MTL - Don’t Be a Secretary For a Genius-Chapter 130 president of love

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After a lot of delay on the road, Jing You and Jiang Shengyan finally arrived at the bus stop across the road.

Several rectangular signs are connected together, each sign has advertisements, and one of the advertising spokespersons is Fu Qiyu, who I met just now.

Jing You pointed to the brand and asked Jiang Shengyan, "Does he look good?"

Jiang Shengyan commented objectively: "It's pretty, baby face, very cute."

Jing You: "Sister really likes cute ones."

The last time Jiang Shengyan's best friend introduced her to her intern, who was also a cute little boy. Jing You has not forgotten what Jiang Shengyan made him angry at that time.

Jiang Shengyan pinched Jingyou's face: "Not as cute as you."

Jing You: "Is my sister trying to coax me now?"

"I'm telling the truth, in my heart, Xiao You is the cutest."

The corners of Jiang Shengyan's eyes were bent downwards, with a strong smile.

Jing You: "I think my sister is lying to me, how cute am I?"

Jiang Shengyan: "You're cute when you're stupid, cute when you're jealous, cute when you're like an antique, cute when you tell a bad joke..."

She leaned close to Jingyou's ear and lowered her voice: "It's cute when you're on the bed."

Jing You's face was a little hot, his ears moved slightly, and his fair skin was dyed with a thin layer of powder, like a tender radish.

"My sister is also cute on the bed." Jing Youli exchanged, "Blushing, like a small apple."

Jiang Shengyan's face turned black instantly, raised his hand to cover Jing You's mouth: "Don't speak when you shouldn't speak."

Jing You frowned: "Sister has bacteria on her hands!"

Jiang Shengyan moved his hand to Jingyou's ear and grabbed it gently.

"Then why don't you think I have germs on my mouth?"

Stern face, like a terrible mother who teaches her children.

"Because it's comfortable." Jing You raised his eyebrows, "It's comfortable when kissing, so ignore the bacteria. But it's uncomfortable for you to cover my mouth."

"You are the only one!" Jiang Shengyan couldn't help but peck at Jingyou's lips.

If it wasn't outside, Jiang Shengyan would have done something even more extreme.

Jing You's serious and shy words... It's quite tempting.

Jing You rested his head on Jiang Shengyan's shoulder: "I often see the protagonist fall in love at the bus stop in TV dramas, some go to school in the morning and wait for the bus together, and when it rains Umbrellas are waiting for the car, and people who deliberately detour to take a car with the person they like. It’s a place where stories are easy to happen.”

Jiang Shengyan chuckled: "Why do you speak like a little poet?"

Jing You: "I didn't write poetry, I was just discussing probability with you."

Jiang Shengyan: "I don't want to discuss probability with you, I want to discuss with you whether you have change."

Jing You asked confidently: "How can I have change?"

Jiang Shengyan: "Then how are you going to get on the bus?"

Jing You: "Don't you have any money?"

Jiang Shengyan: "I never thought I would take a bus, so why would I prepare in advance?"

Jiang Shengyan has indeed not taken a bus for a long time.

Now public transportation can use the app to scan the code to ride, and even after the permission is opened, you can use the face to ride, but the two people who don't need to take the bus don't understand this.

Jing You didn't know at all, Jiang Shengyan... The memory is still stuck in the era of bus cards and change.

Jing You stared at Jiang Shengyan in silence for a while.

"Then what are we waiting for here?" she asked.

Jiang Shengyan: "Go and borrow money."

Jing You: "I'm going to borrow money?" The tail is raised an octave, which is completely incredible.

Jiang Shengyan: "You propose to take the bus, of course you are going to borrow money."

Jing You glanced at the person beside him.

How could she ask someone she doesn't know to borrow money!

Jiang Shengyan had a smile in her eyes, she just wanted to tease Jingyou and see what the children would do.

Jing You directly called a bodyguard to ask him if he had any money.

I don't have any money, but the bodyguard downloaded the bus app for the two of them on their mobile phones.

…It was so convenient now.

Jiang Shengyan rubbed his eyebrows.

As a senior secretary of a technology group, I don't even know this, which is really derelict.

It seems that I usually spend more time on all kinds of news.

It's not that Jiang Shengyan's life is closed. She pays attention to major events at home and abroad every day, but it is easy to ignore the small things around her; on the other hand, the development of science and technology in her own country in recent years Too fast, the leaders in the subdivision field are excellent, and they deal with big decisions at the top level all day long, so they have no time to focus on other things.

"What is my sister thinking?" Jing You raised his hand and waved in front of Jiang Shengyan.

Jiang Sheng said back to his senses: "I'm thinking... There is still a lot to learn, and I will work harder in the future."

In order to quickly become stronger and become your umbrella.

Jing You nodded: "I have to work harder to learn how to be more cute and make my sister like me more."

Jiang Shengyan laughed: "You don't have to learn, it's cute now."

If I really learn it, I still don’t know what the car accident scene will be.

"I have to learn." Jing You stared straight at Jiang Shengyan, "Sister smiled happily at that cute boy today."

The words "cute boy" are hard to bite.

Jiang Shengyan: "Don't frame me, I only smiled politely at him."

Jing You: "You said just now that he is good-looking and cute."

Jiang Shengyan: "I just answer your question and make an objective statement."

Jing You: "I don't think he is good-looking and cute, so what you just said is not an objective statement."

Jiang Shengyan: "You want to mess with me again?"

Jing You: "The bus we want to take has passed twice. When will we get on the bus?"


Jiang Shengyan: "Then why didn't you say it earlier?"

Jing You: "I thought my sister saw it too. She had to wait for fewer people before getting on the bus, but it seems that there are more and more people."

Jiang Shengyan tapped Jingyou's nose with his fingertips, and said with a smile, "I was busy looking at you just now, how can I have time to look at the car?"

Jing You lowered his eyes, about to be shy.

Jiang Shengyan took Jing You's hand and walked towards the bus door that just stopped at the platform.

"It will be a little crowded in a moment, Xiaoyou will hold me tight."

"Oh." Jing You raised his eyelids slightly, his eyelashes trembled a few times, like a mimosa.

This is the first time for Jing You to take a bus.

She was surprised when she got in the car.

Not even a seat.

The buses in the TV series are obviously empty, and the protagonists can sit side by side in the seats, share the same song with a pair of headphones, and shake.

A few pink petals flew in from the window.

But the bus I took was crowded with people everywhere, and the aisles were full of people, and the smell was not very good. Occasionally, the smell of sweat mixed with the smell of smoke drifted through.

Jing You grabbed the clothes on Jiang Shengyan's waist, and said in a wronged voice, "Sister, are we riding in a fake car? This is different from what I imagined."

Jiang Shengyan was holding the ring with one hand and protecting Jingyou with the other.

"It's the evening rush hour after get off work. It's normal for the bus to be crowded. We are very close. We can get off the bus in three stops. Hold on?"

"Alright then." Jing You hugged Jiang Shengyan's waist tightly to prevent herself from being shaken.

Jiang Shengyan saw a gap beside the window, so he moved Jingyou over there and protected Jingyou on a corner.

There is a window on one side and a railing on the other, so that no one can squeeze her.

Jing You leaned back on the window glass, looked at Jiang Shengyan and said, "If my sister feels that there are people behind you, I can change it with you. I will protect you."

"This car is not crowded." Jiang Shengyan recalled with a smile, "When I used to squeeze the subway, I had to rely on the volunteer aunt at the door to push people inside, and the people at the door could Get in the car. The people in the car are like sponges, you can squeeze out one more person until you can't squeeze another person."

Jing You imagined the picture in his mind - a carriage was full of small yellow sponges. After the door was opened, an aunt with a leather hand at the door slammed the little sponges outside one by one. Get into the car.

The little sponges in the carriage were extruded into various shapes.

The expression on Jing You's face became strange.

"What are you thinking?" Jiang Shengyan put her forehead on Jing You's forehead, "Can't you imagine how crowded it is now?"

Jing You: "I can imagine that if I squeeze a little more, I can get closer to my sister."

"Next time let's take the subway."

Jing You is eager to try.

Jiang Sheng sighed.

Xiao You seems to regard this as a kind of game!

What a child who does not know the sufferings of the world.

"Sister." Jing You called.

"Huh?" Jiang Sheng replied.

Jing You blinked lightly: "I want to squeeze the bus with you for the rest of my life."

Jiang Shengyan's face was clearly reflected in his eyes.

Jiang Shengyan indulged in that line of sight.

For a long time, the corner of the mouth drew a sweet arc: "Why?"

Jing You: "I like being held in your arms."

Jiang Shengyan didn't say anything, she just stared at Jingyou with her answer in her eyes.

They will be together forever.

Anything is fine.

Jing You's five fingers clasped the back of Jiang Shengyan's hand tightly, and smiled at her: "Jiang Shengyan, next time I take the bus, I will hold you, okay?"

Jiang Sheng was stunned and stammered: "You... why are you calling my name suddenly?"

"You said you want me to grow up." Jing You looked serious, "I'm learning how to grow up."

Jiang Shengyan tightened his face, hiding his shyness.

"I didn't say that you can stop calling me sister when you grow up."

Jing You: "But I think it sounds good to call it that."

Jiang Shengyan: "Anyway, don't call me by my name."

Every time she hears Xiaoyou calling her "Jiang Shengyan" directly, she always has an illusion that she should be the one who is held by Xiaoyou in the palm of her hand .

Such a strange thought is a shame.

Jing You scratched his nose and muttered in a low voice: "The doctor has another bad idea. She said that you would like to call you by your name."

Jiang Sheng cleared his throat and asked, "You always talk about the doctor, and your relationship must be very good."

Jing You nodded and shook her head: "It's just normal, she always doesn't want to fulfill her friend's obligations."

Jiang Shengyan coughed again, and her voice became a little vague: "That fairy..."


An electric car ran a red light, the rickety bus braked suddenly, and the passengers in the carriage staggered.

Jiang Shengyan was unsteady and fell forward, bumping into Jingyou's nose.

Both of them have wrinkled facial features, sore and painful, and want to cry.

"Every passenger, Baiyu Street is here, please take your belongings and get off in an orderly manner through the back door. Thank you!"

The car report station broadcast sounded.

Jiang Shengyan covered her nose with one hand and held Jingyou with the other.

I looked a little embarrassed when I got out of the car.

Standing on the solid masonry ground, the two of them looked at each other and both smiled.

It was an interesting memory.

It's much more fun than sitting upright in the leather back seat of a luxury car.

Although the bus ride was not as romantic as expected in advance, the corners of Jingyou's lips were raised.

My relationship with my sister seems to be getting closer.

It should be said that it is closer to my sister's previous life.

But that's not enough.

Want to get closer.

Little by little, learn all about Jiang Shengyan.

Baiyu Street is the most famous snack street in Shanghai.

Here is a collection of famous snacks from all over the world, not only Chinese delicacies, but also foreign specialties.

Some local snacks will be improved according to the tastes of local people when they are passed on to another place, which makes them less authentic. However, there are people from all over the country living in Shanghai, so many people who set up food stalls here have not changed the long-standing traditional craftsmanship.

So the local snacks in Baiyu Street are quite authentic.

The lanterns are starting to come on outside, and the stalls in Baiyu Street are also lit up with incandescent, neon, and LED lights, and they are open for business.

Scents are everywhere.

The meaning of Chinese cuisine is never limited to the food that fills the stomach, but also the taste of hometown and the taste of home.

As soon as you enter Baiyu Street, you will be greeted by the smell of barbecue.

The uncle with a white round hat stood in front of a long stove, and his hands were full of iron sticks.

There are at least hundreds of them.

The uncle in the round hat seemed to be performing some kind of special acrobatics. Hundreds of iron sticks were turned over and over in his hands, enjoying the scorching fire evenly.

Uncle round hat put the sticks on both hands to his left, grabbed a handful of cumin powder with his right, sipped it on the skewers with his fingertips, and changed the position of the sticks from time to time with his left hand, so that each Not a single meat skewer was dropped, and under the difficult movement, not a single iron stick came off his hands.

Two four- and five-year-olds stood in front of the booth watching and applauding, as if they were watching a wonderful performance.

Jing You glanced at it, and was rarely greedy.

Eating has always been a fixed task for her to replenish calories.

But now entering this night market full of food temptations with Jiang Shengyan, the taste buds are also restless.

Jiang Shengyan noticed Jing You's swallowing movement, and asked softly, "Want to eat?"

Jing You did not admit it immediately, but said: "It has been exposed to the air for so long, and it must have been contaminated with a lot of dust and bacteria."

"Since you don't want to eat..." Jiang Shengyan deliberately paused for a while.

Jing You secretly raised his eyes and glanced at Jiang Shengyan, with a little anticipation in his eyes, as if he was waiting for the other party to say he wanted to eat.

"Then don't eat it." Jiang Shengyan said.

Jing You's eyes flashed with disappointment, but he didn't say anything.

Jiang Shengyan smiled and said, "It looks delicious, I will eat it by myself."

Jing You made no comments.

Thinking in her heart, she will take a bite, my sister will not be so stingy.

The apprentice at the mutton skewer stall said that it would take more than ten minutes to wait. Jiang Shengyan paid the money and got the receipt, so he continued to walk forward with Jingyou, intending to turn around and come back.

Jing You was led by Jiang Shengyan, and turned back three times, reluctantly.

It smells so good…

Jiang Shengyan held back a smile and did not pierce Jing You.

After all, children... all love face.

"How come I hadn't found a place like this before?"

After eating mutton skewers with thick gravy, Jing You expressed such emotion.

Jiang Shengyan said with a serious face: "The boss's brain is to contribute to all mankind, and brain cells should not be wasted on such trivial matters as supplementing calories."

This is what Jing You said.

Jing You's expression froze and said: "Secretary Jiang likes to eat all kinds of food, as your fiancee, I should respect your hobbies and have the obligation to accompany you to do what you like. ."

Jiang Shengyan nodded: "It seems to make sense."

Jing You: "It doesn't seem to make sense, but it does make sense."

"Okay, it does make sense." Jiang Shengyan held Jing You's hand tightly, "With such a lovely fiancée accompanying me, everything will taste delicious."

Jing You pulled Jiang Shengyan's hand up to his mouth, quickly kissed the back of the other's hand, and quickly put it back, pretending that nothing happened.

Jiang Shengyan trembled.

Twisted his face to one side, and the corners of his lips curled up quietly.

Walking, Jing You shook Jiang Shengyan's hand.

"Sister, that looks delicious." Jing You looked at the food in the hand of a girl walking towards him.

The paper bag contained a deep-fried bun with a round golden color.

It looks crispy and delicious.

The one holding the food is a girl with a head curtain.

Suddenly she was stared at by a beautiful woman in front of her, and a red mist slowly rose on her face.

Jing You's eyes are full of love most of the time, and now is no exception.

Jiang Shengyan stood aside, clearly seeing Jing You staring at the position of the girl's chest for a moment, the girl was shy.

It seems that it is not in the snack street, but in the vast green grassland.

The **** the opposite side seemed to have some misunderstanding. She pulled her companion over and asked softly, "Miss, can you give me your contact information?"

Jing You shook his head.

The girl with the head curtain lowered her eyes: "But I just saw that you have been looking at me."

The girl is shy and shy, like a daffodil that has just been bathed in the river of love.

The girls with the head curtains are very good-looking, and they are very conspicuous in the crowd, and they are never short of suitors.

I have never had the experience of asking people for their contact information.

But just looking at Jing You just now, the girl fell into those eyes and couldn't extricate herself.

Jiang Shengyan sighed in his heart.

This is it.

Jing You asked, "What is this in your hand? I've never eaten it."

The girl and her companions were stunned.

Jiang Shengyan smiled to relieve the siege: "My fiancée is greedy, and she is even more greedy when she sees beautiful girls holding delicious food in her hands."

Not only praised the beauty, but also showed that they were a couple.

The girl with the head curtain and the curtains noticed the hands of the two in front of her.

She smiled embarrassedly and said, "This is clam bun, not far from here, it's a kind grandma's stall, easy to find."

"Thank you." Jiang Shengyan replied politely.

Jing You also said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." The girl with the head curtain nodded at the two of them, and then pulled her companion to leave quickly.

After the people left, Jiang Shengyan knocked on Jing You's head, with a slightly coquettish tone: "I really want to lock you in a small dark room and prevent you from coming out to harm the country and the people."

"Can you go faster, sister?" Jing You's thoughts were all on the golden bun just now.

"Why are you so greedy all of a sudden?" Jiang Shengyan snorted softly, "Those who didn't know thought that I had abused you before."

"I am serious about cultivating common hobbies with my sister." Jing You's eyes were clear, without any impurities, "Sister has always been greedy, why not today?"

Jiang Shengyan laughed: "Is such an image in your heart?"

Jing You nodded honestly.

Jing You always acts out of common sense... Jiang Shengyan also loves it miserably.

"Well... my sister's drool is about to come down." Jiang Sheng said with a curved lips.

Jing You raised the corners of his mouth proudly: "I knew my sister would like it."

Jiang Shengyan's eyes flashed with fine stars.

How can you not tolerate it?

Xiaoyou sincerely and diligently likes everything she likes.

The queue in front of the clam bun stall was hot, Jiang Shengyan and Jing You waited in line for a while before they got to the first one.

In a small round bowl, spread a piece of white dough, sprinkle a layer of coriander flowers, and then beat an egg with one hand.

Then put the succulent clams into the egg mixture, and sprinkle with a layer of coriander flowers, the golden yellow and turquoise match, harmonious and wonderful.

Finally, squeeze the bun pleats, and the palm-sized clam buns are very generous.

The grandma who sold the clam buns packed the hot clam buns into a paper bag and said with a smile, "Can the little girl eat chili? It's delicious with a little bit of it."

Jiang Shengyan glanced at Jing You.

Jing You nodded: "You can come a little."

"Okay." Grandma sprinkled some special seasonings on the clam buns, picked up a sharp-edged chili jar, punctured the crispy skin of the golden buns, and squeezed the hot sauce inside, neatly Pull out the chili can, there is no leakage.

"Here, your clams are wrapped." Grandma reached out and handed over the paper bag.

Jiang Shengyan took the paper bag, thanked her grandma, and took out her mobile phone to pay.

Jing You looked at Jiang Shengyan's silhouette, the corners of his lips slightly raised.

Such a flamboyant sister is more attractive than Secretary Jiang who pretends to be working all day.

Dating is a wonderful thing.

In a slightly dimly lit room.

The screen wraps around, and different operations are being done on each screen.

A woman sat in the swivel chair in the middle, glanced at one of the screens, and quickly tapped her fingers on the keyboard to give instructions.

Under the rolled up sleeves, half a red dot was faintly exposed.

At the same time as she typed a string of characters, her eyes quickly scanned the other screen. After the previous command was over, she immediately slid the swivel chair to the other side and typed a new string.

Multitasking and amazingly fast.

This woman is the data genius who entered Jingteng some time ago - You Yin.

At the same time, a woman stood outside the door, looking down at the fingerprint lock, thoughtfully.

The woman outside the door is Ling Muwei, president of Lingqi Technology, and You Yin's estranged wife.

After the company was acquired by Jingteng, it is not surprising that she would appear here.

Read The Duke's Passion