MTL - Don’t Be a Secretary For a Genius-Chapter 91 president of love

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The car drove into the house on the banks of the Naby River.

Jiang Shengyan's jaw tightened, sitting in the driver's seat motionless, without any intention of getting out of the car.

Jing You had no expression on her face, this was just an ordinary trip home to her.

The clothes on the two of them have changed from couple's sweaters to formal attire. If you just look at the expressions, I am afraid that they are coming to negotiate.

Sit for a while.

"My grandma is not a tiger, what's there to be afraid of?" Jing You frowned.

"I didn't say I was afraid of the chairman." Jiang Sheng said hard.

Jing You: "Sister is really a coward."

This strong disgusting smell…

Jiang Sheng said with a straight body, put up her air and said: "No matter what you say, we will maintain the relationship between the boss and the secretary before I am ready, and what happened before is regarded as an accident. "

Jing You's lips trembled, with a deflated expression on his face.

At this time, an aunt at home found Jing You back and came over to open the car door.

After Jing You got out of the car, he went around to the driver's seat to open the door and dragged Jiang Shengyan out.


Jiang Shengyan's eyebrows twitched slightly, feeling an inexplicable sense of shame.

In the huge living room.

Four different styles and the appearance of a daughter-in-law surrounded Jing Pearl, beating their shoulders and pinching their legs. Although they were not very professional, they looked like concubines who served the empress dowager in ancient times.

Jing Pearl's age is very transparent.

These young and beautiful young ladies are as lovable as they are at home, and for her, they are amusing.

"Xiaoyou is back!" Aunt Huang greeted her with a smile, "Xiao Jiang is here too, just in time to grow the dishes that Aunt Huang has newly researched."

"Then I have a good time." Jiang Sheng smiled.

Jing Zhenzhu heard the movement, tilted her head, and greeted: "Come and drink tea."

Jing You walked over and sat on the farthest sofa.

"Grandma will enjoy it!" She sighed sincerely.

Jing Pearl had a kind smile on her face, but she didn't enjoy it at all.

The little vases are attentive, but they usually don't touch the spring water with their ten fingers, and massage them like an itch, but she has to praise them.

Finding a granddaughter-in-law is not an easy task.

"Chairman." Jiang Shengyan greeted with a smile, everything was business as usual.

"Sheng Yan has to follow this brat to run around during the holiday?" Jing Zhenzhu said angrily, "How can the company be so busy, anyway, take two days off!"

This concern is real, but when Jiang Shengyan heard it, he felt even less happy.

Since Jingyou entered the door, the eyes of the four young girls never left her.

All the eldest young ladies of Jin Gui are willing to come to drink tea with the elder Jing Zhenzhu, also because they want to brush their face in front of her, in order to have the opportunity to see Jing You.

To say that these celebrities usually have excellent suitors, but when they see Jing You mistakenly for life, no matter how good others are, they will not look down on them.

Jing Zhuzhu introduced to Jing You in turn: "This is one by one, blossoming, Jiaojiao, Huahua."

One, flower, tender, flower.


The names of the four people are quite fateful.

Jing You glanced at a few people, "Grandma's eyes are getting smaller and smaller recently, four at a time, isn't that not good?"

The tone was helpless to persuade the prodigal son to be good.

Jing Zhenzhu was annoyed, "If you dare to say such outrageous words again, don't come back to see grandma again!"

Jing You opened her mouth, and wanted to say something, Jiang Sheng suddenly pressed her shoulders.

Jing You had to swallow the following words.

"President Jing, my name is Lu Yuejiao. We met at the dance before, do you remember me?" The girl who looked like a doll looked at Jingyou expectantly.

"My brain is not used to memorize these useless information." Jing You replied.

Lu Yuejiao's face alternated between embarrassment and loss, she quickly regained her strength, lowered her eyelashes, and said shyly, "Then do you remember me this time? I like you very much."

The other three daughters couldn't sit still when they saw Lu Yuejiao playing a straight ball, scrambling to recall the scene of the first meeting and introduce themselves.

Jing You and Jing Zhenzhu raised their hands and rubbed their ears at the same time.

The corners of Jing Pearl's eyes are slightly curved, and several shallow ravines are wrinkled, looking kind and friendly.

"Grandma is a little tired, go upstairs to rest first, you can chat with Xiaoyou for a while."

After saying that, she got up and walked upstairs quickly, her figure was not like a sixty-year-old lady.

As soon as grandma left, Jing You immediately felt four hungry wolf-like eyes staring at him.

"Mr. Jing..."

"Mr. Jing..."

"Mr. Jing..."

Three of the four people spoke at the same time, ignoring what the people next to them were saying.

Jing You frowned slightly, out of habit, turned to look at Jiang Shengyan.

"Secretary Jiang, please solve it."

In the past, Jiang Shengyan might have given a reply like "give me ten minutes", but now there are some subtle changes in the relationship between the two, Jiang Shengyan only felt angry when he heard this.

It's like the original partner saw the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth at the same time, and they had to take them out of the house by themselves.

Jing You did not wait for Jiang Shengyan to answer for a long time, and was very confused.

"The peach blossom that the boss caused by himself, solve it by himself." Jiang Shengyan said.

Jing You stood up, grabbed Jiang Shengyan's collar, and gave her a kiss on the face.

Jiang Shengyan had a call in her heart, but after reacting, she immediately looked around and saw that there was no auntie present, so she put down a little snack.

Only, I immediately remembered that these four eldest young ladies looked at them with eight eyes, and any one went to the chairman to cry, and the matter between her and Jingyou could not be covered on paper.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Shengyan looked at Jingyou angrily.

"Sister asked me to solve the peach blossom myself." Jing You's eyes were full of innocence.

"I didn't let you solve it in this way!" Although Jiang Sheng's voice was annoyed, his heart was sweet.

"You said no kiss on the mouth, but you didn't say no on the face." Jing You looked serious, "This is the quickest and most effective way to calm them down."

Jiang Shengyan didn't know how to refute for a while.

Jing You looked at the stunned four young ladies, and said with a serious tone: "I already have a partner, so I have to keep a distance from others. If you want to start with my grandma, I have no problem, since she Go to rest, come back next time."

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; there are little girls around 20 and down. When I hear Jing Yan said so, there are only four words in my heart: Is this human?

Jing You added: "Our family is about to start dinner."

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Qianjin thought this was a conscience discovery, and wanted to keep them for dinner, but the other party's next sentence was: "Please go quickly."

Jiang Shengyan's eyes drifted away and remained silent.

The long-standing social habits make it impossible for her to be so "ruthless" to others.

Of course, she won't stop Jing You from driving people out.

Even, I'm still secretly feeling cool in my heart.

The "One Flower" group of four stood there, their expressions changed several times, but no one moved first.

"Are my words so difficult to understand?" Jing You's eyes showed an impatient look.

Jiang Shengyan patted the back of Jing You's hand, took a step forward with a bent smile, and said to several people: "These are the chairman's distinguished guests, now the chairman is going to rest, it is better for you to go back first. Please forgive me if I am not greeted well."

"Which family's sister are you?"

One of the big-eyed girls thought that Jiang Shengyan was also here to compete for favor.

"I'm Mr. Jing's secretary." Jiang Shengyan replied politely.

The big eyes immediately became impolite: "Does Grandma Jing know that you seduce the boss with your beauty?"

"Please pay attention to your words." Jing You's tone did not fluctuate, and the pressure was indeed not small.

A few tears fell from her big eyes.

Jing You didn't seem to see it, and explained with patience: "It's Secretary Jiang who I seduced."

Without the presence of Jingzhu, the four daughters were a little shy when they faced Jingyou. When they heard such a serious and serious remark, look at me, I look at you, a joke nothing.

Jiang Shengyan couldn't tell how she felt when she saw Jing You defend her like this.

The two of them are not even in a relationship, but for some reason, it seems that they are destined to spend the rest of their lives together.

Jing You pulled Jiang Shengyan's fingers from behind, her voice softened: "They don't understand what I said, let's go."

As he spoke, he dragged Jiang Shengyan upstairs, without saying a word to the four of them.

Enter Jingyou's room.

Jiang Shengyan raised his eyebrows, "When did I say I want to be your partner?"

"You kissed me."

"Will you get married after a kiss?" Jiang Shengyan deliberately teased, "It's the 21st century now, and old-fashioned people like me don't have such thoughts."

Jing You: "Sister." The voice was very solemn.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Sheng suddenly felt that the room was cold.

"I think there is something wrong with your thinking. You have already kissed me, and you have to abandon me. Playing with other people's feelings like this is against the moral code."

There was no trace of a joke on Jing You's face.

Jiang Shengyan blinked, inexplicably having the illusion that he had taken Chen Shimei's script.

Jing You continued: "If we keep a proper distance from beginning to end, I don't have any thoughts that I shouldn't have, but since you kissed me twice, it proves that you are Voluntarily sign a contract with me, as one of the parties to the contract, I have the right to ask you to fulfill your contractual obligations, to spend your life with me as the goal, and to take me seriously as your lifelong partner.”

The logic is smooth, the sentences are coherent, and there is a businesslike way of signing contracts.

Obviously there is no romantic atmosphere, romantic love words, but Jiang Shengyan's eyes suddenly turned red.

Such a solemn attitude is very reassuring.

The more Jing You thought about it, the more dangerous he felt.

"I want to write it down in black and white!"

She walked out without a moment's delay. For such an important matter, sign a few more contracts and put it away.

Jiang Shengyan grabbed Jing You's wrist and dragged him into his arms.

Jing You's face was filled with a thin red.

Jiang Shengyan tightly hugged Jing You with both hands, and the corners of her lips curved into a shallow arc, "I will not default on my debt."

Jing You shook his head, his eyes filled with suspicion.

"You don't believe me?" Jiang Shengyan narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes deep like a secluded pool.

"Yeah." Jing You answered simply and without pretense.


"If my sister is really sincere, she can work hard to gain my trust. I don't mind the exchange of oral bacteria." Jing You closed his eyes consciously.

"I'm not ready to sue the chairman."

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Shengyan really let go of Jing You and took a step back.

Jing You stepped forward, "Why not? Grandma doesn't know what we did?"

Jiang Shengyan's throat rolled, his eyes dodging.

She couldn't say anything like kissing.

"Why don't you ask for my consent when you want to kiss me, and you can perfunctory me with 'accident' afterwards?"

Jing You became aggressive.

"I'm going to help Aunt Huang prepare dinner." Jiang Shengyan consciously made a mistake, turned around and left.

She suddenly suspected that Jingyou was pretending before, but now Xiaomipababa understands that it is not!

On the dining table, Jing Zhenzhu sat on top, Jing You and Jiang Shengyan sat side by side beside her.

Jing Zhenzhu picked up the chopsticks, and didn't want to take care of her granddaughter, she just smiled and said to Jiang Shengyan, "Aunt Huang's craftsmanship is getting better and better recently, and I have gained two pounds."

Jiang Shengyan smiled and replied: "Then I don't dare to eat more."

The two of them talk and laugh, but the style of the middleman is completely different.

Jing You sits upright, with her chin upright, with both hands on her knees; it is a formal sitting posture.

A pair of eyes stared straight at Jing Pearl, with a very solemn expression on her face.

Jing Zhenzhu was puzzled and asked, "Why don't you look at me like this with chopsticks?"

Jing You: "Grandma, I have something to inform you."

Jing Zhenzhu frowned, "The company is out of money?"

Jingyou looks like this, anyone who sees it will think that something big has happened.

Jing You: "I have a candidate for marriage."

Besides, Jiang Shengyan covered his mouth and coughed violently.