MTL - Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin-Chapter 196 Domineering General Pretty Army Division (15)

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The messenger departed, and Zhanyun happily opened the letter.

Chu Ziling bowed his head slightly.

A few days of worries are now real.

His own plan was declared a failure.

Even if his face is not obvious, his mouth will inevitably be bitter, and he will say "Congratulations, son."

He comforted himself, and it wasn't a surefire thing, so he didn't have to bother to regret it.

If Shi Jinghong reads the letter and cleans his hands before using meals, or does not lick his fingers to turn the pages as usual, the poison will not get into his mouth.

If it just fails, he can still accept it.

Afraid of Shi Jinghong, what did he notice ...

The more he thought about it, the stiffer his fingers became.

That letter was not clear, why did Shi Dingyun come back and read so many times ...

In his suspicion, Shi Dingyun suddenly said: "A Ling."

Chu Ziling was startled: "... son?"

Shi Dingyun folded the letter and put it in her arms: "Notice, Pei Cheng Jie, celebrate tonight!"

A cold wind blew through, and Chu Ziling hit a thriller, only to find that his clothes in the soft armor were soaked by cold sweat.

He squeezed the slippery stables tight, trying to make his voice sound good enough: "Yes."

Yan Yuanheng knew that he couldn't stop his face when he refuted in front of others, so he waited until Chu Ziling left, and then asked: "Loss without resentment, victory without arrogance, victory over self-respect, but shouldn't it be better to converge?"

He didn't mean to question the military order to stop the cloud, but it was based on his personal temperament and it was just a matter of discussion.

At this time, Yun Ben wanted to encourage the horse to go forward, and heard that Zhu Zhu turned back.

The white horse spewed hot air under his armour, and the horseshoes made a half-moon-shaped gray mark on the ground.

Shi Dianyun laughed: "This place is not a battlefield, it is not a wartime at this time. The soldiers march for a long time, and it is inevitable that they will be tired. If there is good news, celebrating it will be a great benefit to morale."

He added: "Yuanheng, I am different from you. You are a gentle man, I am a rough man. You can do sage, I ca n’t do it. When I stop Yunsheng, I laugh, and when I lose, I ’m upset. Everything can't bear the words 'I'm happy'. "

Yan Yuanheng looked at him so pretentiously, and his heart beat more and more out of order: "Sorry, I don't know what happened in the army, it's sudden."

"Yuan Heng, you and me can't talk about Tang Su." The white horse clenched his reins and said frankly, "I am galloping around the world, I just want you to sit high in the temple and be a saint of life."

After all, he shook the reins: "Drive!"

The white horse was ordered to raise its hoofs, causing a cloud of mist,

Yan Yuanheng has never heard anyone say the word "drive" so chic.

When he watched, he stopped Yun Yuma and galloped all the way to the former army. He said something in a loud voice, which was far from clear from the distance, but Yan Yuanheng thought that he had to report the happy event.

Sure enough, the former army cheered.

The war horse also felt something, and several horses hissed and cheered.

And in the noise of joy, Yan Yuanheng's eyes always followed the white horse silver helmet that stopped at the moment, and a dazzling white badger on the silver helmet.

In the sound of joy, it was really difficult for Chu Ziling to hide his irritability.

After camping in the evening, he excused Ashu for the master-in-law's medicine to soothe the stomach and soothe the nerves, and squatted in front of a small furnace, contemplating his brows.

He knew how important Pei Cheng was.

Because of his clarity, he was so upset that he couldn't help remembering the past.

When Chu Ziling was twelve years old, he walked to Wangcheng with the entanglement in exchange for the pawns in the house.

On the road, every day and every night he was thinking about what he should do and what he could do.

How can I count a piece of jade pendant when going to southern Xinjiang? Who knows if the king of Nanjiang still remembers this jade pendant? Who knows whether he is a young thief who sought gold from the dead and tried to impersonate the prince's honor.

If you want to set foot on the Qingyun Road that belongs to him, you must establish merits that are conducive to southern Xinjiang, and must be great merits.

At that time, although Chu Ziling was much more precocious than ordinary babies, he was naive and vicious, but he did not lose to anyone.

He quickly came up with a good idea.

The prefectures and counties along the road all have recruiting stations. After Chu Ziling inquired clearly, he picked a military station in a remote county and told recruiters. He was killed by bandits in his home, but his parents were unfortunately violent. He had nowhere to go and wanted to join the army and revenge his father.

The recruiter looked at him a little, and he was a little bit distressed and sympathetic.

He said: "There are orders. It is not in wartime to recruit child soldiers."

Chu Ziling refused to give up, begging: "Master, take me. I can do anything, take down hands, bring tea and water, wash my feet, and just revenge for my family ..."

A ten-year-old child kidnapped at the small table recruiting, saying childish words for revenge, the recruit could not resist, softened, turned and went to the camp, it seems to go to the local master to discuss .

Chu Ziling was waiting outside the camp, thinking he had succeeded.

Whoever thought for a while, a reprimand came from far away.

The recruit's grey-faced back came back, and behind him was a five-thousand-thick-thick man who looked really dressed and was indeed the master in charge of recruiting.

The man was black and strong like a tower. He looked down at Chu Ziling and said roughly: "Is that you? Want to join the army?"

Chu Ziling held back his fear and nodded.

He asked, "Which bandit was your father and mother killed by?"

Before Chu Ziling came, he was fully prepared and asked the second child who lived in the house which bandit was on a nearby hill.

He trembled to report the name of Dalian Mountain, looked up at the black tower, tears in his eyes, and tried to make him have a little sympathy.

Whoever thought, the next instant, he was severely pushed away by a large fan-like hand.

As he fell to the ground, a small sack was thrown on him.

The black tower-like officer looked at him coldly: "Boy, you ca n’t stand even pushing it, you are still going to kill people? Find a good home and go to work, that's what you should do. "

There was a good laugh from the crowd around.

Chu Ziling was flushed, and stood up with humiliation, tightening his bag.

He could figure out that it was full of dry food for three days, hard at the bottom, and a few pieces of broken silver.

Food and silver are mixed together, and I want to know how dirty it is.

And he would like to thank him.

He got up in humiliation, carrying the bag in dust, and headed east.

When walking to no one, Chu Ziling's depressed emotions broke out.

He picked up the cloth bag and slammed the willow on one side severely, until he smashed the dry grain into pieces, and then dropped the dirty little cloth bag and went away angrily.

Half a month later, in a small noodle shop, he listened to the travelers at the table saying that the bandits on Dalian Mountain were wiped out by the Northern Army.

He just felt that the place name was familiar, and he had heard it, and didn't go to his heart.

About two years ago.

He happened to meet the black tower-like reckless man in the North Army.

He was finally transferred from the backcountry to the main camp, but he was just a little lieutenant in Dingyuan City. His daily routine billing discussions failed him, and sometimes he had to do the work of the prince.

And he can live with his son, he is highly valued by the son and general, and even qualified to listen to the debate.

He didn't know himself long before, and he even saluted himself as he passed by him.

This gave Chu Ziling a heartfelt pleasure from his heart.

Fortunately, Chu Ziling didn't join the army.

To join the army, you need to climb up from the ground. I don't know how many tough battles to fight all the way. If there is no accumulation in the General's Mansion and there is no sword or gun, he may be killed in a small battle of bandits.

Recalling the way he came, Chu Ziling took a breath.

He caressed his waistband and knew that his current mentality was a little different.

In his half-life, Chu Ziling was not lucky, but he was lucky.

This attack was not completed, but the Beifu Army captured Pei Cheng, presumably the civilian official would be furious when he heard the news.

Thinking of this, Chu Ziling has a slight headache.

I still dormant to this day, and still have no actual results. It was easy to win the trust of the people of southern Xinjiang with information, and I vowed to punch with confidence, but punched into the cotton.

Chu Ziling wanted to know how the civil official named Aisha would be harsh and critical.

After forming an alliance with him a few years ago, he agreed with him that he would only write, not reply, so as not to arouse the suspicion of the son.

Just in case, when the boy is sleeping today, he'd better contact Aisha to write and explain the situation as well.

He didn't notice in the slightest that the account behind him was opened a seam.

Half of Chi Koike's face flashed through the gap.


Chi Xiaochi put down the curtain, walked to the soft couch lightly, and sat at the foot.

Lou Ying was lying on the couch, still holding a book in his hand.

Over the past few days, the two have kept a slight distance.

He turned a page: "Worried?"

As soon as Lou Ying spoke, Chi Xiaochi quietly put down Erlang's legs that had just been lifted: "... worried."

When I talked about the task, Chi Xiaochi's expression naturally and relaxed a lot: "A poisonous snake has been in the ground for seven or eight years, starving and hungry, in order to wait for a bite to kill someone. As a result, it was easy to wait for the opportunity, I spit it out with a spit of poison, and for a long time I didn't see anyone fall. A probe, mother, man. "

Lou Ying couldn't help but smile: "You still intentionally scare him. Obviously it is a letter without words, you have read it for so long."

Shi Jinghong's information to tell Shi Zhanyun has been conveyed by the messenger.

There was virtually nothing in that letter.

Lou Ying lowered his voice, as if Chu Ziling, who was afraid of cooking outside, heard: "General Shi was worried that Chu Ziling would tear down your letter?"

To make it easier for him to speak, Chi Xiaochi took a closer look: "He's more concerned. Chu Ziling is too cautious, he doesn't have such a dog courage."

Lou Ying: "In General Shi's opinion, there must be some."

Chi Xiaochi laughed: "Almost. After all, when the old man opened the letter, he clearly saw that the seal, wooden tube and handwriting were not bad at all, but his head boldly said that it was written to that Lord Aisha, and I was afraid it was not a small shock."

The blessing of suspending the cloud in memory, Chi Xiaochi remembered that the secret contact with Chu Ziling was a second-grade civil official named Aisha, and even remembered the location of his residence.

When Suing Yun was imprisoned, he clearly heard some people say that Lord Aisha bought a house in a certain square on the west street of the main city of southern Xinjiang and doubled the size of the original mansion. How magnificent and brilliant , Yunyun.

By interfering with the geomagnetism, the pigeons that were supposed to fly to the southern Xinjiang were shocked when they left.

The other pigeon flew to the home of the second-grade civilian who was still in the gloom, on the west street of the main city of Nanjiang, according to the location remembered by Shiling Yun.

When Chi Xiaochi was in the carriage, he was fully prepared.

He wrote on the stationery, Lord Aisha, the letter involved a huge matter. Ziling used special ink, which was difficult to distinguish with his eyes. It had to be matched with the fire paint on the small wooden cylinder that was sent to him.

He also said that just need to soak the fire paint into the hot tea, wait for the fire paint to melt a bit, spray the water on the paper, wait for a few minutes, and the handwriting will be displayed.

... is a complete guide to suicide.

And Chi Xiaochi had no scruples at all, and used the handwriting that stopped the cloud directly.

Lou Ying asked him, "You don't worry that Aisha will be suspicious after reading the handwriting?"

"People like Chu Ziling do not believe anyone. Be careful when you die. You must dig three graves to prepare for death." Chi Xiaochi said. Even if the letter is found, he can also lie that it is sending mail for Shi Tingyun, and that he is trying to seize power in South Xinjiang .—— The military force of Shijia is indeed strong. He kept this hand and wanted Let the Shi family depart from the royal family. "

Lou Ying lowered his voice again: "If Aisha does not spray water himself, but leaves it to his men or his followers ..."

"Regardless of who he is, one poison is enough." Chi Xiaochi moved closer again. "The poison will be diluted by water, the fortune-telling will be poor, and the fortune-telling will be great. The sir thinks that if it was discovered by the southern Xinjiang He poisoned in the fire paint. So, whether the chess piece of Chu Ziling intentionally betrayed southern Xinjiang, or was discovered by his master, and his whereabouts were revealed, do the people in southern Xinjiang dare to use him? "

"Does he know now?"

Chi Xiaochi shook his head: "I guess, all of his letters were sent one-way. Moreover, in order to avoid people's eyes and eyes, he chose not to contact any important person. A second-class civilian in the home office died of poison. Things will not even spread to the battlefield, no matter what he is Aisha, Maimaiti, Hamathi, or Hama. "

Lou Ying reminded him: "The last one was not a surname, it was a curse."

Chi Xiaochi: "... oh."

Chi Xiaochi said, "I know."

Lou Ying could not help but bear it.

"In short, he poisoned it, and he poked it with his own hands." Chi Xiaochi spread his hand and said, "I only wrote a guide letter, and I didn't invite him to harm. It was him Chu Ziling who entered without any knowledge. Broke your arms and stop doing anything with me. "

Lou Ying laughed.

He has learned about the overall plan of Chi Koike, and successfully hooked Ko Koike close to him with his bass.

Lou Ying stretched out his hand and gently rested on the index finger that he accidentally put on the side of the couch.

This action was not embarrassing, but made Koike's old face blush.

... Lou Ying caught, it was exactly where he wore the ring.

Ghostly, Ikekochi did not take back his hand: "Sir ..."

Lou Ying smiled: "Finally fooled you."

Since the experience of the last successful appointment, Chi Xiaochi has changed a little bit about Lou Ying's mentality.

... It seems that he is not so afraid of him.

He took a short breath and said, "Mr. Cheating."

Lou Ying likes his childish tone: "Catch you."

Chi Xiaochi, who was sitting on his feet, leaned his chin: "What do I do if I catch it?"

Lou Ying said, "Nothing, I want to look at you."

Between the two of them, they didn't hear a soft knock outside.

The previous few times, in order not to be too conspicuous, Yan Yuanheng always visited late at night and wanted to stop and drink tea and chat when he was looking for him, but he was always notified that the son had fallen asleep with the son teacher.

He thought privately that he would come earlier today, and that's okay.

Chu Ziling at the door said that the son was talking to the son-in-law's teacher inside, and it was time to rest.

Yan Yuanheng took his book of notes and confirmed that there was no problem with the chat props he had prepared. He nervously arranged his appearance before knocking on his door.

However, after several whispers, no one responded.

……not here?

But he did hear a low voice inside.

Yan Yuanheng lifted the curtain and went in. With only one look, he froze in place.

Shi Dingyun was sitting on a soft couch and staring at a sick and literate man in a blue shirt. The atmosphere was very strange.

What made him change color suddenly was the hand that Shi Dingyun put together with the man, and he made a red face.