MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 121 ·?

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After the two of them finished their work at hand and went back, they found that Qi Chaoyang had not yet come out of the space.

According to the time ratio of 1:10, he has been in the space for two days.

I don't know what he is doing in the space, but he hasn't come out for so long. The two are a little worried about him and try to enter the space with the crystal core. This time, the first-level crystal nucleus was used, and I did not expect to enter the space smoothly, and the threshold for entering does not seem to be very high.

However, most people only think of dripping blood, where would they think of feeding it with a crystal nucleus.

As soon as the two entered, they found that the white fog around them seemed to have receded a little.

Qi Chaoyang was on the lawn in front of the wooden house. He turned over a large area of ​​the original green grass, and even the flowers were dug up and piled by him.

When the flower branches and the scenery passed by, I saw him holding his trouser legs, his head was sweaty, and his clothes were already soaked, but he was doing it hot,

He was waving his rake, and all he found was black soil, which looked very fertile.

"Hey, you are here." Qi Chaoyang waved at them, "Come here, come over quickly, and help us together."

Flower Branch felt a little magical: "Have you been farming in it?"

"That's right." Qi Chaoyang looked at the acres of land happily, "See, I dug these. But there is no loach in such a fat soil, I have to put it in when I look back. , the soil will be more fertile.”

Brush: "Do you want to grow something here?"

Qi Chaoyang shook his index finger, "You don't understand this, aren't you going to hand over this space to the base?"

Blossom nodded.

Although this space can be expanded to hundreds of kilometers, the premise is that hundreds of thousands of crystal nuclei are required. Those crystal nuclei will be slowly consumed, so if they don't give enough crystal nuclei, it is impossible to maintain such a large space all the time. And after maintaining the area, you have to work hard to farm in it yourself. If it is to be fully operated and developed, more manpower and material resources are still required.

Qi Chaoyang supported on the rake: "I have ploughed this field now, write the name, this field will be ours in the future, and all the things that are planted here will be directly It's ours." He also heard others say the same.

However, the base treats people who have contributed this level of space very preferentially. They can live in the most central area of ​​the base, and the whole family can enjoy the peace of mind at the base for a lifetime.

The person who contributed the space for planting crops before is like this, enjoying the best treatment in the base, and even equipped with security personnel and servant drivers for her, the base is so big, and there are special It's not an exaggeration to say that he walked sideways at the base. Everyone is also envious, jealous and grateful to her, and they have the capital to walk sideways.

It turned out to be like this, Huazhi nodded and tugged at Jinghuai's sleeve, "Otherwise we will dig a piece of land first, so that we will eat vegetables for free in the future."

Jiang Huai took out the water and food from the space and handed it to Qi Chaoyang, "No, just let him continue inside."

Qi Chaoyang was really hungry, so he took the bread and devoured it. "If you don't come to me, you will go out and starve to death."

King Huai: "Drinking water."

"No." Qi Chaoyang wiped his mouth, "There is a well in here, and the water in the well is quite tasty."

But this well didn't exist, and he was looking forward to it for a long time when he found it.

Blossoms, Landscapes:…

Flower Branch asked with some difficulty: "Did you drink the water from the well?"

Qi Chaoyang nodded and thought for a while, "The taste is not bad, it seems to have a little effect on enhancing physical strength, but it is not as powerful as your bell."

Huazhi hurriedly looked at his lineage and was relieved after confirming that he was not infected with the virus: "The water in there is not drinkable."

Seeing that both of them were looking at him like this, Qi Chaoyang made a big alarm, "Is there something wrong with the water, why can't I drink it?"

Jing Huai: "The zombie we killed was soaked in it before."

Qi Chaoyang: ? ? ?

So he drank the zombie bath? !


When they brought him out, he was still vomiting.

Qi Chaoyang vomited for a long time and vomited out bile, and finally felt less disgusting.

He leaned on the sofa and looked at the two of them angrily, "Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Huazhi said very honestly: "We didn't expect you to drink water from the well." He didn't even expect him to stay in it for so long.

Anyway, if the water is in the stomach, it should be digested long ago. They really didn't expect Qi Chaoyang to drink the well water there, so they only told him that throwing the crystal nucleus into the well would expand the space.

Jiang Huai looked at him, "Let's teach you a lesson, don't eat indiscriminately."

Qi Chaoyang waved his hand, "As it grows, I will never forget that I drank the zombie bath water in my life. By the way, I also discovered that the crops in this space must mature, It also depends on the nucleus.”

The nucleus is the foundation of the operation of this space, but it is actually worthwhile to exchange the nucleus for fresh food and meat.

King Huai put the mark of spiritual power on the well and the jade pendant to ensure that if someone had a crooked mind, the jade pendant could be retrieved, and then asked Qi Chaoyang to hand over the jade pendant.

The base is ecstatic to receive this space. This winter is already colder than in previous years, and it has already started to snow in October. When the weather is colder and the road is blocked by heavy snow, it is difficult to say whether you can go out to find supplies. Although they had prepared a lot of winter supplies early in the morning under the reminder of Jing Huai, they were still very worried as they watched the situation getting colder and colder.

At this juncture, another space appeared!

The need for crystal cores and manpower is not a problem for the base at all. Apart from the base, there are too many people, and there are too many people who can use it!

Because this space is different from other spaces, as long as there is a crystal nucleus, anyone can enter. But this point must not be said casually, otherwise once it is known, it will be very troublesome to move the mind that should not be moved. Therefore, Qi Chaoyang only said that the owner of this space is him, and he needs his consent to enter.

They tried several times and found that although space requires a certain amount of energy every time they enter the space, in fact, the energy required is not much. If you hold hands, a crystal nucleus can bring people into it .

Although the jade pendant was handed over by Qi Chaoyang, Qi Chaoyang did not take credit and directly told them that the jade pendant was given to him by Jing Huai and Huazhi. It's just that it's not convenient for them to stay at the base all the time, and they will give him the jade pendant if they want to go out to do tasks.

This process of the base is very familiar, and the transfer of points and the distribution of materials are all done in one go.

As soon as the space was given out, the three people's points instantly soared to the highest level.

Huazhi was still in the research institute when she heard the bill of the bracelet.

【Di-, your points have been credited. 】

【Di-, your points have been credited. 】

【Di-, your points have been credited. 】

They were having a meeting, and a series of credits rang on Huazhi's bracelet, and Huazhi was stunned. She quickly turned off the sound, but the sound was gone, and the bracelet continued to vibrate.

You can hear a taste of riches from the continuous voice.

You can't just play in a few.

Huazhi really got rich. After the meeting, she glanced at the bracelet and found that every time she received 3,000, she has now received dozens of times.

Her points actually have...more than 100,000 points!

Huazhi looked at the bracelet and suspected that something was wrong with her eyes.

In the group, Qi Chaoyang asked: Have you received your points?

Flower Branch: I have more than 100,000 points!

Qi Chaoyang: proud.jpg That's okay, you 8 me 2.

He made a smug expression, and his hands trembled slightly when he watched the points arrive. The child has no knowledge and has never seen so many points. It is enough for him to stay at the base without doing tasks in this life.

Huazhi left the institute and ran home in a hurry. When they got home, their house had been evacuated!

Huazhi was dumbfounded as they moved things out and loaded them into the car.

You know, it is easy to not drive in the base, but they actually found a car to carry the luggage. And those people are still wearing uniforms, so they look different.

Huazhi walked to Jing Huai's side, "The things in our house..."

"Miss Hua, the car is ready for you, now let's go over and see the new house prepared by the base for you." The woman in the lead was amiable, and Jing Huai held the flower branch, "Let's go. ."

Huazhi followed the scenery and got into the car, still a little apprehensive, "Are we going to move?"

King Huai nodded, he didn't want to move to other places at first, but the base said that the people who turned in the space must be treated favorably to convince the public. Indeed it is.

It was too sudden, and the flower branches still didn't react. She looked back, "I quite like our house, although it's a little smaller."

"If you like that house, we can ask them to keep that house for regular cleaning, and you can live there if you want."

Flower Branch quickly waved her hand, "No need, no need, we are just two of us."

The new house is in the center of the base, and there are soldiers standing guard outside. As soon as they saw their car, someone came to let them go, and they gave a very standard military salute.

The house is a single-family villa, three stories high, each with a yard outside. There are people in uniform cleaning and serving tea and water, and flowers are blooming in the yard.

Blossoms looked at the flowers in the yard and couldn't help thinking, how much water is needed to support them.

She couldn't help but ask, "Can these flowers be replaced with vegetables?"

The woman nodded, "Of course, this house is yours, you can arrange it however you want."

The soil in the base is very scarce, so everyone can usually grow some vegetables and so on. something to eat.

The best part is that they even have a personal chef who can eat whatever they want every day.

Huazhi always felt that this chef was very familiar. She was eating chocolate hot milk and couldn't help but look at him.

"Have we met?"

The chef nodded, "I used to work in a restaurant. They said you liked the food I made, so they sent me here. I will be your personal chef in the future."

Blossoms: ! !

So this person is the chef who used to be careful every time she went to eat, always worried that she would not have enough points and occasionally queue up to eat!

Even her cubs have someone to take care of.

The security captain likes her mutant beasts the most, not only pays them food out of his own pocket, but also volunteers to take them out for training every day.

They have grown up during this time, because they often follow the people of the base on duty, so everyone is familiar with them.


Huazhi told them many times that she really didn't like poisonous snakes, so they gave up the idea of ​​sharing poisonous snakes for her.

After one operation, Huazhi thoroughly felt the benefits of a big house. Happy and happy, even if you eat hot pot, you can eat a few more slices of mutton.

In the evening, the two of them sat on the bed after taking a shower, and Jing Huai was blowing her hair behind her.

Huazhi sat cross-legged on the bed and couldn't help touching her stomach, "I'm really not pregnant?"

She had her period today, and she couldn't feel the baby in her belly at all, obviously they talked a lot.

Is it true that the racial talent of rabbits is still inferior to that of humans?

King Huai was a little funny, "Do you want to give birth to a rabbit?"

Flower Branch nodded, thought about it, and shook her head again. "Our baby must be good-looking, but it's not right now."

You will have a baby when you have sex. Huazhi has always been this concept. She made preparations early in the morning that she would have a baby rabbit, and also collected a lot of warm hay. Not pregnant.

King Huai nodded, "It's not appropriate now."

The flowers and branches are not tangled. This kind of thing will naturally be fine, and now she can do her tasks well without a baby.

But when it came to this, she thought of the ability user last time.

Huazhi quickly turned her head, "Didn't the power user say something very strange last time, the base has already investigated it."

"It seems to be an organization, and that sentence is the slogan of that organization. But this organization seems to be very mysterious, and I can't find any useful information." It is said that it took a lot of effort to investigate , but no one knows what the organization does, just this slogan.

Jing Huai put the towel over her head: "That's a ***."

Huazhi looked at him curiously, "□□? What is □□?"

"The organization believes that humans should take the initiative to become zombies."

Flower Branch opened her eyes, "Will you die if you become a zombie?"

Jiang Huai nodded, "It's death, but they think it's another form of immortality."

In the fifth year of the apocalypse, the zombies have developed their IQ, especially the corpse emperor, who can even gather an army of zombies to besiege the base strategically. At that time, the evolution rate of human beings was obviously slower than that of the surrounding creatures. In addition, the high-level zombies developed IQ, and some human beings began to think that the final destination of human beings was to become zombies.

Zombies do not feel pain, and as long as the crystal nucleus in their brains is still there, they will not die. And high-level zombies have intelligence, they can communicate with humans normally, and they can summon low-level zombies.

If humans and zombies are each other's most beloved enemies, then when all humans become zombies, this enemy relationship will not exist.

Huazhi was stunned for a moment, "So those people took the initiative to become zombies?"

Huazhi thinks this is incredible, isn't this just going to seek death? The zombie disguised as an artifact was the smartest she had ever seen, but if it appeared outside, even if there were no humans, it would easily become the prey of other mutant beasts. And the appetite of zombies is uncontrollable.

Jinghuai shook his head, "No, they are afraid of death."

The organization in the past life did not grow. After the appearance of the Corpse Emperor, human beings put forward many ideas for the future development. This is just one of them, which was quickly rejected.

Not everyone who becomes a zombie will retain their memories, and the vast majority of people still become parasites of viruses and exist like walking dead.

And those very few zombies with IQ, it is not so easy to live well. Crystal nuclei are also energy-enhancing tonics for high-level zombies. They not only like to eat human flesh and blood, but also devour similar nuclei. The high-level ability user who has just become a zombie will soon become the prey.

Therefore, there are very few ability users who have this kind of thinking, and after no one is spared, this statement quickly disappeared without a trace.

Flower Branch grabbed his sleeve, her pretty brows furrowed slightly, "But the virus in that person's hand was extremely high, and he wanted to use this virus to infect other people. This virus After entering the body, they will not immediately turn people into zombies, and they also have medicines that can suppress the virus, but they will still end up bit by bit—”

Huazhi grabbed Jing Huai's sleeve and looked at him in shock.

Jiang Huai nodded, and he didn't know what should have happened. This small organization that disappeared very quickly in the previous life has changed in this life.

"They want to slowly infect and eat away these power users."

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