MTL - Doomsday Wonderland-v9 Chapter 2213 All flee

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Chapter 2213 All Escape

Only in retrospect, Lin Sanjiu could sort out the order of the myriad of things that happened in that short moment.

She knew very well that in front of Occidentus, the group of them were like weak babies who could not resist; but even if they knew they might be crushed to pieces in the next second, Lin Sanjiu would never be submissive Bending down to accept fate—she will do her best to quietly dig a trap for the stepping shadow.

"The gift bag can transform into a human form, I've seen it before," she said to Orcius as if begging, "If there is anything you want to know, he can tell you in human form..."

Such a sentence was different in the ears of Occidental and in the ears of Libao.

Occidentals didn't know much about gift packages, so he never imagined that the hint that Lin Sanjiu sent to the gift package was to "separate a small strand and transform it into a human form", instead of "the whole thing" as it sounds on the surface. Every gift bag can be turned into a human form."

As long as the small strand that separated out and turned into a human form is captured by Jean Ossius, the almost endless gift packs behind will finally have a chance to escape.

Of course, Ji Shanqing definitely didn't think of this method. The reason why the gecko didn't run away with its tail off early was because his sister was here, and secondly, he was worried just like Lin Sanjiu. : Occidentals is so powerful, he is afraid that as soon as the small lock in human form is caught, he will immediately realize that something is wrong. If the gift bag is caught again before it even has time to escape, wouldn’t it be even worse? Is it bad?

Therefore, Lin Sanjiu put the words "very safe" in his words.

Of course Occidentus doesn't have to worry about her own safety - her guarantee is for the gift bag.

After promising to say it, for a moment, Lin Sanjiu even felt as if he was slipping into the abyss uncontrollably. Li Bao must be able to understand her hints, judging by his trust in himself, he might take action immediately—and everything she has can be used to check and balance Occidentus, ensure the safety of Li Bao, and save every partner There are only three thin and misty words.

It's just three words formed by the airflow of lips and tongue. Could it be able to withstand the god-like ability of Occidentus?

Isn't this wishful thinking when people are in despair?

Her fears, doubts, and fears had just emerged, and before they swallowed her up, the [One-Way Passage] burst—under the oppression of the whizzing upwards from the subspace, the sky and the earth shook and changed colors, The dark and turbulent countless winds and clouds seem to be layers of tsunamis rolled up from the deep water, smearing out a dark and furious corner of the world.

It was in that turbulent, crying and shattered spatial turbulence that Li Bao hugged Yu Yuan and fell to the ground staggeringly.

Orcius has brought him here, and he can go away.

Lin Sanjiu clutched the cover of the magazine tightly, and said breathlessly, "Your name is Fu Xiluo, isn't it?"

…No matter how much she recalled later, no matter how much she tried to find a more reasonable and plausible explanation, she could only come up with the only analogy to describe what happened at that moment.

It was as if a person was sitting at a table working, and suddenly someone called his name, raised his hand, and accidentally knocked over the water glass on the table.

When the cup rolls to the edge of the table, the water spreads silently and drips down the edge of the table. Seeing that the paper, pen, computer, and floor on the table will suffer—no matter who it is, in such a The situation must have been hurried and embarrassing, and naturally I couldn't care about what I was doing for a while.

Lin Sanjiu yelled, as if he had indirectly knocked over Occidentus' water glass.

The black shadow on the grass swayed slightly, and the subspace that was pushed up just now receded away again, attracting all the dark wind and clouds together, and retreated behind a certain dimension that Lin Sanjiu could not see; There was no surprise, not even a sound came out.

But at that moment, Lin Sanjiu clearly felt that Occidentus didn't say anything, it was precisely because he was in a hurry and embarrassed, that he didn't care to say anything, even The gift bags are loose.

"elder sister!"

Ji Shanqing propped himself up and got up from the grass. On his pale face, even from such a distance, people could see the tears shining in those eyes; when he met Lin Sanjiu's eyes, he couldn't remember it anymore. Yu Yuan was stunned, with one deep foot and one shallow foot, like a deer with a sprained leg, stumbling towards Lin Sanjiu—"Sister!"

This child is like this every time. When they just met again, they seemed to be unable to say anything except calling sister over and over again. Such a smart and almost omniscient gift bag, but her vocabulary has degraded to the point where she can only be called sister...

Lin Sanjiu pressed him tightly into her arms, knowing that any second at this moment might be the last second they lived in this world—no, maybe it was for this reason—she couldn't help but allow herself to sink deeply. Into Ji Shanqing's body and breath.

She lives in this world, just waiting for such short moments one after another.

"Let's go," Lin Sanjiu said, only to realize that his throat was hoarse, as if burned by tears. "Go to the boat!"

As she spoke, she tore her arm off the pack's shoulder and pushed him hard in Exodus' direction. Feng Huanyan didn't know if she was afraid to leave a long time ago, or if she hadn't disconnected from the gift bag so far, she saw that the gift bag was gone, and immediately rushed to catch up; that huge snow-white starship had been sitting quietly behind On the flat ground, I don't know how many times the person running towards me has experienced life and death.

A wave of consciousness surged out from Lin Sanjiu's side like a sea wave, enveloping the unknown Yu Yuan, the puppeteer like a doll, and Yuan Xiangxi like a corpse—but Pina still has the ability to move ; She was pushed and rolled by the force of consciousness, but she struggled out again, and continued to wash her face stubbornly. Because she scrubbed too hard, her face was already covered with bloodstains.

"Grand witch?"

Lin Sanjiu let out a cry of surprise, only to realize that the great witch seemed to have managed to regain control of her own consciousness at the moment when Orcius was distracted.

It's just that the big witch hasn't completely returned to her original state. Just the basic movement of dragging a few people with her consciousness has already made her tremble all over. .

"Take Yuan Xiangxi and Yu Yuan and go quickly," Lin Sanjiu said decisively, "Leave the puppeteer and Pina to me!"

Pina still has the ability to move, so it's not easy to take along; she knows the puppeteer, although she looks thin, she's dead and dead—the big witch gritted her teeth, left the puppeteer behind, and pulled the limp Yu Yuan and the puppeteer. The almost weightless Yuan went west, turned around and left.

It only took Lin Sanjiu about a second or two to knock the defenseless Pina unconscious. She embraced Pina who was about to fall, and shouted not far away: "Qing Jiuliu!"

Qing Jiuli raised his eyes blankly. "...Love?"

"Did you see it?" Lin Sanjiu pointed at Exodus and shouted, "There's a fire here, run over there!"

She really didn't know what state Qing Jiuliu was in, and she was ready to carry him away together; unexpectedly, this seemingly random idea of ​​hers had an unexpected effect—Qing Jiuliu's expression was shocked, and he threw his hands away Putting the non-existent wine on the table, he stretched out his hand to the air and shouted "Follow me quickly".

…How long has it been since I called out my name?

Lin Sanjiu carried Pina on one shoulder, and wrapped one arm around the puppeteer's waist. After taking a last look at the swaying shadow on the grass, he ran towards Exodus without looking back. Even for her, it is very difficult to exert the maximum speed under such a heavy burden; when she finally threw Pina and the puppeteer onto the entrance of the spaceship one after another, Lin Sanjiu was almost gone. Dizzy.

It can't be so smooth, everyone is on board, right?

Lin Sanjiu didn't have time to verify whether this was another hallucination concocted by Oxius. I can't tell whether it's because of her instinct or her intuition, but her sense of crisis is rapidly intensifying, as if she can see that the water has been wiped away, the cup has been picked up, and the chair has been pulled back.

Orcius turned his gaze towards Exodus.

"Shales," Lin Sanjiu ordered hastily, "enter space at full speed!"

As long as I am interested, I basically read any book, and I read the most non-fiction books. Of course, non-fiction books can teach people a lot of knowledge and facts, but it is amazing that many truths about the world are basically told to me by novels. One tells you the facts, and the other shows you the truth.

I used to think sometimes, what is the meaning of novels? Isn’t that a fictional thing? After reading it, it’s over. After I figured this out, I feel that the codewords are a lot more confident (?).

Read The Duke's Passion