MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 110 ·?

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Flower branch controlled the speed, Han Meng slowly fell asleep.

Flower Branch pinched the quilt for her before she came out.

When she came out, she was still thinking, if Han Meng was also infected by black air, what about the rest of their team?

There are several rooms in this row. As soon as she came out, she heard the noise from the next room.

"Okay, the intestines are rotten."

"When will you be better?"

"It's not good if it's good, it's not bad for so many people to die."


The people in the house looked out the door, and Huazhi just walked there.

Looking at each other, Huazhi greeted them.

"Why are you here?" Bether looked at her suspiciously.

"I'll see Han Meng, she's sleeping." Huazhi's voice softened a lot.

Besser looked at her, "I heard you defeated Han Meng?"

The one who beats her in the dream is at most high level, which can prevent her from dreaming.

Huazhi thought for a while, but walked towards him, "You seem to be seriously injured."

"Who said that." Besser immediately denied, "This injury is nothing to me at all!"

Flower Branch looked at the way his hands and feet were **** and framed, it didn't look like nothing at all. There was another person standing beside him, with a worried expression on his face, Huazhi looked at his situation, stretched out his whip and threw it at him.

Besser's pupils wrinkled instantly, he subconsciously wanted to run away, but when he moved his body, he was in severe pain.

Flower Branch's whip wrapped around his feet, Besser stared at her in a stunned manner, "What are you doing?!"

Beser: "Who?"

"If you need it, you can ask him for help. If you ask him, the injury will heal quickly, but he will charge for it."

The black energy in his body gathered at the wound in his abdomen, no wonder they said the wound would not heal well. When they fought at the training ground last time, he didn't have black energy in his body, and he must have been infected recently.

Flowers always felt that the situation was more serious than they expected. However, the little gray rabbit is quite happy, because it can absorb a high concentration of energy without leaving the base.

Angrily, he left the room.

In the deepest part of the corridor, there are several rows of people holding the door at the door, and it is dark inside.

Little Gray Rabbit was bouncing around in Huazhi's brain, being attracted by that seductive energy.

But there are many people at the door, they should not be able to get in. Huazhi glanced at it and turned to leave.

Huazhi still doesn't know what the base is planning, but thinks that Professor Duan is particularly calm. They even told her not to be too nervous and to do nothing for the time being.

It is also because of her secret weapon here that they can be so calm and calm, and hold on to themselves not to scare the snakes.

At night, Huazhi settled the cubs and mutant rabbits in the room.


The flowers and branches settled them, and the curtains were drawn, and then I ran to find the scenery.

In the distance, "That room?"


When Huazhi and Jinghuai were lying on the bed ready to sleep, Huazhi suddenly opened her eyes, "Someone."

Her ears moved slightly, and the voice was so small that ordinary people couldn't hear it at all.

King Huai nodded.

And, seems to be heading towards her room?

The curtains of the balcony fluttered gently in the wind, and the next moment, a flower branch appeared in the room, and the two of them hid in the space.

The flower branch was attached to the bell and looked out. The bell cut off part of the sound, and her ears were not so sensitive.

However, she could still feel the strange aura coming.

This is in the base, Huazhi's heart is pounding, "What is he trying to do?" Do you want to kill her?

The flower branches on the bed are exactly the same as hers, and even she can't tell the difference. The lights are not turned on at night, and the vision is dim, so she can't tell the difference.

[The flower branch has shrunk! 】

Huazhi nodded, and was also shocked. She had heard that someone with supernatural powers could deform the body before, and today she finally saw it.

The ability user was like a gecko, lying on the wall and got in through the slit of the balcony.

The mutant rabbits and the little eagles have long been brought into the space by her, and they are also staring at that person at this moment.

Huazhi accidentally saw their eyes from the corner of their eyes, and her heart trembled, but she was satisfied after the tremors.

As soon as the man came in, he jumped on the bed and covered the mouth and nose of "Flower Branch" with a white cloth.

This time, even the mutant rabbit was alert, and its ears were tightly attached to its head.

"What does he want?"

Flower branch was very surprised, their behavior was so strange, the flower branch on the bed moved a few times properly, and soon stopped struggling.

Huazhi looked at the scenery in amazement, and felt that his level of hallucinations had improved a lot!

Jiang Huai watched the man's movements towards the "flower "branch", his black eyes sinking like a pool of ink.

He took a crystal core from his pocket and fed it into her mouth.

I don't know what he was feeding, so it wasn't enough, and poked a small hole in her hand with a needle. Blood beads appeared on Huazhi's fingers immediately, and then he took something out of his pocket and wiped it on her hand.

Huazhi watched his movements carefully, "That's a virus."

The black gas was contained in a glass container. He was very careful when opening it. If he looked carefully, he could see that he was injured and wearing gloves. The movements of the hands are also very careful.

I am afraid of things that I dare not touch easily, but deliberately infect others like this.

"He's too bad too." Flower branch couldn't understand why they did it.

They will infect her like this, do they infect others like this? How many people are infected because of this, just lying like this, and then being infected with a virus that they don't even know about!

It's scary to think about!

King Huai: "Can you record it?"

Blossom nodded.

The man actually had an instrument in his hand. After confirming with the instrument and confirming that the virus really entered, he got up.

But he didn't leave immediately, but looked around the room, as if looking for something.

"Let them out." Jing Huai hooked the finger of the chain link flower branch.

The next second, the released eagles and mutant rabbits slammed into the man!

The man immediately realized the danger. With a shake of his hand, he turned and fled to the balcony.

The man's ability is a physical change, but the eagle's eyes are sharp, the speed is extremely fast, and the claws are extremely sharp. pulled back!

"Ah!!" A scream similar to some kind of animal burst out in a low voice, unpleasant and sharp.

They have grown up rapidly in the process of fighting with mutant tigers, no matter the speed and the strength of their attacks, they should not be underestimated. The mutant was in their hands, like a toy, and soon, like a plaything, they were teased by their sharp claws.

Huazhi couldn't feel any sympathy when she looked at that person, they were all measured and wouldn't kill him. And depending on his proficiency in movements, he should have done this kind of thing many times, and it only took two or three minutes for the previous and previous procedures.

But suddenly, to everyone's surprise, he cut off his body and arms directly like a gecko, and then suddenly rushed out of the drain at the right angle!

The man fled in embarrassment, and there was someone in the distance to meet him.


"It worked." He threw the instrument to the man.

The man nodded in satisfaction, "You did a great job."

I don't know how he did it. There was no blood on his hands, but he could see that he was really in pain.

The man in the dark took out a crystal core from his body. As soon as he took it out of his pocket, he was snatched away by the man and swallowed it alive.

Flower branch pulled Jing Huai, Jing Huai nodded.

The crystal core does not match the level of the man, he is just a third-order ability user, and the crystal core is a fourth-level crystal core, but he swallowed it without hesitation at all, It doesn't seem to worry that it will explode and die if absorbed in this way.

But what surprised Huazhi even more was that the arm he just broke off magically grew back after he ate the crystal core!

The arm grew a little bit longer. But the expression on his face became more and more ugly, and even his lower lip was bitten by him.

The people in the dark praised him again: "As expected of a gecko."

The flower branch couldn't help but touched his hand, even if it could grow, it would still hurt.

"Haha." The man sneered and left first.

Huazhi has good eyesight, although the two are hiding in the dark, but in her eyes it is no different from the daytime. After remembering the appearance of the two of them, there is no need to keep up.

The next day, the two disappeared from the base without a sound, and Besser also came to the door.

He was actually hurt a little bit seriously, and it was a stubborn mouth after giving up.

When Huazhi left yesterday, he was a little tired at first, but later, after receiving the treatment from the healing power user again, the wound actually started to itch, and the wound that has been unable to heal It started to heal!

He vaguely thought it had something to do with Huazhi's strange movement. After thinking about it all night, he finally couldn't help but come to find Qi Chaoyang in her mouth.

Huazhi knew that the black gas would make the wound difficult to heal for a long time, and from the appearance of Besser at the time, it seemed that he knew about it.

But he was really generous and gave Qi Chaoyang twice the crystal nucleus.

Qi Chaoyang looked like a fool—no, he looked at him like a god, made an appointment with him diligently, and invited him in.

Besser was actually very defensive and wanted to see their realities, but he didn't expect to be stunned first when he entered, and when he woke up, he appeared in the bell.

The healing feeling instantly enveloped his body.

According to Qi Chaoyang's instructions, he placed a fourth-level crystal nucleus on the wall of the bell, and instantly, his wound began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A sense of lightness enveloped his whole body, and Bether was shocked. In this base, someone could really heal this kind of injury!