MTL - Divorce: This is a Trivial Matter-Chapter 44 Start reading

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The steps were not high. When Yang Wei landed, she subconsciously supported the ground with her hands to cushion her strength.

But this fall scared her not too lightly, and the sudden onset of pain in the abdomen suddenly made her face pale. Qi Xiaoyan said she saw her fall and came over quickly: "Baby, are you okay?"

He crouched down and tried to lift her from the ground. Yang Wei grabbed his arm and squeezed her slender eyebrows together. "It hurts."

Wu Qi smiled and saw her pale, and then became nervous: "Where does it hurt?"

肚子 "Stomach ..." Yang Wei looked up at him, grasping his arm tighter as if afraid of something, "Curly, child ..."

Wu Qi froze with a smile, and asked frowningly, "What child?"

His expression of coldness scared Yang Wei, and Yang Wei was panicked, tears were already swirling in her eyes: "Curly, sorry, I never told you, I'm pregnant."

Qi Qi smiled and held her hand tightly, even breathing seemed to stagnate. A few of the classmates on the side saw someone fall and surrounded them. Qi Xiaoyan took a deep breath, hugged Yang Wei across the ground, and yelled to the surrounding students, "Let's go!"

The students were shocked by the shout. They had never seen Professor Qi look so anxious and corrupt. The classmates gave him a way, Qi Xiaoyan hugged Yang Wei and quickly went out.

Yang Wei leaned against Qi Xiaoyan's chest and listened to his heartbeat, but he couldn't help but be afraid: "Curly, will the child be fine?"

"Nothing will happen, don't be afraid." He kissed Yang Wei's forehead comfortably. She didn't bleed. It should not be too serious.

When he put Yang Wei on the car, Yang Wei had already exuded a thin layer of sweat on her forehead. He wiped her forehead and helped her to fasten her seat belt carefully. Although Qi Xiaoyan said that he was so anxious at this moment, he did not dare to drive the car too fast. He glanced at Yang Wei beside him, and gently held her hand beside him: "Baby, don't be afraid, it's okay."

"Hmm ..." Yang Wei was also weak because of abdominal pain. She tilted her head and looked at Qi Xiaoyan, and her nose began to feel sour again. "Sorry, I should tell you earlier ..."

Wu Qi smiled and slowly tightened her fingers, intertwined with her ten fingers: "Don't talk."

Yang Wei sucked her nose and didn't say anything. After arriving at the hospital, Qi Xiaoyan stopped the car quickly and hugged her to an emergency department. The nurse in the corridor upstairs saw him rushing over, and hurried up to respond: "What happened to her?"

"I just wrestled, maybe it was a flat breath."

The fetal gas was a little big or small, and the nurse took him to Yang Wei's ward and pulled the curtain to let him wait outside. Soon another nurse led the doctor. The doctor looked very young, with a low ponytail, wearing rimless glasses, and two people got into the curtain and there was no movement.

Qi Qi said with a smile, standing alone outside the ward, as if the nerves in his whole body were tightened. He stared at the dark blue curtain moment by moment, not knowing how long it took before the curtain was finally pulled open, and the doctor came out of it: "Are you the patient's family?"

Qi Qi's mouth moved slightly, and she nodded in the end.

Dr. Wu said, "Relax, there was no sign of miscarriage. I gave her an injection. Now that the situation has stabilized, let her lie down for a little longer."

Qi Qi said with a smile at this time, and the fists clenched on his side gradually relaxed: "Thank you."

"Don't thank me. The early stages of pregnancy are the most dangerous. Don't be so careless. Try to get her to rest as much as possible and keep your mood relaxed and happy." After the doctor said, he took two steps forward and looked back, "Yes Don't hold your breath with pregnant women. "

Qi Qi answered with a smile. After the doctor went away, he took a deep breath and stepped into the ward.

Yang Wei was still pale on the bed. Qi Xiaoyan went to her and sat down, rubbing lightly on her face. Yang Wei opened her eyes and looked at him, looking a little overwhelmed. Qi Xiaoyan retracted his hand and looked at her and asked, "Does it still hurt?"

薇 Yang Wei shook her head and seemed to want to say something, but she couldn't say. Qi Xiaoyan still looked at her, his voice was very soft: "Yang Wei, what do you mean by hiding such a big pregnancy? Do you want to give birth to a child secretly? Or kill it?"

"No." Yang Wei was anxious. "I didn't want to keep hiding from you. I just wanted to give everyone a little more time. The doctor said that I would come to the hospital for an examination next month. I was thinking ...

Before Yang Wei's words were finished, Qi Xiaoyan bent over and kissed her lips. His kiss was so soft and precious that he was kissing a rare treasure. Yang Wei did not know why her nose was sore again. She tilted her head and avoided Qi Xiaoyan's kiss: "This is a hospital."

Qi Qi smiled and buried her head in her neck, and gently took her into her arms: "Baby, you almost scared me ..."

Yang Wei pursed her lips, looped around his waist and asked, "Curly, there is a baby, are you happy?"

Wu Qi's head was still buried in her neck. She couldn't see his expression, but heard the rare smile in his voice: "Happy, very happy."

薇 Yang Wei ticked the corners of her lips, closed her eyes and said nothing. Qi Xiaoyan kissed her on the cheek and said softly, "The doctor said that you need more rest, and we will wake up before we leave."

Yang Wei slept in the hospital for more than an hour before Qi Xiaoyan took her away. It's already afternoon, and neither of them has eaten yet. Qi Xiaoyan helped her fasten her seat belt and asked, "Are you hungry?"

Yang Wei nodded: "Hungry."

I didn't want Yang Wei to eat outside, Qi Xiaoyan took her home and made it herself. Having Yang Wei rest in bed, Qi Xiaoyan stood on the side and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

"Hmm ..." Yang Wei thought for a while, "Sweet cabbage, sweet and sour pork fillet, another tomato soup."

Wu Qi smiled and looked at her for a while and said, "It seems that Juan Bao is a baby boy."

Yang Wei blinked: "Who is the treasure?"

"The one in your belly." Qi smiled and went to the kitchen to cook. When cooking, he paid special attention to less seasoning. He thought that he might want to buy a detailed recipe for pregnant women. Write down everything.

薇 Yang Wei can be satisfied without having to do it herself. After eating, Yang Wei showed Qi Xiaoyan her medicine and pregnant woman's manual, and was rushed to sleep again. She nestled in the quilt, looking at Qi Xiaoyan who was on the side and said, "Are you going out?"

"Well, I went to school and brought everything back."

Yang Wei: "..."

She knew that things would definitely develop like this.

Qi Qi smiled as if she suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Do you know what your parents are about when you are pregnant?"

薇 Yang Wei murmured, "I didn't tell anyone."

"It seems I was the first one to know this?" Qi smiled at her with a smile, bent over and kissed her forehead. "You sleep well, I'll be back soon."

Yang Wei slept obediently, Qi Xiaoyan drove back to school, ready to move things home in batches. He took out a cardboard box, filled it with books and materials, took out the suitcase from the closet, and stuffed some summer clothes, his computer and a divorce certificate. He glanced around the room and packed the photo frames he had taken away from the house into a suitcase.

When Yang Wei arrived home, Yang Wei was still sleeping. Qi Xiaoyan did not wake her up and quietly began to pack things. When Yang Wei opened her eyes, she saw that he was hanging his shirt in the closet. This picture she had seen many times, but now she saw it again, but it was a touch.

She crawled out of the bed, Qi Xiaoyan heard the sound, and looked back at her: "Wake up?"

"Um." Yang Wei grabbed his waist from behind and slap on his back. Qi Xiaoyan chuckled and looked down at her: "What is it? Do you be coquettish?" Yang Wei used to be coquettish with him from time to time. He actually liked to see her being coquettish.

Yang Wei only took care of her own unanswered words. Qi Xiaoyan turned around and hugged her, and asked, "Hungry?"

Yang Wei couldn't help but laughed: "Curly, I found that after you knew you were going to be a father, you were gentler than before."

Wu Qi smiled disapprovingly, "I have always been gentle."

Yang Wei laughed nakedly at him, in exchange for a kiss from Qi Xiaoyan. Yang Wei looked up at him and said lazily, "I've become more like kissing me."

Qi Qi smiled and said nothing, his baby had a baby in his stomach, and he felt too soft just thinking about it.

At dinner, Qi laughed and said that he had to go through the remarriage procedure as soon as possible. He had to inform his parents. Yang Wei thought that Professor Qi had to be beaten once, and looked at him with sympathy.

Qi Xiaoyan made an appointment with her to eat at home next Sunday, and then went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. Yang Weiwo ate fruits on the sofa and watched TV. She knew that the days when someone was serving were so comfortable, she told Qi the good news Smiled.

Qi Qi smiled and said, after washing the dishes, he took the key and went out: "I go to the supermarket to buy something."

"I will go too." Yang Wei got up from the sofa and walked towards the door. Qi Xiaoyan frowned slightly and wanted her to stay at home: "There are so many people in the supermarket.

薇 Yang Wei took his arms and put on shoes: "Mr. Qi, you are a bit overstretched. I will go to school tomorrow. Are you planning to let me resign?"

Qi Qi said with a smile: "It's okay to resign. I can support you and Juanbao."

Yang Wei glanced up at him and pulled him out: "Would you like me or not? Raising children is valuable. You have to make a little more milk powder now."

When the two of them left the community, Yang Wei thought for a while and said to Qi Xiao: "Curly, let's go to the supermarket a little further away, just take a walk after dinner."

"OK." A moderate amount of exercise is still needed for pregnant women. Qi Xiaoyan decided to accompany Yang Wei for a walk every night in the future.

After walking around the food area of ​​the supermarket, Qi Xiaoyan walked to the fruit and vegetable area to pick fruits: "Eat more apples, the children born will have better skin."

"Really?" Yang Wei raised her eyebrows and followed Qi Xiaoyan to pick up apples. Although she didn't like apples very much, she still ate one every day for the skin of Bao Bao.

"After the grapes come out, eat more grapes. I heard that the eyes of such children will be very big."

Yang Wei blinked and looked at Qi Xiaoyan beside him and laughed unconsciously. Qi Xiaoyan glanced at her sideways: "What are you laughing at?"

Yang Wei said, "It is not like Professor Qi would say so without scientific basis."

Qi Qi smiled and said nothing, then went to the side and picked an orange. Yang Wei followed him and poked his face with his fingers: "What to do, Professor Qi who is going to be a dad is so cute. Hahaha."

Qi Qi smiled and gently lifted her hand, looked at the fruit in two pockets, and shifted the topic and asked, "Do you still need a lemon?"

不用 "No, there are so many at home."

Qi Qi laughed and said nothing, and let Yang Wei hold herself and push the shopping cart to checkout.

When Yang Wei came out of the shower at night, Qi Xiaoyan was already lying in his old position, and brought back the pillow he had abducted. Yang Wei walked over and lay down beside him, said good night and turned off the light.

In the darkness, a pair of unusually bright eyes stared at himself. The strong eyes made it difficult to ignore. Yang Wei finally couldn't help but said, "Curly, you can't sleep if you keep looking at me."

Qi Qi smiled and dialled the hair on the side of her face, and her voice sounded particularly charming in the night: "I just want to look at you."

薇 Yang Wei drew a corner of her mouth, and she was helpless: "I will go to work tomorrow."

Qi Qi smiled and looked at her sideways and then looked at her for a while, then suddenly laughed and embraced her: "Baby, I am very happy today, really happy."

Yang Wei thought for a while in his arms and suggested, "If you can't sleep, just go down the circle and run five laps."

Wu Qi smiled and said, "..."

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