MTL - Doom Lord-v2 Chapter 819 Tenshin Shinka

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Cheng Yang returned consciousness to his body and contacted Tan Chao.

"Tan Chao, the emperor has already been killed." Cheng Yang's words with an excitement, this is indeed worth excitement, after all, the emperor is one of the most powerful existence on the earth.

Tan Chao is a glimpse, said: "How is it so fast? Even if it is a toxic attack, it is impossible to die so soon?"

Cheng Yangdao: "The toxicity is only one aspect. At that time, the guy was going to use the antidote? I tried to stop him and smash it and kill him, and finally killed it."

"Or the lord is very powerful." Tan Chao took a flattering, said, "What do we do next? I am back & pig & pig & island & novel {www}.{zhuzhu}{}.{} fall back to Fengcheng Still? Still stay here?"

Cheng Yang had a plan and said: "You still stay there first, and continue to kill each other's masters together with the two magical illusions, ready for our army to enter."

Tan Chao immediately understood Cheng Yang’s intentions. This is the rhythm of preparing to cut down Africa!

"This is the illusion of the devil and the action, and strive to kill all the masters at an early date." Tan Chao said excitedly, this is a big task after all.

Cheng Yang worried about what happened to Tan Chao, and he said: "Don't be greedy, and keeping your own life is the most important thing."

"Understand!" Tan Chao said.

After interrupting the conversation with Tan Chao, Cheng Yang summoned the illusion of the magic that he had just controlled to himself in front of him, and took the broken arm of the Emperor from his hand.

After the broken arm broke away from the body of the Emperor, the flesh began to decay quickly, and the powerful effect of frostbite began to manifest itself.

Cheng Yang quickly removed the storage ring above and then disposed of the arm. As for the magical illusion, he continued to rush to the African region and cooperated with Tan Chao to kill the barbarian master.

After Cheng Yang opened the storage ring, he suddenly found that the space inside had reached 100,000 cubic meters. This is definitely the largest storage ring in the space that Cheng Yang has so far obtained. The storage ring currently used by Cheng Yang is three times larger.

He did not hesitate to put the storage ring directly on his hand, and dumped the contents of the original storage ring into the new storage ring. After all the items are put in, they occupy the corner of this storage space.

This is, Cheng Yangcai began to slowly count the items in the ring.

First of all, there are countless materials in it. Don't think that these are just ordinary stone materials, wood materials, or anything that can be placed in your own storage ring. Can it be ordinary goods?

Suddenly, Cheng Yang actually found a six-leaf washed marrow grass inside, which is absolutely unexpected.

When the first masculine went deep into the African region. I once got a six-leaf washed marrow grass, and later refined it into a marrow-washing Dan, and gave it to Yu Kai and Liu Hao, which greatly improved their strength. Now I have one more plant, which can be assigned to other high-rises in the territory.

Although the original numerically washed marrow effect has changed after the change of the rules of heaven and earth, its essence has not changed. The effect of washing the marrow is to fundamentally improve the strength of the user, and may even inspire some kind of A unique secret that is hidden in the blood. It is also a talent skill.

Originally, Cheng Yang thought that this washing of the marrow was the most precious treasure, but he soon found out that he was still a small man.

In a corner, Cheng Yang found a whole crystal fruit. It was placed in a jade box.

Originally, Cheng Yang did not know what effect this fruit had. However, a few lines of small characters could be engraved beside the box, and the effect of the fruit was clearly stated.

The name of this fruit is Tianxin Shenguo, and its greatest effect is to greatly enhance the success rate of condensing divinity. What is said here is the condensed divinity. Rather than refining the divinity given by other gods.

What can be with the divine nature is definitely a good thing, not to mention the cohesion of the spirit is more powerful.

According to Cheng Yang's understanding. Condensed divinity is a relatively long process. First, you must let your mental strength be highly concise. After the level of conciseness reaches a critical value, part of the spiritual power will be converted into divinity, and divinity is the carrier of the will of the gods.

In this process, the most difficult thing is to transform that part of the mental power into divinity. Because once the transformation fails, part of the mental power will be dissipated. If you want to reunite the divine nature, you must rebuild it and add back the dissipated spiritual power of this part.

This process of condensing divinity is difficult to achieve a success. This is not a matter of luck, but more of an accumulation of experience. More failures are made and it is easier to succeed. As for the law of condensing divinity, it can only be said that it cannot be said, so unless you try to comprehend it, the teaching of others has no effect.

Tianxin Shenguo can greatly enhance the success rate of divine cohesion, and its value is extraordinary.

Cheng Yang did not take out the Tianxin God, but continued to put it in the storage ring.

Then Cheng Yang rummaged through a storage ring, although there are many good things, but there are not many suitable for Cheng Yang, and there are even a few upgradeable equipment, but now Cheng Yang’s equipment has been assembled. A complete set, you don't need these equipment.

Cheng Yang took out what was meaningless to him, and let people put it back into the warehouse of the land of Luofeng City, as a reward for those who have merits in the territory.

When Cheng Yang came out of his bedroom, the sky was already bright.

This evening, Cheng Yang did not have time to observe the Tianming monument. He did not regret the process of Yang. It was worthwhile to spend a night killing the Emperor.


Just as Chengyang waited for the Dragon to enter the waters of the Bering Strait, several countries in Europe finally agreed to merge into the city of Luofeng City, but there is a condition that it needs to be relocated to the current territory of Luofeng City. .

After listening to Yu Kai’s report remotely, Cheng Yang directly agreed to the other party’s request.

In fact, the purpose of the other party is very simple, that is, I hope to enjoy faster training speed.

In the past, they were not very anxious, because as long as they joined the city of Luofeng City and became the leader of the city, they could immediately enjoy the high rate of cultivation. This high-powered cultivation bonus can be limited to a fixed area after the rule changes.

As a result, the number of people who can enjoy this high cultivation ratio is limited. If you join the city of Luofeng later, there may be no chance.

Faced with this situation, most people can't continue to calm down. In the case of public opinion, many European forces have asked to join the Luofeng City territory.

The effect of this is that more and more people are shouting to join the city of Luofeng, and more people are afraid to continue watching.

Although Cheng Yang is quite dissatisfied with the practice of these people, this kind of wall-to-grass but will not refuse to join the city.

In order to be able to successfully receive these forces, Cheng Yang specially sent Li Wanshan to the past, and he presided over the overall situation. Cheng Yang was also very relieved.

As for the placement of these people, Cheng Yang has no concerns. If it is before the end of the day, after receiving several European countries, it will inevitably face the problem of overcrowding. However, after the end of the day, this problem does not exist.

After the end of the day, the population has sharply decreased. After the end of the second day, the world's area has expanded. The vast territory of Luofengcheng, not to mention the resettlement of this 200 million population, is ten times more.

The Xiaolong did not let Cheng Yang wait too long. On the third day, all six deep-sea battleships of the Nine Dragons came to the Bering Strait. However, they temporarily lurked and did not attract the attention of the sea.

At the same time, fifty reconnaissance boats were released from these deep-sea warships and began to search the entire strait in order to find out the distribution of the seas in this sea.

Cheng Yang had almost no hesitation, and directly led the Niu Bing to lead the millions of troops in Luofeng City to the Bering Strait. (To be continued.)