MTL - Don’t Be a Secretary For a Genius-Chapter 7 President heartthrob

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Out of the cafe.

Jing You went straight into the car, Jiang Shengyan followed and sat in the back row together.

Jiang Shengyan curved his lips and asked with a smile, "Why is the boss here?"

Jing You cleared his throat and said, "Didn't I say, Secretary Jiang wants to go to dinner with Lugang with me."

Jiang Shengyan shook his head, "In my record, the boss doesn't have this schedule."

Jing You looked at Jiang Shengyan for a moment, with a very natural tone: "I'm the boss, I'll have it if I say it. Shouldn't Secretary Jiang call to make an appointment?"

Jiang Shengyan's brows jumped twice, and a professional smirk appeared, "I'm making an appointment now."

Jing You did not forget to instruct: "I want to sit by the window where I can see the night scene."

Jiang Shengyan turned his back, took a few deep breaths, and took out his phone.

The reservation near the meal time and the window seat of Lugang are clearly embarrassing the fat tiger.

But who is she, secretary Jiang of the most difficult boss - Jing You, president of Jingteng Group.

Five minutes later, Jiang Shengyan smiled at Jing You and said, "Boss, we have made an appointment, we can come at any time."

Secretary Qi in the driver's seat started the car with insight and drove to the destination.

A melodious violin note-"myowntruelove" flows in the restaurant.

It's like a love story between lovers.

A waiter in a bow tie led the two to a window seat.

As night falls, you can see the brightly lit riverfront. The whole river meanders through the entire Yancheng, attracting many tourists every holiday.

The waiter first opened the chair for Jing You, Jing You gave the waiter a polite smile and took a seat. The waiter slowly pushed the chair in, and Jing You sat down slowly, with natural elegance.

After Jingyou was seated, the waiter opened the chair for Jiang Shengyan.

After the two took their seats, the waiter brought the menu and put it in front of them.

I then silently backed away, leaving them time to read.

Jiang Shengyan understands that Jing You is a very troublesome person, so she never asks her opinion when ordering food.

Seeing that Jing You really didn't show any special desire to eat, she raised her hand and gestured to the waiter, signaling him to come and order.

The waiter came over, "Hello, ma'am."

Jiang Shengyan looked at the waiter, smiled slightly, and asked, "Any chef recommendations?"

The waiter smiled and nodded: "Today's chef's recommendations are: cold starter of Girardo oysters with ALMAS caviar, black truffle mushroom soup, hot starter of lightly fried black pepper tuna with lemon butter sauce, Main course sirloin steak, dessert flame ice cream. If you two have time, there is another set of extended menu.”

Jiang Shengyan glanced at Jingyou, but the other party did not comment.

Jiang Shengyan smiled at the waiter, "Recommended by the chef for two."

"Ok lady, please wait." The waiter took away the menu and left quietly.

After a while, the waiter served the two of them with bread. Grab a delicate white pitcher and pour out the olive oil.

The bread was placed on the table before dinner, and neither of them moved.

Jiang Shengyan chuckled, "The boss obviously doesn't like French food very much, why does he have to come to this restaurant?"

Jing You: "It's okay to eat once in a while, didn't that man invite you to a French restaurant just now?"

After a while, "It's still a French restaurant that is not very high-end."

Jiang Shengyan: "Isn't it high-end? For a salaryman like me, 2,000 per capita is considered a high-end restaurant."

Jing You took Jiang Shengyan's handbag, took out a calfskin wallet, took out a black card, and put it in front of Jiang Shengyan.

? ? ?

Jiang Shengyan was stunned for a while, and uttered a single syllable: "Huh?"

Jing You only answered briefly: "I have money."

"..." So rich, it is not necessary to take out a credit card from the secretary's bag.

Jiang Shengyan said calmly: "I know."

Jing You: "I have a lot of money, it's nothing to spend a little on you."

Jiang Shengyan: "I have only a working relationship with the boss. Jingteng Group paid me wages, and I also spent your money, which is inappropriate."

Jing You returned the wallet to Jiang Shengyan and said, "I just want to see if you will be lured by money casually. It seems that Secretary Jiang has passed the test. I hope you will not be fooled by others. Money temptation."

Jiang Shengyan: "…"

Jiang Shengyan silently took out the black card from Jing You and put it back in her wallet.

This card has no limit, and Jing You never reads the bill at the end of the month. If Jiang Shengyan really spent the money inside, Jing You probably wouldn't know.

But Jiang Shengyan never thought of spending Jingyou's money.

Jing You looked out the window and said, "Secretary Jiang, look at how beautiful the scenery is outside."

Jiang Shengyan: "Well, it's beautiful."

Jing You glanced at Jiang Shengyan, "If Secretary Jiang married someone casually, maybe he wouldn't be able to enjoy the river view while eating at any time like now."

The corners of Jiang Shengyan's eyes were slightly curved, and he shook his head and said, "As long as two people really like it, sitting by the riverside and eating dry bread together is also happy."

Jingyou frowned, "Will you be happy eating dry bread by the river? If you eat too much starch, you will become burly and strong, and you will not be able to fit into the current slim clothes. Secretary Jiang thinks that Is there happiness too? The idea is really hard to understand.”


Jiang Shengyan did not continue with what Jing You said, and instead asked: "Why does the boss care so much about what kind of person I will marry?"

Jing You thought about it and said seriously: "Changing my life is an extremely challenging thing for me, I believe it is the same for Secretary Jiang, if Secretary Jiang makes After the change, the state of life will plummet, and the best solution is to maintain the current state and continue to be my secretary. I can give you the best life."

Jiang Shengyan and Jingyou looked at each other for a while, and said bluntly: "The boss's thinking cannot be pursued by ordinary people. Ordinary people like me need emotional comfort and physical experience, such as holding hands, hugging, And kissing, or... a step further."

Jing You was like a computer crash, maintaining an expression, posture, and motionless.

After a while, Jing You closed his eyes and rubbed his brow bone with his middle finger. "Secretary Jiang, you really stumped me. I can't think of how to meet your demands. You win, and I agree to your next blind date."

Jiang Sheng's smile gradually disappeared, it was the feeling of myocardial infarction.

At this time, the waiter came to take away the bread and served appetizers.

Another waiter held a pot-bellied wine bottle in one hand and poured aperitif into the goblet in front of the two.

The appetizer that just arrived - Girardeau oysters with ALMAS caviar, is the signature of Helugang, and the ingredients are delivered by air every day.

Some well-known gourmets believe that the best caviar should be tasted on the back of the hand to maximize the original taste.

But most people are not used to the original fishy smell of caviar and prefer to eat it with other ingredients.

Jiang Shengyan put his hands into the lemonade bowl on the table and rinsed them clean. Looking at the oysters with murderous eyes, holding up the hard oyster shell, and sucking it in, the roe burst in his mouth.

Jing You suddenly felt a chill, and her body shook for no reason.

After that, Jiang Shengyan never said a word to Jing You.

After the second soup came up, Jing You had nothing to say: "The taste is not bad, what does Secretary Jiang think?"

Secretary Jiang only gave Jingyou a formulaic smile and replied, "Very good."

Jing You thought hard, whether Secretary Jiang's menstrual period is over, it seems a little scary today.

Until the next appetizer.

The two still have their own thoughts.

On the table there is only the sound of metal cutlery colliding.

It has been an hour since I came in and sat down, and I finally finished all the appetizers.

Jing You had an impatient look on her face. A big reason why she didn't like French food was trouble.

Jiang Shengyan saw that Jing You's patience was running out, and made a sound to divert her attention at the right time.

"Boss, I found a new set of mole dolls the other day, and I'll bring it to you tomorrow."

Jing You's eyes lit up, and the impatient look was swept away.

The eyes at this time are like receiving a ten-carat diamond ring from a beloved lover.

Jiang Shengyan thought it was funny, who would have thought that a person as beautiful as Jing You would like black moles and be keen to collect everything related to moles, except for live moles .


The waiter took away the tableware again and placed two glasses of sorbet in front of the two of them to refresh the mouth and stimulate the taste buds.

Next, another ten minute wait. Finally the main course came to the table.

The waiter lifts the metal plate lid and pours Bordeaux sauce on the steak.

Made with this red wine."

Jiang Sheng said with a smile: "Thank you."

Sirloin steak is thick and chewy. However, high fat is not very friendly to people who need to control calorie intake to maintain their figure.

But Jiang Shengyan doesn't care about this, she enjoys such delicious food.

Jiang Shengyan cut a small piece of beef into his mouth, chewed it carefully, and swallowed it. Show a satisfied expression.

Like a climber who has been climbing hard for a long time, he is happy when he sees the top of the mountain.

Jing You looked at Jiang Shengyan with a puzzled look in his eyes, and said, "Why does Secretary Jiang enjoy so much every time he eats?"

Jiang Shengyan: "Do you need a reason? I don't think there is anything that can't be solved by eating a big meal."

Jing You thought for a while, then said, "Will you be in a double mood if you have another lobster?"

Jiang Shengyan smiled: "I don't have that much appetite."

Jing You stopped talking and put a piece of steak in his mouth. There was no special expression on his face, but he was a little tired from chewing.

Jiang Shengyan picked up the goblet and took a sip of red wine.

Those who have never been hungry may find it difficult to experience the special happiness of eating food.

Especially when she was young, after having tasted the taste of falling from heaven to hell, all good food was a gift from heaven to Jiang Shengyan.

Jing You turned his head to look at the sky outside and said, "Maybe it will rain, take me to the apartment tonight, Secretary Jiang don't go home."

Jiang Shengyan glanced at Jingyou's silhouette, the romantic warm yellow light hit it, covering it with a soft tulle.

For a moment, Jiang Shengyan narrowed his eyes.


Not the tone of a secretary to the boss, but more like a whisper between lovers.