MTL - Doom Lord-v2 Chapter 783 Jinyuancheng

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After Cheng Yang listened to the explanation of Andora, he was overjoyed.

This is a rare treasure!

To be honest, the problem of personnel delivery has always been the most troublesome problem for Cheng Yang. This is also related to Cheng Yang's own way of fighting. Who makes him have two powerful group warfare skills: the transfer of flowers and the **** halo?

As long as it is in the midst of the war, nature has certain requirements for personnel.

In the past, every time Cheng Yang encountered such a battle, he could only use the gem to transfer the personnel to the designated cellar. The gemstone can be transported with great restriction. The cooling time is up to ten minutes, and the most important thing is to drop. There are only ten gems in the Fengcheng territory. After deducting some coordinates that must be marked, the number of gems that can be used under normal circumstances is up to seven or eight.

Such transmission efficiency can not meet the needs of Cheng Yang in many cases. Even in several battles, Cheng Yang had to take risks.

If the transmission array in front of you is so amazing that Andorra said, it really caught a treasure. As for the use of this transmission array requires psionic stone, Cheng Yang is not particularly concerned.

Of course, Cheng Yang still has an idea. If you send this battle to the Psionic Energy Research Institute, I don't know if those researchers can copy it. If you can do this, you can make a big profit.

Suddenly, Cheng Yang thought of a very real problem. This array is only one foot square, how many people can be transferred each time? Immediately asked: "How efficient is the transmission of this array?"

Ondola said: "According to the experience I used to transmit with the 3rd level of psionic stone, I can send four or five people in about one second. The lord, don't look at this array is very small, but once activated with psionic stone, it The volume is almost ten meters, and it is normal to send four or five people a second."

Cheng Yangxi n has a head, this transmission efficiency is not bad.

Cheng Yang thought for a moment. Said: "You are really good at transmitting the market. I haven’t spent a lot of effort on saving you. So, are you not going to use this transfer to redeem two Level 5 psionic stones? Now you have left that place. The psionic stone can't be used anymore. I will convert you into 200 million psionic values, which will make it easier for you to practice later. How do you see it?"

"You can save us from the lord, it is already a great grace. We are not ∈dǐng∈ǎn∈ ∈ , , ▽↗ _ _ _ _ _ _ ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” .

Cheng Yang waved his words and said: "Since you have no opinions, then you have decided."

When Angola was dumb, this is no opinion? Doesn't my opinion mean that you can't receive the two million psionics?

However, this time is no longer important, because Cheng Yang has used the lord's authority to directly transfer 200 million psionics from the territorial account to the account of Andora, and he has no chance to refuse.

"Are you called Keze?" Cheng Yang turned his head to look at Keze.

Koze quickly ǎn ǎn head, said: "What do you command the lord?"

Cheng Yang said: "If you can't tell, your talent is good. Are you willing to work for us?"

"Of course I am willing." Keze promised to fly fast, fearing that Cheng Yang would repent, but he soon said, "Just, lord, can you see if my father and brother can..."

Cheng Yang said: "You can rest assured that if your father and brother are willing to work for my Fengcheng, I will not refuse."

Koze immediately turned to look at Angola and Jim. Immediately after getting their affirmative reply, agree.

Cheng Yang said: "Can you talk about your life professional talent in detail now?"

That's right. Keze does have a very strong life professional talent. This talent is also among the top 20 people in all the life professional talents that Cheng Yang sees.

Don't underestimate the top 20, there are more than 60 unique **** life talents in Luofeng City, which shows that Keze talent is strong.

Koze did not hide, when he said his talent attributes.

Koze's talent is very strong. It is also very simple and rude. Its name is paralyzing toxin.

This is really not a fighting talent, but a life professional talent, the role of which is to let Koze refining any negative drug properties of the drug or medicinal herbs automatically add paralytic toxin effect.

And this is not a simple paralytic toxin, it is unsolvable. Unless the opponent's true strength level exceeds Koze's refining order, it will be paralyzed.

Now Koze's level of refining has reached level 17, even if it is the strong presence of the early fifth stage, it can be paralyzed, let alone the big python that he had to deal with before.

However, Koze's this paralytic toxin also has certain limitations, and the way it works is determined by the properties of the pharmaceutical or medicinal drug itself.

For example, the medicine that was originally taken is naturally needed to be applied before it can be effective. If it is a medicine that works through the skin or the breath, it is much simpler.

However, almost all of the medicines are now taking medicines, and the agents that are similar to the effects of gas volatilization are extremely rare. Even Cheng Yang has only seen one or two.

This is also why Koze discovered the six-leaf washed marrow grass early, but did not have the ability to kill the big python. He could not put the oral medicine into the mouth of the big python.

Now there is finally a kind of volatile medicine called Psychedelic, but I don't want to be admitted by Cheng Yangjie. However, this is also a blessing in disguise. They have all the people have been transferred at almost no cost.

After Cheng Yang finished listening, his heart was also extremely surprised. He did not expect that Ke Ze’s deputy rank had reached level 17, which is a very high level. If he did not take several times to improve his deputy rank, he would still Not comparable to Koze.

If there is no process, Yang does not go deep into this issue. After all, each person has its own method.

Then Cheng Yang told Koze to report to Tongling City. For his paralyzing toxin, Cheng Yang was extremely expecting.


Cheng Yang returned to Africa again. From the time of encountering Koze to returning to the original place, he also delayed the time of most of the day. Now it is already late in the evening.

If the process is not, Yang is not prepared to find a place to rest, but to enter the void and continue to move.

At this moment, Cheng Yang did not move in a fixed direction. He had a map in his hand, which was obtained from the hands of Angola, which marked most of the large stations in the western part of Egypt.

This map was drawn before the barbaric rule in this area. Now there have been many changes. Cheng Yang has only a reference role in holding this map.

In the area under the barbarians' rule, the number of resident places is obviously much lower than before. After all, the number of barbarians is much less than that of humans. If you make too many stations, you will distract yourself.

Cheng Yang searched for more than a dozen stations along the map, all of which have been razed to the ground.

In desperation, Cheng Yang had to hit his mind to the barbarians here, and his soul extraction skills were just ready to use, which is the most convenient means.

Cheng Yang did not take much effort to find a group of barbarians, this is a group of barbarians hunting in the mountains. The meat of the demonized beast is also the main food of these barbarians.

After some fierce battles, the barbarians were destroyed, and the remaining three barbarians were beaten by Cheng Yang, and they could not move on the ground.

These barbarians are just the second-order peaks, and their strength is not very strong. Cheng Yang has to extract their souls without much effort, and kill them after controlling these guys, and will not let Cheng Yang The soul is damaged.

Of course, the extraction of these low-powered souls does not help Cheng Yang's skill proficiency. This also limits Cheng Yang's ability to quickly extract the soul extraction skills by extracting the weak soul.

With such a few minutes of effort, Cheng Yang has a general understanding of the current situation of barbarians in the western part of Egypt. Although this understanding is not particularly detailed, at least it can let Cheng Yang find the goal.

Cheng Yang ruthlessly killed all these barbarians before they set off for the destination.

The barbarians in the western part of the whole of Egypt are concentrated in two places, one is naturally opposite the Huangquan Fortress and the other is the Jinyuan City in the southwest of Egypt.

This Jinyuan City was originally a resident of mankind. At that time, it was only a township. However, after being occupied by the barbarians, he soon upgraded to a small town, and later upgraded to a small town of 3 levels.

This also makes Jinyuan City the largest base for barbarians in Egypt. As for the opposite of the Huangquan Fortress, it is just the front line.

The original area of ​​Egypt was not very large, but after the end of the day, the area of ​​the Egyptian state has also increased several times. It took Cheng Hou's speed to spend a few hours before rushing to Jinyuan City.

"Rely, I really want the earth to be my own nest." Cheng Yang looked at the Jinyuan City, which was built like a copper wall, and Cheng Yang was so upset.

There is still a certain difference between the barbarian's city and the orc city. In the city built by the barbarians, you can feel a wild scent, which is a far cry from the pure wildness of the orcs.

Outside the city, from time to time there are barbarian patrol teams passing through, these guys are all composed of elite troops in the middle and late third-order, the strength can not be underestimated.

Although they are only waiting for the weak chickens to be slaughtered in the face of Cheng Yang, except for Cheng Yang, no one dares to despise such an army.

Now Cheng Yang did not intend to fight hard with these barbarians. He came to inquire about the news, but not to fight. If it is to kill the barbarian, he does not need to run so far, directly outside the Huangquan fortress can be killed.

Cheng Yang relied on the virtual airborne skills, quietly into the Jinyuan City, and then searched inside, he needs to find the barbarian leader here, and then see if he can get some clues from him. (To be continued.)