MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 4 Can the priest fight?

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"Well... Fengshen?"

Xiao Feng has some tentative questions.

"Aeolus has been occupied, please change the name of the character."

"Wind Shaw."

"The wind is already occupied, please change the name of the character."

"...Hua Wei!"

"Huawei is occupied, please change the name of the role."


"The scorpion is already occupied. Please change the name of the character."

"Your grandfather!"

"Your grandfather is already occupied, please change the name of the character."


"Nima is occupied, please change the name of the character."


Xiao Feng looked speechless, but suddenly thought of something, biting his teeth and breaking a word from his mouth.


"The role name ‘爹’ is available, are you sure to create it?”


Xiao Feng’s face smirked.

"People ‘爹’ is established successfully! Next, it will scan the basic attributes of the player. There may be some discomfort in the process. Please be patient!”

A property panel appears in front of Xiao Feng, and the five basic attributes are followed by question marks. In addition, there are three hidden attributes below. Except for the savvy because the human talent is 1, the charm and luck are 0.

"Scan is successful! The initial power is 10!"

The question mark after the power attribute suddenly becomes 10, followed by a parenthesis (average is 5, maximum is 10!)

"Scan is successful! The initial physique is 10 points!"

"Scan is successful! Initial agility is 10!"

"Scan is successful! The initial intelligence is 10!"

"Scan is successful! The initial spirit is 10!"

Xiao Feng is dumb, watching his five basic attributes are actually full, and there are some accidents.

“Hey! Since the basic properties of the player exceed the average, please choose whether to open free mode?”

"Free mode?" Xiao Feng stunned, but for the first time I heard about this feature, even if I have not seen it when I browsed the official website. It seems that this hidden function can only be triggered when certain conditions are met.

"The operation mode of "Myth" is divided into system mode and free mode. In the system mode, the system will automatically aim at the target when the player uses the skill, but there will be no system correction in the free mode!"

The pleasing female voice patiently explained that Xiao Feng's brow was slightly wrinkled, and he thought about it. Since it was triggered by certain conditions, it was definitely a special function, so he chose the free mode.

"The basic attribute scan is successful. Each player will get 5 free attribute points. Please choose to assign now or enter the game and assign it yourself?"

"After entering the game, let's allocate it."

Xiao Feng thought for a moment, he didn't know much about the pastor profession, and now he doesn't know how to assign attributes.

"Next, please choose the degree of pain experience, the selection interval is 5%-50%. Tip: Because the intense pain will stimulate the player's mental fluctuations, it is recommended to choose the degree of reduction."

"Of course it is 5%."

Xiao Feng didn't think about it. He didn't like being abused.

“Hey! The character was created successfully! Did you enter the game?”

Only the human priests created by Xiao Feng were left in the hall, and the pleasing female voice said.

"enter the game!"

"Hey! It’s a failure to enter the game! There are still 28 minutes left to start the game from Myth!"

In front of a black, Xiao Feng was kicked out, took off the game helmet, Xiao Feng was speechless, but did not expect to just create a character and actually used it for so long, now it is 11:30 in the evening.

"Stupid... stupid brother!"

Xiao zero has fallen asleep on the sofa on the other side, like a kitten, curled up into a ball, cute biting his fingers, and his mouth is still unconsciously whispered.

Xiao Feng shook his head and laughed. He hugged Xiaoqi back to her bedroom and took the game helmet to his room. For this game that caused his interest, Xiao Feng also looked forward to it. After browsing the information for a while, look at the official website. Time is about to open, and I can't wait to wear a helmet.

"Hey! There are still 5 seconds from the start of the game! Please be patient!"





“Hey! Welcome to the mythical world! You have been randomly assigned to No. 9191 Novice Village! I wish you a happy game!”


The huge snoring almost drowned Xiao Feng. With the screen switching, Xiao Feng has appeared in the crowded village of the crowd. There are still players wearing cloth in the white light, and soon it will be unsettled. The myth is hot. The degree can be seen in general.

"Let's let it go, let's make it! Don't block it!"

"I rub! Who step on my foot! Don't push!"

"Ah! Rogue!"

The big novice village plaza is completely a crowded scene at this moment. The noise is deafening, mixed with humming sounds. From time to time, there are several thunders falling from the sky, killing several male players who accidentally encounter female players.

Xiao Feng almost struggled to squeeze out from the crowd, mainly to be careful not to encounter female players, otherwise the system punishment is not a joke, the female players in the pile of people are completely humanoid bombs, the front A few buddies are the lessons of the past.

Looking into the distance, even if Xiao Feng has been psychologically prepared for the realistic game scene in the official website, but the clear blue sky above the head, the fresh air that can not be covered by the crowd, and the antique novice village architecture, or Xiao Xiao The wind could not help but praise.

“It’s a true virtual world that claims to be 99% true. It’s just that the environment is the second world!”

Difficult to cross the crowded novice village square, around the wind and physical strength of Xiao Feng, he also wants to follow the basic information given by the official website, to find a few npc in the novice village to pick up the novice task, but In this way, the village is already being smashed, and watching the scene of more overcrowding, Xiao Feng immediately numbs his scalp.

"Forget it."

Xiao Feng chooses to recognize it, or wait for someone to come back and do the novice task.

Although the village of Novice Village is called the village, it is also very big. Xiaofeng, who has no choice but to give up, recognizes the direction in the crowd and then walks outside the village. Obviously, there are quite a few players who plan to go with Xiaofeng, and players who go outside the novice village. It is also a crowd.

The novice players dressed in white and white cloth are the same for men and women. Many people have already got wooden swords and swords in their hands. Xiao Feng also opened his own backpack, and there is also a novice weapon inside. In addition, it is empty. One piece.

Novice stick

Equipment type: two-hand blunt

Equipment level: 0

Equipment grade: none

Equipment needs: none


Physical attack: 0-1

It’s a dispensable attribute, but Xiao Feng still puts it in his hands. With a move of thought, he has a thick wooden stick on his hand, like a baseball bat, with a thick head and a thin shape, but than a baseball. The stick was a little longer. Originally, it was like a wand, holding the neck end with one hand, but Xiao Feng’s wave was always uncomfortable, so he held the end with a stick.

This is much easier.

Looked at the other equipment on the body, in addition to the novice stick, there are only three sets of novice cloth, trousers, and cloth shoes on the body. It is also a whiteboard attribute. The three pieces add up to a total of 3 points of defense, which is better than nothing. .

Novice equipment has nothing to look at, Xiao Feng opened his own property panel and looked at it.

Character: 爹

Level: 0

Occupation: Trainee Pastor

Health: 70/70

Mana value: 70/70

Physical attack power: 10-11

Magic attack power: 10-10

Physical defense: 5-8

Magic Defence: 5-5

Basic properties:

Strength: 10

Constitution: 10

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 10

Spirit: 10

Remaining freely assignable attribute points: 5

Vocational skills: none

Life skills: none

In addition to the initial 50 points of the player's basic attributes in addition to the health and mana, other items are fixed with the basic attributes, Xiao Feng is still satisfied with his panel.

"Fast! There is another chicken over there! Come and grab it!"

At this moment, Xiao Feng has left the novice village to reach the entrance of the village. Here is the refreshing point of the novice level 1 mobs. It is basically a poultry or something. It has no attacking power. It is suitable for novice players to level up. At this moment, it has been filled by the players. .

Watching the crowds of people, holding the wooden sword and chasing the chicken flying dog jumping scene, basically a mob just refreshed will be drowned by a group of players, Xiao Feng is a bitter cold, chose to bypass the village mouth, toward Go outside.

There are some mobs near the novice village, but the higher the level from the novice village, the higher the level of attack, the more aggressive, the front can see a lot of people, the more backward, you can only see scattered players.

Obviously the blame here is already very dangerous, the novice players have not set foot, and all that can be reached here are masters or small groups that make up the team.

"Is that person sick? Just one person dare to go forward? I don't know if the front is a refresh level of the 5th level monster! But it will actively attack the player!"

"Maybe it is a great god, hey, how is he holding a stick? Is there a novice weapon is a stick profession?"

"Is it a staff? It's not like that, the staff is not so short."

"I rub, it is a scepter, he is a pastor!"

"What? Do you want to be so wonderful? Can the priest be able to fight?"

"It seems that I am not young, I guess I have never played online games."

Although there are fewer and fewer players, there are still many people who have noticed Xiao Feng.

However, Xiao Feng did not pay attention to it. Whoever said that the pastor could not blame, he continued to move forward until he could not see the figure at all.


The novice village is completely invisible here. It is the outer periphery of a forest. The wild monsters have also turned from wild animals such as bison and wild sheep to a wild wolf that is dangerous.

"Just here."

Since there is no newbie task, and I haven't learned the life skills of reconnaissance, Xiao Feng doesn't know the level and attributes of these wolves. I have to try it first.

"The wild attack of active attack? It seems to have exceeded 5 levels."

Xiao Fenggang approached a gray wolf, and the gray wolf took the initiative to scream at Xiao Feng and immediately rushed over.

In the limited information introduction of the official website, the mobs under the 5th level of the novice village will not actively attack the players, which is also to take care of the novice players.


The gray wolf's head is not small, full of half a person high, plus realistic shape, the scene of opening a **** mouth is really powerful.

However, Xiao Feng was not afraid. Although he was only level 0, the grey wolf took a step back and let the gray wolf fall to the ground. At the same time, he picked up the wooden stick in his hand and slammed it on the gray wolf. .


There was a muffled sound of "梆", and a gray number of injuries was on the gray wolf's head. At the same time, the gray wolf's blood volume also appeared, and there were 70 points.

Xiao Feng is full of face, although he can play, but after all, he is only 0, even if the basic attributes are high, the damage is too low.



The gray wolf slammed and did not stop, and Xiao Xiaofeng did not pay attention to another claw sweeping on Xiao Feng, and immediately the life value of Xiao Feng dropped to the naked eye.

Xiao Feng was shocked, no longer distracted, and continued to pick up the stick to knock on the gray wolf.


It is still hurting and not hurting. A Xiaofeng who has escaped from the gray wolf biting sideways is sour, but suddenly thinks about it and quickly opens his own property panel.

Remaining freely assignable attribute points: 5

"All assigned to power!"

Sure enough, Xiao Feng found a free attribute point that had not been assigned, and immediately added 5 points of power without hesitation. Suddenly, Xiao Feng felt the damage increased.

Physical attack power: 15-16



Another stick is on the gray wolf, although the damage is still not high, but it is much better than before.

Read The Duke's Passion