MTL - Divorce: This is a Trivial Matter-Chapter 50 Start reading

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I entered June, and the weather was getting hotter and hotter. Yang Wei looked at the cold watermelon juice in the glass of Teacher Yao next door and drooled.

"Mr. Yang, don't watch, pregnant women can't eat anything so cold."

I was talking about Teacher Wang, who was the fifth-grade second-class teacher who had taken three months of maternity leave. After Mr. Wang had finished confinement at home, she had returned to campus full of blood, and Yang Wei, the acting class teacher, also abdicated abdication to give way to Xian.

When Wang Wang came back, she learned the news of Yang Wei's pregnancy as soon as possible. After being relieved from the suffering, she couldn't wait to share many pregnant experiences with Yang Wei. She also summarized these experiences into a World document and printed it on A4 paper. Come down and stick it to Yang Wei's desk.

瞟 Yang Wei glanced at "Three inaccuracy, ten not" in front of her, and drew the corners of her mouth, it seemed that there was a "don't eat too cold" article.

Teacher Yao Yao drank the seductive watermelon juice in the cup at once, and drank Yang Wei a refreshing smile with a watermelon flavor, holding the English textbooks to class.

蔫 蔫 Yang Wei lay on her own table, sighing. Pregnant women are human too, and pregnant women have human rights! At home, Professor Qi was in charge of the east and the west, and when he came to the school, he had to abide by Mr. Wang's "No Three, No Ten", and can he give someone a way of life!

The next day was passed by Yang Wei under the burden of humiliation. In mid-to-late June, she accompanied Qi Qiyan to the central hospital for a checkup.

Dr. Wu was still the young female doctor last time. Yang Wei's indicators were normal, so she simply explained a few words, and then asked them to set up a card, and check every month.

When Qi came out of the hospital, Qi Xiaoyan did not take Yang Wei home, but drove the car to Star Plaza. Yang Wei looked at the towering department store in front of her, and asked Qi with a smile, "What are you doing here?"

Wu Qi smiled and said, "Aren't you pregnant yet? It's inconvenient to go shopping after your belly is big. Buy it now."

Yang Wei: "..."

It's only three months since she needs to buy maternity clothes so early! She doesn't want to wear maternity clothes!

Qi Qi laughed and ignored her complaining eyes and took her hand into the mall. There is a well-known brand specializing in maternity clothes in Starlight Department Store. Qi Xiaoyan took her there directly.

杨 In Yang Wei's impression, maternity clothes are ugly plus-size clothes that are ugly in both style and color. She only seriously imagines the scene of wearing these clothes with a big belly, which seriously challenges her aesthetics.

But after entering the store, I found that I seemed to have a deep misunderstanding of maternity clothes.

The clothes in the shop are not lost to the popular fashions in terms of style and color, and the classification is quite detailed. Casual wear, professional wear, dresses, home dresses, and even banquet dresses, Yang Wei is full of sights.

The shopping guide lady was very enthusiastic and professional. She glanced at Yang Wei's dress and knew that she was a beautiful person. She estimated her body shape from Yang Wei's figure and recommended her some of the most popular styles and colors this year.

Yang Wei, while choosing clothes, listened to the shopping guide's talk about the difference between the fabric and design of clothes and ordinary clothes. Yang Wei was so excited by her that she wished that her belly would grow up immediately, and then wore these clothes to swagger the market.

After returning with a full load, Yang Wei wore all the clothes to Qi Xiaoyan in front of the dressing mirror at her house, excited like a schoolboy carrying a schoolbag on the first day.

I was so excited that at nine o'clock, Yang Wei finally had some drowsiness-this is the habit of early morning sleep. She yawned and climbed into bed to sleep. Qi Xiaoyan sat beside her and asked, "Baby, have you made an appointment the day after tomorrow?"

"The day after tomorrow?" Yang Wei thought with her eyes closed. "The day after tomorrow my birthday, Jian Shuang said they would help me celebrate my birthday."

When she said that, she sat up and looked at Qi Xiaoyan, with a playful smile in her eyes: "Do you have any plans?"

Wu Qi smiled and kissed her on her forehead, but said, "Come back early in the evening and don't drink."

"Oh." Yang Wei watched him enter the bathroom, raised her eyebrows, and lay down to continue to sleep.

Jian Shuang booked a ktv box on his birthday, and he was killed with a big cake at one o'clock. Yang Wei went with Sheng Lei, and when she opened the box door, she heard that Jian Shuang and Xia Ying were singing "Love of a Lover".

Yang Wei drew the corner of her mouth, went to the song station and clicked a rainbow, then gave priority, and cut the song. The noisy music in the box suddenly stopped and replaced by a soothing and tender tune. Yang Wei opened the original sound and didn't sing, so let it play as the back music.

Zhan Jianshuang dropped the microphone and walked to Yang Wei, her face full of anger: "What's wrong with this!" She just wanted to pull Yang Wei's hair, and Yang Wei ducked her head away. Jian Shuang snorted, and clapped her hands, "Forget it, for you're Shou Xing, I'm an adult, not a villain."

Wu Xiaying also stood aside with the microphone in her hand, imitating the appearance of the party host and said, "I have today's Shou Xing, please applaud!"

Tong Shenglei and Jian Shuang applauded in cooperation. Yang Wei cleared her throat and went to Xia Ying to pick up the microphone. She took a ring from her pocket and put it on her body: "Dear friends, I am married again!"

Then she witnessed the whole process in which the other three in the box became a fool.

As a battle-hardened lawyer, Tong Shenglei first came back to her: "Miss Yang Weiwei, please explain the current situation in detail and comprehensively. It is not clear that I cannot guarantee that you can still go out of this door."

Jian Jianshuang also jumped up: "Yang Wei, are you the teaser chosen by Eros! The first marriage was caught off guard by surprise, even the second marriage is so fast! Who is the teaser?"

咳 "Ah, he is Professor Qi Xiaoyan, Professor Qi." Yang Wei held the microphone and said it seriously.

The other three were stupid again. Sheng Lei had heard Yang Wei said before that he might remarry with Qi Xiaoyan, so I did n’t think it was a surprise at this time, but Jane ’s hair was going to stand up: “It ’s you again! Will two marriages with the same person unlock new skills! "

薇 Yang Wei bent her eyes and smiled at her, "Probably, because I'm pregnant."

Uh ...

The box was silent for a long time, and then Jian Shuang's voice came: "So what new posture did you unlock?"

Yang Wei: "..."

Wu Shenglei frowned slightly and asked Yang Wei, "Did you remarry because of your children?"

"No, when he said he was going to remarry me, he hadn't rolled the treasure yet."

Jian Jian repeated mechanically: "Juan Bao?"

"Professor Qi ’s nickname for the child, isn't it cute?"

Ji Jianshuang learned her smile and replied, "I just think you're stupid!"

Yang Wei gave her a punch, and Xia Ying stood by and asked, "How many weeks?"

"Twelve weeks."

"... So you've kept us out for so long?"

"Uh, I haven't found a suitable opportunity to say it before."

A few people buffered over, and the atmosphere became active again, and everyone rushed to be the godmother of the treasure. Jian Shuang rushed to the stage and shouted into the microphone: "Xia Ying, give me" Red Sun "! I want to sing" Red Sun "!"

Wu Xiaying quickly helped her to sing the song, and Jian Shuang waved his hands exaggeratedly at the people sitting on the sofa, exclaiming: "Audience below, hi!"

Yang Wei: "..."

Well, Jian Shuang can be the first to be removed from Qianbao's godmother candidate.

After the prelude sounded, Jian Shuang followed the music and sang and jumped: "Even if the destiny is gone, the destiny will be twisted and twisted, and the fate will scare you into being uninteresting ..."

Maybe it was Jian Shuangzai's singing and dancing appearance that was so contagious, Xia Ying couldn't hold it when she heard half, and rushed to sing with her.

"... Don't shed tears, feel sad, let alone give up, I wish I could stay with you forever!"

"Thank you! Thank you for the warm applause of the audience!" Jian Shuang has completely entered the state of self-confidence, and said to Yang Wei as she did at the concert, "Dear this song to my dear Wei Weier, I hope Professor Qi can accompany you all your life!"

Yang Wei drew a corner of her mouth and said to her, "Thank you for your blessing, but can you order a piece of soothing music? The doctor said that the noisy environment is not good for pregnant women."

Ji Jianshuang immediately directed Xia Ying, who was standing next to the song stand, "Hurry up, give her a lullaby!"

Xia Ying really found the lullaby, and turned back to her seat when she opened the soundtrack. Jian Shuang finally remembered the big cake she brought, and greeted Yang Wei to come and make a wish.

Yang Wei watched her insert two, one and four candles on the cake, and put aside her mouth and said, "Why don't you take 16? I am only 16 this year."

Ji Jianshuang looked up at her, and bitterly said, "Wei Weier, are all people who want to be mothers, don't be so shameless, obedient."

Yang Wei: "..."

She closed her eyes and blew out the candle, and Jane Shuang took the lead and started to coax.

Everyone is busy eating cakes, and no one is singing. Yang Wei took a sip of cake and looked at Xia Ying said, "I heard Shuanger say you switched to sales? How do you feel?"

Wu Xiaying didn't know what she was thinking, and her expression was a bit sharp: "Still training, but I think this training is useless at all."

薇 Yang Wei asked with interest: "What do you say?"

Xia Yingdao: "The teacher who trained us in sales skills said that we can't directly ask others if they are interested in financial management, because this way most people will answer that you are not interested. We should ask the other party if they have done financial products so that the other party The answer can only be yes or no. Whether they answer it or not, we can go deeper into this topic. "

"Oh, what then?"

"I then asked a client using this method she taught, and the other party said-" Xia Ying said here, imitating a middle-aged man's voice on purpose, "off your farts"


Jian Jian fell down on the sofa with a smile, and Sheng Lei concluded, "This story tells us that reality is never as good as imagined, and there is always a third possibility in life."

Yang Wei admired, "It sounds philosophical. I respect you."

Tong Shenglei raised her eyebrows: "Dare you drink? Are you afraid to go home and Professor Qi will kill you?"

Yang Wei said, "I respect your juice. You think too much."

A few people sang until six o'clock and went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner, only half of it. Qi Xiaoyan's phone call came: "Baby, where is it?"

"Still eating."

"Well, call me when you're done eating, and I'll pick you up." Qi Xiaoyan added and said, "Don't drink."

"I know!" After Yang Wei hung up, the other three looked at her with a smile. Sheng Lei took a sip of fruit juice and asked her, "Professor Qi is here to check your whereabouts again? I think we should hurry up to avoid his elderly worrying."

薇 Yang Wei lost her eyes, but she ate really fast.

Qi Qi smiled and came to pick them up before eight o'clock. Jian Shuang slammed at the bottom of their car and raised her chin, "I will show every day after I get married!"

薇 Yang Wei sat in the front passenger seat and glanced at Qi Xiaoyan who drove next to him: "Curly, where are we going?"

Wu Qi smiled and said, "Go straight home."

"Oh." Just go home, what are you going to dress in so formal?

After arriving home, Yang Wei keenly noticed that Qi Xiaoyan was a little nervous. Although his expression was not different from usual, Yang Wei felt his very subtle mood swings.


She called tentatively, Qi Xiaoyan loosened her tie and looked down at her: "Baby, I want to give you something."

"Oh." Yang Wei nodded. Today is her birthday. Qi Xiaoyan should have given her a gift, but what gift made him so abnormal?

Yang Wei is a little curious.

Qi Qi smiled and took her hand to the bedroom, only then Yang Wei realized that the bedroom door was closed.

Qi Qi laughed and said that the solemn expression when opening the door gave Yang Wei the illusion that he was opening the door to a new world.

As the door was pushed open, the scene in the bedroom gradually revealed in front of Yang Wei's eyes. Yang Wei didn't even blink her eyes, for fear of missing a surprise moment.

After the door was fully opened, Yang Wei's eyes fell on the big bed where they usually slept almost immediately.

原 The biggest thing in this room was the big bed, but now it is even harder to ignore.

It was covered with rose petals, and it was carefully shaped into a heart shape.

桥 This bridge segment has actually appeared in many TV series, and it is not terrible, but Yang Wei is still surprised at this time, because the person doing this thing Qi laughed.

She looked at Qi Xiaoyan side by side, and asked a little embarrassingly, "Curly, are you making it?"

"Hmm." Qi Xiaoyan observed her expression and asked a little bit uncertainly, "Do you like it?"

Yang Wei looked at him for a while, then suddenly laughed: "No, it's just ... you learned this trick after watching a few idol dramas?"

She lost her mind and filled up Qi Qi ’s bitter hatred to make up for the idol drama, she couldn't stop it!

Qi Qi smiled and raised his eyebrows, and said, "I was told by a colleague."

薇 Yang Wei smiled and nodded, Qi smiled silently and said, "You wait, there is something for you."

Qi Qi said with a smile and turned and went out. When he came in, holding a bunch of blue roses in his hand, walked to Yang Wei and kneeled on one knee: "Baby, would you marry me?"

He looked up at Yang Wei, and the bouquet of roses in his hand was burning in Yang Wei's eyes like a flame.

She asked on one knee to propose, and appeared!

薇 Yang Wei's heart was beating constantly, apparently they had already obtained the certificate, even the children, but Qi Xiaoyan looked at her eyes at this time, as if she was really waiting for an important reply.

"I do." She said these three words gently, and took over the flowers in Qi Xiaoyan's hand.

Wu Qi's lip line pulled up without warning, and Yang Wei felt that her heart was rising with the corners of his upturned mouth.

"This is for you, too." Qi Xiaoyan took a small exquisite box out of his pocket and handed it to Yang Wei to open it.

Is a heart-shaped necklace.

薇 Yang Wei happily picked up the necklace and looked at it. The glittering silver light emitted by the necklace under the light almost made her look away: "Very beautiful, thank you!"

Qi Qi smiled and put his lips on his lips, and stood up from the ground: "I help you put it on."

He turned around behind Yang Wei, plucked her hair aside, and the moment the two metal rings interlocked, it seemed as if the hearts of the two were tightly tied together.

"Baby." Qi Xiaoyan kissed her fair neck, and her voice was intoxicated, "Happy birthday."

His light but hot breath sprayed on his own skin, and Yang Wei blushed instantly.

"Thank you ..."

She was a little embarrassed, but Qi smiled softly and said, "Baby, is it three months?"

Although Yang Wei really wanted to vomit, her words turned out to be a doctor's warning: "The doctor said to be gentle and safe ..."

Help! She really didn't want to say this!

Wu Qi smiled with a little smile in her eyes, but her eyes grew heavier. He pressed Yang Wei gently under him and kissed the corner of her mouth: "I know."

The atmosphere in the room is 旖旎, Qi smiles deeply in love, and he is uneasy to say to Yang Wei, "Wife, I love you."

Qi Qi's smiling voice was so mute and **** that this wasn't the first time he said these three words when he was emotional, but Yang Wei was so touched. There was a layer of fog in front of me, and a large wedding photo was faintly seen on the opposite wall. The two people in the photo were kissing.

As they are now.

Yang Wei climbed up Qi Xiaoyan's neck, panting, "My husband, I love you too."

Love, no matter what time it is heard, it sounds like nature.

"The little thing about divorce / unexpected warmth" End of the text

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