MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 542 St peter city

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"Never be in a hurry right now, you are only two levels away and only make three changes. Let's go to level 50 first and then talk about it."

Liu Qiangwei saw that Han Feng had figured out the Imperial City's teleportation scroll, and immediately said.

"Yes, the level 50 nc guard will be a lot stronger, then I will upgrade first." Han Feng responded.

"Did you not find that your experience value has been rising?" Liu Qiangwei was a little helpless.

"Well, this is the case, what's the speed?" After she reminded her, Han Feng's eyes widened.

Liu Qiangwei pointed to the cracked Holy Light Cave in the sky and did not speak, but Han Feng responded quickly.

"This is the skill of the big brother. I said that this kind of skill can only be created by masters of this level. Then I will follow the experience for a while and go at level 50." After getting a positive answer, Han Feng It is also cheerful.

"What happened to you and Qin Hao, why did you become the president of the Iron Crusader's union" Xiao Feng asked at this time.

"It's all bad things, it's not very glorious to say, I didn't mention it to the big brother before, I am an illegitimate child, but there are no other heirs to the old things, plus Qin Hao The dog's face, so I brought it to the surface. "Han Feng took it in a simple sentence.

Xiao Feng nodded and said that he understood, and then he saw that he had nothing to do with it, and he was ready to leave. "Then I will do the task."

"Wait for Brother Xiao"

Liu Qiangwei and Han Feng hadn't had time to say goodbye, but Nicholas Zhao Si on the one side walked over quickly and stopped talking to Xiao Feng.

"What's wrong" Xiao Feng said strangely.

"Brother Shaw, I don't know if I should say something or not." Nicholas Zhao Si looked very hesitant and glanced at Liu Qiangwei, and the Nicholas iron pillar was also in a difficult state behind him.

"Let's go over there to see." Liu Qiangwei looked at Xiao Feng and Nicholas Zhao Si, and said, then turned around and left, and Han Feng also left with interest.

"What's the matter?" In the blink of an eye, only Xiao Feng and Nicholas Zhao were left. Even Nicholas' iron pillars were far away from some distance, and Xiao Feng asked again.

"Brother Shaw, do you know how many sisters like you?" Nicholas Zhao Siyi gritted his teeth, and then decided to say.

Actually, he was several years older than Duoduo Qian, but when he was mixed with Duoduo Qian, their Nicholas brothers were respected big sisters.

"You know." Xiao Feng froze, and then nodded, Qianduo Duo's temperament was the straightest, and he never concealed his intentions. It was like Xiao Feng's exposure a long time ago.

"Then how do you plan to treat her Duo Duo is a good girl, I don't like you hurt her." Nicholas Zhao Si asked.

"I won't." Xiao Feng smiled bitterly.

Looking at Nicholas Zhao Si, I do n’t know where this kid is interested in money. No wonder Xiao Feng feels that the Nicholas brothers have disappeared for a long time. It is estimated that there is something else in the middle.

"However, the last time we met in College City, the one that followed you in Hot Pot City was our Xia University's school Hua Si Ye Jing, but I was not sure after the identity of the night **** Dove was exposed. That's the school's Huasiyejingjing, which is also our famous killer of the night dove in Huaxia District, and you

Has a great relationship. "Nicholas Zhao Si said.

"Yeah." Xiao Feng thought for a while, and indeed he once met with Nicholas brother once when he went out to eat hot pot with Si Yejing.

"Not only that, it is said that President Rose has a very good private relationship with you, Brother Xiao, can you really treat Duo Duo sister well" Nicholas Zhao Si added.

"Cough." Xiao Feng coughed and found that he didn't know how to answer.

"I'm sorry, Brother Xiao, I'm sick, I'm not qualified to intervene in your life, I just hope you don't hurt Duoduo sister, we went to the battlefield to kill."

Fortunately, Nicholas Zhao Si responded quickly. After waking up, he immediately apologized and said nothing more. He turned and left to go to the battlefield.

"Is it fun to overhear"

Left Xiao Feng shaking his head, before he had no good airway to the air around him.

"Unexpectedly, there are many admirers, our Xia Da boys are infatuated." Si Yejing's figure emerged from the sneak, promoting the narrow path.

Stealth can't hide Xiao Feng, but Xiao Feng is also determined based on the smell. She is familiar with the body fragrance of every woman in the villa. Xiao Feng is obviously a follower of Liu Qianwei. After all, Liu Qiangwei now has a special status. It is impossible to sway outside alone, so she has to take some protection.

"You, as a summer university flower, lovers must be no less than her." Xiao Feng ridiculed rarely.

"That is, the men chasing my aunt's grandmother can be lined up from the entrance of Xia University to the city center. You are not good to your aunt's grandma." Si Ye hugged her chest and seemed proud.

"Am I not good to you" Xiao Feng smiled.

"But you are as good to everyone." Si Yejing whispered softly.

"Then it seems that this artifact dagger can't be given away." Xiao Feng pretended to take a dagger with a purple light from his backpack.

Xiao Feng had forgotten which bo burst it was, and had always forgotten to Si Yejing, only to remember it at the moment.

"I'm wrong, you're best to me. Give it to me quickly." Si Yejing immediately changed his face, staring at Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng shook his head, too lazy to tease her again, and handed over the artifact dagger.

"What to do with Xiaoling's thing" Si Yejing played with it for a while, then asked carefully to Xiao Feng.

Lois Mina has been away for almost a week, but Xiaoling still doesn't seem to come out. She still stays in Xiao Feng's room every day, making them want to get along with Xiao Feng for a while.

"Little Zero, she hated me as she should be. After all, I personally killed her biological father and almost killed her biological mother. I did owe her." Xiao Feng was silent for a moment.

"But you also compensated her, not to mention that her parents harmed you first, you are just revenge." Obviously, Si Yejing is on Xiaofeng's side.

"I also hope that she can get out of her heart. Although she is very smart, she is still young, her mind is not mature enough, and her relationship with her parents is very weak, and her family concept has not been formed. As long as there is enough time, she should be able to forget everything. "" Xiao Feng sighed.

"We also know that she needs time, but it is impossible for her to be bothering you before she walks out of the psychological barrier. Do you sleep next to you every day, is it appropriate?" Si Yejing asked.


I do n’t think it ’s appropriate, and I do n’t think about Xiaoling. "Xiao Feng was stunned. Although Xiao Ling was exquisitely like a doll, Xiao Feng at best treated her as a perfect piece of art. How could such a young girl have evil thoughts."

"I don't mean that, but forget it" Si Yejing gave up the idea of ​​talking with Xiao Feng, and she didn't know Xiao Feng's elm head for the first day.

"Xiaobai left it for you, I will go to other theaters and wait for Xiaoling to send it to her after going online."

Xiao Feng did not take back Xiaobai. He had been holding Xiaobai's hand. At this moment, Xiaobai's young hand was given to Si Yejing.


Si Yejing nodded, holding Xiaobai in one hand, rubbing it on Xiaobaitou with one hand, and messing up Xiaobai's beautiful silver short hair, but apparently Siyejing seemed very interested.

"Xiaoxue, go."

Did not continue to be nostalgic, Xiao Feng summoned Xiaoxue again, rolled over and mounted, and then went away.

First flew to the battlefield ahead, and then went to the Italian theater through the national border passage to the European headquarters of the Temple of Light.

The Italian theater is no longer part of the continent of God, but belongs to a continent with the power of the Principality of Rome. The area is not large, just a small theater, but the progress of the game is very high, whether it is the average player level or the progress of the game. fast.

Moreover, the Italian theater is still one of the few theaters that did not participate in the siege of the Huaxia area in the joint theater. It belongs to the kind of relatively peaceful theater. There are only two national border channels. There are no central transmission channels on the north and south borders, which makes Xiao Feng a little regretful. Because he has checked the world map, St. Peter ’s City is at the very center of the Italian theater, and if there is a central transmission channel, he can get there as soon as possible.

There is no other way at this moment. I can only choose one from the north-south border channel to enter, and then fly over. Fortunately, the two border channels in the Italian theater are relatively stable. There is not much dogfight, and there are only a few small things. Xiao The wind was disguised, so his appearance did not attract much attention, so he flew directly into the Italian theater.

Although the Italian theater is not large, it is compared with the Huaxia region. As a theater, the area is actually not small. Xiao Feng took several hours to fly from the border to the center of the theater.

On the way to the road, Liu Qiangwei and Han Feng have already reached level 50, and after upgrading, they have successively withdrawn from the team and no longer assign Xiao Feng's experience value.

And when St. Peter ’s City is faintly visible, the duration of the Gate of Heaven has come, the vision over the Western National Border Passage in Huaxia District has disappeared, and Xiao Feng ’s level has also increased from 66 to 68, and his mental strength has reached 3350, and his blood volume Also broke through 11200 points

And Xiao Feng counted, in fact, the clearance efficiency of the Gate of Heaven is higher than that of the Holy Gun Langinus. Do n’t look at Langkinus smashing a large piece, millions of people in a second, but the Gate of Heaven continues fully. In more than 5 hours, thousands of high-quality angels bloomed everywhere, killing wildly, and occasionally breaking out skills, so the total number of kills far exceeded the single-shot damage of the lance Lankinus.

After all, the level 68 upgrade experience is already terrifying, far from being comparable to level 59, plus giving Liu Qiangwei and Han Feng a part of the experience, Xiao Feng can still upgrade two levels

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