MTL - Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin-Chapter 209 Overbearing General Qiaojun (28)

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After a night of chaos, Yan Yuanheng woke up by the point.

He almost never drinks, so he doesn't know that he will feel sore when he is drunk.

Yan Yuanheng turned up and sat up, blindfolded, but the goal was not his familiar interior of the tent.

He had always asked for the neatly arranged hangers to fall, and the clothes were scattered on the ground, white linings, golden belts, wrapped in a mess, a pair of shoes in front of the bed, a pair of shoes kicked randomly Under the window.

Yan Yuanheng held his soothing forehead, thinking that drinking was really a mistake.

He leaned over his body and opened the quilt to get up. He opened his mouth to call the guard to clean up: "Jen ..."

Without saying a word, he covered his mouth.

Covering him was a bare, thin, thin arm with a scarlike cocoon left after drawing a bow and arrow.

"Shh." Shi Dingyun took him from behind him, "... Chen wants to sleep for a while, can the thirteenth prince be allowed?"

Just yesterday, when he couldn't enter the door, he reluctantly held his hand and induced him to find the right place.

"The thirteenth prince is here ..."

A thunder rushed through Yan Yuanheng's mind, making him stiff.

After this, countless fragments of last night poured into his mind.

They did ridiculous things last night.

Neither of them made a sound, and both kept their voices deep in their throats.

Yan Yuanheng faintly remembered that he seemed to have spoken a lot of ridiculous things, called Shi Tingyun's name, and whispered some straight words that made people blush and beat against his ears.

He used honorifics to call him General, and whispered to ask him to arch his waist higher, as if he were only a soldier under his command.

After eating the pulp, the two rolled from bed to under the bed, Yan Yuanheng hugged Shi Yun to the window, leaned on the window, facing the bright moon outside the window.

Shi Dian Yun's waist was soft and difficult. He slipped to his knees uncontrollably several times, and was hugged by his waist and continued to go deep.

Later, they left a pair of shoes by the window.

Yan Yuanheng embraced him and returned to bed.

About half an hour later, Shi Dianyun couldn't bear it. She wanted to get out of bed, and her hand just reached the curtain, but she was dragged back by grabbing her ankles. The green account was toppled, and the veil covered On the two, they slid down to the ground following the undulating motion.

Thinking of everything, Yan Yuanheng's first reaction was to stop Yun's temperature while trying.

Last night, a lot of jumbles occurred, and Shi Zhanyun's body temperature dropped back a lot, but it was just a low fever.

Confirming that he was okay, Yan Yuanheng took care of the red ears above.

He yelled: "... often, I have intentionally offended ..."

Shi Dianyun lay on her arm, her throat hoarse: "Then, the thirteenth prince, the minister intentionally offended, please the thirteenth prince convict the crime."

Yan Yuanheng: "... !!!"

Shi Dingyun looked closer at him with a smile on his face, but his cheeks gradually turned red.

Yan Yuanheng stared blankly at his reddish lips, his throat knot rolled up and down cautiously, his eyes seemed to be watching a dream.

He moved forward tentatively.

Shizhang Yun tilted his head and looked at him.

Yan Yuanheng encouraged his courage and was about to kiss him, but when he stopped, he stopped to hide and kissed him.

Yan Yuanheng's face suddenly turned red, and the seven-pointed confused three-pointed stared at the cloud and stopped.

Shi Yun stopped smiling and took the initiative to kiss.

When Yan Yuanheng exploded in his head, he thought, really soft.

The bones in his arms were tough and strong, unique to men, and his mouth was hot and soft.

He stopped when he was holding him, and kissed and kissed blushingly, as if a child was eating candy and his lips tasted enough.

that's nice.

Shi Dingyun took the initiative to kiss the calyx on his forehead that could be removed in the future, and stopped his naive behavior.

He scared Yan Yuanheng: "Come here."

Yan Yuanheng covered his head with a quilt, and said in a small voice, "Don't be scary. Sleep again."

There was already a sound of movement outside the tent. The two were in this small world, feeling a little nervous, and it was difficult to hide their sweetness.

Yan Yuanheng supported her weak legs and went down to the ground. She simply put on some clothes and opened the curtains. Unsurprisingly, she saw Shouren Renqing not far from the tent.

Yan Yuanheng is the prince. How dare these guards leave the post?

Yan Yuanheng put up with shyness and said in a gentle voice, "Drain some hot water."

Ren Qing didn't dare to lift her head, "Yes, Thirteen Lords."

The hot water was brought in by Yan Yuanheng himself, and he refused to let others see the wolf howling when he saw it.

He wiped his handkerchief, wiped his fingers and arms for Shi Dingyun, and lifted the quilt. He saw that his thigh was shaking uncontrollably, and he couldn't help blushing, and silently wiped the dirt on it.

He rejoiced, but there was also an inexplicable depression.

He threw the towel a few more times, wiped Shi Dingyun's body clean, then knelt beside the bed, and said earnestly, "Su Chang, I have something to tell you."

Shi Dingyun barely propped himself up: "Well, I have something to say to you, too."

They were silent.

Yan Yuanheng: "You first?"

Suddenly Yunxiao laughed: "How dare the prince take the thirteenth prince first."

Yan Yuanheng was calm. "I thought a lot yesterday. I just thought about it. I think I always have to explain to you. After I look back at the city, I will beg my father to be the Prince of the town and come to the border. Stay with you ... "

Two 20-year-olds, sitting and kneeling, were seriously discussing their feelings and the way forward.

Shi Dingyun patiently listened to Yan Yuanheng's thoughts and said, "I always have a thought."

Yan Yuanheng: "You say, I listen."

Suddenly said: "The dignity of the throne is an ordinary crown that allows you and others to let you go. Yuan Zhao knows that he can't learn as well as you. He concedes for many years and also wastes himself for many years. You said that you should be a Prince. If you walk away, how can you afford him for years? "

This is exactly the point of depression in Yan Yuanheng's heart.

"And the emperor has been fond for many years, and Yan Fei has long been looking forward to it.

Yan Fei was Yan Yuanheng's mother's status before being derogated.

Shi Dianyun slowly said: "I agree with Yuan Zhao's principle of joy in time, but you and I are so different, after all, they are different from Yuan Zhao. You have a strict family, I have the Northern Army, and I have concerns, and it is difficult to care. throw."

"It may be another glorious thing to pass on the Yan family, but I want to see what it would look like in your hands."

Yan Yuanheng stopped looking at the clouds, and suddenly felt that he seemed to have lived a dozen years longer than himself, sober in speech, rational, old, and gentle.

"But you ..." Yan Yuanheng heard his voice, and couldn't hide his heartache. "What do you do? What should we ... do?"

"You and I are in touch with each other. I stop the cloud, and I have no regrets in this life." Shi Zanyun said with a smile, "Yan Yan," I have made a big mistake before, and it should be atonement for the guiltless soul. If I were to Those who occupy the Yan dynasty are too greedy. "

Yan Yuanheng suspected that the "big mistake" he made was a mistrust of Chu Ziling.

He relieved: "It's not your fault ..."

"My fault is with me. I won't shy away." Shi Dianyun said, "My life's voluntary choice for the rest of my life is to die for the sake of keeping the family and the people safe."

Yan Yuanheng didn't say a word, only stopped when the clouds stopped, I was disappointed or sad.

Shi Dianyun also knew that after enjoying the night, he said such a thing himself, it was really awesome.

But some words must also be Chen Ming at this time.

There was a scar in his heart, a scar that had been cut and sewn up, and Xu Shi would have a faint pain in his life, making him unable to enjoy happiness.

Shi Dingyun originally intended not to say it for life, so he was wrong with Yan Yuanheng, okay.

And Yan Yuanzhao's words on the bank of the river finally gave him the determination to respond positively.

Shi Dingyun solemnly said: "Si Dingyun understands his own heart. He will never marry Xu Guo during his lifetime. In the future, if you can be the emperor, the third house and the sixth house, and the emperor of the palace, you will have to. This is what we expect ... "

Yan Yuanheng interrupted him: "No."

Yan Yuanheng always abides by etiquette and rarely interrupts others' speeches. It seems to be really anxious.

Shi Dingyun smiled helplessly, thinking, child.

He said, "Well, don't be mad with me. Is that what you say if you don't marry, you don't marry. If you only talk about Houyi, you can't explain it."

Yan Yuanheng said straightly: "I only ask you one question. In addition to the Yan family and the peace of the people, can you have me?"

When this question was asked, Stop Yun had some heartache.

He tilted his head, nodded and shook his head.

Yan Yuanheng said nothing, turned over to get out of bed, kneeled on one knee, and lifted his eyes to stop the cloud as he leaned on the bed.

Shi Dingyun was a little surprised, and couldn't stand up straight, so he could only look at him sideways.

Yan Yuanheng didn't know what to say to make Shi Dingyun believe what he said, so he grabbed the clothes on his chest tightly and said, "... If you don't have me in your heart, you will be Yan Yuanheng's happy first person. "

"If you have me in your heart, you are a happy person with Yan Yuanheng."

Shi Dianyun's eyes were slightly warm: "... What is a lifetime?"

Yan Yuanheng said: "In the world, you are the only one, and I am the only one."

He wanted to hold the hand that stopped when he was shy, and because of his shyness, he just dared to hold the quilt on the side of his couch: "... a volume of history books, if you and I are lucky, be with them. That is you and me Marriage book. "

Shi Zhanyun leaned down, clutched the quilt, laughed softly, but tears fell.


Ten years later.

In the twenty-ninth year of Jianping, the emperor realized that his age was high and his energy was poor. He gave way to the thirteenth emperor and retired from the throne.

In the winter of the 29th year of Jianping, the 13th emperor Yan Yuanheng ascended the throne and changed the country name to Yongan.

According to folk rumors, the 13th emperor Yan Yuanheng, when he was young, went to Zhennan Pass for two years, made great achievements, and established a marriage there, married a woman as his wife, and when he was about to enter Wangcheng, the woman died suddenly. Yan Yuanheng loves this woman so much that she refuses to marry another wife, and the woman next to her is reluctant to look at it again. Only in Jianping's twenty-four years, the third son of the sixth son, Yan Yuanzhao, who succeeded the emperor, was raised by his side as a biological person. the son of.

After he ascended the throne, he only gave the Enlightenment Housewife who was rewarded by his father Wang to a low position, and no longer accepted the concubine. Alas, he only said indifferently that this was a matter of his family.

The two imperial princes still had to persuade him. Yan Yuanzhao aside could not listen any more. He shook his fan and laughed: "Liu Yushi and Zhang Yushi are so urgent, do they want to go to the palace to serve the emperor? If the two adults have With that in mind, the King could recommend two to the palace ... "

Liu Yushi and Zhang Yushi even said that they did not dare, and sweated out of the temple.

Yan Yuanzhao took this as a joke and wrote to the stop guard at the border.

At that time, the cloud stopped, and it was already a famous general.

Although the Armistice Agreement was signed, the southern Xinjiang people are still eager to move.

Two years ago, the border war broke out again. He and Timur's relatives fought, and almost killed Timur with an arrow. Since then, the southern Xinjiang has greatly reduced its flames, and has suffered two fierce defeats, only to crouch like a quail.

Shi Dingyun dismantled Yan Yuanzhao's letter and looked at his mixed words, smiling from start to finish.

Li Shushu grinds ink for him. When he sees that he is so open, he laughs and says, "My son, seeing you so happy, I guess the letter from the six kings came."

He had been washed out by the flames, and he had not seen the shadow of the young boy who was crying and dying and also wanted to go with him.

He had a good marriage with a South Xinjiang woman long ago. Now the child has run out of the camp, but when he stops by Yun, it is not uncommon.

Shi Yun stopped smiling: "General Li, I'm thirty, so he's a boy."

Li Shushu naturally said: "The son is the son of Ah Shu, and the son of Ah Shu."

Suddenly Yun reached out and patted his head, Li Yishu tamely, continued to grind his ink, and there was light in his eyebrows.

Shi Dingyun opened the next letter again.

Only the name of Shi Zhanyun was written on the envelope, but by looking at the handwriting, he could recognize who the believer was.

He unrolled three pages of stationery.

The man was really boring and succinct. He talked about things in life and wrote only two pages.

Suddenly muttered disapprovingly, turning to the last page.

Just at this moment, the wind broke out of the account, and the dark red army flag embroidered with the words "North Government Army" rolled up, hunting and flying, and the flag was like a dragon wing.

Li Shushu suppressed the letters on the side with paperweight, fearing that the blown wind would blow away.

Shi Dianyun looked up, looking out of the account, without a smile.

He held a letter from that man.

On the last page, he restrained and powerful words: "... if there is a long wind around the flag, then I am thinking of you."