MTL - Doomsday Wonderland-v9 Chapter 2259 Who hasn't lied yet?

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Chapter 2259 Who hasn't lied yet?

In the second round, it was Zhang Peng who first decided the value of the chips. Although he faintly regretted that he made a small bet last time, he was still very cautious, and he just took out an item that was slightly more expensive than the paper crane—【Absolute Warm Socks】.

No matter how extreme the extreme cold weather is, as long as you have this pair of socks, your feet will maintain normal body temperature and prevent frostbite; other than this point, there are no more functions.

The son of Karma quietly floated in the night, watching him stuff two socks into the two leaf clusters of rice seedlings without saying a word. On the contrary, Zhang Peng smiled and asked back: "If you ask me to tell the truth this time, it will be fun, won't it?"

After only one round of the game, he got four points and one item; compared to the other two returning empty-handed, he had a huge advantage—Zhang Peng was almost complacent.

It wasn't until the five minute countdown was over that the Son of Karma smiled back at him.

"In the second round, after you meet, you must truthfully confess a lie you have told in the past 12 hours."

Zhang Peng was taken aback, and protested, "Wait, why is it different from last time?"

"I never said every turn was the same, did I?" Son of Karma said dismissively, "Also, they will also tell a lie that they have told in the past 12 hours. But there is no such thing, but it is up to It is up to you to distinguish and judge. People who are asked to tell the truth must not conceal deceit when answering follow-up questions. People who are asked to tell lies can answer questions with more lies. When one of the three The questioning was over when the two decided that the questioning session was over.

"After making a judgment on the spot, I will tell the person who made the wrong judgment where the object was hidden. Similarly, one point is awarded for the correct judgment, and three points will be added if the object is successfully found within ten minutes."

"The two of them know each other well, and they are good at judging, but I am strangers to them, how should I judge?" Zhang Peng exclaimed, "It's not fair!"

"You can keep asking questions to test the logic and authenticity of the other party's answers." The son of Karma said flatly, "If you still have to complain about unfairness, then you can also choose to quit the game and just accept the punishment, and Choosing not to play is the same. Do you quit? No? Now, the second round of the game begins."

lie? The weather at night was very cold, but Zhang Peng felt like sweating a little.

Does he really want to say it? Even if the other party is just two strangers who have never met face to face, admitting that I told that lie... It still seems uncomfortable enough. But the lies he told in the past 12 hours, after much deliberation, are just that one...Damn it, I would have told a few more lies after I woke up today.

If you don't do it as required, is that okay? Will it be discovered by the Sons of Karma?

Zhang Peng was running, when he tripped suddenly and fell like a dog eating **** on the spot. While cursing, he propped himself on the ground to get up, but struggled a few times, but couldn't stand up.

He twitched his legs, his face suddenly turned pale, and he turned over on the ground vigorously, staring at his legs and feet, his lips trembled for a moment. Zhang Peng pushed the ground and sat up, his eyes were red with anxiety, and he hit his calf with his fist, but there was a hollow, "bang bang" sound from under his trousers, as if he had hit plastic.

Just as he was about to roll up his trouser legs with trembling hands, the son of Karma suddenly laughed quietly beside him.

"If you want to violate the rules, you are violating the rules of the game. Have I not mentioned the consequences of violating the rules?" It didn't know when it appeared beside Zhang Peng, as if it had floated out of the darkness . " will become a plastic man."

It really knows, it even knows what thoughts it has!

"Please, I didn't, I didn't intend to do anything wrong," Zhang Peng hurriedly begged, "Please, restore me to my original state..."

The Son of Karma nodded slowly, and stroked his leg with that limp, boneless reptile-like hand. The part it passed by gradually regained consciousness; Zhang Peng moved his toes and felt that they were pressed against the shoes again, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After experiencing the failure of his legs this time, when Zhang Peng met the other two again, even though he felt uncomfortable, he didn't dare to think about anything else. He repeatedly explained to himself in his heart-"They are just strangers, and we broke up today. , I will never see you again from all over the world, so what if you know?"

"I...I admit that when you said you wanted to borrow [Life Housekeeper] from me this morning, I said I rented it out, which was a lie." The tall woman faltered to the other girl Say, "...actually, I just don't want to borrow it."

The other pretty girl raised her eyebrows, as if both surprised and not so surprised. "Sure enough! At that time, I felt that your words didn't match the words, and it didn't make sense. I heard you mention it to others yesterday—why didn't you want to borrow it?"

"Other people rent from me, and they can earn a lot in a day. If you borrow from me, I'm ashamed to charge you..." The tall woman said, looking at the land.

"But no one asked you to rent it today!"

"That's the same," the tall woman blushed, as if she was cutting her face with every word, "I don't want to lend it to you, and I feel at ease. Just uncomfortable."

It looks like she's not lying, Zhang Peng thought. This reason is too reasonable, if it were him, he would feel the same way.

"What about you?" he asked the pretty girl. "What lie have you told in the last 12 hours?"

The girl froze for a moment before recovering from her anger. "I... I actually lied too," she stammered, "I... When I came, it was a lie that I said I couldn't stay here for too long because I had to do something for the church. I just I want a spa."

The tall woman's eyes narrowed. "When did you say that you were going to work for the church?"

"You forgot?" The girl was taken aback, "It's true, I said..."

When the two of them came and went, Zhang Peng muttered in his heart. The two belonged to the same religion, and it might be possible to join hands to deal with him; but he really forgot just now, there is another possibility, that is, no one has lied within 12 hours.

"The SPA you're talking about is the one in the 'Hot Spring Village' world?" Zhang Peng asked tentatively. "As far as I know, the SPA is only available in that place."

The girl's expression seemed to be difficult to decide whether this was a trap or not; after two seconds, she hesitated and said, "...No. It's from a different place."

Sure enough she was lying.

Zhang Peng doesn't know whether there is a SPA in the world model of "Hot Spring Township", but the point is not whether the girl will be fooled and say "yes" or "no"—his temptation is so obvious that anyone who reads it will doubt it It's a trap. The point is, the girl was "trying to avoid a trap" after all.

To be honest, why worry about traps?

Although he tried his best not to participate in the battle of wits, he was not afraid of the battle of wits at all; he still had some confidence in his own mind.

"What about you?" The tall woman seemed to have the same judgment and turned to ask Zhang Peng.

Zhang Peng felt that his lips, teeth and mouthpiece were working hard, but after several seconds, the words still did not turn into sound and came out of his mouth.

"Come on," said the pretty girl impatiently, "we've got less than—oh, less than six minutes."

"I...I'm telling you, I haven't seen that evolutionary, it's a lie." He finally heard himself squeeze out this sentence, and his back was sweating intermittently. For some reason, he even had the illusion of confessing himself. But these two people are strangers who have nothing to do with each other. If you catch a bunch of people like this in the world, how can you care about his affairs?

Besides, who hasn't read history?

"What evolutionary?" The tall woman asked blankly.

Great, Zhang Peng breathed a sigh of relief, they really didn't pay attention at all, and they couldn't even remember the lie he told.

"Didn't you mention the evolutionary that can speed up the growth of crops?" His next words were a little easier, "I said I haven't seen her, it's a lie."

"Why are you telling such a lie?" the pretty girl said suspiciously, "We don't know you, and we don't know her, have you ever met, what does it have to do with us?"

Zhang Peng seemed to have taken a reassurance.

"To be honest, she and I have known each other for a while." He thought for a while, how to tell the truth without fully exposing himself, and finally said: "She died later, and I was very sad, so I I don’t want to bring it up.”

He seemed to have had an illusion. Even though the two women were motionless, he felt that they seemed to exchange a glance. It must have been caused by this honest game round, the nerves are a little too tense.

Zhang Peng knew that after listening to his answer, the next question they would ask would be "how did she die", so he didn't intend to give them this chance at all, so he immediately said, "we only have more than four minutes left, we are running out of time I'm looking for something. I'm about to make a judgment, and there's no point in continuing to ask, you should all have a certain number in your mind, right?"

"But..." The tall woman only said a few words, but seeing the pretty girl think about it, she nodded and said, "I agree, we should save some time to find things."

Two of the three agreed, and the tall woman could only keep her mouth shut.

However, perhaps the lies and the truth prepared by everyone are very obvious. In this round, no one made a wrong judgment. Sure enough, the pretty girl lied, but Zhang Peng and the tall woman were telling the truth.

The son of Karma sighed, with a smile on his face all the time, and said: "Hey, I was worried that this situation would happen. Points can be added to you; but if you are asked to take other people's things , but lost his own, isn’t it the same as no reward? Let’s add a reward match to this round.”

I don’t care about social news recently, I feel that life is easy

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