MTL - Don’t Be Jealous, I Will Bend Myself-Chapter 41 Fairy doll x pretty nun (six)

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Unclear and quiet dust sisters, you yell at me, I am jealous of you, the last two are red-faced.

Ke is not a normal milk doll. Even if it is really a milk doll, she can't find it in this empty nunnery. The reason why she pretends to have fun is just to make herself look like a child. So as not to be suspicious, but did not expect to hear the unruly two sisters discussing the problem of milk.

Even if she is given her milk, she will not drink it?

She is not so casual.

Ke was afraid that he was not sure about finding milk for himself. He ran over with his short legs and interrupted the conversation between the two. He was ready to take his serious female host away from this specially-made smug-sister.

"Master, I want to sleep." After the urinary sputum, Ke Li has another excuse to escape from the scene - to sleep.

Anyway, she is a milk doll, and she can do whatever she wants, as long as she doesn't do anything that is especially like an adult.

I didn’t know why I stopped the topic, and no matter where I could find the milk, anyway, she only felt embarrassed. She knelt down and took Ke away, and then looked at the spirit of Ke’s spirit and wondered: “Hey, so early. Are you sleepy?"

"Yeah." Ke Li was pretending to have a big yawn, and turned his head and looked at the red dust on his face. "You can see you again."

Jing Chen smiled and said, "I don't know, "Sister, take your nap to take a nap."

"Yeah." Unknown to bring Ke away to the room, I saw that Ke is still very spirited, and there is no half-sleepiness on her face. She wants to blame Ke for deceiving her, and she feels that the child is still young and will teach slowly later.

Unexplained, he reached out and touched the naked head of Ke, and he said with anxiety: "Hey, how can you grow up?"

"..." Ke Lizhen wanted to say that it was not long to be touched. Unfortunately, she couldn’t say such a milk doll. In order to avoid this problem, she simply pointed to the bed and said: "Unknown, sleep."

Unknown, there is no blame for Ke to not call his master, but just what she meant, took her to the bed, covered her with a quilt, and said: "Hey, sleep well, don't kick the quilt."

"Yeah." Ke closed his eyes and began to sleep. I imagined in my mind what I looked like when I grew up. Is it a beautiful and royal sister? Or is it like a knife-cut iceberg beauty? Anyway, as long as it is not a milk doll look like it.

Ke left to sleep while thinking, and gradually fell asleep, she did not know how long she slept until she was woken up by an unidentified voice.

"Oh, it should be awake."

Ke opened his eyes and thought that he could sleep until tomorrow night, and he could change his body. When the woman is worried, it is not a problem that grows up, but how she suddenly grew up.

However, she did not respond, she saw a rare red face on the unclear face, her eyes were a little dodged, as if she had done something wrong, and then she was held up by her ass.

Ke's chubby hand clung to the unexplained neck, confused his eyes, confused, apparently not fully awake from his sleep, she shouted milk: "Master?"

"It's me, hey, I'll take you to eat good things."

"..." Ke Li suddenly had an ominous premonition. Her sleepiness was gone, and she looked around with vigilance.

The woman’s intuition was right. Ke was taken unidentified to a room specially prepared for the pilgrim. There was a fat woman sitting inside. The woman wore simple coarse cloth and was very good. The typical bucket waist. A pair of max milk is coming out.

Ke Li: "..."

When the woman saw Ke, she smiled and let Ke leave the feeling of being turned into a thief's nest. The little chubby hands were more clasped to the unidentified neck.

The woman looked at Ke and looked at it. He did not know clearly: "Unknown Master, your apprentice is really handsome, but unfortunately there is no hair. I heard that she is still a girl? Is she not cold?"

Ke Li: "..."

Please, she is the apprentice of the nun, even if she has hair now, she will be shaved in the future.

The woman later realized that she was running off the subject, and she ran very badly. She was busy patted her chest and said to her unclear: "My family grew up drinking my milk, and now it is growing again. Fat and strong, the little master must have grown taller."

"..." Ke left to know what to do next, and holding the unidentified chubby manually to move, he must jump down and run.

Unexplained, he stopped Ke's hands and feet, and handed her to the woman's arms, blushing: "There is a laborer."

In fact, when she talked about this topic with Jing Chen, she also felt very ashamed, but in order to let Ke Li grow up healthily, she still found the woman who was in the Pu milk period and planned to give Ke away a good job. "nutrition.

The strange embrace made Ke Yi more want to escape. As a result, the woman often did farm work, and her hands were very strong. She easily shackled her in the wide arms and smiled and said: "The little master does not want to move, I must take you. It’s chubby.”

Ke Li: "..." Help!

When the woman said that she opened the clothes, Ke did not react. The face was pressed on an oversized softness. She kicked two small short legs and struggled. As a result, the **** was forced to shoot two. Next, the pain opened his mouth, and finally succumbed to reality, his eyes filled with tears, and he sucked up.

"Doudou, I don't want to live, you must not stop me, let me die!"

Peas pretend that nothing has been seen, comforting said: [The host is not discouraged, optimistic, these you can revenge on the woman's body later. 】

"..." Ke bites his teeth and cuts his teeth. "You are such a small ghost. Why don't you try it yourself?"

Since the task, her shame has been refreshed. There is no shame, only shame. As a result, Peas still stands and talks without hurting. It is really mad!

[The host wants to open, anyway, you are almost a female host. 】

"..." Ke couldn't help but want to swear, and have the ability to let the woman personally come to the milk, she must not refuse.

Ke had tears in his eyes, and he added the nutrition with tears and tears. The woman released the hand behind her and smiled at the uncle. "Children are like this. When you are not obedient, you can listen to it after a few strokes."

"..." Unexpectedly looked at the pain, busy taking Ke away, screaming at the crying milk doll, said: "Thank you for the donor."

There are quite a few women who have saved Ke’s sense of accomplishment. It’s not a big deal, and he asked thoughtfully: “I don’t know Master, can I still use it tomorrow? My sister-in-law can eat now, don’t drink milk, feed small Master is enough."

Unexplained that Ke had just reacted, just hesitant, he would not speak for a while, and Ke was so murderous from the milk, with a cry: "No."

Unclear: "That will not be for the time being. Afterwards, there will be places where you are bothered by the donors. I will certainly not be polite."

"Good." The woman left with a smile.

Ke Ke has been crying, not she wants to cry, it is too wrong, she does not want to drink milk, and does not want to drink milk in front of the woman, the result ... and the woman’s slap played really Pain is the tears that flow out of it.

Too bully!

Ke Li wiped his tears all over the unidentified clothes, and then sulking with a cold face.

The **** female owner, she must revenge after she grows up!

"Hey?" Unexpectedly, Ke felt that he had a lot of resentment against himself. He seemed to be self-defeating. She saw that Ke did not talk for a long time, and she took the man to the bed and found the small one of the powder carving jade. Face, explain to myself: "You can grow up quickly when you drink."

"..." Ke left the body silently.

"I haven't drank it since I was a child. Master used to feed me with rice soup." Unexplained to talk about his own misfortunes without any scruples, in fact, she did not know whether she had ever drunk milk, anyway, as long as she could fool this Little ancestors will do.

It is a pity that Ke is not so flickering, she still does not speak, and even her eyes are not given to an unknown one.

"..." I didn't know that there was a big head. Is this getting rid of this little person?

Until the night to sleep, Ke Li is still unhappy, in fact, the taste is also good, that is... she is so big and still drinking milk, just thinking about shame.

Ke is so mad that he wants to be born again, and then does not wear this world. This is simply to challenge her shame. If she goes on like this, how can she live?

No, she wants to grow up, she wants to crush the woman, to revenge.

As soon as I thought about growing up into an adult tomorrow night, Ke Li would sleep with satisfaction. When she was discovered, she was not able to find out what the consequences would be. In her opinion, nothing can be bigger than being forced to drink milk. It is.

Unclear lying in bed, looking at the little face that Ke was sleeping, thinking about going, guessing that Ke is afraid to be shy.

She decided not to stay at the scene next time. In fact, she saw the scene of feeding and felt very shy.

The next day, as usual, he got up early, and Ke Li deliberately didn't get out of bed, licking his urine and sipping his mind to sleep at night.

The result was unclear. After I came back, I saw that Ke couldn’t get out of bed. At first I thought she was sick. After checking it again, I found that the eyes were still turning under the eyes, and they sighed: "Hey, I want to Have you been drinking grandma?"

Ke Li: "..."

If she is forced to drink milk, she really does not want to live!

Ke did not talk to the woman before she decided to grow up. This is the worst woman she has ever seen. She is still forcing her to drink milk. She is already twenty-five, not two and a half years old, nor two. Half a month.

Unexplained and continue to test: "Or do you not like to drink?"

Ke was very serious immediately: "I don't like it."

When she finished, she didn't hear the movement, and she continued to sleep with her legs boring her head. She said that she didn't know her and she didn't want to marry her. She really couldn't help herself.

After a while, I didn’t know where to go to a bowl of warm white thick liquid, and looked at the condensed Ke, and said, “Hey, you don’t even like this?”

Ke left the old smell and smelled the smell of sheep. He knew that he was not really going to drink milk, and he couldn’t help it. He finally climbed out of the bed and looked at the unsmiling smile. He couldn’t bear to refuse, shook his head and said OK, then sandwiched the leg: "Master..."

"..." did not know what to do, then immediately received the gods, and put down the goat's milk, took Ke away to solve the problem, and then came back to wash her hands, and said: "Hey, this drink can grow up, yesterday It’s not good for me, forgetting that we are shy.”

"..." Ke's face was a little red, and he gave his face a little bit of a goat's milk. He remembered that he could grow up at night. Ke was so serious from his face: "Unknown, I will grow up." ”

Unclear smile and echoed: "You can grow up if you drink too much, and grow as big as Master."

"..." Ke did not speak, and the heart said that he must be taller than the female leader, or how to be the general attack?

She said: "I want to grow taller than you."

Unexplained her head: "Then you have to drink more milk."

Unknown is not to fight against Ke, otherwise she is tall and taller than the average woman, and Ke Li as a person who has not had a little movement in three months, unless there is a miracle, or she is certainly not high.

On this day, Ke was asleep more than half, so he passed quickly. When he was a wooden fish in the evening class, he was knocked on his head and Ke left to sleep early.

She really wants to wake up to be an adult. Although the milk doll is good, but there is no freedom, there is no personal freedom to drink anything. Although baldness can be used without washing the hair, every time someone will surround this topic. For a long time, I want to think about it or a beautiful woman with hair.

However, Ke did not think that she really woke up to be an adult, or an adult with no body, her clothes?

The point is that this adult is now pressing on the unknown.

Ke Li: "..."

Should she sleep, or revenge directly?