MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 547 Latent catastrophe

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"The two of you, and King Kong, from now on, you have only one mission to become a **** in the game world. I believe you have this ability. You can go to other war zones during the national war. You each choose one that has not yet been born. The development of the war zone of the first-class players, the resources of the Huaxia zone should not be enough, but there must be a way to become a **** in each war zone. "Xiao Feng's eyes swept and looked at the three King Kong, Ice Girl and Fire Girl, solemnly speaking Tao said, "This is your top priority right now. You don't need to participate in **** anymore, just go back and appoint another person to contact me."

"Yes! Adult!"

Vajra and the three of them looked at each other, and finally led the way.

"Let's go down, immediately put down everything and focus on the task of becoming a god." Xiao Feng turned his back and looked at the window and said.


Vajra 3 immediately retreated, and within two minutes, the meeting room door that had just been closed by them was opened again. This time a lean man wearing a hotel waiter uniform came in.

"Adult!" The lean man kneeled on one knee as soon as he saw Xiao Feng, respectfully said.

"Your name?" Xiao Feng did not return.

"Adult, please call me eleven!" The lean man also did not look up.

"Eleven, from this moment, you are the person in charge of this stronghold. Is there anything you can contact me unilaterally, is it clear?" Xiao Feng finally looked back. Eleven, a somewhat reminiscent title, in **** , There is no name originally, and some are only digital codes.

"Yes! Adult!" The lean man who claimed to be eleven still didn't look up.

"The **** mission of the villa on the mountain, and the duty mission of the midsummer union remain unchanged. Others accelerate their development in the game world. If you understand it, go on." Xiao Feng waved his hand.


Eleven salutes Xiao Feng and retreats out of the meeting room with his head bowed in reverence.

Left Xiao Feng alone, walked over and knocked on Heizi's hard iron feathers, and remained silent for a few minutes before speaking softly.

"Take a good rest for a few days, then accompany me to return to Europe again."


The listless black son suddenly irritated, screaming excitedly like a duck.

"It's really ugly."

Xiao Feng shook his head in disgust, then turned and left to return to the villa.

But back to his room, Xiao Feng did not rush to go online, but leaned on the bedside, stroking the long blond hair in Xiao Ling's dream, and thought deeply.

From Zhang Jiujiu's exit, to the God Realm plan, to the intelligence that came back from Europe, Xiahe and Noah, it all seemed to be heralding, as if a terrible change would sweep through, the scope and disaster would be global No one can be spared.

Xiao Feng was born with the ability to surpass ordinary people's hunch, and at this moment, Xiao Feng's perception is so strong.

Is this the disaster that Zhang Jiujiu said? What exactly will happen ...

Xiao Feng has learned a part of the information, but each information is incomplete and the relationship is very shallow. He cannot infer each other at all, so that he has a feeling of confusion and unclearness.

Having been thinking for half an hour was puzzled. Eventually, he could only shake his head and decided to start with a place where he could, solve it step by step, and then wait for the disaster to come.


I don't know if Xiao Feng was too hard in his hand, Xiao Ling whimpered at this moment, and slowly woke up.

"Brother Fool, what time is it?"

The little zero just woke up is definitely the most beautiful elf in the world. The soft golden long hair is scattered, sleepy eyes, the flawless small face is with a daze, and the small white and porcelain hands rub the beautiful blue eyes. Muttered.

"It's only 6 o'clock in the morning, you can sleep for a while." Xiao Feng looked at the clock on the wall and said, Xiao Ling should have overslept yesterday, but anyway, she had no time to play yesterday. Come to sleep today.

"Brother Dumb, are you doing anything wrong again?" Who knows Xiaoling immediately regained his energy, sitting upright and staring at Xiao Feng's eyes.

"No." Xiao Feng shook his head.

"Every time you talk to me in this tone, it's when you have done something or are about to do it!" Xiao Ling's beautiful blue eyes stared at Xiao Feng closely, then whispered, "Yes and mom Relevant? "

Xiao Feng was silent, he knew that he could not conceal the small zero, and after a little hesitation, he nodded, "Yes ..."

"Don't you promise me ... won't you hurt your mother again ..." Xiao Ling's voice is very soft and weak.

"It is Huajuan." Xiao Feng thought for a moment.

"That bad woman, she has nothing to do with me." Xiao Ling immediately stated that she didn't care about Huajuan.

"Well, that's good." Xiao Feng nodded, but after thinking about it, he still got out his phone and sent a message to the crown prince.

The crown prince has been investigating the organizers of Meiwai. It is the best choice to hand Huajuan to him for investigation and resolution. No matter how bad Xiaoling's attitude towards Huajuan is, Xiao Feng is not convenient to do it himself.

"Sure enough ... it's still related to my mother ..." Xiao Ling's gaze didn't leave Xiao Feng. Seeing Xiao Feng bowing his head and playing with his mobile phone without talking, he finally lowered his voice.

Xiao Feng continued to be silent, and then put down the phone, gently stroking the little scattered blond hair, "Your mother, did a lot of wrong things ..."

"I know! I know my mother is a bad person! But I am willing to use my own repayment! Is this not enough? You can use my body to retaliate her! Whatever you do to me!" Xiao Ling is very stubborn. His nightdress was pulled off, revealing a tender shoulder like the finest porcelain.

"She knows Hua Huaan, and I suspect that Hua Juan was originally her hand under your dad." Xiao Feng stiffened Xiao Ling's body in one sentence, not only because of the impact of this sentence, but also Xiao Feng Actually regretted what had been promised.

"I have always underestimated her. Now it seems that not only Huajuan and your father are the tools she uses, but you are also a tool in her heart. After all these years, has she fulfilled your mother's responsibilities?" Xiao Feng continued Opening, he really underestimated Louise Mina, and when she learned that she was in contact with Huajuan, Xiao Feng realized that the woman was not simple.

Five years ago, the Huaxia team went abroad to participate in the global finals. It is absolutely impossible for the country to underestimate it. It must be protected in terms of personal safety. In that case, the only thing that can be shot against the Huaxia team is to enter the sponsors. The only chance, and Louise Mina did it.

Her lover is a senior member of the Briss family. She not only shoulders the task of attracting top experts from all over the world, she is also the person in charge of the charming foreigners in the China Theater. It is hard to imagine how easy this woman will be!

Even if he left the Shengxia Group, he controlled Xia Guangwei through Huajuan, or just left an eyeliner beside Xiaoling, but according to Huajuan's attitude towards Xiaoling, obviously there was no instruction to be taken care of.

So Xiao Feng ’s impression of Louise Mina has become a ruthless woman who does whatever she can to achieve her purpose and at any cost!

Xiao Feng did indeed regret it, not only did he regret that he promised Xiao Ling to let Louise Mina go, but also regretted that he should keep Louise Mina in China forever!

This is not a threat from Louise Mina, but pure protection of small zero! Because of the ruthlessness of Louise Mina, it will inevitably cause huge damage to Xiaoling! Only then will there be no regrets!

"I know ... I know if it wasn't an accident ... I would not be born at all ... but ... she is my mother ..." Xiao Ling's voice was weak.

"Even if she never regarded you as a daughter? Will you even use you and hurt you?" Xiao Feng asked.

"Hmm ..." Little Zero nodded, although the movement was very light, but very firm.

Xiao Feng sighed, perhaps, this is also the price, for Xiao Ling, the age is too young, the complete mind has not yet formed, Xiao Feng used this to want Xiao Ling to forget the past, Louise · Mina also used this.

"I got it." Xiao Feng touched Xiao Ling's little head, sighed again, and then reached out to take the game helmet from the head of the bed and lay down and put it on.

In the game world, the national war activities have been carried out for more than 30 hours. The battlefields of the major national border passages in China are still in full swing, fighting fiercely.

The vast majority of players in the whole service have invested in this activity. The game time and passion of the game have reached the peak since the advent of the game world.

Fighting and fighting are the only themes. Killing and death are endlessly staged. No matter which war zone or battlefield, there is an endless crowd of people. The ground is covered by the waves of war, and the sky is broken by the clamor of shouting and killing. !

The game world is so addictive and unstoppable, but who would have thought that under this glorious surface, a wave called the Great Disaster is swept silently.

The first thing after Xiao Feng went live was to open the activity leaderboard, but the ranking in China made him frown.

Seventh place!

Ranking is so backward!

Although it is known that the Huaxia District will not be too high in the face of the siege of the joint theater, Xiao Feng ’s conservative estimate is also in the top five. After all, the combat strength of the Huaxia District is still good, especially for several hegemonic unions. The background is very deep, and it is definitely the kind of leading trade unions put into other war zones.

However, just one day after the event, the ranking actually fell to the seventh place. How can such a situation make Xiao Feng not frown, knowing that the score is more difficult to pull back.

Looked at the list of friends, all of them were online. Needless to say, they were fighting in the major battlefields. Xiao Feng thought about it, and he had no difference for the time being, so he had to make a contribution of his own meager strength.

Happens to be in a bad mood at this moment, you need to vent, the endless battlefield is the best choice.

Defense is not Xiao Feng's habit. He randomly picked a national border channel and sent it to the central channel of the North American theater. With the appearance of the bone dragon phantom behind Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng also entered the battlefield!


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