MTL - Don’t Be a Secretary For a Genius-Chapter 76 attacking president

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As soon as Jing You stepped into the chairman's office, she heard Jing Zhenzhu say, "I'll talk to Secretary Jiang, and Xiaoyou is going to do her own business."

Jing You gave a soft "oh", took her foot back, and turned to leave.

Jing Zhenzhu sat on the side of the tea seat and said, "Secretary Jiang, come and sit."

Jiang Shengyan took a seat opposite.

"Did you hear what you said in the conference room just now?" Jing Zhenzhu asked.

Jiang Shengyan nodded.

Jing Zhenzhu slowly boiled the water, and then said: "You don't have to take what the directors say to your heart. The foundation of Jingteng will not be shaken by some false news."

Jiang Shengyan lowered his eyebrows, "I submitted my resignation a while ago, the chairman didn't have to fight with the directors for me, why..."

"Speaking of the resignation letter," Jing Zhenzhu raised her eyes, "Is Sheng Yan such a person who can't stand rumors? It's just that Chen Zhi's rotten millet is revealed, so he will throw away his helmet. A run away?"

"I..." Jiang Shengyan looked at Shangjing Pearl, "I am very grateful to the chairman for cultivating and taking care of me, but my father's business..."

Jing Zhenzhu said: "Speaking hesitantly is not what Secretary Jiang should look like!"

Jiang Shengyan tried her best to smile and said, "I'm afraid of disappointing the chairman's expectations."

The kettle light is off.

Jing Pearl filled the teapot and scalded the tea set.

"I've been scolded a lot in the past. Some people say that Jingteng's benefits are good, and some people say that I only know how to make money and don't care about family. In this era, women have to carry their weight in everything, and if something goes wrong, a bunch of people will jump out and criticize it," she said.

" But I Jingzhu just want everyone to see that women can also become outstanding entrepreneurs and have the courage to shoulder social responsibilities. The more outstanding people are, the more doubts they will face. The real strong will grow up in doubt and become giants. Those who shrink back and get down can only be drowned in the torrent of the times."

Jiang Shengyan bent a smile, smiling from the heart.

"It turns out that the chairman's insistence is right."

Jing Zhuzhu poured the brewed tea into a small porcelain cup and handed it to Jiang Shengyan.

"Jingteng has never experienced any big winds and waves, and I have never experienced any big winds and waves. Secretary Jiang doesn't need to say nonsense for fear of dragging down Jingteng."

Hearing the last two words, Jiang Shengyan was stunned.

Jing Zhenzhu patted her lips and said with a smile, "I used to be wild when I was young, but I started to cultivate myself when I was old.

The warmth goes straight to the bottom of my heart.

Jiang Shengyan smiled with sincere eyes.

"You have taught me a lot over the years. I often wonder how these kindnesses can be repaid. Even if I dedicate myself to Jingteng, I still feel that it is not enough. Thank you very much."

Jing Zhenzhu picked up the porcelain cup and took a sip, and said, "I will never waste time on someone who is not worth it. Secretary Jiang is a person who can be trusted and entrusted. I believe that you and Jingteng Group can achieve mutual success. Therefore, Secretary Jiang should not mention the matter of resignation. Otherwise, it will hurt the heart of this old man. "

Jiang Shengyan promised: "I will live up to the chairman's entrustment."

Jing Zhenzhu looked at Jiang Shengyan, but her eyes were a little ethereal, as if she was looking at something else through Jiang Shengyan.

For a long time, Jing Zhenzhu said, "Secretary Jiang, you will not betray my trust, will you?"

Jiang Shengyan did not understand the meaning of these words, and only answered firmly: "No."

"I trust Secretary Jiang."

Jing Zhenzhu continued tea for the two of them.


The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention.

Jiang Shengyan's pupils shrank, "Okay."

He lowered his head and drank tea, narrowing his eyes.

How could she bear to poke at the chairman's sore spot.


Jiang Shengyan tapped the door frame with his hand.

As soon as Jing You heard Jiang Shengyan's voice, his back was straight and his nerves were tense.

Jiang Shengyan came over and put the tablet on the table.

"An electronic signature is required here." she said.

Jing You raised her hand and pulled one side of her hair behind her ear, revealing her white auricle.

Then picked up the stylus and signed.

The silhouette is attractive.

Jiang Shengyan took his eyes off Jing You's face, picked up the tablet and walked out quickly.

Just be my sister, the chairman of the board, Yu Jingyou, and her...

All good.

After people went out, Jing You touched his heart, where he jumped extremely violently.

Jing You lay down on the table, grabbed a strand of hair and played with it.

Secretary Ying said that her sister liked her, but she didn't give her a second look just now.

Is that like?

Jing You's eyes were full of confusion.

After a while, Jing You sat up straight and opened the browser.

Enter: What is a like?

The definition of "like" appears on the page.

Likes - having a good feeling or interest in a person or thing.

Like is a feeling.

"Of course I know." Jing You said to himself, "How can I know what it means to have a good impression?"

The search engine recognized Jingyou's voice and new search results appeared.

—When the person you like appears in front of you, your heart beats faster.

Jing You held her breath, her heart beat faster, was that the feeling just now?

—but you haven't seen him for a long time, you will think about him/her every day, and you will not have the energy to do anything; you want to be with him/her all the time.

Jing You blinked, when her sister was away, she did have such symptoms.

So you like it?

Jing You continued to look down.

—When you meet the person you like, your cheeks will get hot; when you talk to the person you like, your throat will be dry; when you kiss the person you like, your heart will tingle .

Jing You took a deep breath, leaned back on the back of the chair, and folded his chin.


It's all my symptoms.

Jing You quickly closed the web page, escaped from here, and changed to the sofa.

Relying on these, it is impossible to judge whether the sister likes her or not, but the assumption that she likes her sister gradually appears.

Jing You’s palms were sweaty, and he was at a loss.

Sister Fairy is like the bright moon in the sky, pure white and flawless. For her, it's not blasphemous to sneak into a small room in her heart.

Jing You got up and walked to the door, thought about it, and hooked his fingers towards Ying Jian.

Ying Jian put down her work and walked into the office with Jing You.

Jingyou closed the office door, locked it from the inside, and lowered all the curtains.

The atmosphere is suddenly mysterious.

"Secretary Ying." Jing You said, "Have you ever liked anyone?"

Ying Jian: "Mr. Jing is inquiring about my personal privacy?"

Jing You coughed lightly and said, "If Secretary Ying has no practical experience, it would be hard for me to believe what you said a few days ago."

Ying Jian said, "What does it have to do with me if you don't believe Mr. Jing?"

Jing You's eyes widened, as if a stone was stuck in his throat.

Jing You asked again: "What will that person do with the person he likes?"

"There are so many things to do with the people you love."

Ying Jian raised one hand and said while counting, "Eating, shopping, watching movies; watching mountains, swimming in lakes, counting stars; holding hands, hugging, whispering."

"But... the main event is still to come. Also," Ying Jian raised the corners of his lips, his eyes were full of sly, "kissing, stroking, drilling the bed."

Jing You's ears turned red like an old-fashioned kettle, emitting steam.

Jingyou's throat tightened and he said, "How can you not like someone?"

Ying Jian: "Why does Mr. Jing ask such a strange question? Do you like someone?"

"No!" Jing You denied, "I just want to discuss knowledge in other fields with Secretary Ying."

Ying Jian raised her brows slightly and said, "Mr. Jing, would you like to taste what the mouth of Secretary Jiang's sister's mouth tastes like?"

The memory of Jiang Shengyan's lips in Jing You's mind was immediately awakened, and her cheeks were hot.

She shook her head, as if indifferent, and said, "I have no interest at all."

Ying Jian: "Do you want to smell Secretary Jiang's sister's neck, hold her in his arms and not let go?"

Jing You suspects that she is being watched.

"Why are you so clear?" Jing You's voice was full of vigilance.

Ying Jian showed a successful smile, "That means that Mr. Jing really has such thoughts on Secretary Jiang's sister?"

Jing You lowered his voice and warned: "You know what I am talking about today. If you let a third person know, I will give you some color to see."

Ying Jian couldn't help laughing.

"Mr. Jing is such a lovely person."

Jing You cleared her throat, "Why did Secretary Ying say Secretary Jiang likes me? Is there any factual basis? Or did she tell you?"

There are doubts and expectations in the words.

Ying Jian waved her index finger, "Neither, I guess."

A trace of loss flashed in Jing You's eyes.

“This kind of conclusion without rigorous research is meaningless.” She said.

Ying Jian shrugged, "It's fine if I didn't say that."

"Should the secretary go out."

Jing You raised the electric curtain, and the automatic door of the office opened slowly.

Ying Jian tapped Jingyou's chin and turned away.

Jing You leaned on the sofa, facing up, confused and in a trance.

Jiang Shengyan no longer had any thoughts of resigning, nor did he intend to be angry with Jingyou, and did not leave the company on time after get off work.

Jing You walked out of the office and came to Jiang Shengyan's work station.

"Jiang, Secretary Jiang." Jing You's voice was a little nervous.

"What's the matter with the boss?" Jiang Sheng said with an impeccable perfect smile.

"There are two more days to be your birthday." Jing You unconsciously pinched the leaves of the green plants on the table, and rubbed the leaves with his thumb, "What gift do you want?"

Jiang Shengyan smiled and said, "The boss knows that I never have a birthday, so don't bother to prepare gifts."

Jing You continued: "I want to eat Hunan cuisine for dinner. Secretary Jiang took me to the restaurant last time."

Jiang Shengyan shook his head, "Not tonight, I still have work to do. If the boss really wants to eat, he can only ask Secretary Qi to accompany him."

Jing You thought about it and said, "Then let Secretary Qi pack it back, we will eat in the office."

Jiang Shengyan: "Actually, you can order takeout without having to make a special trip. Just use the store's packing box, the boss will probably feel unsanitary."

Jiang Shengyan looked at Jing You's hand and said, "The boss is here to kill the green life on my table?"

Jing You suddenly let go.

“Secretary Jiang, don’t forget to order.”

Jing You lowered his hand to his side and walked back to the office quickly.

Jiang Shengyan didn't notice anything unusual about Jing You. After picking up the mobile phone and placing an order, he continued the unfinished work.

Jing You returned to the office and couldn't help but breathe faster, and his hands and feet were numb.

Jing You rubbed her brow bone with her middle finger.

I used to get along very well with my sister, but now why is it wrong to say something in person?

Outside the office, Jiang Shengyan looked at the green plant on the table and became fascinated.

For so many years, her father never agreed to meet her, and every time he went to see him, he could only give him some basic food and clothing. Now, she is not allowed to pick him up, and she is only asked to help rent a house far away from the city, with no intention of living with the family.

Jiang Shengyan could not refuse his father, so he could only do it.

Everything seems to be the same as before.

Jiang Shengyan stayed to work overtime, not so much because of too much work, but because she deliberately found a lot of things for herself.

"Ms. Jiang, your takeaway." The delivery boy's voice brought Jiang Shengyan back to reality.

Jiang Shengyan got up and took the lunch bag, smiled and thanked him.

"If it's convenient, please give a five-star review, and I wish you a happy meal!" The delivery boy bowed slightly, left quickly, and rushed to the next delivery location.

Jiang Shengyan took a step forward, stopped, and gave the delivery boy a five-star rating on the screen.

Then walked into the office.

Jing You had long been sitting on the sofa with his hands on his knees, and when he saw Jiang Shengyan coming in, his eyes instantly brightened.

Jiang Shengyan walked to the long coffee table, took the lunch box out of the bag and placed it on the table.

She didn't order too much for the two of them, one meat and one vegetarian meal. The dishes are not too spicy.

Jing You looked at the rice and wondered, "Didn't Secretary Jiang order mine?"

Jiang Shengyan opened the box and said, "The amount of rice in the takeaway is a lot, half of it can be eaten by one person. Saving food is a traditional virtue."

Jing You felt a burst of heat jump from his feet to the top of his head.

She trembled with her fingers, pretending to be calm: "Are we eating in a box?"

Jiang Shengyan chuckled, "Don't be so nervous, I'll put it in the lid and won't spread the bacteria to you."

"I haven't eaten takeout yet." Jing You's tone was a little embarrassed.

"Yeah," Jiang Shengyan said warmly, "Xiao You has been cared for by the chairman since he was a child, and when you grow up, there are many people around you, and you don't need to settle."

After a pause, she laughed and teased herself, saying, "I used to worry about whether my arrangements would make you dissatisfied, or downgrade the level of President Jingteng. I would think that if I wanted to invite Xiaoyou to eat a meal, I would have to prepare a few months' salary? I would be afraid of letting you see my ordinary appearance, and afraid that you would think that my sister was just an ordinary person. "

After saying this, Jiang Shengyan felt an unprecedented sense of relief.

For so many years, she has lived a cautious and cautious life. On the surface, she seems to be able to control everything, but in fact, every step is very hard.

Inexhaustible terminology, all kinds of social and dining etiquette, which restaurants are most popular with food critics, what kind of elegant art is the favorite of celebrities recently…

Too many things fill her life.

There is no time to breathe.

Jing You twisted his hands together, not knowing what to say at this time.

She doesn't think her sister is ordinary.

She can also eat tens of dollars for meals and do what her sister often does. She lives like this now because she has lived like this since she was a child, and no one has told her that there is another life.

But these thoughts just get stuck in the throat and swallow them back.

"Eat, or it will be cold."

Jiang Shengyan opened the paper package, took out the disposable chopsticks and handed it to Jingyou.

Jing You took the chopsticks and bowed his head to eat.

The two of them chewed their food without making any sound, and the office fell into silence for a while.

Jiang Shengyan took small bites, eating elegantly, and her lips were redder than before.

Jing You secretly raised his eyelids, his eyes rested on Jiang Shengyan's lips uncontrollably, and he couldn't move away.

"Hi~" Jing You breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Shengyan put down the tableware and chopsticks in his hands, his eyes tense.

Jing You covered his mouth with his hand, and after a while, he said aggrievedly, "Bite your tongue."

"There's no meat in it, why don't you let go of the meat on your tongue?"

Jiang Shengyan got up and poured a glass of ice water.

Jing You took the cup and took a big mouthful of ice water.

Jiang Shengyan's breath suddenly became rapid, and he quickly turned his face to another direction.

"Sister, can you help me see if my tongue is rotten?" Jing You approached Jiang Shengyan as he spoke.

Jiang Shengyan can imagine how attractive she looks even without looking at Jing You.

She pushed Jing You away subconsciously and said, "If the pain is severe, I will find a doctor for you."

"It's not that great." Jing You sat back angrily.

"Are you full?" Jiang Shengyan asked.

"Hmm." Jing You's mood was down.

"Then I'll take it."

Jiang Shengyan lowered his head, covered the box on the table and threw it into the bag, wiped the table with a wet towel, and walked out with the garbage.

I didn't look at Jing You during the whole process.

Jing You frowned into a hill, and a burst of irritability rose in his heart for no reason.

At night, Jing You was lying on the bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

Jiang Shengyan's words during the day and his estranged attitude left seeds in Jing You's heart, and they began to grow arbitrarily at night.

For the first time ever, Jing You didn't lie down to sleep, or even put on an eye mask, but buried his head in the pillow and rubbed it around. His hair was a mess due to static electricity.

Can't fall asleep no matter how hard I try.

Jing You simply sat up and picked up the bedside phone.

The phone was dialed several times and finally connected.

"Look what time it is! If it weren't for the big event like an alien invasion, I'd crawl down the phone line and bite your skull to pieces!"

Lu Xian's irritable voice was over the phone.

Jing You was not frightened by such a ferocious tone, and said calmly: "Doctor, I seem to be in love for the first time."

Lu Xian: "Did you call me to confess? You found the wrong person, I'm not interested in this, goodbye."

Jing You: "I also know that I shouldn't have such thoughts about Sister Fairy, but it has already happened, and I have no way to stop it."

Lu Xian: "Sister Fairy? Where is Sister Fairy, I want to see too."

Jing You: "Secretary Jiang doesn't seem to want to be with me at all, it doesn't meet the standard of 'like'."

"In the face of your calling because of an event more unusual than an alien invasion, I will forgive you for waking me up late at night." A few days of clues were connected in series, "Our argumentation process has returned to the meaning of mouth-to-mouth contact between you and Secretary Jiang. This must be the switch of the whole incident."

"Oh." Jing You didn't refute, his voice was lazy.

Lu Xian coughed lightly and said, "Since kissing can prove that you like Secretary Jiang, then the same way can be used to verify whether Secretary Jiang likes you." The attitude is serious and serious.

Jing You: "My query on 'like' shows that liking is a feeling. I only know how I feel. How do I know what Secretary Jiang feels?"

"Feeling..." Lu Xian repeated these two words.

"Yes! Just ask her how she feels about you, this is the easiest way to verify!"

Jing You frowned slightly, "Can I ask that?"

"What's wrong?" Lu Xian was confident, "I've seen a lot abroad, one person asks the other 'Do you like my body?" into the most intimate state. "

Jing You asked: "What is the most intimate state?"

Lu Xian: "Do you want me to tell you about such a simple thing? Of course it's lying in a quilt! The world is so complicated, Xiao Jingyou, it's impossible for you to be so simple!"

Lie down on a quilt.

The memory of her and Jiang Shengyan in the same quilt appeared in Jing You's mind.

I always feel that there should be something in the future.

"Anyway, listen to me and ask Secretary Jiang if he likes you." Lu Xian yawned, "It's settled, hang up."

Jing You asked again, "What if she said she didn't like me and asked me why I asked such a question?"

"I didn't expect you to be such a thoughtful person."

Lu Fian thought for a moment, "It's very simple, tell her that you like her."

"She doesn't like me, she will be angry when she hears this." Jing You said.

Lu Xian: "Why?"

Jing You: "I get angry when people I don't like say they like me. People's structures are similar, and so is her."

Lu Xian: "It sounds like it makes sense."

After a few seconds, "What's up with me?"

Jing You was stunned for a moment and said, "Doctor, you actually think I'm annoying and want to hang up quickly, right?"

"Xiao Jingyou is really insightful." Lu Xian yawned again, "I can't mobilize my sleeping brain cells to deal with this kind of problem."

"Doctor." Jing You called in a deep voice.

"What's the matter?" Lu Xian's voice became weaker and weaker.

"I'm going to be friends with Secretary Ying." Jing You said.

"It turns out that your fairy sister is Secretary Jiang!" Lu Xian exclaimed in amazement.

Jing You took a breath in horror, his heart was lifted by a silk thread and shook a few times, his eyes were full of annoyance.

However, Lu Xian did not continue to express his opinion, and the special breathing sound when he fell asleep sounded on the phone.

Jing You hung up the phone expressionlessly, drowsily like a galloping wild horse, running farther with joy.

She opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

A few minutes later, Jing You took out his mobile phone again and dialed Jiang Shengyan's number.

After a few beeps, there is a sound on the phone.

Jiang Shengyan said confusedly: "Hey, who is it?"

Jing You tightly clenched the corner of the pillow with one hand, "Sister, do you like me?"

"I don't like it, crazy." As soon as the voice fell, the line was disconnected.

Jing You threw the phone out and closed his eyes.

The time has passed for another half an hour, and it is halfway through the night.

Jing You got up and picked up her mobile phone, this time it was Ying Jian's number.

"Hey, is Mr. Jing calling so late because he is lonely?"

Different from the other two, Ying Jian's voice was very spirited, with a hint of jest.

Jing You hesitated for a moment, then said solemnly: "I have a task, and I hope to get the assistance of Secretary Ying."

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