MTL - Divorce: This is a Trivial Matter-Chapter 54 Xiu En's daily life of the couples of the treasures. Mom is not at home today.

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Friday is a small school day in the city. The school gives students a day off, and then organizes a teacher for a three-day, two-night hot spring trip.

On Thursday night, Yang Wei packed things for travel at home, Qi Xiaoyan stood side by side and looked at her, her face had been gloomy all night.

"Be careful when you go out and never drink alcohol."

Yang Wei folded a coat, and she said helplessly, "I know, you said it seven times."

"Call me every day to report my whereabouts."


"No, just hit three, one each morning, night and evening."


"Is that hot spring bathed by men and women?"


Qi Qi smiled and said nothing, but the air pressure was lower than before. Qi Rang squeezed in through the concealed door and hugged his mother's thigh: "Mom, aren't you coming to the parent's day at the kindergarten tomorrow?"

Yang Wei put down her clothes, squatted down and rubbed him: "Mom is going to travel with school tomorrow, can't go to the event day. Tomorrow I will let Dad go with you. Mom used to go before, this time it is his turn La."

Qi Qi let his grievance flatten his mouth, then glanced at Qi Xiaoyan standing next to the closet in disgust.

Wu Qi smiled and received his eyes, expressing expressionlessly, "You seem to be reluctant to go to me, but I still have a paper to finish."

Yang Wei turned around and looked at him warningly: "The parents of other children will participate, you can't let Juanbao place an order alone."

Wu Qi let him lie on Yang Wei and said pitifully, "Jiangbao wants to travel with her mother."

The little eyes almost melted Yang Wei's heart. She looked at Juan Bao's big and bright eyes, thinking that the grapes so many pounds had not eaten in vain.

She squeezed Qianbao's face and appeased, "Juanbao is good, my mother will be back in three days, and I will bring you a lot of gifts at that time."

Can Qi Qi lie on her without talking and stay with her father, can she really live for three days?

He started to play tricks: "Then I'm going to sleep with my mother tonight."

"No." Qi smiled and refused, and Qi Rang's face suddenly collapsed. He stared at Yang Wei again with pitiful eyes. Before Yang Wei had received his signal, he was pulled out of the door by Qi Xiaoyan carrying his collar.

The bedroom door slammed in front of him.

Wu Qirang: "..."

世界 This world is really not friendly at all.

In the room, Professor Qi is using his actual actions to prove that the world can be very loving.

I thought about three days after Yang Wei was gone. Qi Xiaoyan was particularly lingering tonight. Yang Wei pushed the person on her body, her brows frowned, and said, "Tomorrow is going to soak in the hot springs. You will get red dots everywhere on me, which will be seen by others."

Qi Qi smiled slightly, raised her head, and looked at her with a smile: "I will be careful, there will be no trace."

Yang Wei: "..."

No matter how lingering Professor Qi is, the sun will rise as usual the next morning. Yang Wei carried a small pink suitcase, waved at Qi Xiaoyan and Juan Bao, and hurried to the school to gather.

After the door of the house was closed, Qi Xiaoyan looked down at Qi Rang, who was standing in the doorway in his pajamas, and urged, "Go change clothes and come out for breakfast."

Wu Qirang yanked the small curls on his head, watching Qi smiled and said, "Are you really going to accompany me to the event day?"

"Your mother explained it, she wanted to take a picture for her." Qi Xiaoyan said, and went into the kitchen without looking back.

Wu Qirang put on the clothes that Yang Wei gave him last night piece by piece, and walked to the dining room grinningly after washing.

Breakfast is already on the table, Qi Ran eats half and puts down the chopsticks. Qi Xiaoyan glanced at him and said, "Eat everything."

"Mom is not here, I have no appetite."

Wu Qi smiled and said, "..."

He took out his mobile phone and took a picture of Qi Rang's leftover breakfast.

Wu Qi asked vigilantly, "What are you going to do?"

"Send it to your mother."

Wu Qirang: "..."

Is this person a shameless leader? It's so big that she will still sue her mother! Too shameless!

憋 He ate the breakfast in a very aggrieved manner, and then supervised Qi Xiaoyan to delete the photos before putting on the small shoes with confidence.

Because today is an activity day, Qi Rang did not take the school bus, but went to the kindergarten where his father went.

Qi Qi laughed and said that although he did not pick up and drop off often, the road from home to kindergarten was very familiar. Today the kindergarten is extraordinarily lively. Qi Xiaoyan said it was not too late, but the parking space at the gate of the school was almost full.

Teacher Qiao Qiao greeted the students at the school gate early in the morning. Watching Qi Xiaoyan holding Qi Rang across the road, her young girl's heart also instantly sprang up.

This is not the first time she has seen Qi Xiaoyan, but every time he sees him, he looks very different! In particular, the picture that appears together with the father and son adds a mature sexiness unique to the mature man.

"Mr. Qi, good morning, will you come to the event day this time?" Teacher Qiao greeted with a smile. Although the man was married and had children, this did not prevent her from admiring the beauty of art.

Hmm ... Then again, this couple is really beautiful and makes people want to revenge a bit.

嗯 "Well, my wife has something today."

Qi Qi laughed with a metal-like cold sound, listening to Teacher Qiao's ears as if she was playing a wonderful symphony. She smiled and nodded at him, bent down and touched Qi Rang's head, "Qi Rang, good morning."

"Mr. Joe, good morning."

"Take Dad to the classroom first, shall you?"

"Okay." Qi Rang pulled Qi Xiaoyan into the school gate and went to the classroom.

小 A lot of children have come in the classroom, and they can hear the noise from a long distance. This parent activity day is usually attended by mothers. As soon as Qi Xiaoyan enters the classroom, he becomes a stranger.

Qi Qi smiled and talked about it since she was a child, so she still looks the same in the face of the scene.

"This is Qi Rang's father? He looks so handsome."

"Yeah, I've met him once before and I heard that it's a university professor."

"No wonder their family Qi Rong was so smart that they were directly sent to a key elementary school."

"It's another husband's series. The one in our family would rather sleep than come to the event day."

的 The moms standing at the end of the classroom kept whispering, and Qi Xiaoyan looked as if she hadn't found it, and visited the classroom.

Many characters and pictures written by everyone were posted on the classroom wall. Qi Xiaoyan looked around, and there were many masterpieces of his son. He took a few steps and stopped in front of a painting called "My Mom and Dad."

There is a garden full of roses in the painting, with a man and a woman standing in it. The girl was wearing a beautiful blue dress with a shiny hairpin on her hair. The boy wore a simple white shirt with a dull face.

Qi Qi smiled and stared at the painting for a while, then lowered his head and asked Qi Rang: "Is this your painting?"

"Hmm." Qi Rang admitted frankly, "I have shown it to my mother."

"How many minutes have you shared my painting?"

Wu Qirong said without shame: "Dad, you look so handsome, just a few strokes can reflect your charm."

Qi Qi smiled silently: "So you mean that mom looks too ugly, so you need your careful drawing?"

不 "No, it has nothing to do with how my mother looks. It all depends on my love for my mother."

Wu Qi smiled and said, "..."

The mothers in the classroom watched the two good-looking fathers and sons standing together and chatting happily, and a little turbulent, but because of Qi Xiaoyan's personal atmosphere, no one dared to come to talk.

In the end, Liu Beibei bravely stepped forward bravely: "Hi Uncle Qi, my name is Liu Beibei, and I will be your daughter-in-law in the future."

妈妈 Mother Liu who followed her: "..."

She quickly covered Liu Beibei's mouth and pulled her aside: "I'm sorry Mr. Qi, Beibei is not sensible, you don't mind."

Qi Qi laughed and said that after listening to Liu Beibei ’s heroic declaration, Zhang Lixin was so excited: "Bebei will marry me in the future!"

Zhang Zhang's mother: "..."

Qi Qi smiled and looked down at Qi Rang, calmly, "It seems that your kindergarten life is very colorful."

Wu Qirang: "..."

Teacher Qiao entered the classroom on time before the bell rang. On the one hand, parent activity day is to let parents understand the situation of children studying and living in kindergarten, and on the other hand, it is to promote the relationship between parents and children. Therefore, the content of activity day is also divided into two parts-listening to children in class and participating in interactive games .

Mr. Qiao arranged a music lesson for the first class. The children were sitting in their own positions, and the parents were standing behind the classroom.

There is a piano in the classroom. As a superwoman who is proficient in martial arts, no, I mean preschool education. Teacher Qiao sat in front of the piano and sang a song: "533,422,1234555 ..."

This is the nursery rhyme "Little Bee". She wrote the lyrics and notation on the blackboard, and taught everyone to familiarize herself with the tune before adding the lyrics.

After practicing twice, Teacher Qiao saw that everyone had almost mastered the tune, so he decided to draw a child to sing. Because there are parents standing behind, the children are particularly active today, but Teacher Qiao finally left this opportunity for performance to Qi Rang: "Qi Rang, come and sing again."

Qi Qi asked to stand up and sing, "533,422,1234555 ..."

"Okay!" After he finished singing, Liu Beibei stood up and applauded, and Mother Liu standing beside Qi Xiaoyan covered her eyes silently.

Teacher Qiao also praised: "Qi makes children sing very well. Not only does the voice sound good, but the sound is also very accurate. Maybe he will become a singer in the future."

Qi Qirang said thank you and sat down. Teacher Qiao should have continued to teach the lyrics, but when she saw Qi Xiaoyan, she suddenly had a bad heart. She looked at the children and asked with a smile: "Do you want to hear Qi let Dad sing it again?"

"Think--!" The elongated child voice echoed in the classroom, and even the mothers who stood behind were looking forward to it.

Qi Qi smiled and looked at Teacher Qiao in a wave of surprise: "I can tell you how much these numbers add up."

Teacher Qiao: "..."

She needs to know what this is doing!

I wondered Qi Xiaoyan again and asked, "Qi Rang, what is the result?"

Wu Qi let me think for a while while looking at the notation on the blackboard, and answered, "6820103."

"Yes, you can watch ten minutes more tonight."

Teacher Qiao: "..."

Xi Xueba originally developed this way.

The rest of the parents are also shocked. They feel that they have learned a new way of education.

After the lesson, I finally entered the interactive game segment. This session is mainly to test the tacit understanding of everyone's hands-on ability and cooperation, and aims to promote the relationship between parents and children in the game.

Teacher Qiao prepared a bunch of small wooden sticks and distributed them to classmates: "Please use these sticks to build things at will, you can use anything. The tools used for fixing are string and tape. The time is one hour. Use your imagination. "

Teacher Qiao Qiao everyone started to work. Most of the students built houses with very different shapes. The wooden sticks extended to high places. Only the group of Qi Rang and Qi Xiaoyan had been expanding on the plane.

Teacher Qiao Qiao walked curiously, and found that they put a complicated mathematical equation on the table.

Teacher Qiao Qiao's mood was a little complicated at this time. She barely smiled and asked, "What is this you guys take?"

Qi Qi said with a smile: "Move any small stick to make this equation true."

Teacher Qiao: "..."

This is really not a math activity class!

She left in despair, deeply sympathizing with Qi Rang children.

After the interactive game ended, everyone went to play on the lawn for a while, and it was almost time to eat. In addition to the school ’s nutritious lunch, today the school also provided an additional employee meal to each parent, as if to prove to them that the school ’s meals are good.

Qi Qi smiled and Qi Rang sat down to eat together. The cell phone in the bag rang and it was Yang Wei.

Qi Qi smiled and quickly answered the phone: "Baby, are you here?"

薇 Yang Wei said on the phone: "Well, I'm preparing for lunch. The environment here is good. When can I be free, we can bring Juanbao together! I will send you pictures later!"

"it is good."

Qi Qi responded with a smile, and Qi Rang whispered, "Is it mom? I want to talk to mom."

I have been watching their moms' expressions change at this moment, God! This man is called his wife baby!

They also want to be called a baby by this handsome man!

让 Qi Rang has snatched the phone over there: "Mom, I'm Qianbao, when are you coming back?"

"Mum has just arrived and will be back the day after tomorrow. Does Juan Bao have a good meal?"


"Dad accompany you to the event day?"

"Well, the teacher asked him to sing, he didn't sing, and didn't cooperate with the teacher at all."

老师 Mr. Qiao was crying when he heard this sentence.

薇 Yang Wei laughed at the end of the phone: "I have never heard him sing. Wait for me to come back and let him sing a song for us."

"it is good."

The phone was snatched back by Qi Xiaoyan again: "Baby, it's cold there. Wear more clothes. Don't catch cold."

"Got it."

"Remember not to drink."

"... I won't drink it!"

"Well, then you have fun."

Mothers who were eavesdropping next to me were about to cry, handsome and thoughtful men ... Sure enough, they were all other husbands!

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