MTL - Don’t Be a Secretary For a Genius-Chapter 148 growing president

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"Why do you keep targeting Jingyou?" Lu Xian stared at Xu Zixi, "I can't figure it out."

The tone is steady, as if asking a question, but also speaking to himself.

Xu Zixi sat opposite: "Why do you always help her, I'm also curious. Dr. Lu likes her?"

An unpredictable look flashed in Lu Xian's eyes.

"You think I like her?"

"It can make one person give up on another person, nothing more than obedience or infatuation, or ... obedience because of infatuation." Xu Zixi's lips curved slightly, and the expression seemed to transcend the mundane Taoist priest .

Lu Xian: "You have a crush."

This is an affirmative sentence.

Xu Zixi shook her head.

Lu Xian's face was still indifferent, but his heart was terrified.

Lu Xian always thought that people like him were people with very little emotional ups and downs and didn't know what emotions were, but Xu Zixi was obviously an exception.

From Xu Zixi's previous series of behaviors against Jing You, she can feel that she is an extremely paranoid person, very different from herself.

Lu Xian was lost for a while.

But she didn't let Xu Zixi see her doubts and said with a light smile: "It's a pity that the person you are infatuated with doesn't take you seriously at all."

"Shut up!" Xu Zixi suddenly became violent.

Lu Xian asked: "Who are you obsessed with? Is that the one who makes you different?"

Xu Zixi: "I don't understand what you are saying, don't think you know a lot, you don't know anything!"

Lu Xian: "I don't know anything, I just want you to tell me that the person you are obsessed with is Horch, right?"

Xu Zixi: "I haven't heard of you."

Lu Xian spoke faster: "Silan Group is a medical group, I haven't heard of Huo Xi of Huo's Medical, is it like a word?"

Xu Zixi gradually calmed down: "I don't think it's strange."

Lu Xian narrowed her eyes: "You know what Horch did."

Xu Zixi asked, "What did she do?"

Lu Xian: "Do you have Stockholm Syndrome?"

Xu Zixi: "I think you are insane."

Lu Xian: "Hao Xi asked you to do these bad things?"

Xu Zixi: "You watch too many movies."

Lu Xian rolled up his sleeves: "You know we are the same."

Xu Zixi glanced at Lu Xian: "Do you think you are very smart?"

Lu Xian shrugged: "At least a little smarter than you."

Xu Zixi chuckled: "We are different."

Lu Xian gave a thumbs up: "Then I should praise you for being an infatuated person."

Two people are like two different channels, no one can catch up with the other, and it is like playing a riddle, asking the other party to guess.

Xu Zixi grabbed Lu Xian's forearm, and clenched her hands tightly with five fingers.

The police on the side thought that Xu Zixi was going to hurt people, and immediately came to hold her down.

Xu Zixi struggled a few times, but did not break free, let out a low growl, and her hair was scattered in front of her forehead.

Half an hour.

Xu Zixi released her hand and hooked her lips to Lu Xian: "Isn't it hurting Miss Lu? I can't control my emotions sometimes, I'm really sorry."

This apology is obviously not a sincere apology, but Xu Zixi's eyes made Lu Xian confused.

She saw relief from the inside.

"I'm tired and want to rest." Xu Zixi lowered his head, as if he was out of strength.

Two policemen next to her took her back with her arms.

The iron gate was closed, Xu Zixi turned back to Lu Xian and showed a sinister smile.

Like an evil lunatic.

Lu Xian went out all the way, always remembering that smile.

It's scary.

Walking to the open space outside, Lu Xian raised his head, squinting his eyes from the sunlight.

In fact, I still have a place that is very similar to Xu Zixi.

Lu Xian once told Jing You that if she had nothing to eat while waiting for the results of the experiment, she would not be able to control her emotions and wanted to smash things. That was not to scare people.

Just like Xu Zixi, she will switch between extreme calm and extreme mania.

Like a monster.

Lu Xian once guessed that people who have deleted a certain part of the gene like himself have no feelings, and rarely have emotions, and they have no social order and behavior standards.

It can be seen from You Yin and Fang Tan.

If I hadn't always remembered what my parents taught me, I'd probably be the same.

However, Xu Zixi seems to know the feeling of "like".

In addition, Lu Xian still has a lot of things he can't figure out.

Among the people killed by Fang Tan, the employee of Jingteng was a commercial spy who was in contact with Xu Zixi.

Could this be a coincidence?

Evidence of Fang Tan's perfect crime was accidentally caught, is it still an accident?

Everything hidden behind it seems to be a little short of a primer before it can be pulled together.

Fang Tan's case of killing five people in a row has been tried, and the final verdict has been officially released to the public.

Fang Tan was sentenced to death without probation.

The focus of public opinion has refocused on this case.

Serial murders like this have caused a lot of buzz.

Five people died in a week and were faked as a suicide scene. If such a high-IQ criminal is not caught, you can imagine how scary it is.

Comments under News are growing rapidly.

"Kill five people and still record a video like that calmly, it's a cold-blooded devil!"

"This kind of person is also worthy of saying that he is healing and saving people, vomit!"

"It's too cheap for this kind of person to be sentenced to death. It's time for the family of the deceased to spit on his face and stab him to death!"

"Big brother upstairs, stabbing someone is against the law!"

“Is he worthy of being a man too? Beast!”

"Don't spray me, I think he's doing the right thing, those who make no fuss all day long should have a better memory."

"Isn't this the hero of the night played in the movie? Do you want Yagami in "Death Note", he looks so handsome!"

"I think the murderer is handsome, your three views are broken!"

"He is also for his patients!"

"Primary school students are on vacation, aren't they? What nonsense!"

"This is the age of the legal system, and I am not a Liangshan hero who roars at the road, so there is nothing wrong with murder and sentencing."

"The five people who died are also pitiful enough, and they lost their lives because they spoke without thinking. Fortunately, this wave was caught, otherwise there will be many cases in the future!"


Because of Fang Tan's special status, netizens spontaneously divided into several factions.

Some people denounce Fang Tan as a vicious murderer, and it is not an exaggeration to kill him; some people think that he is a hero who walks between darkness and light; Tan's motives are excusable, but they cannot be above the law, and the result is the most reasonable now.

There are others who feel like they are one step away from death.

In a rental house of more than ten square meters, a young white-collar worker looked at a piece of content once posted in his circle of friends - can the society be more tolerant to me, I have depression, I really want to die.

Look at it now, as if you saw the scythe of the **** of death, quickly click the delete button.

Because of the participation of the whole people in the discussion, mental illness has become a hot topic, and many people are also driven by curiosity to spontaneously understand various mental illnesses. sick people.

In the past, people thought that people with mental illness were perverted, and "you have a mental illness" has gradually evolved into a curse word. As a result, many people are ashamed to admit that they have mental problems, and instinctively avoid medical treatment, thereby aggravating the disease.

But who wants to live with mental illness if they can? Those people are just victims.

Now, through such a case that has caused a sensation in the whole country, it has finally shaken people's hearts.

It's just too expensive.

Fang Tan, who was in the center of the whirlpool, didn't know how to judge this matter online, even at the moment the judge pronounced the verdict, there was no turbulence in his heart.

He has long recognized that his mission is to bring light and future to all patients. As for those healthy people, it has nothing to do with him.

Fang Tan was locked up alone, and one of the most common things he did was hum a song with his eyes closed.

It is a section of Bach's Cello Suite.

Fang Tan's voice is warm, like a whisper to a lover.

No fear, no remorse, waiting for the final punishment with unusual calmness.

Horch sat by the window, holding a reddish-brown cello in front of him.

She looked out the window and played the melody hummed by Fang Tan.

Low and melodious.

In terms of performance, it is perfect without any flaws.

Listen carefully, but there is no temperature.

Because of Fang Tan's case, many people who had scolded the popular actor Fu Qiyu before apologized to him.

Fu Qiyu once again floated on the hot search because of this incident.

At this moment, another media revealed that the popular actor Fu Qiyu actually has depression and has been secretly treating it.

Fu Qiyu spoke out on this matter for the first time.

[@FU Qiyu: I do have a history of depression, and I’m slowly recovering now. I didn’t deliberately hide it but I don’t want to overplay it. I'm just sick and confident I'll get better soon. Sorry for taking up public resources for personal reasons. 】

This short response did not sell miserably, did not tell the previous grievances, and gave people a good impression.

Fans are full of heartache for him;

Many passers-by saw the ins and outs of the incident, either they knew this person for the first time, or they became fans of him because of pity;

Many sunspots also feel guilt. The blood of the blood that blackened him before became the blood of calling for him.

The announcement that Jing You was invited to be an assistant guest at the engagement ceremony has not changed, so this engagement followed a hot search.

It is a free brand promotion for Jingteng Group.

Standing outside the isolation glass, Lu Xian shook his head helplessly: "I have a relationship with the prison recently, I just saw one, and I want to see another."

"You can still think of a way to come in and meet me, a death row prisoner. It's amazing." Fang Tan raised an eyebrow, "It's an honor to have a fan like you."

He didn't forget that the person in front of him said he was a fan.

Lu Xian: "In this case, Mr. Fang is willing to tell me now, why did you kill those five people?"

Fang Tan: "The reason is very clear."

Lu Xian: "You really make excuses for yourself."

Fang Tan: "This is not an excuse, it is my great initiative to change the world."

"Your definition of the word 'great' is probably not taught by a serious teacher." Lu Xian touched his chin with his fingertips, "You are a doctor under Horch."

Fang Tan: "I want to correct Miss Lu, Dr. Huo is a consultant in our hospital, I am not her doctor."

Lu Xian: "Dr. Huo is a beautiful woman, and I am also very interested in her."

Fang Tan: "What's up with me then?"

Lu Xian raised her eyebrows: "I didn't say it's your business, are you trying to recruit yourself?"

Lu Xian: "You obviously want me to misunderstand the relationship between you and her."

Fang Tan didn't speak again, just looked at Lu Xian with a standard professional smile.

Lu Xian made an exaggerated expression: "It's not because you can't get her that you're so perverted that you want others to think of the two of you as that kind of relationship, right?"

Fang Tan: "You are very good at angering others."

Lu Xian: "I'm just telling the truth."

"I promised to meet you just because I thought you were an interesting person, but now I hate you a bit." Fang Tan said.

Lu Xian spreads his hands: "I didn't force you not to hate me."

Fang Tan stood up: "It's really unpleasant to see no people every day, but if the person you see is you, I suddenly feel that those days are not bad."

Lu Xian was speechless: "I'm also a good-looking woman. You treat me like this, you don't like men, right?"

Fang Tan chuckled: "I only like my patients."

"That's about the same." Lu Xian stared into Fang Tan's eyes, "Fu Qiyu is your patient."

Fang Tan's expression did not change, but his reaction was half a beat late.

"Don't make some senseless guesses for such unfounded things." Fang Tan said, "It's better to think about how to make yourself less annoying."

"If you say you don't like a man, why would you kill someone for him?" Lu Xian stared at Fang Tan with doubts in his eyes.

Fang Tan smiled: "Miss fan, what detective game are you playing now?"

Lu Xian shook her head: "I'm not interested in solving the case, I'm only interested in you."

Fang Tan: "That's a pity, I'm going to die. You should have told me earlier, I can let you know whether I like a man or a woman before I go to jail."

Lu Xian: "Why do you want to help Xu Zixi deal with the aftermath?"

Fang Tan was stunned for a moment, then said, "I don't want to play the game of 'you ask me to answer' with you."

Lu Xian caught Fang Tan's doubts just now.

It seems that the other party did not know that the second person he killed was the one who sold secrets to Xu Zixi.

Lu Xian asked the last question: "Don't you feel guilty, tormented and painful for killing those innocent people?"

Fang Tan: "For the long-term goal, I will not refuse to do anything."

This sentence is very firm, like a person with lofty beliefs.

Lu Xian sighed and shook his head: "Then you are really helpless."

Fang Tan stopped talking to Lu Xian and asked the prison guard to stop the meeting.

Lu Xian walked into Jingyou's office and lay lazily on the sofa.

"I'm really exhausted, is there any allowance for business trips?"

Jing You: "You just went to prison."

Lu Xian: "That's a long way to go, not to mention that I should be given more subsidies for business trips to that kind of place?"

Jing You: "This is obviously the doctor's own will, and he is trying to make me pay. Do you think I am as easy to deceive as when I was a child?"

Lu Xian showed an expression of approval: "Xiao Jingyou's IQ has skyrocketed now, and I have contributed greatly to this."

Jing You snorted softly: "I'm about to get engaged, I'm in a good mood, I don't want to argue with you today."

Lu Xian: "You must have a sense of urgency in times of peace."

Jing You: "You don't want a crow's mouth."

Lu Xian: "Why are you a feudal and superstitious person now, you are no longer the little cutie I used to know. Oh, I forgot, you had a fairy sister when you were a child, you don't know the myth It’s not a feudal superstition. Myths should be considered a distant cultural heritage.”

Jing You gritted his teeth: "Be quiet."

Lu Xian frowned: "Why do people always ask me to shut up recently, it's so sad."

Jing You took a deep breath and asked, "Since the doctor thinks this is a business trip, what is the reward for my reimbursement?"

Lu Xian: "I guess Fang Tan has an affair with one of his patients."

Jing You cast a suspicious look.

Lu Xian: "I'll make a joke first to brighten the atmosphere."

Jing You picked up the pillow at hand and weighed it in his hand.

It seems that at any moment she will let go and hit the man over there in the face.

Lu Xian: "I still have a lot to gain from this trip. The gentleman does not speak, let's sit down and talk slowly."

If you sort things out.

Lu Xian had suspected that people with red dots on their hands like herself had something in common, and she came into contact with Xu Zixi and Fang Tan one after another. These two people did have something in common with her, That is, sometimes it will be calmer than ordinary people.

In the case of the gene-edited baby that Lu Xian had previously paid attention to, the expectation of the relevant personnel is that the baby can defend against most incurable diseases, and has a different concentration than ordinary people.

This baby is actually very similar to them, no matter in any field, they have the talent to be ahead of everyone.

In terms of concentration, even to the point of desperate, You Yin and Fang Tan are like this, for the sake of their ongoing career, they can ignore everything.

As for Xu Zixi, Lu Xian suspected that her experiment was broken.

But sometimes they get out of control easily, and they are somewhat similar.

Of course, these are unsubstantiated.

Aside from the red dot on the arm, there is no evidence that they ever received an edit like that.

If Huo Shi could do this so many years ago, it would really be a shock to the whole world.

The recent harvest is-

The first person Fang Tan killed was a new star in the entertainment industry. Fu Qiyu, the beneficiary, knew Fang Tan, and the Jingteng employee who happened to betray Xu Zixi was also killed. "It happened" to leave evidence.

There is no doubt that the next three are innocent.

Perhaps, Xu Zixi wanted to use Fang Tan's hand to kill the person who gave her the information, and what that person had a hunch was the accident of Fang Tan's perfect crime.

The first two deceased were "dead well", it is hard not to make people suspect that Fang Tan was led to commit the crime.

The whole thing, one by one.

Suddenly, there was another person in the muddy water.

Among them, there is no lack of Mr. Jia - the high-priced detective hired by Jingyou - to string everything together.

What Lu Xian cares about is that Fang Tan and Xu Zixi are both related to Huo Xi.

Besides, those two seem to… care about Horch very much.

Jing You is not as fragile as Jing Zhenzhu and Jiang Shengyan thought.

Even listening to Lu Xian talk about these shocking conspiracies, the brain can still operate efficiently.

Jing You just doesn't understand why someone can have that level of evil in their hearts.

The plane lands.

Jiang Shengyan appeared at the door of the cabin.

Jing You's eyes lit up immediately.

It was snowing lightly outside today, and the snowflakes fell one by one, and the temperature of the person melted.

This is the first snow of the year.

Jing You held a transparent umbrella in his hand, and could not wait for Jiang Sheng to speak, so he greeted him.

"Fortunately, Xue Xiao did not affect the landing of the plane." Jing You had been worried for a while.

Jiang Shengyan reluctantly touched Jingyou's cold face: "I've been in Shanghai for a while, and I'm familiar with the way home, so you don't need to pick me up."

Jing You: "This time is different, we will have a rehearsal tomorrow."

It doesn't sound like a cause-and-effect relationship.

Jiang Sheng curled his lips: "My boss doesn't care about those rituals that don't make any sense?"

Jing You: "Of course other people's cocktail parties have nothing to do with me, but yours is different from mine."

Jiang Shengyan asked softly again: "Didn't you dislike that kind of occasions with many people before?"

Jing You: "With you, no matter how many people there are, I can bear it."

Jiang Shengyan blinked: "I know this, the newly learned word is called 'double standard'."

Jing You was silent.

Jiang Shengyan: "If you don't understand what it means, I can give you some popular science."

Jing You: "I just didn't expect my fiancee to live in the last century."


Jiang Shengyan's face stiffened: "This term is of no use to my daily work and life, and it doesn't matter if I don't know."

Jing You kissed Jiang Shengyan's lips: "Well, I won't despise you at all if you are old-fashioned."

Jiang Shengyan took a deep breath, how long has it been since he had such a strong urge to hit someone?

Jiang Shengyan snorted coldly: "I tell you, I can learn taekwondo before."

Jing You nodded: "I've seen you beat people."

Jiang Shengyan was surprised: "When?"

She tried her best to recall, but in her memory, it seemed that there was no such thing as beating someone in front of Jing You.

Jing You raised the corners of his mouth proudly: "I won't tell you."

"If you don't want to miss the rehearsal tomorrow, you can try."

Jing You seemed to hear the hidden subtext: "If you don't want to get out of bed tomorrow, you don't have to tell me."

I feel like I'm too good now.

Jing You fell into narcissism.

"Speak!" Jiang Shengyan warned.

Jing You answered honestly: "In the cafeteria of high school, I saw you pick up a big fat man and fall to the ground."

Jiang Shengyan seems to have some impression.

She thought of her rough appearance being looked at by Jing You who was still a child, and she was so embarrassed that she couldn't hold the expression on her face.

Jing You suddenly realized that he had exposed what he had seen Jiang Shengyan for a long time, and his face was intertwined with fear and annoyance, as wonderful as the drama "Sichuan Face Change".

Jiang Shengyan's smile gradually expanded, took the umbrella in Jingyou's hand, and took her hand.

"Let's go home."

Jing You nodded, his face flushed red.

Inexplicably shy.

The snow on the ground is getting more and more, and the whole world is turning white little by little.

Fu Qiyu got up as usual, opened the curtains, and the sun was shining on him.

He was wearing a white short sleeve and his forearm muscles were strong.

Fu Qiyu finished washing up, stood in front of the washstand, and picked up a concealer pen similar to his skin tone.

Extend her forearm to cover a red mole there.

This is his daily routine.

Tomorrow is a special day - the engagement ceremony of the president of Jingteng Group.

Fu Qiyu is going to participate in today's rehearsal.

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