MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 109 ·?(1)

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Huazhi was stunned for a moment. The reason why she could see at a glance that these viruses were the same as those of the stone snake was the concentration of the virus. However, he did not immediately turn into a zombie.

It only takes 5 minutes for a stone snake to turn into a zombie at the fifth rank. This talent is third rank, but the infection rate is much slower than that of the stone snake.

The scene is not too chaotic, everyone is handy with zombies, not to mention the ability users who are still zombies. It's just that the things on the table were also messed up, and even the crystal lamps above the head were smashed a few times.

Flower Branch carefully recalled what just happened. Before she came, she had observed everyone here, but she had not seen any black energy in her body or eyes, so this man must have been suddenly infected while she was away.

What if she doesn't take action, or the base can't treat this person at all, are they going to turn him into a zombie?

Nobody knows what happened.

So what are they doing?

Huazhi continued to observe the ability user in the crowd, and half a minute later, Huazhi finally found something wrong.

It took several minutes, but the black energy in his body did not spread and spread.

When looking at the zombie transformation, all they see is the appearance, only Huazhi sees the black energy on his body, and Huazhi is shocked.

So he is, can he control the black energy in his body? !

Little Gray Rabbit also thought it was amazing, it was also the first time he saw that someone could control the virus in his body. After watching Huazhi for a long time, it gave Huazhi a prepared answer, that person can indeed control the virus in his body and prevent himself from becoming a zombie.

Huazhi instantly thought of the black qi in Huarou's body. When she sucked away the black qi in Huarou's body, Huarou was overdrawn instantly. For Huarou, those black qi It's her energy.

Seeing the harmonious coexistence of people and viruses with her own eyes, Huazhi couldn't help but ask: "Can people really make good use of viruses?"

The little gray rabbit shook his head, his ears swayed with his head, [Impossible, this is only a temporary coexistence, the virus will definitely swallow this person and turn him into a zombie. 】

Blossom nodded.

Just as Huazhi was shocked and dazed, the power users in the middle retreated to the sides.

"You are also shocked, right?" A familiar ability user approached Huazhi.

Huazhi was stunned for a while, the man looked at her in a daze, and thought she was speechless in shock, "I'm also shocked, you said that it's good to stay at the base, and I was still talking with you just now. When others drink happily, why do they suddenly turn into zombies?"

"Did he just drink?"

The man nodded, "I also ate a piece of beef, don't tell me, the beef here is quite delicious, and I also know that it is roasted at 3 and 5. It is said that the base is not installed. Send free meat once a month to the power user, if Dundun is so good, I want to go there... ah-"

"Where are the people?" He looked left and right.

Feeling that it is not enough, I put some wine in it.

There was still some black gas left on the plate he should have touched just now. After carefully finding the flower branch, it was also secretly put into the space.

When she was secretly hiding something, the security personnel of the base just came over.

When everyone saw the security captain coming, they were eager to pay attention to the situation on the field. In the past few days, there has been news from the base that it has developed a special method to make the zombies return to normal, but the base has always denied it. Will it heal people?

Han Siyi changed the appearance of a successful person before, and sweat broke out on his forehead anxiously.

He strode up to greet him: "Hello, I'm Han Ming, the person in charge of the Wei'an Base, you can send him to treatment!"

"He is the only son of one of the leaders of our Wei'an base this time. You must treat him well."

"If something happens to him, it's going to be a disaster for our entire team."

Han Ming's voice was not small, and everyone around heard it, and they all started talking.

"Han Ming just said that this person is the only son of the person in charge of the Wei'an base?"

"That's not the Crown Prince, no wonder they are so anxious, if something happens to the Crown Prince, this group of people can't eat and walk around!"

"No, maybe they won't have to go back then."

"If our base can't cure him, will it also suffer?"

"What's wrong with this, what's there to be afraid of in a small base."

"Fool, haven't you noticed that it's gotten a lot colder this year, and I don't know if our base has enough energy reserves. If there is no supply from the unsecured base, we won't freeze to death by then."

"Then the other person in charge of their base just happens to be in charge. He said that he was too selfish and cut his position. Our base can still help."

"But he stayed in the base well, how could he suddenly be infected with the zombie virus?"

"Who knows. Maybe it was injured from the outside, and then lurked to this day?"

Everyone made a random guess, Huazhi listened to the left and listened to the right, and they all thought it made sense. Maybe they just want to stay here forever, or provoke infighting, or do it deliberately by political opponents. However, another five minutes have passed, and the black energy in his body still hasn't changed at all. Huazhi thinks he won't become a zombie anymore.

The security captain contacted the hospital and the ambulance personnel with a serious face and rushed over immediately, but the people at the Wei'an base told them to send people to treatment quickly.

After contacting everyone, the security captain finally spoke: "We really haven't figured out a way to recover the zombies, so we can only put him in the observation room first."

First-level zombie infection."

"So you're trying to tell us that it's a coincidence that 1,000 people don't have an ordinary person turned into a zombie?!"

"Hehehe, Captain Han, I think they just don't want to save the people from our Weian base!"

"This is the third-order ability user of our base, the only son of our leader!"

The security captain's expression did not change, "I understand your feelings very well, but the base has not researched the so-called medicine. If there is one, we will definitely treat him as soon as possible, and we will never hide it. ."

Everyone in the base nodded.

Each base has more or less its own management characteristics, and their base is more fair, although it is good for ordinary people, but it is better for superpowers equality. Unlike other bases, those who rely on strength to speak without strength will suffer.

But the people who did not secure the base listened to it, and they became even more angry. They only felt that the security captain was trying to prevaricate them, that they did not save people on purpose!

Huazhi looked at their expressions carefully, everyone was very anxious and anxious, and seemed to be very concerned and sad about that man. But Huazhi is now completely at ease with the man. He is in control of himself quite well, and Huazhi has no doubt that he can return to his original state later.

The security team was almost overwhelmed by the people from the unsecured base.

The man shot a shot into the sky, and everyone fell silent in an instant. The black gun muzzle smoked, "I said, our base has not researched it."

Han Ming laughed angrily, "Okay, this is to directly kill our people, the so-called exchange meeting cooperation is just a pretense, we should not come to participate in any broken exchange meeting. I'm putting my words here today, if something happens to him, we will be at odds with you at Wei'an Base!"

The atmosphere between the two sides is tense and ready to explode.

Duan Lei rushed over at this time.

He also wears a white coat and the badge of the Institute. Different badges have different grades, and the highest grade on his body represents his identity.

Compared to the security captain, he obviously has a lot of identity.

When Han Ming saw him, his anger just now eased.

The person behind him said something to him, and he walked towards Duan Lei, "Professor Duan, Huang Yu is our only son, you must find a way to save him."

"I'll take a look at him first." Duan Lei walked over slowly, and he saw Huazhi from the corner of his eye. in front of that person.

"How come you are suddenly infected with a zombie virus?"

Han Ming was at a loss, "I don't know, it's so good, I was just eating."

"Professor Duan, don't worry about why, save people first, saving people is the most important thing, he will really become a zombie later."

Duan Lei took back the tool in his hand and shook his head, "It can't be saved, our base really hasn't developed anything to make the zombies return to normal."

Han Ming's face instantly turned ugly, "You guys are determined to ignore it!"

Duan Lei looked at him, "Although we can't save him, we will definitely cooperate with the investigation, find out the reason for his zombie transformation, and give Huang Lao an explanation."

Han Ming glared, "You—"

"I have a way to cure him." A gentle female voice came from behind.

Everyone's eyes turned to the direction of the sound, and the crowd automatically gave way. A woman came over in a white dress.


Hua Zhi blinked, making sure she was not mistaken, that woman is Hua Rou.

Everyone at the base knew about her and Huazhi, and the people standing beside Huazhi couldn't help but look at her and Huarou. However, Huazhi didn't respond, as if a stranger had come.

People farther away from her were talking:

"Isn't she Huazhi's sister? It seems that she hasn't come out for a while."

"Yes, but what she just said, can she be cured?"

"Isn't she a healing power user? Could a healing power user already cure the virus?"

"No, I've never heard of it before. Does she really have a way to cure this person?"

The woman who had just brought Huazhi to the top floor also came down from the roof at this moment, and she hurried to Huazhi's side.

"You are so powerful that you jumped downstairs in one fell swoop."

"What are you looking at, God, is that person going to become a zombie?"

The woman seemed to be frightened, pulling the arm of the flower branch and trying to hide behind her.

Huazhi sneezed two more times, then walked away quickly, "If you are afraid, go back to your room and rest first."

The woman still seems to be afraid, "I'm also afraid to go back alone, let's go back together when it's over."

Flower Branch looked at her strangely, "Don't you live here?"

The woman was stunned for a moment, and looked at the flower branch without a word.

Huazhi took another look at the screenshot that Little Gray Rabbit found for her, and determined that although the person inside was a man, he was the same person as the woman in front of him.

It is said that some men just like to wear women's clothes. Huazhi looks at him with long hair lying in the eyes of a silkworm and a deer, with a pitiful look. Although she doesn't quite understand why he does this, she feels that she should still Respect him.

"When you came on the first day, I saw you following behind that person. I should remember correctly, you are the one from Wei'an Base."

Huazhi looked at his stunned expression, and comforted him, "You are also very beautiful, more like a woman than a woman."

If she didn't think the smell on him was wrong, she would also think he was a big beauty.

The man's face was instantly colorful, grass, if he didn't want to get close to her and didn't want to expose himself, would he be dressed in bells and whistles like a monster!

Besides, they clearly said no one would recognize him!

Huazhi ignored him after speaking, and changed to another position to continue watching the situation on the field.

The people around her, like her, are closely following the development in the arena, and many people have secretly turned on the recording function of the bracelet.

Huazhi's eyes are the video, she walked to a place with a good line of sight to see the situation inside the arena.

"Can you really?" Han Ming looked at Hua Rou in disbelief.

He looked at Hua Rou suspiciously, "This is not the time for jokes."

Duan Lei frowned, how could she be here?

Hua Rou smiled and nodded, then turned to look at Duan Lei, "Professor Duan, instead of letting everyone stay here, let me try it out."

"Try it?" Han Ming's voice instantly cooled down, "He's not someone you want to try casually."

"Mr. Han, I can cure him." Hua Rou had a smile with a proper arc on her face, feeling confident and winning.

"Are you sure?" Duan Lei also looked at her. Huazhi can be cured, he knows, can Huarou be cured too?

She dared to come out in front of so many people, and everyone naturally didn't think she was aiming for nothing, because it doesn't make any sense to talk nonsense here. Whether it can be cured or not will be known on the spot.

"Professor Duan, I also want to contribute to our base. If something goes wrong, I will bear the consequences alone."

Everyone was in an uproar again.

She said it all, and they naturally have nothing to stop her.

Everyone just saw Hua Rou walking to the man and taking something out of her hand.

The man who was tightly wrapped by the rope was still struggling, Huarou used her healing ability to stabilize the man, and fed the contents of her hand into the man's mouth, very Quick, the man really started to quiet down. After ten minutes like this, the man suddenly opened his eyes.

What surprised Huazhi was that after the man drank the potion given by Huarou, the black qi that had just lingered on his body disappeared instantly after he finished drinking the potion.

But Huazhi knew that it didn't really disappear, but the black energy in his body was pressed back. But in any case, his appearance has completely returned to normal, and no problem can be seen!

The voices of the surrounding people instantly rose up, "Hold the grass, is she really cured?!"

"Really, his eyes are back to normal."

"This is the first time I've seen a zombie transform and recover!"

"Who's not the first time?"

"I remembered, that one was also a woman before, and you look at her back, do you still look a little like her?"

"Yes, yes." Someone immediately pulled out a high-gloss photo, "It's really a bit like."

Huazhi also leaned over on tiptoe to look at the photo, the person in the photo was her, although only one chin was exposed, but she could recognize herself, because that big coat was still a landscape Huai's.

However, this photo should have been spread out after being deliberately made into a high blur, but it is not clear at all. But she and Hua Rou are sisters themselves, and they do look alike in some places.

Don't say, just that chin, it really looks more and more like.

"So the person before was her? She also saved the two power users?!"

"Then why didn't she say it before, she is too powerful, my mother!"

Han Ming looked at the thing in her hand and stepped forward, "What did you feed him?"

"This?" Hua Rou handed him the thing in her hand, "This is the potion developed by Jiang Xu, a researcher at our base."

Everyone was in an uproar again, this time even the flowers were surprised. How did this incident involve Jiang Xu again, and when did Hua Rou meet Jiang Xu?

Besides, since Jiang Xu came back last time, he was hospitalized first, and he stayed in the hospital for a long time. When she went to see him later, she found his skinny appearance. After that, he was taken into custody, and he never had the chance to go to the research institute.

This banquet is getting more and more—

A light flashed in Huazhi's mind.

What was strange to her at first was that if the base didn't want to expose the method of healing, it would be useless for them to die a few more power users. Because the initiative in this matter is not in the hands of those who have not secured the base.

But what if they weren't there to lure cures out?

The man was completely back to normal, but fainted again.

The surrounding doctors immediately stepped forward and took him to the ambulance, ready to take him to the hospital for a comprehensive examination. The people from the Wei'an base also followed several people into the car.

A group of people walked away, Han Ming took a step forward, "Who is Jiang Xu you just said?"

"Researchers at our base."

Not only the flowers, but Duan Lei also felt that the flowers were bullshitting. Jiang Xu is a B-level researcher under Zhou An. In fact, what he has researched in the past is just like that. Huazhi is much more advanced than him. And he said before that he had researched the potion, and it was later confirmed that it was Huazhi who saved people, and it had nothing to do with his potion.

What are they trying to do? !

"Grip the grass, didn't the base lock up Jiang Xu?"

"Did he really research it? When did it happen?"

"It must be him, who else can be besides him, and that person was not treated by him last time."

"Then why didn't the base release him, is it for confidentiality?"

"No, I heard that he is no longer allowed to enter the institute."

"Grass the grass, what is the base doing?"

He looked at Hua Rou, who was smiling and Yanyan, and Han Ming, who suddenly respected her, and suddenly felt very strange.

This banquet ended in Huarou's highlight moment.

When the flower branches came out, Qi Chaoyang had not come out. But Jing Huai had come to pick her up at the door as he said before.

Huazhi jumped over happily, just about to hug him, then took a step back to maintain a distance. "I smell a little too strong."

Jiang Huai took her hand, and the two walked back slowly.

Flower Branch was happy and looked back at the house, "Qi Chaoyang hasn't come out yet."

King Huai glanced at the brightly lit house, "Don't worry about him."

Huazhi nodded, there were many people on the road and it was difficult to speak, Huazhi had a lot of things to say, and he pulled him to speed up and walked forward.

As a result, the two of them were walking halfway, and they were chased by Qi Chaoyang who was rolling and crawling.

"You two are too immoral to wait for me!"

When he rushed over, there was a pungent perfume on his body, and there was a big red lip print on his face.

Qi Chaoyang realized something, wiped his face quickly, and immediately a touch of red on his hands, "I don't know which one of them is wrong, but they actually prepared a woman in the room. You guys. Don't worry, I didn't do anything, I'm still innocent!"

Several people returned to their residence together.

Qi Chaoyang was about to come in, but Jing Huai stopped him, "Leave your coat outside."

Qi Chaoyang sniffed his body, and immediately vomited, "Okay, okay, I'll take a shower first."

He turned and went back to his house to take a battle bath, which was clean and had no smell before coming over.

Three people were sitting in the living room, Qi Chaoyang was wrapped like a zongzi, "The people at Wei'an Base are so awesome, they have the same pattern."

He told them what happened to him when he disappeared.

Only then did Hua Zhi know that Qi Chaoyang was taken to a room at the beginning, but Han Ming did not talk to him, and there was no one else in the room, but there was a lot of food and drink, There are also crystal cores. He absorbed more than a dozen crystal cores, rested for a while, and then someone knocked on the door. As soon as the door opened, he was rushed up by a woman!

"That woman should have some kind of deceiving power, and she came up and threw herself on me, trying to flirt with me and talk about me, can I be fooled by her?"

Huazhi thought of the familiar scent of perfume on him, and raised her hand secretly, "Actually, she may be a man."

Qi Chaoyang: ? ? ?

"What horror ghost story are you talking about?!"

"The scent on you is the same as the person I met today. That person is a man, I met him on the first day, but he was wearing women's clothes this evening, and he has been Pull me and talk to me." Huazhi showed him the photo, "Is it him? The perfume on your body smells the same as his."

"Grass!" Qi Chaoyang instantly had goose bumps all over his body, "Are they still human? It's disgusting! It's disgusting! It's perverted!"

The man in the photo is a big man, but in the blink of an eye, he turned into a woman with long hair and fluttering eyes.

There are thousands of grass and mud horses galloping in Qi Chaoyang's heart.

Huazhi continued: "He should have the ability to make people tell the truth. Do you have the ability to look at him? You can't look into his eyes."

"I wasn't confused by him, but." Qi Chaoyang hesitated, "He asked me if he knew about the little white rabbit that Jing Huai picked up, and he also asked if I knew That rabbit can heal the zombies."

After Jing Huai said that the little white rabbit was lost, he felt distressed for a while. Everyone knew that Jing Huai had picked up a little white rabbit, and that after the little white rabbit was lost, it never appeared again. Even Qi Chaoyang himself had not thought of that little white rabbit for a long time. It was only when he asked him that today that he suddenly remembered, how could they suddenly mention that rabbit?

Huazhi's heart missed half a beat, thinking of the question that the person asked her before she jumped down, he originally wanted to ask this.

She nodded, "He asked me the same question."

Jing Huai frowned slightly, and specially used the power user to ask the two closest people around him this question, proving that they at least knew this thing.

Flower branch told what happened at night again.

In fact, someone has already broadcast the whole process. Qi Chaoyang looked at the base intranet, "Cow, they are now saying that the person who saved people before was also Hua Rou."

He flipped through and found an interview with Hua Rou a few minutes ago.

"Miss Hua, is it you who saved people before?"

Hua Rou smiled, "No."

Qi Chaoyang: "No, no, why is she smiling mysteriously?" Laughing like this, it is the same as default.

The video continues below:

"Miss Hua, when did researcher Jiang start to heal the zombies?"

Hua Rou stopped, "Actually, researcher Jiang has been working on this research, but he was framed by someone with a heart, so he was released by the institute. If there is a chance, I hope We can let Researcher Jiang return to the base and fight side by side with everyone."

Qi Chaoyang closed the video and looked at them, "Jiang Xu is coming out."

Although the back of the banquet is very messy, but because of the messy flowers, you can sneak food back.

When she got home, she gave the cubs a full meal.

The flower branch wiped the dirt in the eagle's eyes, "You did a great job today, and you know that pecking the tiger's eyes is not only the eyes, but also the ears, and the stomach is even better, Tigers' stomachs are their biggest weakness."

She rubbed Ying Er's neck again, "If you want to go out to find something to eat, I'll go make you an ID card first, so that you can fly around the base. "

Eagle three is jumping on the ground to peck and eat meat, and there is a mutant rabbit, Huazhi is holding it, carefully looking at its current level. She stayed at home for a few days, so she didn't take it out to open the ring, but let it follow Qi Chaoyang first. It is said that the level has improved a lot.

Flower Branch rubbed it, "Let's go to the ring in two days, I'll have money again!"

After finishing the flowers, they ran back to the room and continued to talk to Jing Huai about tonight's events.

Flower Branch tilted her head and thought: "How on earth do they know that rabbits can be treated?"

"Who did you save?"

Huazhi thought for a long time, "I have saved a lot of people."

Basically as long as she finds it, she will be saved, except for the person today.

"Also, he seems to be able to control the virus in his body. I also brought back what he ate."

King Huai nodded, "We'll know what they're going to do soon."

The next day, the overnight fermentation spread quickly.

Countless people gathered in front of the research institute and asked them to release Jiang Xu. And Hua Rou was also held up again.

"I didn't expect her to be so powerful."

"Why didn't she say it earlier?"

"Who knows this, maybe it was because the ability was unstable at that time and dared not say it?"

"But is it her or Jiang Xu's potion who saved people?"

"I heard that only two people can be together, and one is indispensable."

Everyone was talking about it, and Jiang Xu also reappeared at the base with the call of everyone. Wherever he went, he was sought after and respected by everyone, and he was always in the spotlight.

After Huazhi handed those things over to Zhou An and Duan Lei, she told them the events of that day again.

"You mean, after drinking Jiang Xu's medicine, he really suppressed the virus?"

Huazhi nodded, "You can study the ingredients of his medicine."

Zhou An shook his head, "Jiang Xu asked for an independent office, and the bases were not allowed to analyze the drugs he developed."

Huazhi: "Can't you take a peek at the ingredients?" That potion is so strange, how can it suppress the virus?

Duan Lei shook his head, "He is counting on this to make a comeback and show off his strength. How could he just let us know, and I still don't know how he did it."

He hasn't come to the lab for a long time, and he hasn't touched the equipment for a long time. He is not a genius. They don't believe that he has this level.

But it doesn't matter, people are in the base, and they can't fly out. If you really want to know, you can do it a little harder.

"Anyway, be careful. That Hua Rou has also come to contact me recently, and she is not attentive. Be careful."

Blossom nodded.

Of course, the base said that it was not invented, but Jiang Xu said that he invented it, which naturally needs to be proved.

Soon, Huazhi saw more zombies suddenly appear, and was cured by Jiang Xu and Huarou.

Huazhi wrote down every person she saw who could control the virus, and handed it over to the base. After statistics, it was found that most of the people here were from other bases. A few are their bases. But without exception, they are all abilities, and none of them are ordinary people.

This day, Huazhi followed Duan Lei and his group in the research institute, and happened to meet Jiang Xu and his group. Jiang Xu walked in front, followed by the researcher Yiliu.

The corridor space is not large, and the number of people on their side is not dominant.

Both sides stopped.

Jiang Xu looked at Duan Lei, then at Huazhi, and sneered, "Professor Duan, long time no see."

He originally worked under Zhou An. If Duan Lei hadn't also stood by Jinghuai and the others, he wouldn't have been locked up by the base for so long.

The two sides confronted each other, and the people around them held their breaths. Duan Lei had a bad temper and was one of the deans, but Jiang Xu was in the limelight now, and he didn't expect the two of them to meet like this .

The two are the tip of the needle against the Maimang, the volcano against the earthquake, and everyone around is afraid that something will happen.

But what everyone didn't expect was that Duan Lei looked at Jiang Xu, took a half step back, and moved away. The people behind him naturally followed suit.

Not only the people behind them were surprised, but Jiang Xu was also surprised.

Duan Lei raised his hand, "Please."

Jiang Xu cleared the hem of his clothes, sneered, raised his chest, raised his head, and walked over with a group of people.

In fact, the most lively place in this exchange meeting is the training ground.

Speaking of learning, it is real learning, and it is not full all the time. Everyone was in full swing, as if they were in a state of excitement.

Even Qi Chaoyang, after being beaten several times, his strength increased rapidly.

On this day, when they went out to eat, there were discussions everywhere.

Huazhi looked at everyone's excitement and couldn't help asking Qi Chaoyang: "What are they talking about?"

"You don't know?!" Qi Chaoyang looked at them in surprise, but when he thought about it, not everyone was so gossipy.

"Where the Dawning Base lives, the house blew up last night."

Huazhi looked at him in surprise, "The house exploded? That's not to lose a lot of money!"

Destroying the facilities of the base is a very serious act, especially if they also destroy the house, they will definitely lose a lot of money.

Qi Chaoyang waved his hand, "Why is your focus so strange, don't you wonder why the house exploded?"

Flower Branch is curious, "Why?"

"It is said that not only the house was blown up, but several people who accompanied him were also injured. They are all lying in the hospital at the base."

Blossoms: ! !

"Are they seriously injured?"

Qi Chaoyang nodded, "It should be, it is said that there is blood everywhere, the building has been bombed, the scene should be quite bloody."

Huazhi's chopsticks slammed, "Is Han Meng also hurt?"

Qi Chaoyang shook his head, "I don't know, they should all be in the hospital?!"

There was such a big commotion yesterday, they didn't know it. However, it is said that they wanted to deal with it internally at first, but in the end, they couldn't control it. Several people saw with their own eyes someone flew out from the four-story building and crashed through the wall.

Scenic Huai thought for a while, "Is it Su Xiong?"

Qi Chaoyang nodded mysteriously, "Although the news hasn't come out, everyone is guessing that, if it wasn't for him, who would have the ability to create such a big mess."

Huazhi looked at Jing Huai, "I want to see Han Meng, and stop by to see the situation."

Huazhi's first thought was that this matter might have something to do with the black energy in his body.

The black energy in his body is not the same as other people's. If other people can press it back, he obviously can't. After that day, she wanted to find a chance to see it, but she forgot when she was busy.

I just took the opportunity to take a good look at the hospital. And she really likes Han Meng. Huazhi felt that Han Meng was really powerful. If she hadn't copied her abilities, she might not have been able to defeat her at that time.

King Huai nodded.

After the two finished their meal, they went straight to the hospital. Qi Chaoyang also wanted to join in the fun, so he simply followed behind. After all, he was always keen to follow the trend of gossip.

Flower Branch brought her a small gift. She couldn't think of a better gift, so she brought her a fruit basket.

It's a heavy gift to send a fruit basket at this time, Qi Chaoyang is a little bit tongue-tied, but after thinking about it, the two of them are rich anyway.

After the three arrived at the hospital, they found that the hospital was actually sealed. A large part of the patients have been transferred to another area of ​​the hospital, and where several people at Dawning Base are located, there are guards from downstairs.

They are all wearing Dawning Base clothes, not their own people.

People come and go here, but they dare not approach the location of the Dawning Base, and everyone is peeking outside. Huazhi walked over with a fruit basket, and those people stopped her immediately.

Huazhi looked at them and asked politely, "I'm here to visit Han Meng, can I see her?"

Several people looked at what she was carrying and looked at each other. Someone contacted Han Meng.

"Let her in."

But they only let flowers in. Qi Chaoyang was a little disappointed, but also

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