body, he will continue to let him overdraw his physical strength. When he finally couldn't stand it anymore, he used the guise of turning into a zombie to keep him.

Some high-level power users, although they can retain their IQ in the early stage of becoming zombies, are not much different from ordinary animals. There is no one in a thousand miles that can evolve into a zombie with a high IQ like the corpse emperor.

In the middle of the night, An Weijing opened the doors and windows, and the wind rustled the curtains. He stood by the window looking at the moonlight outside the window, but soon, there was a knock on his door.

"Little Master, it's cold at night, you can't blow the wind for too long."

An Weijing paused and closed the doors and windows again, "I see."

He closed the doors and windows, walked into the bathroom, and the next second, the scenery and flowers appeared in the bathroom out of thin air.

His bathroom was large enough for the three of them.

The two suddenly appeared, An Weijing smiled at them, "Long time no see, I can only work hard for you to come to me like this."

Huazhi didn't speak, just thought in his heart that he was just opening a window, and everyone outside knew it.

He looked worse than last time, because he was thinner, his cheeks were sunken, and the blue veins on his hands looked more exposed.

Moreover, the black energy on his body is heavier.

Huazhi looked at him: "You don't look very good."

An Wei nodded, "Recently, the ability has been overdrawn."

He was dying, so they were all anxious. Want him to give them as much foreshadowing of the future as possible.

"I heard a little bit about what you guys said last time." An Weijing turned around and took out an item from the bathroom, "My father and brother, go there every month. This place once."

An Weijing gave them a map, the place marked on a chemical factory.

The map is large, with complex textures and small fonts. Jing Huai looked at the map, "Every month?"

An Wei nodded, thinking of what he saw.

He held Jing Huai's hand, "If you can, can you save my father and brother's life. In exchange, I will do my best to put everything I can see something to tell you."

Jiang Huai nodded, "I promise you, if I can save them, I will save them."

With the promise of Jinghuai, An Weijing finally felt at ease. He gave Jing Huai a small wooden horse, "You can give this to them at that time, and they will believe you."

King Huai nodded and put away the small wooden horse in front of him.

An Weijing breathed a sigh of relief, and handed another thing to Jinghuai, "These are all the pictures I saw..."

When I came back from Anjia, Huazhi was still a little dizzy. There was so much information that her mind was a little confused.

"So those nuclei were really made there?"

King Huai, "I don't know, but the future is not absolute, what he can see is only a possibility."

The future can change at any time, so what An Weijing sees may not be like that.

"Then what I saw last time, what is the piranha on Huang Lao's body?" She had just peeked at the rest of the An family. The shape of the piranha flower displayed is still very different from what Huang Lao has on.

While talking, the mutant rabbit ran back.

Flower Branch skillfully removed the monitor from its neck.

"You went to the bottom room today? Is there a basement there?"

Flower Branch opened the video, "You still smell that kind of crystal nucleus?"

In the video, the mutant rabbits finally appeared in the room after passing through many levels.

The huge room was actually a remodeled room. They locked people in the room.

He was exuding black energy, and from time to time he struggled desperately to shackle his shackles. He looked a little older, in his forties or fifties.

Huazhi looked at it for a long time, and felt that the whole person was very familiar.

【Flower branch is a poster on the street! 】Little Gray Rabbit found her immediately.

Huazhi suddenly recalled, she reached out and pulled Jing Huai over, "This person is one of the leaders of the Wei'an Base."

Jiang Huai looked at it, and suddenly pulled Huazhi's hand, his brows were slightly wrinkled: "It's Shen Guo."

Jiang Huai: "Weian Base announced a month ago that he was dead."

Huazhi nodded, "He wasn't dead, he was locked in the basement, and he was infected with a zombie virus."

Jing Huai tapped his finger, "Let's go save him, let's get some air with the base first."

Jiang Huai directly called Mr. Xu, the person in charge of the base. It was still early, and the other side picked up the phone immediately.

Old Xu was a little surprised: "Are you sure it's Shen Guo?!"

Huazhi nodded, "Look, it's him."

Huazhi showed him the video.

Old Xu's face changed greatly, "Go and save him, no matter what method you use, you must save him! I will contact his subordinates immediately."

The Wei'an base will be so messed up, because Shen Guo died, there are no leaders in the base, and the people below are fighting each other for power.

The black energy on his body seemed to be very heavy and his condition was very bad. The two decided to save him tonight.

Huazhi and Jing Huai entered the villa with the help of the mutant rabbit. However, the basement is heavily guarded, and there are many doors, which are not easy to enter.

When the two entered, they happened to see a group of people surrounding him.

Huazhi blinked, a little shocked, there was a black gas-shaped thing on each of their shoulders.

Huang Lao is a piranha, others are animals, some are plants, everyone is different. Moreover, Huazhi can feel that those black qi contain extremely strong energy.

For example, Huang Lao, he himself is only a third-order ability user, but with the bonus of that piranha flower, he is completely comparable to the fourth-order ability user.

They surrounded the man full of black energy and stuffed a few crystal nuclei into his mouth.

Soon, the man exuded an even stronger black aura.

Darkness flashed, and what lingered on their bodies immediately stretched their necks, extending from them to the man.

Five or six people surrounded him in a circle, madly absorbing the black gas emanating from him.

The man looked very painful, and soon, as if he could not hold it any longer, he was dying, but those people did not let him go, and gave him a few crystal cores forcefully, On the side there is a healer who gives him a healer.

But the black energy on his body was getting lighter and lighter, and finally he was almost squeezed dry.

The last man was not full of black energy, and he jerked away the man.


"Old Zhang, he's not a waste, be careful, if he dies, we won't be able to find such a suitable person."

"Haven't you been looking for a new power user recently?"

"Our ability level has increased so much, ordinary third-order ability users are not enough for one person, and we must find fourth-order or even fifth-order ability users. How easy is it."

"Didn't the captain at Dawning Base say that he has been infected with the virus, why is it that he has recovered from the recent news?"

"Yes, not only did he recover, he even beat up a group of troublesome power users on the training ground. According to the severity of the virus he was infected with before, it is impossible to do so. Awesome."

"Are you sure he has the virus?!"

Someone shook his head, "The people who were arranged before have been dealt with, and now it's like an iron barrel, no one knows what happened."

"I found a good person recently, and he will soon be promoted to the fifth level." It was Huang Lao who said this.

Everyone's eyes lit up immediately, "Who is it?"

"You should all have heard, Jing Huai, at the third rank, you can kill the fifth rank zombies."

Read The Duke's Passion