MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 522 Stronger

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Xiao Feng was taken aback when he came online, because he saw the huge sickle blade of the hammer of the Holy Spirit slashing towards him, and it was not the flower that was actually slashed on him. Xiao Feng had felt pain and his head More than 1,000 damage figures also floated on the scene.

This made Xiao Feng stunned. He looked up and saw that because he had no armor on his body, the blood volume was only more than 4,000. At this moment, he was already stagnant.

However, waiting for Xiao Feng to react, a sacred light appeared on his head to fill his life. This sacred light, Xiaofeng, is no stranger. It is the priest's holy light technique.

Xiao Feng looked forward with doubt, and the next scene suddenly made him angry, Liu Qiangwei was actually chopping him! It's the kind of adding blood to him while chopping, completely chopping and playing!

Under the horror attributes of the Holy Gavel and the Dragon Set, Liu Qiangwei's attack power and milk volume have reached an astonishing height. Obviously she is very happy to play.

But this is not the reason why she has nothing to do with Xiao Feng playing!

"What are you doing?" Xiao Feng almost cheered.

"Ah! I didn't do anything."

Liu Qiangwei was also taken aback by Xiao Feng who was on the line suddenly, and quickly recovered the hammer of the Holy Spirit who had been cut in half. The huge hook sickle was carried by her back with her backhand, and then she turned her eyes ecstatically.

"Is it fun to cut me?" Xiao Feng's tone was not good.

"The good things you do yourself, and Jingjing haven't been online for so long, leave me here to watch your character." Liu Qiangwei's tone was a little bit tasteful.

"do you have any opinion?"

"No comment."

"How's the forging done?" Xiao Feng asked her, too lazy to care about her.

"It's all on 10." Liu Qiangwei answered.

"It's all 10? What does it mean?" Xiao Feng froze.

"It's the 7 pieces of equipment you gave me, all of which have been forged to 10." Liu Qiangwei's eyes are a little proud.

"Wait! Have you forged the dragon suit for 10? Or all 6 pieces?" Xiao Feng reacted for a long time, revealing surprise.

"Yes, you hung up for several hours, enough time for me to forge it all up, and, I used more than 1,000 pieces of protective stones, you have to pay me back." Liu Qiangwei confirmed Xiao Feng's conjecture.

"Lying trough! Really fake? Please show me! The protection stone is no problem, I still have more than 3000 magic crystal stones!"

Xiao Feng's excitement was unparalleled, and he didn't care where Liu Qiangwei came from so many protection stones, he said excitedly.

Liu Qiangwei said nothing more, and in Xiao Feng's excited eyes, traded the hammer of the Holy Spirit and the dragon suit back.

A set of glittering equipment was put on the body, Xiao Fengle's almost brain crashed!

Actually actually forged all 10! 1 weapon and 6 armor! All forged to full level!

Mallet of the Holy Spirit (10)

Equipment type: blunt hands

Equipment quality: artifact

Equipment level: None

Equipment requirements: Priest, Paladin, Berserker


Attack speed 20 (20)

Attack distance 20 (20)

Casting speed 20 (20)

Cast distance 20 (20)

Spirit (player level x3) (165)

Double the basic attributes directly! Xiao Feng is now at level 55, so the additional spirit directly reaches 165! The same is true for the dragon set, with 110 extra full attributes added to each part! Counting 6 pieces together is 660 points!

After all is replaced, Xiao Feng's spiritual power has now reached 1800! Health has also reached 7400 points!

"I almost forgot this!"

However, when turning the backpack, Xiao Feng noticed a ring in the corner, and suddenly slapped his head, almost forgetting this thing.

This is the 5th original sin equipment, which was hit before going offline. Due to the poor mental state at that time, Xiao Feng even went offline to rest without looking at the attributes. At this time, he looked at the backpack to remember.

Laziness of original sin

Quality: Artifact

Equipment level: None

Equipment requirements: None

Equipment: Ring


700 HP

Magic value 700

Laziness: Passive-all attributes of the wearer are equal to the highest attribute, and the highest attribute increases by 20

Original Sin: Passive-Each time the holder equips an additional original sin equipment, the effect of attribute increase is increased by 5, and the maximum is increased to 50

Magic: Passive-After collecting 7 pieces of original sin equipment, trigger the set attribute

Is another extremely powerful equipment! Simple and rude! Directly increase the basic attributes! And can increase up to 50 additional!

Xiao Feng now has 5 pieces of original sin equipment, the attribute increase effect is 40, after wearing this original sin laziness, the 1800 attribute directly increased to 2520! Horrible! And the health has increased to 8540!

Originally, Xiao Feng was still reluctant to replace the ring of fairy rock, because the balanced nature of the rock ring was very useful, but I did not expect that the original sin equipment also had this effect. Naturally, the laziness of the original sin was immediately replaced!

Now Xiao Feng's 4 rings are all artifacts! And all are parts of the original sin set!

The ring of space was put in the backpack by Xiao Feng. He still cannot do without the effect of the ring of space. Both the storage space and the skills of space movement are extremely practical.

Fortunately, the replacement of the ring of space will not affect the use. It is enough to wear it again when it is needed. It is not troublesome.

"Do you want to give you a ring? The quality of the fairy, I have been using it before."

The ring of space had to be kept, but the ring of rock was useless, so Xiao Feng asked Liu Qiangwei.


Liu Qiangwei didn't hesitate at all, but his tone still had a quick taste.

Xiao Feng didn't care, so she threw the rock ring to her, and then saw Liu Qiangwei wearing the rock ring on the ring finger of her left hand with a slight blush.

"I put the magic crystal stone in the warehouse of the dark city. How much do you need to take it yourself? I'm going to do the task."

Soaring attributes of Xiao Feng can't wait to test his injury. After leaving a word to Liu Qiangwei, he hurriedly took out the dark city and returned to the city scroll to disappear.

Liu Qiangwei did not answer, but stared at her left ring finger slightly, and after reaction, Xiao Feng could no longer see her figure.

Xiao Feng first went to the warehouse of the city's main palace, and kept the magic crystal stone in it, and then went to the holy city to find the goddess of light and hand in the task. Then he successfully got the sixth scroll of the seal land!

Devil's Seal Land Teleport Scroll!

I looked at the time, it was more than 5 pm, and it was time for dinner, but Xiao Feng was not in the mood to eat dinner at the moment. After sending a message that dinner did not have to wait for him, Xiao Feng could not wait to use the transmission directly. reel.

The Desire Desire is a succubus, also a 65-level mythical boss. Not only is she fascinating in appearance, she is also the same size as the human form, and the difficulty factor is not surprising!

But Xiao Feng was very relaxed when dealing with her. Rather than relaxing, it was better to enjoy, enjoy the thrill of fighting, and even the skills were useless. Just by the ordinary attack of the hammer of the Holy Spirit, it was cut one by one. Her health!

The huge long-handled hook sickle danced into a roulette in Xiao Feng's hands, spinning, spinning continuously, knife-by-knife cutting on the boss, and the divine damage of -2520 kept floating.

I do n’t know if it ’s the reason for the substantial enhancement of the attribute, or it has broken the shackles of the human body and entered the relationship of the innate realm. The original sin boss, which should be more and more difficult to deal with, Xiao Feng felt more relaxed than before. , Is completely enjoying the thrill of fighting!

And Xiao Feng also found a magical use of the Holy Gavel. The Holy Ghost already had an attribute to increase the attack distance. After the Holy Ghost forged 10, this attribute was directly expanded, and there was no need to directly cut on the target. The distance was half. It can cause damage within meters, as if the sickle blade has grown invisible by half a meter. Let Xiao Feng feel very comfortable.

It took only 3 hours to solve the ecstasy demon. If it was not Xiao Feng who was enjoying this blow, without using any skills, this time would be infinitely reduced.

"Ding! The Desire Desire disappeared, the seal space has been opened, and the rewind scroll can be used normally."

With the system sound, the 6th original sin equipment also fell into the hands of Xiao Feng, an earring.

Lust for original sin

Quality: Artifact

Equipment level: None

Equipment requirements: None

Equipment parts: earrings


700 HP

Magic value 700

Lust: Passive-restores 4 maximum health and maximum magic value per second

Original Sin: Passive-Each time the holder equips an additional original sin equipment, the recovery effect is increased by 1, up to 10

Magic: Passive-After collecting 7 pieces of original sin equipment, trigger the set attribute

This is a recovery equipment, the recovery effect is very abnormal! Not only does it reply by percentage, but the maximum reply volume per second reaches 10! Definitely worthy of the name of the artifact!

While hitting the iron while it was hot, Xiao Feng naturally could not wait to get the last one, and he planned to put together the original sin suit tonight.

Continue to go to the holy city to pay the mission, even the goddess of light looked at Xiao Feng a few more times, and then gave him the final scroll of the seal land.

Jealous monster seal land teleport scroll!

Without hesitation, Xiao Feng is very confident now, even if it is the last strongest original sin demon, it is not a matter of concern to him, so he directly teleported in.


With the white light passing away, the scene in his eyes surprised Xiao Feng.

He has already killed 6 original sin demons, and naturally he will not be unfamiliar with the environment of the seal land, but the place where he appears at this moment is not the border space of the seal land at all, but another place!


By the end of the month, although a little cheeky, but still ask for a few months ... qaq ......

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