MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 125 ·?

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Yes, as soon as there is movement, they will directly disconnect the network. Although the people at Wei'an Base cooperated very well, this cooperation was useless.

Anything that goes deeper with black air.

However, it is too clean, which makes it even more problematic.

At noon the next day, she came to pick her up as soon as the time arrived at Jinghuai. The two followed the address posted on the request and asked the driver to take them to where they were going.

But as soon as they got to the place to eat, it was warm, and Huazhi couldn't help but take off her big down jacket. She listened carefully and heard the sound of water flowing from the water pipe next to her.

Flower branch nodded, heated the water with coal, and then let the water flow in the whole room to heat, how luxurious.

As soon as the clothes were taken off, someone helped her to take them and hang them up. Huazhi was also a little flattered.

The one who led the way was also a very beautiful young lady, who meticulously tidy up and put on makeup, and led them all the way inside.

We have to say that Wei'an Base is really rich.

When they entered, there was already a person sitting inside.

Unlike last night, everyone is not wearing a mask now, and Huazhi finally sees what he looks like. The first word that came to Huazhi's mind was clean, especially clean.

He has beautiful features, but he is very thin, and his skin is unhealthy white, as if he will fall over when the wind blows. Unlike Huang Yu's feeling of weakness that his body was hollowed out, he looked like... a feeling of sickness accumulated over a long period of time.

Before he came, Jing Huai told her that he had a heart attack and could not be stimulated. So Huazhi looked at him now, even breathing lighter.

He looked at Jing Huai and smiled, "Long time no see, I didn't expect you to come to Wei'an Base too."

Jing Huai also shook hands with him, "Long time no see."

Huazhi and he gave each other a brief self-introduction.

An Weijing smiled apologetically: "I only found out that it was you at the back yesterday."

He took a fancy to that brick early in the morning, but he didn't realize that the person who wanted to take pictures with him was Jing Huai.

After a few greetings, the waiter on the side brought the menu over, and soon Huazhi saw a menu that was much more extravagant than all the menus she had ever seen.

Although the restaurant at their base is also expensive, but everyone works hard, the first- and second-order ability users can go to eat once or twice a week. But this restaurant, I'm afraid that I can't even enter the threshold for a month, how can it be so expensive, the cheapest cucumber is two or three hundred points.

And the names of the dishes above are all she can't understand.

Huazhi asked the little gray rabbit: "Dragon liver and phoenix brain, isn't there no dragon here?"

And where is the brain of the dragon king's liver and phoenix so easy to eat. Only after the dish was served did Huazhi know that it was a combination of fish liver and chicken brain.

She silently ate a piece of fish liver, thinking that the beef brisket stewed potatoes at their base was more grounded. At least before ordering, know what you are eating.

Jiang Huai sold out and didn't tell her why she liked this person directly, just let her take a closer look.

The dishes were served one by one, and each dish was very delicate, not only the dishes were good-looking, but also the presentation, there were even dragons carved from carrots, and Melaleuca chrysanthemums made of petals.

But what he eats is not the same as theirs.

These dishes are for her and Jing Huai, and An Weijing eats something else.

His share of food... After he opened the lid, the flower branch couldn't move his eyes, and there was black gas inside!

Seeing Huazhi staring at his plate, he smiled, "I'm not healthy, so I can't eat other food casually. This is a special medicated diet for me."

"The last time we met was two years ago, and you became stronger." When he said this, his tone was full of envy.

Jing Huai looked at him: "How is your body?"

An Weijing shook his head, "I can't accept the next heart surgery."

Flower branch eats the contents of his bowl, and can't help but look into his bowl.

An Weijing caught Huazhi's sight, "Want to try it? Drinking this in winter is good for your body."

Huazhi nodded immediately, and then thought, does he know there is a virus in the food he eats?

Soon, they brought an identical medicated meal.

But when Huazhi opened the lid, there was no black gas inside, and Huazhi was a little disappointed. It seemed that he knew. But he doesn't seem to have infected their thoughts.

His food was not delicious, and had a strong medicinal smell, but the flower branches were embarrassed to waste, so they ate it obediently.

After she regained her physical strength, her appetite became great. There were a lot of things on the table, but the flowers and branches were slowly eaten up.

An Weijing on the opposite side only ate what was in his small bowl.

The three of them didn't make a sound when they were eating. He was also very good-looking, and his back was straight when he was eating. Huazhi looked at his wrist, so thin that the blood vessels under the skin could be clearly seen at the wrist.

The cyan blood vessels bulge slightly under the white and thin skin and look very fragile.

When they finished their meal, the waiter removed their tableware and brought another set of tea sets to make tea for them.

Flower branches don’t like drinking tea, but the accompanying refreshments are still delicious.

They were drinking tea, and she began to eat tea again.

"Miss Hua has such a good appetite." He rested his chin in one hand and looked sideways at Huazhi.

Huazhi nodded, and she took it as a compliment. She listened to it for a long time, and they were just catching up.

Huazhi couldn't help but ask: "Did you call us here to invite us to dinner?"

The man nodded.

Huazhi glanced at the time, "Then it's time for me to go, I'm going to work now."

Her two-hour lunch break at noon is almost over. It was boring to sit there, but she was paid.

An Weijing was surprised for a moment, then sat up straight again, "Actually, I invite you all today, I really want to ask you for help with something."

Really, Huazhi looked at him quickly.

She found that people here like to go around and around, even the menus are twisted around.

An Weijing waved his hand.

The surrounding door locks automatically fell, and soon, the whole room was quiet, only the three of them were left.

"I know you guys are great, so I want to ask you a favor."

Jing Huai looked at him, "You said."

An Weijing smiled and covered his heart, "I see my future, I will die soon."

"But my family doesn't want to see my death." As he spoke, there was an obvious gloom in his eyebrows, "So, they are trying their best to keep me. ."

His ability is to predict the future. As the level of the ability increases, he can see what happens in a few hours, and now he can see what happens in a few months. .

A week ago, he saw himself in foreknowledge.

He died, on the operating table. Then, he turned into a zombie at a very fast speed. The doctors and nurses who operated on him became his prey, and he...

"You don't want them to turn you into a zombie and stay by your side, so you want us to kill you?" Huazhi still couldn't believe it when she repeated this sentence.

An Wei nodded, "You are the only ones who can kill me."

Huazhi thought of what Jing Huai said, "Advanced zombies have IQs, and for humans, they just change their bodies for immortality..."

An Weijing shook his head with a firm tone, "No, that's dead."

"Even if you have IQ and consciousness, you will still be manipulated by the virus. In essence, you are the slave of the virus."

After the two came back, Huazhi was still thinking about An Weijing's request for them.

The flower branch fell on the bed, still couldn't help asking: "Is he really dying?"

King Huai nodded. An Weijing is a congenital heart disease, and even if he later becomes a supernatural being, his body has not been strengthened. On the contrary, because he overdrawn too much physical strength during the prediction, his physical condition became worse.

This kind of congenital disease, whether it is a healing power user or a healing space, has no possibility of being cured.

Last? It was only later that he learned that An Weijing had already become a zombie. After he became a zombie, he was raised at home by his family and the base. He was fed with animal flesh and even psychics, only to be discovered later.

And the reason why they want to keep him is that he has a unique ability to see.

"Weian base has avoided many disasters with him."

Huazhi nodded, "Everything he ate on his plate today was black, and they should have started to infect him with the virus."

It should be because he is too weak, so the amount given is very, very small. But his health was so bad that he seemed to fall down after taking two more steps. Even if the amount of virus was not large, his death would be accelerated.

Huazhi didn't know for a while whether they wanted to keep him or kill him.

They agreed to An Weijing's request, and after his heart stopped beating, they would immediately stop his zombie transformation. But at the same time, he will also help them find that special crystal nucleus.

He is eating, he should be able to find out some other inside stories.

It was like this for a day. In the evening, other researchers invited Huazhi and asked Huazhi if they wanted to go to the market with them.

There are many people selling things on the street. It's colder than their base, so everyone has more thermal gear and more people trade here.

Going for a walk on the street, she just happened to be able to see if anyone was black, and Huazhi agreed immediately.

A group of people were walking on the street, and many people thought about buying something for their relatives and friends, and bringing some gifts back.

They were carrying gifts over there, and suddenly there was a noise on the left side. I was quickly attracted by the movement over there.

"Go away, trash, what's the use of asking you!"

"Bang-" is the sound of the chair being smashed on the ground.

A woman was thrown out by a man with her hair disheveled. She slid to the door, and the crowd quickly gave up a large seat.

Everyone turned their attention to her, and the people who were picking gifts stopped moving. This woman is... Sun Zhu!

Huazhi looked down at her, coincidentally, fell right in front of her.

She hurried up and helped him up, "Are you okay?"

After helping Sun Zhu up, Huazhi knew she had asked too much, and Sun Zhu looked very bad now. Several places on his face were blue and purple, and there was blood on his lips.

"You bastard, bitch!"

The man was swearing over there, and there were people talking behind him.

"What is he doing here?"

"His daughter was driven back by Young Master Huang."

"Master Huang always changes women faster than clothes, has his daughter followed him to other bases, is this not enough?"

"What do you know, he expects his daughter to have a child and become the father-in-law of Young Master Huang. Now that the father-in-law's dream is shattered, don't you hate her daughter?"

"I heard that Young Master Huang was infected with the virus, will her daughter be infected too?"

The people next to her were not talking loudly, but Huazhi and his party could hear it clearly.

"Go in for me, bitch." The man came over and grabbed Sun Zhu and dragged him inside.

Huazhi grabbed Sun Zhu subconsciously, but Sun Zhu reacted faster and hid directly behind Huazhi.

The people who came out together were all women, and some people couldn't see it, "Speak well, what to do!"

"It's none of your business!" The man scolded.

"Is everyone in your base like this, does he just beat anyone and no one cares?!"

"This is our family business, even the base doesn't care, who are you, don't meddle in your business here!"

"Hehehe, take out your daughter for your own waste, I think you are the biggest old waste!"

"It's none of your business to beat her, I can not only beat her, but also beat you!"

The man shouted that he was about to attack the researcher, but he was still a power user. When he raised his hand, a bolt of lightning struck the female researcher.

Huazhi pulled the researcher to the other side, wrapped the man's wrist with a whip, and threw him out!

Flower branch exerted her strength, and the whip made a crisp whipping sound in the air. The man was thrown out by the whip and flew directly to the ground seven or eight meters away.

"Bang—" He landed heavily on the ground, instantly dusty.

Sun Zhu hid behind the flower branches and looked at the man on the ground tremblingly, she seemed to be extremely frightened, her eyes were red, like the eyes of a rabbit, instantly arousing the pity of the people around her Heart, they handed her tissues and spoke to her to comfort her.

The people who follow are all researchers. Everyone usually does research at the base. Only the flower branches are double burdens.

The people around saw the movement of Huazhi so neat and tidy, they couldn't help but take a step back. They also have badges of other bases hanging on them, and they can't be messed with at first glance.

Only when you represent one base to another base, the badge of your own base will be hung on the chest.

The man fell hard and cried in pain on the ground. People around him were afraid that he would corrupt them, so they didn't dare to approach.

"Don't come back if you have the ability, otherwise I must make you look good!" The man was still shouting, and Huazhi swung his whip again.

When the man saw it, he didn't dare to say harsh words again, and only wailed on the ground.

Seeing that Sun Zhu was so pitiful, the researchers asked her, "Why don't you go back with us first?"

Sun Zhu nodded immediately, "Take me away, or he will definitely kill me!" She only said this, but tears fell like beads with a broken thread.


I didn't expect to be even more pitiful after coming back, and it's no wonder that Huang Yu is like that, she can bear it.

A female researcher put a coat on her, and everyone didn't want to go shopping, so they took her back. After returning, there was also a healing power user who helped her deal with the wounds on her body.

They took her back and settled down. They lived in many villas, so they found a room for her.

Although Sun Zhu didn't speak, anyone could see that she had been sticking to the flowers.

When dividing the room, she looked at Huazhi several times. She was so active, Huazhi simply arranged her next to her.

"Is that ok?"

Flower branch nodded, "Yes, yes."

She was deliberately approaching them, she must have a purpose, of course, the closer the better.

Everyone came back at night. Everyone and her are old acquaintances, so there is no need to introduce anything.

Huazhi went to training with the officers who came after dinner.

The main responsibility of the soldiers is to protect them. Although some of them are not power users, their physical fitness and skills are much better than ordinary power users.

Huazhi followed them along the way and learned a lot of tricks, some movements she can do without skills. But after she learned it, she could use these actions to predict the actions of the other party, so Huazhi also studied very seriously.

If they want to ask her for advice, she will not hide it, and will take the initiative to tell them how to do better.

Huazhi sat on the bed and talked to Jing Huai, "If only they could become power users."

She could see that everyone wanted to become a power user. But the power user does not mean that change can become.

Huazhi thought about the last zombie excursion day, "Can I let them be bitten by a zombie and **** the virus out of their bodies?"

This is what she did last time. At that time, many ordinary people became infected with the virus and became power users. However, this is also possible. Not everyone will be bitten by zombies. virus infection. So it is also possible to be bitten in vain.

Flower Branch hugged the pillow, thinking about it all the time. In fact, the most serious consequence of this incident is injury, but injuries like this are commonplace for everyone. Going out to do tasks and being able to survive without missing arms and legs is already good.

Blossoms share this idea with the scenery.

King Huai nodded, "But you can't expose yourself."

Huazhi thought for a while, "We can try it out after we go back."

She can talk to Professor Zhou first. When zombies are often involved in his research institute, it should be very easy for him to bring in a few power users. .

Flower branch thinks that no matter what, it is also a possibility! Finally got this thing done, Huazhi temporarily put this thing behind.

The two heard the movement next door at the same time, and the footsteps were very light, but the moment she leaned towards the wall, they were found.

Jiang Huai's voice changed, "Why did you bring her back today?"

His voice was not low, and Huazhi said quickly: "She was bullied so badly today, that Huang Yu and her father are so nasty, let's take her back to the base together."

King Huai: "You can figure it out yourself."

Huazhi asked him again, "Did you see that special crystal nucleus when you went out today?"

King Huai, "I can't find it, and the black market also said that it was taken away by the base."

Huazhi patted the bed, "That's a pity, don't we have any other way to deal with Qi Chaoyang? It was the most convenient to use this crystal nucleus to infect him with the virus."

King Huai, "He is not at the base now, and there is no other way, just wait."

The next morning, the chairman of the auction house came to the door.

He came in a car, looking high-profile and luxurious.

The extended Lincoln just parked in front of the villa, looking very cool.

His expression also looked very relaxed, as if he had made a major decision.

"We will organize an online auction, and not only people from the unsecured base can participate, but also people from more than a dozen other bases. And this time, we only charge 10 % commission."

Blossoms: "5%."

He looked very embarrassed, and said after a while: "This kind of thing is not allowed, but the two are our top VIP guests, so this time we are willing to break the two One instance!"

Huazhi nodded, she is not stupid, he can take it, it proves that they must have negotiated a 5% commission in advance. I must have said that on purpose just now. If they agree to 10%, then they can earn 5% more.

At that time, not only people in the Wei'an base can participate, but people from other bases can also participate. So it takes more time to prepare in advance.

Huazhi did not avoid others, but everyone only knew that they had something to auction, and it was unclear what it was.

After Sun Zhu came, the whole person changed.

She was originally very cold and indifferent, but after she came, the whole person was cautious, always in a state of tension, and she was always rushing to do things. Anyone can see that she is afraid of being driven away by them. So they all tacitly agreed not to talk about it.

They have things to go out during the day. When they go out, she cleans the house at home, and when they come back, she is clean, and even makes dinner for them.

In addition to her cooking skills, she quickly captured everyone's heart.

Flower Branch deliberately let her live on the same floor with them, so that it is convenient for each other. They can easily know what she wants to do, and they can also facilitate her movements.

They have been here for three or four days. For so many days, the people at Wei'an Base did not move, but sent Sun Zhu to them.

Huazhi thought she would do something, but she didn't do anything strange, she didn't do anything strange, she just cooked and cleaned for them.

Just when Huazhi was wondering if she had misunderstood Sun Zhu, people from Wei'an Base came to the door.

Sun Zhu's father died and died directly in his own home. And everyone saw with their own eyes that Huazhi threw him to the ground before he died.

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