MTL - Doomsday Wonderland-v9 Chapter 2278 A cry of pain few have heard

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Pina believed in the judgment of the great witch, Orcius must have degenerated.

Not only because she is the great witch, her vision must be accurate, but also because when the old woman climbed into the air, Pina finally had a thorough and thorough look at her.

No matter how good her observation ability is, it is always better to be close than to be far away; when looking at the old woman from a distance, Pina only felt that she seemed to be the same as a real living person, but when she looked closer - Pina suddenly felt that she should not Called "she", should be called "it".

It's like a person formed by computer modeling. After all the processes are over, there is still something wrong with the stiffness; in order to make up for it, I put on layers of color hard, so that the skin of the old woman is thick and dignified. It seems to be as thick as half of the body—the skin itself is very real, but it still feels like skin under the skin.

In terms of Occidental's ability, shouldn't it?

Didn't Lin Sanjiu say that the old woman has reached a particularly real and terrifying stage?

Amidst waves of fear, there was only a glimmer of hope, which hung Pina on; she felt that her spirit had never been so clear and focused in her life. When the voice of the great witch fell, she had already He jumped up and took a few steps back quickly.

Her combat strength is not good, so she retreated a little farther, so as not to hinder the big witch from using her hands and feet. Also, the man didn't float up with the old woman, she had to watch for the great witch—Pina was lying on the edge of the roof wall, and when she turned her gaze, she was nailed to the man who was still standing there.

"What account for the separation of body and mind?" The old woman opened her mouth, and the man in the open space below also opened her mouth. From the mouths of the two opening and closing at the same time, only the same answer came out: "I don't remember for a long time."

The great witch remained calm and smiled calmly. "It doesn't matter," she said as if to enlighten the younger generation, "you just need to remember today."

The body steward sneered slightly.

The old woman was not in a hurry, but asked instead: "It's not just you two, is it? How many others in your group? There is no one around here... Are you also hunting my body steward everywhere?"

Orcius has already searched the vicinity once?

The great witch took a step forward slowly. There was less than one meter between her and the old woman floating outside the wall.

"You have already descended directly to the steward of the body, why don't you do it yourself?" She asked softly, but deliberately removed the word "God" from "God descending". "Lin Sanjiu said that when you landed on Yu Yuan, you showed a strength that she couldn't even resist. You could press her down with just one finger...Why don't you come up and use that strength? On me? Why bother using the old woman?"

During the short pause of the man in the distance, the great witch slowly smiled.

"Because you have been weakened a lot, right? Losing a body steward is equivalent to losing a piece of usable combat power and ability. You can't copy them without limit, because copying one will consume a part of energy ...'Orcius' is an existence higher than the body. I think it takes a lot of energy to maintain him. If the energy is consumed a lot and the ability is degraded a lot, it is possible for Occidentus to disappear, right? ? The enemy is now, of course, it is still the most cost-effective to use an old woman."

This time, the old woman looked up at the back of her head, as if she heard a big joke, and was about to start laughing; but then she lowered her head, and there was no smile line on her face, which was at the same level as the big witch.

"'The Great Enemy'?" said the old woman dryly, "You are too flattering of yourself."

Pina couldn't see what it was doing—most of the flow and actions of consciousness are low under the line of human cognition, invisible and inaudible—but at that moment, there must be something happened.

Because it seemed as if a fountain suddenly rose up in front of the big witch, a large piece of consciousness that glistened with gold and glistened with water, surrounded her like a protective shield in the blink of an eye.

On the dome formed by that layer of consciousness, water patterns rippled one after another, like a large piece of golden seawater dyed with sunlight was dug up and solidified under the sky.

But what surprised Pina the most was that every ray of light would bring a reflection of a great witch; those reflections would be taken away by the current in an instant, as if that large piece of golden seawater was also greedily yearning for it. The Great Miko from every angle and direction.

Pina pulled her gaze away from the "sea water", realized the body steward in the clearing, and suddenly raised her head; the man was also raising his head, as if he was observing the new barrier of the great witch.

"...What is your method?"

The old woman still asked with a dull face—for some reason, a minute or two passed, and it didn't call out the silver characters.

The big witch stood under layers of water waves and reflections, her back still stretched straight.

"You have to choose the target before you can choose the conditions and consequences for the target, right?" Her voice came out steadily from "Sea Water", "How about it, do you want to try again? Maybe it was time for you to choose the target just now , the hand slipped, so I was not selected."

Could it be that she...she can make the old woman fail to choose herself as a target?

For a moment, Pina almost didn't know whether to be surprised or admired, and she almost stepped on the ground because of her happiness—it's not her fault for being excited; if the old woman can't even choose a target, wouldn't it mean that the whole [Concept Collision] is useless?

Obviously there is no such thing as "hand slipping", but the slight movement of the man in the open space made Pina realize immediately that he might indeed have started "choosing targets" again.

She doesn't have the ability of the great witch, but she is very clear that she is the biggest weakness in the whole situation; almost as soon as she noticed the man's movement, she suddenly jumped into the distance and jumped out of the incomplete roof.

"You think I chose you?"

The beam that the big witch mentioned had one end hanging on the broken wall of the second floor and the other end obliquely piercing the ground, most of its original color was swallowed up by weeds and moss.

When Pina jumped out, she found the right angle. At this moment, she firmly grasped the beam with both hands, and the red arrow pointing at her was still on her head; In the center of the beam, from this angle, even the big witch could not be seen, only the old woman above her could be heard coldly saying: "If I chose you, what's the use of you running away?"

It wasn't me who chose... Pina's heart just shrank when she heard the voice of the great witch.

"You can't do anything about me, so just vent your anger on a small character like her?" She said flatly, "Do you think you are the only person in the world who can use consciousness?"

Sure enough, that layer of "sea water" once again protected the great witch, preventing her from being selected as a target.

"Thanks to this little role, I was able to find you," said the old woman dryly, syllables rubbing against syllables. "The person who saw the body steward twice in a row before his death was this little character..."

That's how I found them!

Pina, who was kicking her legs desperately and about to climb up the beam, was stunned when she heard the words, she was angry and hated, and wanted to kick her own feet—if she hadn't been so cautious last time, and didn't confirm whether it was the same body steward, she might not have It was so ironic that Orcius found him so quickly; because he was worried about whether Orcius was approaching, he was drawn closer.

Amid burning guilt, Pina gritted her back teeth and took a low breath of cool air from between her lips.

"Thanks to her, I can settle accounts today." The big witch smiled softly.

…she did it.

Pina raised her head, just in time to see that the sky was suddenly torn apart by several nearly transparent light shadows. Several lights and shadows are like long arrows with the same target, all pointing to a concentrated point—after getting along with each other these days, Pina is very familiar with them: they are just the "" The Power of Prayer".

What to do now to get back the "Power of Prayer"?

Does her own consciousness still remain on the human body? Isn't the "power of prayer" used to find the steward of the body?

Pina was full of questions, but she couldn't get an answer, let alone see anything.

She finally climbed back to the beam, stepped on a gap to stabilize her body, so as not to let herself slip, and then quietly took it out of her pocket - Ji Shanqing is really the smartest person she has ever met in her life, isn't he? I had already anticipated this moment, so I came up with a way to communicate through the synchronization of strangers' brain waves?

Although they usually open their mouths to speak out of a natural habit when sending messages; in fact, as long as the communication method is synchronized with the frequency of the stranger's brainwaves... that means, Pina can keep silent at this moment. The news of her spread to the two groups of Lin Sanjiu and Qing Jiuliu, and a stranger's voice told them that Orcius was here.

But what's going on over the head... over the head?

Where's the big witch? Is she alright?

After confirming that the news had spread, Pina couldn't bear it anymore, she quickly got up from the beam, stepped on the beam covered with moss and mud, and walked back to the roof with her knees bent. pass the message,

It probably took her less than ten seconds—"Orcius is here", plus their positions—but why was her head so quiet during these ten seconds?

Coincidentally, when the word "quiet" came to her mind, Pina heard it.

... She thought, she was probably one of the few people in this world who had heard Orcius cry out in pain.

One hour for the text is good, but it took more than an hour for the anti-theft to be replaced. Well, I see that everyone is a regular customer. I will spare you ten minutes for nothing. Hey, it’s nothing if I lose money. Don’t be polite, let’s go come back again

Read The Duke's Passion