MTL - Don’t Be Jealous, I Will Bend Myself-Chapter 45 Fairy doll x pretty nun (ten)

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The tub is not too big, only the adult's hand is so thick, just enough for the baby doll to sit in the bath, but now Ke is growing up from this, so how to see this scene with.

Ke's heart is complicated, he wants to die and wants to die immediately.

If she dies like this, she can reduce her shame. She has to wonder if the world is deliberately doing everything with her. She just raised her image. In the next second, life has made such a joke with her.

Before the body was soaked in warm water, plus a milk doll, so the two small feet are placed on the edge of the tub, Ke Li also has no shame.

Now, when this sudden growth, not only allows the water to cover only part of the position, but other places are all exposed to the unclear eyes, and the two short short legs suddenly become long legs, so it is like a "丫" shape. It is unclear that the place where the girl is unique and the mosaic is so unclear.

Ke is away from "..."

Unlike in a dream, she can have no face and no skin in her dreams, and she can slap her own enchanting and attacking people.

Enchanting, attacking, changing, milk, doll attack

Still giving the female host a second to grow up

Ke’s determination to die from his heart was once again firm.

Because the tub was not enough to pretend to be the present, Ke Li had to try to slowly recover the limbs outside the tub. The water in the tub followed with her movements. The picture was very strong, but it was also very shameful. .

Ke Li felt that time was still. She didn't dare to look at the unknown when she looked down. She didn't dare to make too much movement until she finally retracted herself in a small tub and had a little sense of security.

Ke was in the tub, arms around his knees to cover the key points, and then looked at him unrecognizable.

"..." Unexplained has never thought that the milk doll that has been hard to raise for more than three months will be a monster, and it is still a monster who is not serious in his dreams and has been seduce himself.

She automatically dismissed the unspeakable picture she just saw, and then looked away from the shy face, and from the wet eyes, she saw guilty, shy and other emotions.

Seeing that Ke did not talk for a long time, and did not explain it. He did not open his eyes without expression, and then did nothing like anything. He went outside to take the mop and began to deal with the water that came out.

During this period, Ke Li was like being settled. He was squatting in the tub. Looking at the unspoken every move, she didn't dare to move, because with a little movement, the water in the basin would spread again. It will not be clear again and it will be re-processed.

I didn't know if I was going to take a shower after I finished it. I thought that Ke was not the milk doll that I didn't understand. She took off her clothes and finally wiped her face. It was just empty. Go out to meditate at the place where you came out.

Ke is away from "..."

Unclearly closed the eyes and knocked the wooden fish, the Ke in the tub was just sleeping, and the soul came directly to the wooden fish.

The top of the head was knocked by "?n?n?n", Ke can feel that the unclear is angry, because the strength of knocking down is much heavier than the original, and she knocks down for a long time, she has no doubt that her baldness will be Knocked concave.

After turning into a wooden fish, Ke Li can look at his own body in the tub with a new perspective. The shame is more bursting. The hand that she holds on her knees is not blocked. Instead, she has a half-covering feeling.

Ke Li did not look at it. He only felt that if he had not finished knocking out his skin, he had to give it to his wrinkles. She knew that she would not be pitiful, and she would not be ashamed, and would come out of the water earlier.

However, it is not clear that I have not only knocked for half an hour tonight, but I have knocked an hour in the middle of the night. Anyway, the yard she lives in is independent and will not quarrel with other people.

When I didn't open my eyes, those who just saw the picture had become blank. However, when I saw that Ke was still sitting in the tub, the original white skin had already had a layer of goose bumps. The picture went into her mind again.

Unexplained eyes suddenly cold up, want to open mouth to say something, and become silent, and eventually she put down her childishness, but helplessly "you come out."

After Ke returned to his body, he was also shaken by the cold water in the tub.

When she heard the unclear words, she stood up and the water in the tub naturally sprinkled again. Ke did not think about hiding where it was, or where it was not covered, directly listening to the unknown. Unclear and no feelings, "Where come, where do you come from?"

"..." Ke was stunned in an instant. She was like a child who made a mistake. She did not say a word, silently rubbing her body with a dry towel.

Not only wrinkled in the water, but also a little white, she did not want to use the technique, but did not dare to ask for unclear clothes, can only secretly change clothes for myself, decided to be less unknown in the future In front of the use of the technique, and then reloading the tragic unclear to leave yourself.

At this time, it was not clear that the rosary, the scriptures, and the wooden fish had been packed and slept in bed. She lay directly on the outermost side, effectively preventing the intention of Ke to climb onto her bed.

"..." Ke left to clean the water on the ground, and stood on the edge of the bed, looking at the eyes that had not been closed, completely ignored what he meant, and she looked at where she used to sleep, before yesterday. I am very envious of myself.

Ke has been away from the station for too long. Unexplained has been watched by the gaze, and the heart that has calmed for twenty years suddenly becomes extremely irritating.

Thinking of Ke is a monster, she continues to sleep, but the milk dolls around these days have become a habit, suddenly a single person can make her sleep at half point.

After about half an hour, I didn’t know that Ke had a slight cough. Although I don’t know if the monster would catch a cold, she couldn’t sleep anymore. She shrank her body into the bed and whispered But I don't want to stick to me, I don't want to enter my dreams."

In fact, she has been waiting for Ke to explain, but Ke seems to have suddenly lost all courage. It is not as arrogant and shameless as it used to be in her own dreams. So far, I have never said a word, let alone Said to be an explanation.

When Ke heard the unclear words, it seemed as if he had received an order. He slammed into the bed that had not been warmed up. In fact, she did not dare to overstep the case without an unclear reminder.

The reason why she dared to do what she wanted before was because she was only a stranger in her unclear eyes, and she was still a monster, but now she is falling, and the situation is naturally different.

She is clear about the unidentified temper, although the face is not obvious, the tone is still so easygoing, but she knows that she is not sulking.

Once a gentle person has been angry, it is very terrible. If you are a little bit overwhelmed, it is definitely to be blacklisted. She can only play tricks now, stay and talk.

The two people were in bed like this, without the closeness of the past, and did not say a word.

Unexplained, although I still mourn the embarrassment, but when I think of that is not really embarrassing, but a monster who is waiting for her own opportunity, she will not have that thought.

The **** is different, she can not clearly know that Ke Li is not in the wrong position, but also left people.

Since Ke is going to die, it is impossible to leave. Anyway, she will become a milk doll in the daytime, and she will always be able to lie on her.

When I think about it, Ke Li feels that when he forgets the child, it is not a big deal to suddenly drop the horse. The big deal is that a certain plot is ahead of schedule, but it is just a shameful way of falling.

Ke was too shameful to dare to ask how much the peas are worth, how much intimacy, because she knows that peas must sneak at her in a corner.


Since the host thinks about it, it will come out with a soy sauce.

Until the middle of the night, Ke Li felt that she had not fallen asleep since she was unclear. She worried that she would not be more mentally ill tomorrow, and she took a nap to let her sleep.

Unexplained, without a dream, when I wake up to sleep naturally, the sun has already entered through the gap in the window.

Thinking of the last night, she suddenly opened her eyes, and then turned around and looked around, there was no such attractive face, and Ke Li became a milk doll.

Because yesterday's clothes were changed, the current Ke Li is the most primitive state of fat hands. At first glance, the whole body is flesh, this is a healthy milk doll.

"荼荼" did not know how to whisper, even want to touch it. Is this true? As a result, the hand just reached the halfway and then withdrew. The scene of yesterday did not forget.

Unexplained to get out of bed to deal with things, the morning class has been delayed by her, she can only wash and say, Ke lying in bed to hear the movement, but also closed his eyes, subconsciously shouted "Master, to pee. ”

Going to the toilet every morning is the existence of the circadian clock from these days. After she shouted, she realized that she had lost her horse yesterday. Her face burned red and she sneaked at the side.

"..." Unexplained did not give any reaction, just staring at Ke Li, as if to see what she was going to do, and finally said with no expression, "You should leave."


First, regardless of leaving, Ke is really urgency, she turned up and sat up, wants to wear clothes for herself, and then I remembered that my little short hands were short and fat, and I couldn’t wear clothes at all. Looking at the eyes unclear.

If you don’t see the right, you don’t see it.

"..." Compared to wearing clothes, Ke Li still feels that it is more urgent to go to the toilet first, so there is no clothes. Anyway, she has no body, no face, no face, no milk doll with a soft body. .

Ke wanted to jump directly from the bed. As a result, she was always hugged by an unidentified person. Now she is standing at the bed and looking down. She feels that the height of the bed from the ground is as high as a cliff.

Ke is away from "..."

Do you want to use it or not?

As a result, it was not clear that Ke Li slowly extended a small short leg, explored at the bedside, and was afraid to fall down. He suddenly took it back. However, it seemed that he was urgency, and she once again stretched out. The legs came, and then the body was unstable. It was planted directly from the bed and made a "beep" sound. By the way, a few rolls were made on the floor.

I didn’t know what else to do next, and I rushed to pick up Ke, and I’m nervous. “Hey, you’re fine.”

"Master, pain" Ke is screaming, it seems to be crying soon, she is sympathetic for Bo, it is useless for half of the spell, it is actually hit down on the ground, the head is afraid to grow a big bag.

This baldness and baldness are all ready to become gourd.

After turning into a milk doll, those things that are not easy to do in adulthood dare to make it directly. Ke said and said, his eyes were filled with tears.

"Where is the pain, Master gives you a jealousy." Unexpectedly groaning and thinking of Ke’s departure from yesterday, only when Ke Li was cheating himself, how could a monster fall from the bed and even fall down? It is also impossible to get hurt.

She wanted to throw Ke away directly, and was afraid of smashing the small head of the seeds. She threw Ke away back to the bed and coldly said, "Ke Li, has been playing me very fun?"

Ke is away from "..."

She finally got out of bed and she threw it back.

Ke's small face groaned, and his voice changed abruptly. "Master, I didn't play you, I really want to pee."

"..." It is not clear that Qi Ke left this time, but also to dig into the air, Hu is quite entangled, she does not want to care about her.

As a result, I saw that Ke was shrinking on the bed, two small short legs were overlapping, and the body shivered, and her face could not hold her expression. She was really afraid that Ke would be so urinating in bed. After all, what is this? The monsters that are all done.

Ke Li felt that his bladder was almost unbearable.

"Master, I have no magic spells during the day." Ke Li decided to scream first, and continued to lick his own shun milk dolls during the day, otherwise she would have to be driven away sooner or later, although it was not kind, but it was weak. You can win sympathy.

I didn’t know what to look at and left to see. It’s not like installing Ke. I’ll be suspicious of “You can’t go back”

Yesterday, it’s not quite a good thing.

Ke is biting his teeth and "can't go back."

She can't keep up.

"..." Seeing that Ke said this time is true. If he did not know how to get rid of Ke, he would rush out. As a result, she only supported Ke’s **** and held the person in her arms. A hot liquid has flowed out.


She has long said that Ke will soon pee her arms.

Ke is away from "..."

In ancient times, Han Xin’s humiliation was insulted. Sima Qian was forced to be sentenced to death. Now she has to leave her in the arms of the woman in order to complete the task. This is not shameful, not shameful.

Still let her die directly.

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