MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 511 Game anchor

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"How can I make money by forging and forging"

When Xiao Feng heard it, he was interested. He was not short of the money. He was mainly interested in forging. Isn't it necessary to forge it?

"Milk God, this bag forging is actually very simple. For example, if you want a weapon of 7, if the quality is gold, you only need to pay for it. I will set the price and I will guarantee to forge it for you. No matter how many pieces are broken, the price will be paid by me. Of course, it will cost you the money you gave me, until it is successfully forged to 7, if I have good luck, I will make a profit. Take it, anyway, you will be given a 7 weapon. "

Akihabara evening wind excitedly explained that mainly after the appearance of the milk god, the number of viewers in his live broadcast room has begun to increase continuously, making him overjoyed.

"It's a bit interesting, can there be other parts of the gold quality package?"

Xiao Feng nodded clearly, and then continued to ask, because the cost of forging is not low, ordinary players are generally forging weapons, which can increase both attack power and attributes, and the cost performance is higher than other parts of the equipment, but Xiao Feng It must be forged all over the body.

"Of course, but for the fairy, I can pack up to 4, and the price is the protection stone. I dare to pack the artifact, but up to 3, the higher the equipment quality, the lower the success rate, and in case I go up again If you lose, you ca n’t afford it. "

Qiuye Wanfeng said that in fact, after his live broadcast of the second full service event, he has already risen in popularity and became a big anchor with a low income, but he ca n’t afford to pay the price of a fairy or an artifact. .

After all, in addition to the cost of each forging, each time you fail to consume a protective stone, and today's protective stone prices have also risen, rising to 15,000 per piece.

"Too low." Xiao Feng shook his head after listening.

"I don't know how much equipment the milk **** wants to pack. Since it's your list, I can also try it"

Akihabara evening wind gritted his teeth and watched the popularity of reaching the peak again in the live broadcast room, still asked cruelly.

Because his popularity has continued to decline since the second full service event, and just a few minutes today, there is a trend of reappearance. Obviously, these people are directed at the milk god, or the milk **** Come with the equipment.

The first person in the full service list, what equipment and what attributes are brought, I believe that no player is not curious. This is the case in the live broadcast of the autumn leaves evening wind, and there have been countless barrage, all asking him to pack Milk God's equipment, and then show them the attributes.

So the autumn leaves evening wind gritted their teeth and decided to come to a big one, the big deal was to lose some money to earn popularity.

"How much does it cost to pack this weapon to 10"

Xiao Feng took out the 7 Hammer of the Holy Spirit and asked, mainly because the forging was quite time-consuming. He still has so much equipment to buy. If the price is reasonable, he can also let him fall. Xiao Feng is not afraid that Qiu Ye Wan Feng will black his equipment and run away. He is more confident in watching people.

"I see what I wipe"

Qiuye Wanfeng just wanted to reach out, but he saw the attributes of the Holy Ghost before he touched the Holy Ghost. His hands shook suddenly, and he shrank back as if bitten by a snake. "Milk, milk god, I dare not wrap this, I dare not wrap it"

Autumn leaves evening wind is not only the voice trembling, but also he feels his legs are soft, is this the weapon of the milk god? The artifact is not unexpected, the attributes are powerful and not surprising, but actually forged 7 forged artifacts By the 7th, I recently received countless autumn leaves forging the list, and I deeply know the difficulty of this

"Is this lying trance's weapon a true Nima pervert?"

"The artifact milk **** who forged 7 is this ready to rush to 10"

"Don't listen to what the **** of milk just said, just to blast 10 is estimated to be stimulated by the war king's 10 weapons"

"How much does it cost? It is said that the war king's weapon, from 7 to 10, used nearly 100 pieces of protection stones. You have to know that the protection stones have risen to 15,000, which is equivalent to smashing. 1.5 million go in "

"Money is not a problem yet. There is definitely no shortage of money for the god-class net worth. The problem is that the protection stone has a price and no market. It was originally produced less, and it was hoarded by countless merchants waiting for price increases It ’s hard to buy. "

"Don't take the anchor, you can't afford the list of the milk god, we don't force the anchor."

"Yes, the milk **** must be on your own. You can broadcast the forging results of the milk **** to us."

This time, even the audience in the live broadcast room no longer forced Qiu Yewanfeng, they were also terrified, and they persuaded Qiuye Wanfeng not to joke, do n’t think about it, the milk **** ’s equipment is not he can afford .

"I will do it myself."

Xiao Feng doesn't mind, after all, the success rate is even higher, so he sits cross-legged next to the forging furnace and prepares to start forging. Here, it is convenient to exchange the magic crystal for protection stone later.

However, because of the yelling of the autumn leaves evening wind before, the anchors around the forging furnace also found the existence of Xiao Feng, and suddenly surrounded them, and countless camera elves also aimed at Xiao Feng.

Because they found that the equipment on the live broadcast of Xiao Feng was much more popular than their own live forging.

Xiao Feng didn't pay attention to them at first, but started to forge his own, took out the 7 hammer of the Holy Spirit, and began to impact 10.

"Hey milk **** does not use forging furnace"

"Is the milk **** actually forging this skill in his original life skills? Do I have to learn it wherever I learn?"

"I don't know, it must have spread if I knew it."

"The milk **** must know, who dares to ask"

"Don't die, I haven't seen the milk **** have failed more than 30 times in a row, are you in a bad mood now"

Yes, Xiao Feng didn't pay attention to the others at first, but when he failed 30 times from 7 to 8 in a row and did not succeed, he felt something was wrong.

After another 10 protection stones, that is, 40 pieces, Xiao Feng stopped temporarily. He frowned, remembering something he had ignored.

That's the luck of Batu, but the person who can fight with Liu Qiangwei on the front does not fall below, which is also a supernatural character with super common sense, and he can reach 10 with only 80 protective stones.

So to switch to Xiao Feng, with his luck, he actually lost 30 straight games in the period from 7 to 8. In this way, I am afraid that these more than 3,000 magic crystal stones are not enough for Xiao Feng, let alone all the equipment. After reaching 10, I am afraid that the new bique on the armor is a big problem.

So Xiao Feng could only be forced to stop, thinking about how to put on the equipment, would it be impossible to call for help, or wait for Liu Qiangwei to practice the forging skill level first.

"It's all spread out, you're blocking my success rate."

Frowned, and saw a group of game anchors still talking about themselves. Xiao Feng rushed people on the spot, but he did not have the hobby of being a monkey.

A group of big and small anchors suddenly shuddered and hurried away, regardless of whether they were upset or not, at least they dared not show up in front of Xiao Feng. The shadow of a person ’s famous tree, can the milk **** offend?

The most is that it does n’t matter to us whether you are not forging or not, and we blame us for blocking your signal.

Originally thought that if everyone was driven away, he could be equipped quietly, but when Xiao Feng was about to continue, another player came to Xiao Feng.

"Don't you live stream"

This is a beautiful female voice, Xiao Feng Wenyan looked up and looked at it, not anyone else, it was the national goddess Chu Mengying.

"What is live" Xiao Feng didn't have a good air.

"It's the hot forging package live broadcast now. If you don't broadcast it, I will start broadcasting. If you want to broadcast it, then give me the package. The 10 protection stones will give me the weapon from 4 to 5."

Chu Mengying said that she came here only, did not see the scene where Xiao Feng had just rushed people, and it was still quite lively here, why no one was there today.

Chu Mengying did come to the live broadcast. For the sake of popularity, she also adjusted the live broadcast time period to the late night when the number of players online was the most, and also caught up with the live broadcast forging heat.

In fact, when she saw Xiao Feng, she gnawed her teeth. This awful guy not only bullied her in public, but also did not know how to pity Xiangxiyu, she also destroyed their union station two days ago. Whenever she thinks about it, she hates Teeth are tickling.

But hate to hate, she can only bury it in her heart, and dare not show it, otherwise she might be insulted. If you know that this guy is the first person in the full service list, in this game world, it is equal to the world ’s first. Alone, how dare she provoke.

And even in the field of live broadcasting that she is best at, if you want to live broadcast, you must first ask if this guy will live broadcast, because in terms of popularity, she is not the opponent of this guy at all, if the live broadcast together, the audience Not many, it might as well not live broadcast.

"I'm not going to live broadcast, what are you waiting, what are you talking about, 10 pieces of protective stones, 4 on 5"

Xiao Feng just wanted to interrupt her impatiently, but stopped after half of the words and asked in an uncertain tone.

"Yeah, I will broadcast it if you don't broadcast it." Chu Mengying hated her teeth, but had to nod her head.

"I broadcast, why don't I broadcast the live broadcast function"

Xiao Feng immediately affirmed that nonsense, although he can't go up to 8, but he is still sure to go up to 5, up to 3 protection stones, that is to say, he can earn at least 7 protection stones for nothing.

He is worried that his protection stone is not enough