MTL - Doomsday Wonderland-Chapter 9 Doomsday supermarket does not cost money

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too hot.

This kind of heat is not in it, I am afraid I can't imagine it at all - the sweat just emerged, and immediately evaporated, and then, a layer of hot sweat. Lin Sanjiu only felt his body system, as if he had become an old dog who was screaming and dying, and was screaming in the hot air.

In comparison, Luzer seems to be much stronger. Even though he was carrying Mather on his body, he could see it, and he looked more calm than Lin San. He himself came out and asked aloud: "Hey, you... strong...?"

"What?" Lin Sanjiu also raised the door and shouted. The sound of the surrounding car engine is too big, Luzer is on the other side of the car, she is somewhat unclear.

"I said -" Luzer stepped around the car and walked over. The head of Mather on the back was taller than him, and both feet were dragged to the ground. "Are you not physically strengthened?"

Just vomited two words, Lin Sanjiu only felt his tongue dry, all the way into the eyes of the blind, she did not dare to speak again, had to shake his head, gesture Luzer to hurry. Luzer looked astonished and seemed to want to say something - but now is a chat time? I nodded quickly and began to rush through the traffic that was constantly blowing hot air.

Every few steps, Lin Sanjiu will raise his hand and wipe his eyelids. She sweated too much, just dripped into her eyes, * spicy discomfort - she could not help but self-doubt: Is the "high temperature adaptation" time-sensitive? Otherwise, why didn't she be so hot at first, but now it is sweating?

If you go on like this, can you get to the supermarket before dehydration?

The two looked at the surroundings in silence - there was a guardrail in the middle of the road, which was intended to divide the traffic into two directions. However, when the crisis came, there were too few people who could obey the traffic rules. At this time, the cars on both sides were entangled, and there were antegrade and retrograde...

If you turn over the guardrail, it is not only the burden of the body, but also the inconvenience of carrying Mars, which means that you have to go through a hot car flow - it is really terrible.

In the same place, both of them walked toward the end of the car dragon.

Driving the Land Rover is a thin and thin woman; when the two passed, Lin Sanjiu found that she had fallen into the car, her eyes were deep and the people were ignorant - I am afraid she was all the way out of water, she had already dehydrated and Unconscious symptoms, this hit the car in a panic.

In the car that was hit by the Land Rover in the front of the car, the air conditioner could no longer be used; but thanks to the previous air-conditioning, the middle-aged fat man who drove was miraculously awake, from the two cars, it was tight. Tightly stared at them.

When Lin Sanjiu passed by his car, the fat man slammed her into the window several times.

Honestly, Lin Sanjiu is not a hard-hearted person; but at this time she is already heating up, how long it will last for her. It’s a problem, but it’s a little extra ambiguity, just frowning A fat man.

The voice of the fat man is blurred through the glass: "Outside... Hot... Can you go?"

Lin Sanjiu probably guessed what he meant. He shook his head and walked away. The heat from the car made the otherwise bad situation even more unbearable, and she couldn't stand in front of the car to chat with strangers.

Seeing her going, the fat man suddenly blinked, and pushed the door open: "I talk to you, you stand - you are not walking outside, I..." His voice did not fall, suddenly issued A shrill scream.

The scream was filled with numbing pain and even overshadowed the engine. Lin Sanjiu was busy looking back and found that the exposed skin of the fat man actually burst into a string of blisters without injury.

The red and **** blisters swelled on his skin. The fat man's face and hands seemed to be splashed with boiling water, and the pieces of broken skin were shocked. His pain was still going on, and Lin Sanjiu couldn't help it anymore. He held Luzer firmly in his hand, lifted his foot, and took him back to the car with one foot, then closed the door heavily.

The painful screams were much lighter, and it seemed that the scald of the fat man no longer continued. Lin Sansheng breathed a sigh of relief and exchanged a horrified look with Luzer.

It turned out that her ability has declined, but the outdoor temperature has risen to a terrible level: when ordinary people are exposed to such air, there is a direct scald reaction - Lin Sanjiu has not imagined the current temperature. It is.

"Don't think about it, let's go!" Luzer, who has always had more words, began to cherish the word like gold.

The two rushed out of the car and left hundreds of engines, which made it a little better. Crossing the road and embarking on the sidewalk with trees, the two did not dare to delay and rushed in the direction of the shopping center.

The leaves on the side of the road have already lost their green color, and the pieces are dark and dry, curled up under the tree. From time to time, Lin Sanjiu will see a few people lying on the ground motionless - every inch of the skin is burned, the body has no ups and downs.

Strong again, Lin Sanjiu saw so many dead people for the first time - she was a little scared, swallowed a little nausea, but her mouth was dry, and there was no water.

"Let's drink the rest of the cola!" came behind Luzer's dumb voice.

Lin Sanjiu thought about it and pulled out the last can of Coke. There is something in the supermarket that you don’t have to venture outside to save this. The cola that I couldn't finish in the past, I felt that it was too little at this time - the two couldn't take it for a good drink, and even half of you half of the hot cola was empty.

Throwing away the cans and walking for a while, the main entrance of the shopping mall gradually showed a clear appearance.

The pool of fountains that never stopped in the past, dried and cracked, seems to have never been wet. However, several bodies lying face down in the pool showed that the fountain was their last hope. After the death, the skin was burnt and the body was smashed and fell to every place. It was shocking.

Lin Sanjiu lowered his head and carefully avoided the body on the ground and jumped forward. Occasionally, when he looked up, he found that Luzer was carrying Mather, and he did not know when he had already reached himself.

Just wondering how he went so fast, he immediately got the answer: Luzer didn't care at all, stepping on the back of a young mother's body, and walked into the mall's door.

Lin Sanjiu hurriedly took a few steps, chased him up, and took an angry shot on his arm: "You can't respect the deceased?" Just say a word, the scorpion will do a pain.

Luzer was shocked by her, her expression was faint and confused, and then she reacted: "Hey, hey! That... I’m sorry, I have seen too many dead people, probably already numb." He was embarrassed. Showing a rabbit tooth: "I just started, just like you."

Seeing his good attitude, Lin Sanjiu did not say anything even if he was not comfortable. He turned the subject: "Going over there, there is an elevator going down!"

Luzer nodded, then looked up at the shopping center and gently praised: "This is really beautiful..." The foot did not stop, followed by Lin Sanjiu all the way to the supermarket.

It is said that this shopping mall, designed by a famous French architect, is a five-storey building with empty space and dense tropical plants. Probably because of the layering, the tropical trees have been growing high in the elevator on the fifth floor. When walking here, it feels like walking in the virgin forest.

But now there is no time to appreciate it. Lin Sanji quickly glanced at it. He only felt that something was wrong. He couldn’t say why, but he shook his head and rushed down the elevator.

When they saw the supermarket, they couldn’t help but take a breath.

The situation is worse than what Lin Sanjiu expected. The person who can think of this supermarket is definitely more than one of her; but the situation in this supermarket still reminds her that she did not expect it.

When the temperature rose abnormally last night, the supermarket was clearly in operation, so it was crowded with people. Of course, these people have been unable to move at this time, can not say, fell on the ground and became a body. The mess last night seemed to have solidified: empty bottles, mineral water bottles, beverage bottles... the beige floor was splashed with traces of juice drinks. The drink rack was ransacked, and the last few bottles of water were lying in a mess, and the arms of several dead people on the ground were holding a bunch of drinks.

The most striking thing is that the death of a cashier is obviously not dehydration - her back of the head is deeply smashed, the cash register in front of it is wide open, and the inside is empty.

Luzer screamed twice: "People who steal money can be stupid now!"

"If he is still not dead." Lin Sanjiu had already dried his tongue, and took a bottle of water from the arms of a dead body at the door. He drank half a bottle without hesitation and handed it to Luzer. .

It seems that although the supermarket is full of corpses and has undergone some confusion, at least the water for three people can be maintained at present, which should not be a problem. Luzer was tired after carrying Mather all the way, and put her on the floor and said: "It is not really flesh and blood, how is it so heavy..."

Lin Sanjiu sat on a checkout counter where there was no dead. When he heard this, he couldn’t help but curiously asked: "I wanted to ask... I was not interested in Mather before. The fallen kind said her. What is fake blood fake meat?"

"She is my differentiated personality, and in a sense is also a person." Luzer said while drinking water, "However, her true degree depends on my ability... Now I am not capable, So many places on Mather are not quite...oh, perfect."

Lin Sanji nodded and did not ask. The two added water and rested for a while, then they felt that the empty stomach was uncomfortable for a while.

“Let’s go to the food area to see?” Lin Sanjiu suggested.

"Wait." Luzer stopped her and looked around and asked, "Is there anything that can be used as a weapon here?"

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