MTL - Don’t Be a Secretary For a Genius-Chapter 136 president of love

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When Jiang Shengyan came out of the bathroom, Jing You was lying on the bed sideways.

The pose is extremely charming and charming.

Jiang Shengyan wiped his hair and joked: "Xiaoyou is like this, are you seducing me?"

Jing You did not answer.

I looked closer and fell asleep.

Jiang Shengyan pulled the quilt over to cover Jing You and watched it quietly for a few minutes before she was willing to look away and took the hairdryer to the bathroom to blow her hair.

Her fingertips were placed on Jingyou's face without touching it, only tracing Jingyou's silhouette in the void.

What a nice guy.

Jiang Shengyan's lips curved slightly.

Even if I watched Jing You grow up since I was a child, I couldn't resist such beauty.

"Sister, I want to score." Jing You's lips moved lightly, and he did not forget to murmur this in his sleep.

Jiang Shengyan pinched the tip of Jingyou's nose lightly, and whispered: "I don't know how to learn better, so young, what points do you get?"

Jiang Shengyan suddenly thought of the scene that once popped up in his mind inadvertently—

The scene where Jingyou scolded her on the bed for not consuming her calories anymore.

…I used to be quite imaginative.

Jiang Shengyan's hand unknowingly placed on Jing You's face, the palm of his hand against the warm side cheek, delicate and soft.

"Sister Fairy..." The corner of Jing You's lips raised a charming smile.

It's the fairy sister again.

Jiang Shengyan frowned.

Jing You was sleeping soundly, and was suddenly awakened by a strong push.

"Who is the fairy sister?" Jiang Shengyan asked directly.

Jing You's mind that was still confused, "hum", and instantly sobered up.

"What fairy sister?" Jing You turned around, "I don't know what you are talking about, it made me sleep!"

"You lied to me." Jiang Sheng's tone was very positive.

Being with Jingyou for so long, she could see at a glance that the guy in front of her was lying.

Jiang Shengyan wrapped one hand around Jing You's waist and restrained him from behind.

The lips were placed on Jingyou's ear: "Who is the fairy sister that you always dream of?"

Jing You momentarily thought that Jiang Shengyan had the superpower to spy on other people's dreams, and his whole body froze.

After a long while, Jing You calmed down: "I haven't had a dream."

"Liaring is not a good boy." Jiang Shengyan squeezed Jing You's waist.

"I just didn't have a dream." Jing You refused to admit it.

It's too embarrassing to dream of a fairy sister or something.

"Since it's not a dream, then you really have a fairy sister?" Jiang Shengyan's voice was deep.

"I don't." Jing You's face with his back to Jiang Shengyan was covered with red mist. If you beat an egg on it, it's not guaranteed to be cooked in two minutes.

"Then go to sleep." Jiang Shengyan let go of Jing You and turned around.

The other party stopped asking, Jing You breathed a sigh of relief.

However, I always feel that something is not right, and I don't know what is wrong.

Jing You's eyes opened, tonight's plan was to score points, why fell asleep!

There are two forces in Jiang Shengyan's heart torn back and forth.

Jing You already belongs to herself. Who is the fairy sister in her mouth, it doesn't make any sense to have to find out.

But reason is one thing, Jiang Shengyan still very much wants to know who Jing You cares about since he was a child.

Jing You rolled over and drew a circle on Jiang Shengyan's back with his fingers.

"Sister, don't sleep, we still have things to do."

"It's late, there's a lot of work tomorrow."

Jiang Shengyan didn't realize that he was like an awkward little girl.

"How can work be more important to me?" Jing You's fingers slowly slid to the back of Jiang Shengyan's neck, and the fingertips touched the slightly warm skin.

Jiang Shengyan's facial muscles were tense, and he didn't want to pay attention to the person behind him, but his body was out of control, and he turned over suddenly, pressing down Jingyou's hands and feet.

Jing You was suddenly clamped by his wrist, Shui Lulu's eyes blinked a few times quickly, acting like a bunny at a loss.

"You really don't tell me who the fairy sister is?" Jiang Shengyan's lips stopped at the position of Jingyou's ear bone, and his teeth were lightly bitten.

Jing You opened her mouth, unable to say anything, and hummed: "Sister, don't say some strange things."

"I gave you a chance." Jiang Shengyan's voice was hoarse, "Don't regret it."

Jing You hadn't had time to respond to what this sentence meant. The kisses fell one after another, and each kiss made her feel swayed. She wanted to make a move, but Jiang Shengyan tied her hands tightly, so she could only let the other party do anything wrong.

"Sister, I want to sleep."

"Are you in a hurry to see Sister Fairy in your dream?"

"Sister...I'm tired..."

In the middle of the night, the sound of sobbing and sobbing resounded throughout the house.

The next morning.

Three poles in the sun, Jing You still has no sign of waking up.

This has never happened in over a decade.

Jiang Shengyan leaned against the head of the bed, using the tablet to handle the work, occasionally looking at Jingyou from the corner of her eye.

Not without guilt.

Finally, Jingyou successfully opened his eyes before lunch.

"No more." The first words Jing You woke up were these three words.

The voice is hoarse, like suffering from severe pharyngitis.

Jing You found that the sky was bright, and was moved by seeing hope.

There were tears.

Jiang Shengyan coughed softly, and asked softly, "What would you like to eat at noon?"

Jing You lay flat, only moved his head, and turned his face to Jiang Shengyan's direction: "Sister is too much!"

Jiang Shengyan: "It was you who provoked me first, I only made you suffer a little bit, it's not too much."

Jing You: "My sister has consumed all my calories, so I can't move my head!"

Jiang Shengyan: "Then you should eat more and store more calories."

Jing You: "Don't you have any repentance?!"

Jiang Shengyan: "If you want to repent, it's your repentance. I gave you a chance."

Jing You: "What chance?"

Jiang Shengyan: "Tell me who the fairy sister is."

Hearing Jiang Sheng say these four words again, Jing You can't wait to jump out of the window.

"Since my sister has scored so many points, when will I be awarded?" Jing You changed the subject and his voice was very grainy.

Jiang Shengyan couldn't bear to listen.

"Stop talking today, Xiaoyou, I'll cook you pear soup."

"I don't drink pear soup." Jing You said, "I want to score."

"Do you want to continue tonight?" Jiang Shengyan warned.

Jingyou shut his mouth and felt wronged.

Jiang Shengyan rubbed his nose and put down the tablet: "Since you are awake, let's get up."

"I can't afford it!" Jing You was very angry, "I'm very tired!"

"Then you sleep again, I'll get up by myself." Jiang Shengyan said.

Jing You: "Sister just did such an extreme thing to me last night, is this the attitude today?"

Jiang Shengyan: "How could I have done anything too much? I just need to fulfill my fiancee's obligations."

Jing You still wanted to speak, but his throat was burning with pain.

"I want to drink water." Jing You whispered.

Jiang Shengyan was scratched at the heart by the sound of the kitten's paw, and his whole body trembled.

"I'll pour water for you." Jiang Shengyan's voice softened a little.

"After pouring the water, I have to come back and continue to sleep." Jing You's mouth bulged and acted coquettishly.

"Okay, go back to sleep."

But Jing You didn't realize that it was a good time to ask, let go of Jiang Shengyan to pour water.

Thinking of last night over and over again…

I was ashamed to bury my whole body under the quilt.

It became a big dumpling.

When Jiang Shengyan came back, he saw a large caterpillar wriggling on the bed.

Jing You was twisting and rolling in the quilt, and was suddenly pinned down by a mountain, unable to move.

Jiang Shengyan suppressed the edge of the quilt maliciously, making Jingyou unable to come out.

"What are you doing!" Jing You hoarsely exasperated.

"What do you say I do?" Jiang Shengyan jokingly, "Of course it is to pack a little lady in a sack and go up the mountain to be the lady of the village."

"I'm suffocating!" Jing You's voice was indeed breathless.

Jiang Shengyan hurriedly lifted the quilt, the corners of the people inside raised their mouths, dragged Jiang Shengyan into the quilt, and covered their heads.

Crowded in a small and oxygen-deficient dark space, two people made a swallowing sound at the same time.

The face was cleaned by each other's breath, itchy.

I don't know who took the initiative, just woke up in the morning, they were entangled again.

The water at the head of the bed turned from hot to cold, and was of no use.

At the table.

Jing You made a "bang bang" cough.

She has a cold.

The reason is probably too much sweat last night.

Jiang Shengyan patted Jing You's back lightly, his eyes full of guilt.

No matter how angry you are, you should be more restrained.

Jing You looked sullen, covered her mouth and said, "I can't communicate intimately with my sister tonight."

The tone is regrettable.

Jiang Shengyan nodded: "Don't worry, before you get better, my sister will not do anything to you again."

Jing You: "Sister is also afraid that I will infect you with a cold?"

The eyes are like looking at a heartless man.

Jiang Shengyan: "What are you thinking? If you are not feeling well, my sister will take good care of you."

Jing You: "It's a pity I can't kiss anymore."

Jiang Shengyan grabbed Jing You's wrist, removed her hand from her mouth, and kissed it.

After a feather-light kiss, Jiang Shengyan didn't back away immediately, but pressed against the tip of Jingyou's nose: "I'm not afraid of infection."

Jing You: "What if you catch a cold too?"

Jiang Shengyan: "I'm in good health and won't catch a cold easily."

Jing You: "Didn't you have a fever before?"

"Well." Jiang Shengyan said with a smile, "Xiao You took good care of me."

Jing You: "Then you said you won't catch a cold easily."

Jiang Shengyan: "So my cold this year has passed, and I won't be infected."

Jing You kissed Jiang Shengyan on the lips and then again.

"Does that mean you can kiss casually?" she asked.

The corners of Jiang Shengyan's eyes were slightly curved: "Why is Xiaoyou such a little pervert now?"

"I like it." Jing You grabbed Jiang Shengyan's collar, "I like it so much that I can't control myself."

Jiang Shengyan tasted Jing You's slightly dry lips again.

Appreciate: "It's like smearing honey on your mouth."

"Ah!" Jing You covered her nose and sneezed.

Jiang Shengyan rubbed Jingyou's hair and opened a soup cup in front of Jingyou: "Drink some hot soup first."

"You feed me." Jing You still couldn't make such a request calmly, and his face was full of shame.

Jiang Shengyan picked up the ceramic spoon, dipped it in the attractive chicken soup, skimmed off the thin oil floating on it, scooped a spoonful, put it to his mouth and blew twice, Send it to Jing You's mouth.

Jing You swallowed the soup in his mouth, but his mouth became more and more dry.

"I seem to be sick." Jing You's eyes drooped slightly.

"I know you're sick and you'll be fine soon."

Jiang Shengyan wiped away the soup stain on Jingyou's lips with his thumb.

Jing You shook his head: "It's not a cold."

Jiang Shengyan was stunned for a moment: "Is there any other discomfort?"

Jing You grabbed Jiang Shengyan's hand and put it on her heart: "It jumps very fast here, and I always want to swallow my sister, and I want to stick to my sister all the time."

Jiang Shengyan became short of breath and his face became hot.

Jing You's mouth has never been so irritating, and seldom said such nasty words.

How can Jiang Shengyan not be carried away by such words, even from yesterday to today, it is still not enough.

She also wants to hold Xiaoyou in her arms all the time, without separating for a second.

This feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

Jiang Shengyan pulled Jing You over and let her sit on his lap.

Jing You hooked Jiang Shengyan's neck, and the whole person was almost hung on her body, like a koala hugging a big tree with green leaves.

Jing You felt that this posture was a bit embarrassing, and he was reluctant to leave, so he lowered his head and buried his face in Jiang Shengyan's neck.

Like this, no one can see her.

Jiang Shengyan wrapped his arms around Jing You's waist, his face full of regret: "It would be better if we got together earlier."

Being separated just after being together is really annoying.

Jing You said angrily, "That's all my sister's fault."

Jiang Shengyan was not happy, and said angrily: "It's all my fault?"

Jing You: "If you prank me earlier, I will find out what I like earlier."

Jiang Shengyan was stunned for a while, her heart tingling.

"Sister." Jing You called softly.

"En." Jiang Shengyan couldn't help tightening his arms.

"Can I call you by your name in the future?" Jing You said.

Jiang Shengyan: "Why do you want to call me by my name?"

Jing You: "I'm as tall as you, so I can protect you in the future."

Jiang Shengyan: "You don't want to call me sister as tall as me?"

Jing You: "You will be my woman in the future, not my sister."

Jiang Shengyan was completely defeated by this sentence, and said softly: "You can call it whatever you want, sister or Jiang Shengyan, it's up to you."

The corners of Jing You's lips twitched up: "If you agree, I can rest assured."

Jiang Shengyan was curious: "I called my sister before because I didn't agree?"

"Yeah." Jing You is very honest.

"You're a fool."

Jiang Shengyan raised Jing You's buried face and looked at himself.

"What else do you want? I can grant you one more wish."

Jing You's eyes lit up instantly: "Can I score a hole?"

"No." Jiang Shengyan refused ruthlessly.

"You lie!" Jing You was annoyed.

Jiang Shengyan: "A wish can only come true if it is realistic."

Jing You: "Why is my wish unrealistic? We have a stable partnership, and I have fully learned the technique of entering holes. It's time for a field survey."

Jiang Shengyan's face turned blue when he heard these nonsense words.

"I say impractical is impractical."

It's so difficult to manage now, she really got to the top, and she can't even go to the house!

"You are unreasonable!"

Jing You spoke in a hurry, and coughed again.

She quickly distanced herself from Jiang Shengyan and covered her lips with both hands to prevent Jiang Shengyan from being splashed by bacteria.

Jiang Shengyan stroked Jing You's back with her hand to help her get better.

After Jing You coughed, he asked again, "Is it okay?"

Jiang Shengyan said firmly: "No."

Jing You pouted and closed his eyes: "Then kiss me."

Jiang Shengyan leaned over and pecked.

Jing You opened his eyes, raised his eyebrows, and said with confidence, "I will score someday."

"I'll wait and see." Jiang Shengyan pinched Jingyou's face lovingly.

Jing You: "You always pinch my face like this, are you trying to make me wrinkle?"

Jiang Shengyan: "When did you care about growing wrinkles?"

Jing You: "The old man in the TV series said that everyone likes young and beautiful."

Jiang Shengyan: "Don't watch strange TV series again."

Jing You: "If you hurry up and let me score—"

"Hurry down and eat, I have to go to the company after dinner." Jiang Shengyan interrupted ruthlessly.

Jing You: "I'm sick, you have to leave me."

Jiang Shengyan: "If you don't say something strange, I can consider staying at home with you."

Jing You: "Sheng Yan is really too much."

Jiang Shengyan's heart beat a few times, and her fingertips were a little numb.

Xiao You is indeed an adult as tall as himself.

He is also an adult full of style.

Jiang Sheng was absent-minded.

The long-term company with Xiao You, not only did not lose the freshness, but even more expectations.

What kind of surprises can Xiaoyou bring to you?

Jing You's cold came and went quickly.

I didn't stay in Shanghai for a few days, but Jiang Shengyan rushed back to work hard.

Jing You was sitting on Lu Xian's dissection platform with his chin up, looking melancholy.

"Doctor, I think Jiang Shengyan is tired of me." Jing You said.

Lu Xian: "I'm tired of you, it's not easy."

Jing You: "You are jealous that I have a fiancee."

Lu Xian: "You can have a fiancee."

While talking, she gave Jing You a look.

That look is like saying: "Who else can't?"

Jing You: "I miss Secretary Jiang so much, and Secretary Jiang obeys me."

Lu Xian ignored her.

"Jiang Shengyan's mother decided to participate in my experiment." Lu Xian said.

Jing You: "Why am I not the first to know?"

A sour gas gushed out.

"I also need to answer such a simple question..." Lu Xian paused, "Of course it's because you are useless."

Jing You: "I want someone to remove the freezer."

"You're taking it seriously." Lu Xian rushed to Jingyou with a bright smile, "The chicken feet are gone, remember to replenish."

Jing You jumped off the stage, stood up straight, and walked to Lu Xian.

"Doctor, please."

Extremely rare, bowed.

Lu Xian naturally accepted the gift calmly: "Please offer me more delicious food during the festival."


To worship? Do you think you are a god?

Jing You ignored Lu Xian's request and left.

? ? ?

Lu Xian was full of question marks.

Take me here as a garbage river, pat on the buttocks and leave after pouring the bitter water?

The children of today are really heartbreaking!

A heartache just left, and another heartbreaker comes in.

Ying Jian carried all kinds of desserts and packaging bags from several different stores, and put them on the dissection table very proudly.

"I bought you afternoon tea."

Lu Xian: "I still miss the little sister's prank appearance, which is more cute."

Ying Jian blushed: "You say I'm cute?"

Lu Xian: "At that time, after the prank was over, he went away, very cute. Now he always sticks to me, it's not cute."

Ying Jian squeezed his hands into two fists the size of poached eggs, resisting the urge to turn Lu Xian into panda eyes.

"I'll laugh at it, bye."

Lu Xian happily opened a carton, which was filled with fresh cream strawberry cubes, the most authentic old-fashioned dessert in Yancheng.

"Haven't you heard the phrase 'take a man's hand to eat a man's mouth'?" Ying Jian squeezed out a sentence between her teeth.

Lu Xian glanced at Ying Jian and ate the cake in her hand.

Chew silently.

No communication with Yingjian.

"You got cream on your mouth." Ying Jian approached, "It looks delicious."

Lu Xian patted Ying Jian on the head: "Don't be big or small to the elders, don't hurry up and hand me a piece of paper."

Just now, Lu Xian showed no mercy, and Ying Jian was beaten firmly on the top of her head.

Ying Jian's **** and white eyes read "I can't believe you hit me".

Seeing that Ying Jian did not move, Lu Xian took a tissue and wiped the cream off her mouth.

"I'm busy, little sister to finish her work, children who don't work hard are not good children."

"When will you be nice to me?" Ying Jian lowered her head, her bangs covered her eyes, and her voice was exhausted.

"You little white-eyed wolf, am I not good to you?" Lu Xian shook his head, "It's a big deal to give you a piece of the cake."

Speaking, stuffed a strawberry cube into Ying Jian's mouth.

Ying Jian was caught off guard and was speechless for a long time.

Lu Xian immediately seized the opportunity and threw the person out with Ying Jian's collar.

Ying Jian stood outside the laboratory, with a black mist rising all over her body.

The eyes seemed to be on fire, and the demonic air roared out.

She shook her shoulders and squeezed out of her throat: "I will make you meow in bed one day!"

"Don't threaten the elders!" Lu Xian's voice came from the intercom at the door.

Ying Jian turned around and snorted: "You wait!"

"Pfft", a burst of nitrogen gas spewed out of the laboratory door, blowing Ying Jian's face out of shape.

Lu Xian: "You need to disinfect."

Ying Jian was treated like this, but gave a smile.

Lu Xian finally reacted to her, which is also an improvement.

Lu Xian was shocked when she saw Ying Jian's expression on the monitor inside.

Is there something wrong with this little sister?

Jiang Shengyan and Huo Xi met at a coffee shop near Yancheng University.

The cafe is Nordic style, very popular with college students, the store is full of sunshine, youth and vitality.

Jiang Shengyan arrived at the meeting place fifteen minutes in advance, and when he entered the door, he saw Horch sitting by the window at a glance.

I have to say that the other party is a person who can catch the eye at a glance.

Even if you haven't seen the photo before meeting, I'm afraid you won't admit it.

Jiang Shengyan walked over and greeted with a smile: "Hello, Miss Huo."

Huo Xi smiled back: "Mr. Jiang, please take a seat."

The smile is like a warm spring breeze, which is very comfortable in my heart.

Read The Duke's Passion