MTL - Don’t Be a Secretary For a Genius-Chapter 10 President heartthrob

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There are new people joining the company. In order to welcome them, there is usually a small team building.

Manager Zhen of the secretary office came to Jiang Shengyan's desk, the corners of his mouth grinned, revealing a festive smile like a **** of wealth.

Jiang Shengyan asked, "What's wrong with Manager Zhen?"

Manager Zhen rubbed his hands and said, "I want to ask Secretary Jiang for help and ask if Mr. Jing will go to the welcome party tonight."

Jiang Shengyan knew Jing You's temperament well, and probably wouldn't go.

However, Jiang Shengyan did not reply directly, and said with a smile: "I'll ask Mr. Jing."

"Okay, sorry for Secretary Jiang."

Manager Zhen smiled at Jiang Shengyan and returned to his workstation.

Jiang Shengyan picked up the intercom.

After a few seconds, Jing You's voice came from there: "Is Secretary Jiang busy?"

"Huh?" Jiang Shengyan was stunned for a moment.

"Why don't you just come in and say something?" Jing You asked.

Jiang Shengyan: "It's not a big deal, I'm afraid to disturb the boss's thinking."

Jing You: "I can give Secretary Jiang five minutes now."

Jiang Shengyan: "Okay, boss."

Hang up the phone, a smile rose on Jiang Shengyan's lips, obviously Jingyou's tone was disgusting, but she thought it was cute.

I'm really helpless.

Jiang Shengyan walked into the president's office.

Jing You was standing in front of the holographic console in the center of the office, his eyes fell on the virtual image of a block.

Jiang Shengyan stood silently beside Jing You, waiting for Jing You to speak to her.

This is a tacit understanding between them, Jing You does not like to be disturbed when she is thinking.

Jiang Shengyan knows very well what Jing You likes and dislikes.

Jing You clicked on the virtual image with his hand and zoomed in on the intersection.

She asked Jiang Shengyan, "Secretary Jiang, what do you think of the new game experience hall?"

Jiang Shengyan replied: "The location is very good and the transportation is convenient, but this area is not driven by a developed business circle and has a price advantage, but the disadvantage of the low consumption power of the nearby population is obvious."

Jing You waved his fingers and said, "There are many migrant workers in this area, and many college students go there to work part-time, but there are almost no large-scale consumption places nearby. More importantly, there are jobs there. Most are paid daily.”

Jiang Shengyan immediately understood what Jing You meant.

An hour of game, most people will not be stressed.

The more stretched people are, the more they like to have fun in time, and they need more spiritual satisfaction.

The holographic games under Jingteng Group have a high annual revenue, which is absolutely unmatched by other game companies in terms of revenue. However, the current share of holographic games in the game market is not high, and more gamers still focus on PC-side and mobile-side games. One of the reasons is that holographic games have high requirements for equipment. Therefore, Jingteng Group has also been working hard to develop lower-cost terminal equipment.

Based on this, Jingteng Group has carried out online and offline linkage, and opened many game experience halls across the country. Although the price is 20% higher than that of Internet cafes, the novel experience is not It can bring people several times the satisfaction.

According to the age group, it is also divided into entertainment experience hall and education experience hall. Minors can enter a colorful fantasy world. Through hands-on practice, they can acquire scientific and humanistic knowledge and have a deeper memory.

Many people think that playing with things, especially this kind of immersive experience game, will destroy people's will. So not only did I refuse to contact new things myself, but I also encouraged others to resist together. Jingteng Group has been subjected to several rounds of online siege before.

But Jing You firmly believes that the development of more diversified entertainment methods is a manifestation of a strong social economy and technological progress. The emergence of holographic games is a major development of epoch-making significance. are events that can be written into milestones.

Jing You turned off the console and looked at Jiang Shengyan.

"What's wrong with Secretary Jiang?"

Jiang Sheng said: "Manager Zhen organized a welcome party and wanted to ask the boss if he would go."

Jing You frowned slightly and asked, "What's welcome?"

Jiang Shengyan: "Today is Secretary Li's first day on the job."

Jing You thought about it for a while, but didn't say whether he would go or not, but only asked, "Does Secretary Li have time to attend?"

Jiang Shengyan thought that Jing You meant that he had asked Secretary Li for his opinion, so he replied, "I will ask Secretary Li for his opinion later."

Jing You scratched his eyebrows twice and said nothing.

What she meant was that Secretary Li was so busy that he had no time to attend any party.

In fact, on the first day of Secretary Li's entry into the company, after a brief familiarity with the company's situation, he was filled with work by Jing You.

After Jiang Shengyan went out, Jing You picked up the intercom phone and pressed the "2" button.

After a while, Secretary Li came to the president's office.

Jing You said, "Is Secretary Li busy now?"

Secretary Li replied: "I just finished sorting out the acquisition plan, and I will go to the Financial Services Department to have a meeting with Minister Yin in half an hour."

Jing You: "That's right. Please Secretary Li go to Coat to buy me a caramel latte. Don't add sugar."

Secretary Li's eyes flashed with doubts, she was wondering if it was the CEO's slip of the tongue just now, or if there really was a caramel latte without sugar.

Jing You looked at Secretary Li and asked, "What's wrong with Secretary Li?"

Secretary Li confirmed: "Mr. Jing, caramel coffee contains caramel, did you just say no extra sugar?"

Jing You shook his head.

Secretary Li waited quietly for Jing You to say the following.

Jing You sighed with disappointment on his face.

"The caramel latte has no sugar, it's just an ordinary latte. Secretary Li has no sense of humor at all."

Secretary Li didn't say anything, nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Jing, I'll go now."

The cafe named Coat is on the street opposite Jingteng Building. Although it is only separated by a road, you need to walk 200 meters to the underground passage, cross the road, and then turn back 300 meters.

The sun is shining now, which is really not a good job.

After hours.

Jing You and Secretary Li came out of the office together.

The staff in the secretarial office are preparing to leave for a place to eat.

Jing You said to Manager Zhen, "Secretary Li is going out to socialize with me today. Manager Zhen will take others to the team building and ask Secretary Jiang to settle the bill."

Manager Zhen smiled and nodded, "Okay, Mr. Jing."

After Jing You left, Jiang Shengyan said to the others in the secretary room: "Mr. Jing pays the bill, everyone can eat and play tonight."

The luxurious KTV sings the wildest songs.

Jiang Shengyan glanced at the direction of the elevator, feeling a little sour in his heart.

Today, her workload was reduced by half, and the number of times she saw Jingyou was reduced by two-thirds.

I don't even need her to go out to socialize.

…Do you want to complete the handover quickly?

Jiang Shengyan lowered his eyes, his eyes were dark and bottomless.

In a moving Bentley on the road.

Jing You asked Secretary Li who was sitting in the co-pilot: "How's Secretary Li drinking?"

Secretary Li: "A moderate amount of alcohol."

As a secretary, she has to make a toast or block wine for the boss. Her drinking capacity may be better than medium.

"Well." Jing You said, "The supplier I met today likes to drink, but I don't drink a single sip of white wine. It's hard work for Secretary Li."

Secretary Li: "This is what I should do."

Although Jing You doesn't like socializing, she will not shirk a meal that is useful to the company's development.

I brought Secretary Li here today to stop the wine.

In the following week, Secretary Li became a frequent visitor to the president's office.

The scene is as follows:

Jing You: "Secretary Li, that potted flower seems to be sick. Please massage its leaves and be careful not to pull it off."

Secretary Li: "Okay, Mr. Jing."


Jing You: "Secretary Li, do you think the DA acquisition plan is perfect now?"

Secretary Li: "There is generally no problem. Although there are minor flaws in the design of the PPT, there will be no problems in execution."

"I'm not a person who pays attention to the form of PPT." Jing You paused, "But since Secretary Li found out, please help me to correct it. This kind of small problem should not take up work time. , just go home and change it at night."

Secretary Li: "Okay, Mr. Jing."

The boss or leader who makes such a request basically cannot escape the fate of being scolded as "turtle hair" in secret, no matter how good-looking the face is, it is useless.

Of course Jing You knew that she did it on purpose.


Jing You: "Secretary Li, do you think I look good?"

Secretary Li: "Mr. Jing is beautiful."

Jing You: "Then do you like me?"

Secretary Li: "It is my honor to work with such a good person as you."

Jing You: "Don't think too much of me. My first secretaries couldn't stand my charm, which annoyed me."

Secretary Li: "Mr. Jing, rest assured, I will keep a distance from you, and the level of contact is limited to work."

Jing You: "It's not good for Secretary Li to have such an idea, now all walks of life pay attention to the interaction between people, you should always pay attention to my needs, make me feel the warmth from the secretary ."

Secretary Li: "Okay, Mr. Jing, I remember."

Jing You: "Secretary Li also has his own ideas. You can't say 'OK' when I say anything. What if I make a mistake?"

"Okay..." Secretary Li swallowed the following words and said instead: "Mr. Jing, rest assured, I will always be vigilant and point out your mistakes at the right time."

"I can't go wrong." Jing You shook his head, "It seems that Secretary Li has no confidence in me."

Secretary Li simply did not continue, smiled and said: "Jingteng Group is today's scale under the leadership of President Jing, I admire you very much. In order not to fall behind, I will go back and work hard now. Work."

"Well." Jing You said solemnly, "Don't let grandma hear this, she is the founder and will be unhappy."

Secretary Li held her breath and nodded to the president.

Turning out of this horrible office without delay.

But the people in the secretary's office didn't know this. They only knew that when Secretary Li came, the president only asked Secretary Li to do things, and the number of times Secretary Jiang followed the president decreased sharply.

Jiang Shengyan is usually a friendly person and always has a smile on his face. Although he becomes serious for a second at work, it is very comfortable to work with. He is very popular in the secretary's office.

Secretary Li is so highly regarded, most people feel bad for Secretary Jiang.

After all, in such a large group, busyness is the norm. If your superiors leave everything to others, it means that you are a dispensable person. will be replaced sooner or later.

The author has something to say:Jing Guimao: Secretary Li... Secretary Li x2... Secretary Li x3... Secretary Li

Secretary Li (holding his head and crying): I have been a secretary for so many years, but I have never seen such a difficult president!

Secretary's Office: The bet has been placed, how long can Secretary Li survive by the president's side?