MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 105 ·?

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The moment she opened her eyes, she seemed to have forgotten something, but this feeling flashed by and quickly disappeared.

This is... where she used to live.

Huazhi was surprised and surprised for a while, but when she looked back, she found that the door just now had disappeared. The surroundings were quiet, only the wind was blowing the flowers and trees.


From a distance, the creek is sparkling, and even the grass looks extraordinarily bright green, with all kinds of flowers blooming among the weeds.

She has lived in this place for hundreds of years, and she knows every tree and grass here by heart. Suddenly back here, the flower branches are still a little throbbing.

"Look, this is where I used to live!" Huazhi said happily, and found that the surroundings were empty.

Why does she suddenly talk to someone? Huazhi was puzzled for a moment, and quickly put the matter behind him.

Flower Branch looked around and found a large stone with a strange shape. She took the branch and turned over in the grass five steps away from the stone, and she found a rabbit hole.

Flower Branch was a little happy, but when she was about to take a look inside, a male rabbit jumped out of it, arched his body, stamped his hind feet, and looked at her very vigilantly .

Flower Branch looked down at it, "This is the rabbit nest I built, and the food in it is also saved by me."

But the male rabbit continued to grin and look ready to attack her.

Huazhi glanced inside and saw a litter of pink and tender little rabbits, it seemed that their family had occupied her rabbit hole. Huazhi clapped her hands and stood up, "I don't need them anymore, so I'll give them to you and take good care of them."

After finishing speaking, Huazhi turned and went elsewhere.

The flowers and branches were walking all the way, and she was in a very good mood. She hadn’t seen such a clean forest with the fragrance of birds and flowers for a long time. On the leaves, a mottled dot was left on the ground. Unlike..., unlike anywhere, it always gives people a feeling of danger.

Blossoms admired the beautiful scenery for a while, and in the blink of an eye, she washed her feet in the stream, the water rushing down her ankles, not cold at all.

She always felt that something was wrong, but her brain seemed to be unable to think. Every time she felt something was wrong, she carefully observed the surroundings and felt that everything was fine.

After lounging in the sun for a while, she decided to get up and look elsewhere.

As she walked and looked at the flower branches, she even picked a flower and smelled its fragrance, which was in perfect agreement with her memory.

However, it seems too perfect? She looked around, there shouldn't be any hallucinations, she clearly remembered that she was still--

Huazhi's brain stopped for a moment, her mind was blank, and the thoughts that had just arrived in her head suddenly disappeared.

Flower Branch sat down again, "It's so strange here, why are we here?"

The flower branch paused, and she used "we" again. When she began to think hard about this problem, the ground suddenly began to vibrate.

She was standing on the grass, there was a great shock on the ground, Huazhi instantly entered a state of alertness, and her whip also appeared in her hand.

Flower Branch watched the dense forest in the distance vigilantly, the ground shaking turned out to be stronger, and her nerves became more and more tense.

Finally, the owner of those trembling footsteps appeared, and countless beasts rushed towards her along with the dust!

Huazhi didn't have time to think about why there were so many birds and beasts here, and those animals had already rushed towards her with open teeth and grins!

Flower Branch instantly fell into a melee with them, her whip had no effect on them, only killing them completely could stop them. As she attacked, she retreated. Fortunately, she was used to this kind of continuous attack and knew how to better preserve her strength.

I don't know how long it took, the clothes on her body were torn and tattered, and she even suffered a lot of injuries, but there were more and more corpses around her, and the beasts besieging her It's finally coming to zero. An eagle actually swooped down from a low altitude! Huazhi's whip was wrapped around its body and was about to kill it with one blow, but at that moment, Huazhi suddenly realized that it was a young eagle growing up, with different eyes and feathers, but she thought it was it.

The flower branch was stunned for a second, and the next second, it was directly pecked by it!


A blood red burst on her hand instantly, her beautiful brows were instantly wrinkled together, it was too painful, too painful, the nerves were throbbing, she had not suffered such a serious injury for a long time Oh, it hurts so much!

Pain took over her entire brain, and the animals that had been killed by her suddenly came back to life!

No, no, they are not resurrected, their bodies are still lying on the ground, and what floats in the air is their souls.

Every animal turned into a ghost-like existence, dripping with blood and floating in the air.


She has magic!

Flower Branch immediately felt her body and quickly captured that energy.

She carefully squeezed a hand gesture, and a huge white light bloomed in her hand. In an instant, the ghost that had just risen was compressed into a huge floating ball by her.

The souls who have just left the body are very low-end souls. She has practiced for hundreds of years and often encounters such wandering ghosts. If you catch them and hand them over to the ghosts, you can also increase your own merit.

She used to be able to catch them when she was a rabbit, not to mention now, after the flower branches compressed them into a ball of light, she felt relieved.

Looking at her **** wound again, the next second, a white light flashed from her hand, and the wound on her hand healed.

In the dark room, Han Meng, who manipulated the elements in the dream, couldn't believe it. Is this her imagination?

Dreams are involuntary, passive and bizarre. She can't control the big frame now, she can only control the elements in the other party's dream, and if it goes against her consciousness, it's easy to make the dream collapse when she perceives something wrong. But in any case, it can be proved that Huazhi really has no ability.

Finally finished cleaning up these animals, just wait for the ghosts to catch them.

Flower branch relaxed, she rubbed her stomach, hungry.

The hunger surged up, those animals had just died, Huazhi couldn't bear to eat their corpses in front of them, she looked for them by the river, and soon Then I found the alfalfa grass that I liked to eat the most before, and the flower branch directly leaned against the big stone, sitting on the ground and eating it.

It's still a familiar taste! The flower branches were moved to tears. The alfalfa here is the most tender and juicy, and there are sweet potatoes not far away. The flower branches were dug out and washed with the stream water, and they nibbled raw with the skin on.

Although she usually likes meat, the bigger reason is that the vegetables in the base are not so delicious. Huazhi was a little reluctant after eating it, it would be nice if he could take it away, and Huazhi unfortunately stuffed a handful of grass into his mouth.

Han Meng:…

She sensed again and again that Huazhi did not have any powers, nor did she have any mental power fluctuations. Even in the dream, she didn't show any powers, so she really didn't.

But, even if you don't want to eat those animals, you don't need to eat grass, right? Those who didn't know thought she was a rabbit.

After eating the flower branches for a long time, she still felt very hungry. She rubbed her stomach suspiciously. It shouldn't be. , As soon as this question came up, she instantly felt full.

Flower Branch stood up contentedly, she looked around, it should be dark now, she has to find a place to sleep.

A little bit of a flower will make a fire.

Sitting in front of the fire and looking at the stars in the sky, she always felt that something was missing.

What is missing? She has lived in this place for a long time, but apart from being very happy and fresh at the beginning, now she feels empty in her heart.

Flower Branch looked at the stars in the sky, and suddenly felt that time was difficult.

When she felt bored, Han Meng also felt bored. She did not expect Huazhi to be so barren and so clean in this dream. There are no elements that can be used by her, and she won the beast attack that she managed to induce. There were very few elements that she could use in this dream, but it was as if she had come for an outing.

As expected of a woman who easily defeated Besser.

The power was raised in Han Meng's hands, and her closed eyes moved quickly again.

When Huazhi felt that her heart was empty, Jing Huai appeared.

The moment Huazhi saw the scenery, she knew why she felt lonely and uncomfortable, because she was the only one here.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with him appearing out of thin air, but ran towards him happily, "Why are you here, I was thinking of you just now!"

Jing Huai walked to her side and rubbed her head, "What are you doing?"

"I'm looking at the moon." She looked up at the sky, "The stars today look like the moon we saw last time."

"Look carefully, there are fairies and rabbits on this moon!"

Jing Huai nodded and dragged her to the fire.

Han Meng waited and waited, but she didn't expect that the two of them were really looking at the moon, without any next move, she frowned slightly.

The next second, Jing Huai suddenly reached out and held Huazhi's arm.

Before his knife touched her stomach, Huazhi wrapped his whip tightly around his neck, "Who the **** are you?"


The two quickly entangled, Jing Huai's face was peeling off quickly, and everything around her was peeling off quickly, Huazhi only felt that the surrounding scene changed, and she suddenly opened her eyes.

In the room, the flowers were lying on the bed. She opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling, as if she could still feel the excitement just now.

She sat up from the bed.

Xiang Huai walked into the bedroom with a glass of water, "Have a nightmare?"

Flower Branch took a sip of water from his hand and shook her head, "It's not a nightmare, it's... a very strange dream."

She grabbed Jing Huai's sleeve and said everything in her dream.

King Huai nodded, "It's all a dream, it's all fake."

"Get up when you wake up. The base temporarily notified that a level 6 zombie appeared in Huai City, and we need our support."

The car was swaying all the way, and everyone was quiet and did not speak. Huazhi only felt that her mind was still very chaotic. Suddenly, she saw a very faint golden light emitting from Jing Huai's body.

The flower branch was stunned.

Jiang Huai looked around, held her hand, and drew a circle with her index finger on her hand.

Huazhi immediately hugged his arm, the two looked at each other, Huazhi couldn't help but said, "We're going to Huai City to kill a sixth-order zombie."

King Huai nodded, "Just in time to exercise." He looked down at the bracelet, "There are still four hours to come, you rest first."

Flower Branch nodded, leaned on his shoulder with peace of mind and closed her eyes.

When she woke up again, she felt that her mind was much clearer, and they had reached their destination. Huazhi looked at the scenery in front of him, and took the opportunity to get off the car to silently stay away from him.

There are a lot of zombies here, their mission is to destroy all the zombies here, and by the way, find a way to kill the sixth-order zombie.

In the beginning, it was handy, but there were more and more zombies, and it was finally discovered that there were four sixth-order zombies here!

Dozens of people were caught in a melee for three days and three nights, and people kept falling. In the end, only the two of them and the few were still full of painless Powerful sixth-order zombies.

Three days later, in the factory where there was no light due to nightfall, the two were scarred and their clothes were tattered. Huazhi felt that his strength was about to reach the limit, and even Jing Huai seemed to be unable to hold it any longer.

The zombies stared at them as if watching their last meal.

Jiang Huai held the flower branch's hand: "We may die here today."

Huazhi hurriedly pulled out his hand, "No, if you work hard, we can definitely kill them."

This fake scenery is too weak.

In three days, they have actually killed two sixth-order zombies, but the fallen corpses have become their food, allowing them to get a steady stream of energy replenishment.

King Huai was covered in injuries, and looked at Huazhi with flickering eyes, "Huazhi, I'm sorry."

The next second, he threw the flower branch into the zombie tide, and he found the gap for a few seconds and ran!

When the zombies were about to grab her and tear her apart, Huazhi sighed, "This dream is so tiring, can it be over now?"

I like to throw other people to zombies and then run away.

The original flower branch experienced once in reality, and she also experienced it once in dream. However, the flower branches don't feel very big, because the scenery is too fake.

Flower Branch looked at the sky, "Do I need to be killed in a dream?"

Han Meng:…

The surrounding scene began to peel off, and the flower branches returned to the pure white space at the beginning, but this time, there was more Han Meng in the space.

The woman has a hot body and a beautiful face, and Huazhi will marvel at her beauty every time she sees it.

Han Meng looked around in disbelief, she actually broke her dream again, and even pulled her over.

Han Meng turned to look at Huazhi: "When did you find out?"

Flower Branch thought about it, "On the first day."

She didn't react at first, because her brain was too chaotic, but then scenery Huai appeared! She just remembered that she felt something was wrong in her last dream, because that Jing Huai had no halo on her body. And no matter how she called Little Gray Rabbit, she didn't respond. Her whip clearly touched the zombies, and she didn't absorb any black energy.

So she reacted quickly, she was still dreaming. It's just that she felt that the six-level zombies were very realistic, stronger than any simulation she had seen in the base, and they really caused pain and fatigue, so she followed her dream.

Huazhi thought about what this dream was for at first, until finally Jing Huai threw her into the zombie group.

Flower Branch looked around, "Am I dreaming now, are you real, or is this another dream?"

】Little Gray Rabbit threw himself on her shoulder, 【I just couldn't talk to you. 】

[It should be because you have entered a deeper consciousness. ] It can only speak to her at the most superficial level of consciousness.

Flower Branch nodded and rubbed it. She is actually quite tired, whether it is body or mind, even standing here talking to her now, she feels very tired.

The three days of fighting felt like a real experience to her.

But Huazhi still took up her weapon and looked at Han Meng, "How can I get out, do I want to fight with you now?"

Han Meng's eyes became more interesting, "You can't beat me here."

Flower Branch looked around, "Isn't this my dream?"

Since she is dreaming, she should do whatever she wants. She used to dream that she had ascended to the Immortal, with boundless mana.

Han Meng smiled: "It's amazing that you can see me here."

Although she said so, Huazhi didn't think she thought she was amazing at all.

"Then let's try it!" Huazhi said, rushing towards her first!

But Han Meng was passed through by her as if she had no entity!

But the next second, Huazhi felt the attack from Han Meng. She couldn't hit Han Meng, but she could really feel Han Meng's attack on her.

It's like being abused unilaterally.

Hanazhi tried to mobilize her ability, but still couldn't attack her. Han Meng is like a phantom, she just needs to stand still, because her attack can't touch her at all.

Han Meng did not show any mercy, but she still praised Huazhi: "Little sister, you are really strong."

The weak eat the strong, and the strong are naturally more respected, "Do you want to consider coming to our Dawning Base?"

Flower branch was hit by her in the abdomen again and fell to the ground. But she soon regrouped.

Han Meng didn't expect her to look soft and tough.

She admired her even more, and even the attack on Huazhi weakened, "Give up, you can't beat me here—"


Brush hit her!

Han Meng slammed against the white wall with a shocked face, "How could it be possible, how could you attack me!"

Flower Branch took a deep breath, and a different kind of brilliance burst out from her beautiful eyes, "Because this is in my dream."

Flower Branch can vaguely feel that it is a very mysterious state between real dreaming and waking. So she won't really wake up, but it's not completely realistic either.

King Huai said that everyone has spiritual power, but the difference between strong and weak. However, the spiritual power of the strong is not generated out of thin air, and it also requires continuous practice and repeated tempering.

She had borrowed Jing Huai's mental power before, and she could probably feel the mystery of using her mental power. So after that, she also consciously worked hard to train, although the effect was very small, so weak that even she worked very hard to feel a little bit.

But here is her own dream, of course she can dream that Jing Huai's spiritual power belongs to her.

But what interests Huazhi most is her ability to dream.

Huazhi was so curious, she felt something was wrong a lot of times, but the next second it was like her brain crashed and she forgot about it. If it wasn't for Jing Huai's sudden appearance and helping her clear her mind, she might still be in a chaotic state.

"Can I copy her power now?"

Little Gray Rabbit nodded, 【Yes! You just met her! 】

After clicking on the flower branch, a countdown will appear in the lower left corner.


In an instant, Huazhi felt her ability. It was as if the dream had become a building, and all the elements inside had become like bricks and tiles. She can displace, replace, or even directly change something. But you have to be careful when making changes, otherwise the whole building will collapse.

When Huazhi was in the same dimension with her, all of Han Meng's attacks came to nothing, and Huazhi quickly threw her to the ground.

But the surrounding scene began to change in an instant, the white empty space turned into a desert, and her position began to sink crazily. Huazhi also tried hard to make her position begin to sink.

Huazhi feels that this is not like a sparring anymore, but more like a competition between two people who has a richer imagination and a stronger ability to control the dream world.

My dream can be manipulated by the other party like this.

Huazhi tried her best to feel her ability. The two of you came and went, and the scene changed wildly. From sunrise to sunset, it seemed that days and nights had passed.

But the time in the lower left corner is only four minutes past.

Flower branch nodded, so it was.

This feeling is amazing, it has a taste of one day in the sky and one year in the world.

Huazhi immediately calmed down and focused, she only had six minutes left!

The two fought violently, and finally the flower branch rushed towards her, pushing her against the edge of the molten volcano.

If she wanted to, she could snap her neck with this whip.

Han Meng was panting, sweating all over her body, but her eyes shone brighter than usual.

"You won." Han Meng conceded.

When the scene changed, she removed all dreams. The two returned to the original pure white space.

Huazhi looked at the changing scene and couldn't help sighing: "You are really amazing!"

This is her dream, but it is like her home. As the master of the dream, she is completely unable to resist her invasion. And if she exercises every day in her dreams, her skills will definitely get full marks!

Han Meng teased her hair, "I am willing to accept the bet, I will transfer the crystal core and points to you immediately."

nucleation and integral? Huazhi's eyes widened in surprise, "Didn't we have no games?"

"Rules of Dawning Base." You can challenge anyone you want, and the loser must pay a certain number of crystal cores.

Of course, in order to prevent someone from going bankrupt, each person can only be challenged three times a week. And it is forbidden to challenge people who are lower than their own level.

I have to say that I am very happy to suddenly have a sum of money in my account. This tradition is also very good.

Han Meng reached out to her, "I'm very happy today, I hope I can play against you like this again if I have the chance."

As long as she remembers it like this, she can feel the dopamine rushing frantically, and there is a feeling of comfort and incisiveness in her whole body.

Flower Branch nodded and held her, "I'm also very happy."

It's tiring.

The next second, this white space began to fall apart, and Huazhi opened her eyes.

She looked at the ceiling above her head, and she couldn't come back to her senses.

"Awake?" Jing Huai brought a glass of water over, "Drink."

It was exactly the same scene as her dream, but when he touched her, Huazhi could clearly feel his temperature.

Jing Huai helped her up and observed her condition. "How about it?"

Huazhi's eyes became confused again, "Didn't I just win, and now I'm dreaming again?"

Jiang Huai pinched Huazhi's face, "This is reality, not a dream."

He has been observing the situation of Huazhi, watching her frown sometimes and her body stiff.

But they are here to communicate, not to kill, so the flower branch will be fine. But even though he knew it, he still sneaked into Huazhi's dream to observe the situation.

Han Meng has only just reached the fourth rank now, and his ability is not comparable to that of two years later.

He held the flower branch and took a sip of water, the flower branch looked at him, suddenly a sense of grievance surged wildly, and rushed into his arms: "It hurts!"