MTL - Divorce: This is a Trivial Matter-Chapter 34 Start reading

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薇 On Tuesday, Yang Wei received a call from the police station saying that the robber had been arrested and asked her to claim the lost property. Yang Wei went directly to the police station after work. Her wallet and mobile phone had been stolen. She recovered only a few thousand yuan in cash.

But she was very pleased. After signing the letter and recognizing her, she returned to the apartment by bus. Because she carried thousands of large pieces of money, Yang Wei would follow Jian Shuang's instructions and protect her in front of her.

When I got home, I found Qi Xiaoyan's car parked downstairs. Yang Wei raised her eyebrows. When she entered the door, she saw what Qi Xiaoyan was doing on the balcony.

She threw her bag on the sofa and walked over, "What are you doing?"

Qi Qi laughed and heard Yang Wei's voice, she turned around, and still had some dirt on her hand: "Why are you back now?"

"I went to the police station, the robber caught it, and they told me to get the money."

Qi's description of Qian Qian made Qi Xiaoyan somewhat weak. He walked to Yang Wei and asked, "What did you recover?"

"Only cash, but it is already good."

Qi Qi nodded with a smile, Yang Wei stretched her neck and drew behind him, "What are you doing on the balcony, why do you have soil on your hands?"

"Don't you say that I want to give you flowers? I bought some flowers."

"Ah?" Yang Wei bypassed him and walked directly to the balcony. There is an extra long flower trough on the balcony, which has been planted with a few roses that have just emerged from the buds. There are also several flower pots with hooks hanging on the iron railings. The flowers inside are also budding. Yang Wei looked at the cosmos, mixed-colored dew flowers, and double-petaled morning glory.

"Because I'm afraid you won't be able to feed, I bought all the flowers that bloom fast. Roses were originally meant to pick blue roses, but I was afraid that you would not be able to support them, so I bought red and pink."

Yang Wei: "..."

She feeds herself. What flowers can't feed?

She looked on the balcony and found that Qi Xiaoyan not only bought flowers, but also a watering can, soil shovel and soil fertilizer.

She looked up and smiled at Qi Xiaoyan: "So you still have to plant my own flowers?"

"Isn't that more meaningful? You can just water them every morning before you leave. You don't need to sprinkle too much soil, as explained above."

Yang Wei stared at him for a while, exhaled and asked, "Isn't there a kind of ... wrapped bouquet?"

有 "Yes, but I feel that the flowers I raise are more emotional."

Yang Wei: "..."

But I just want to receive that beautiful bouquet! I am so superficial!

Qi Qi smiled for a moment and asked, "Don't you like it?"

也不 "No, I will water them every day. I'll cook first, you ..."

Qi Qi looked at her with a smile, Yang Wei paused, and said, "Stay and eat." She went to the kitchen while talking, and Qi Xiaoyan hooked her lips and continued to arrange flowers and plants on the balcony.

Yang Wei opened the refrigerator and looked at it. She bought a lot of things in the supermarket yesterday. She thought about it and decided to cook the hot pot at night. There just happened to be a bag of hot pot ingredients. After cooking rice in the rice cooker, Yang Wei began to copy the hot pot materials, and the smell of savory and spicy smoked Yang Wei's eyes a little bit, and she could not help but smile when Professor Qi was eating hot pot.

She put the induction cooker on the dining table, and after the ingredients were boiled, she poured some meat into it. Qi Xiaoyan walked across to her and sat down, looking at the induction cooker in front of her: "Eat hot pot tonight?"

"Well, I bought a lot of vegetables yesterday. I want to eat it quickly." Yang Wei stirred the food in the wok with chopsticks, raised her eyes and gave him a glance. I also cooked. "

说 She said, got up again, took out a box of home-made yoghurt from the refrigerator, poured a cup and put it in front of Qi Xiaoyan: "It's very spicy."

Qi Qi smiled silently and picked up the yogurt and took a sip.

薇 Yang Wei ate this meal so much that two-thirds of her food was eaten by her. When she fry, she puts a little less, and the taste is not spicy to her, so Professor Qi still barely eats a third.

Yang Wei solved the last broccoli, and Qi Xiaoyan also solved a large box of yogurt. He put down the cup and looked at the opposite side with a contented humane: "I risk the stomach tomorrow to accompany you to eat this hot pot."

Yang Wei smiled with a chopstick: "Well, I must have saved the universe in my last life."

Wu Qi smiled and said, "..."

Yang Wei stretched her waist and threw the dishwashing work to Qi Xiaoyan: "I cook, you wash the dishes, it's fair, I went to class."

Qi Qi smiled and looked at the time. It was almost half past seven, and he was also going to class.

He got up and started to clean up the chopsticks. It didn't take long for Yang Wei to ask in the bedroom, "Well, why did Li Goudan not come to class today?"

Wu Qi smiled and said, "..."

He quickly washed the dishes, went to the bedroom door and shouted to Yang Wei, "I'm leaving now."

薇 Yang Wei turned around and nodded to him, but the classmates at the end of the network cable seemed to be boiling as if they found a new continent.

Future Gao Fushuai: Teacher Hanamaki has a man's voice!

Coco: I heard it too.

Jiqi Qi's Meow: There is a man so soon, she really is a prostitute in life [笑 cry]

98: The teacher doesn't forget to abuse the dog in class [bye]

Yang Wei: "..."

She coughed and explained, "That's my text message tone."

Witty like Liang Ming 灏, of course, did not believe her words, he went to Fang Chengran's room and took a look to make sure that he was really at home, sighed and returned to his bedroom.

Alas, it looks like I'm out.

Halfway through the class, Li Goudan was late. Yang Wei saw him enter the classroom, and said, "Student Li Gou Dan, the class is already halfway."

Li Gou Dan: I went out to eat hot pot today and just came back.

"Such a coincidence, I also eat hot pot today ~"

Li Dog Egg: :)

"Today is the first coloring lesson. After class, watch the screen to make up for yourself."

Li Dog Egg: :)

Yang Wei thinks that this is a universal expression, with a sense of ingenuity in everything.

After the course, Yang Wei took a bath and lay in the bed to read a novel. His Royal Highness Princess All Over The World is updated. In the latest chapter, it was revealed that the princess rescued by the hero was actually the assassin who the assassin had sent to assassinate his assassin, but the hero had already seen everything, so the sword Sting her.

Readers have said that greatly, the plot is so ups and downs, our heart can't bear it.

Yang Wei threw a thunder to her, left a comment that was greatly cheering, and shut down to sleep.

此时 At this moment, a bit of people are getting burned.

Song Jin's agent dumped a few photos on the table and said to her, "I don't want to ask you who this man is, what are you going to do?"

Song Jin looked down at the photos on the table and said blandly, "This is the job of a broker."

The agent sneered: "Eating, chatting, and going out of the hotel, the paparazzi said that he still has a photo of you going back to the apartment where you lived together. It seems to have been staring at you for a long time, ready to help you make A series."

Song Jin didn't speak. The agent sat on the boss chair for a while and said again: "This is your first love, it is said to be a professor at Imperial University? The image and career are good, I have contacted" Xingwen 30 minutes "The reporter asked them to publish the news earlier. The title may be called" Goddess returns to school and meets her first love again. They suspect that the old relationship is revived? ".

Song Jin's eyes flashed, and the agent raised her eyebrows to look at her: "This way, when the paparazzi bursts out of the photo in his hand, the impact will be greatly reduced, and it will also make a movie. By the way, you know me I hate paparazzi and I won't pay them. "

Ji Songjin raised her eyes and glanced at her: "It's not good to use other people to hype?"

The agent laughed: "So you tell me that these photos are all synthesized by ps?"

Song Jin frowned slightly, the agent stood up from the boss chair and said to her, "You can go back, don't delay tomorrow's journey."

Song Jin looked at her for a while and picked up her coat and went out of the office.

小 The editor of "30 Minutes in News" wrote the manuscript very efficiently and posted the news online. After seeing the news, paparazzi broke out all the photos in his hands. Song Jin went on Weibo to search first in just half an hour, and released a new group song on a certain day. The news was overwhelmed.

去 When going to work the next day, Teacher Yao pulled her aside as if he had chicken blood: "Did I see your Weibo last night?"

"Weibo? What Weibo?" Yang Wei pulled out her mobile phone from her bag and landed on Weibo. The more than 20 Aite notifications that popped out in the upper right corner surprised her, and she opened it to find out that everyone Aite had the same message.

Qi Qi smiles and Song Jin rekindled? Hehehehe, Professor Qi is doing well now, and he has made headlines on Weibo!

老师 Ms. Yao put her face over and glanced at her mobile phone: "Is the person in the photo Professor Qi? You haven't heard any wind before?"

Yang Wei shoved her phone back into her bag and walked to her seat: "No, he and I have been divorced. These things have nothing to do with me."

Ms. Yao thinks it makes sense, and she sat down in her place. She opened the music textbook for a while, and looked at Yang Wei curiously, "Do you guess how Professor Qi is now?"

Qi Qi laughed and was surrounded by a group of reporters as soon as he left the dormitory building.

"Professor Qi, is it your first love that Song Jin said in an interview before?"

"Excuse me, Professor Qi, what is your relationship with Song Jin now? Is it really a resurgence?"

"Excuse me, Professor Qi, a reporter photographed you back to Song Jin's apartment. Do you have any explanation for this?"

"Professor Qi ..."

The reporters kept asking questions. Qi Xiaoyan glanced at them and asked, "Suppose there are n points greater than or equal to three on the plane, and a straight line passing any two of them passes through the third of these n points. Point, how do you prove that these n points are on the same straight line? "

Reporter: "..."

啥 What is he talking about?

"Just like you can't answer my question, I can't answer your question either." Qi Xiaoyan said as he set aside reporters and walked out of the siege. After his back disappeared, a reporter held a microphone and asked the reporter next to him, "Did he just say that two points define a straight line?"

"Fart, he's talking about Sylvester."

Reporter A looked at him sideways: "You understand so? Why didn't you answer him just now?"

Reporter B: "Because I have only heard the subject of this question."

When Qi Qi smiled and walked into the classroom, the noisy classroom suddenly quieted down, but the eyes of the classmates when they looked at him exposed their surging hearts.

The first monitor could not help but ask, "Professor Qi, is Song Jin really your girlfriend?"

The secretary of the regiment said sadly, "Professor Qi, have you ever been to Song Jin's house?"

Qi Xiaoyan looked at them and put his book on the desk: "The topic I left yesterday was explained to you in two different ways by each of you." He left as he said. To the side, left the podium to them.

The squad leader and the party branch secretary: "..."

After the class, Qi Xiaoyan met the head of the mathematics department in the corridor. Holding a stack of books in his arms, the team leader walked to him gravely: "The director just informed me that he would let you go to the principal's room."

Qi Qi smiled and looked down, and said to the team leader, "I see."

When I walked out of the teaching building, the crew of "Green Time" was still filming on campus, but there were more reporters today than on the day they started. Song Jin's eyes saw Qi Xiaoyan passing by the side road, without giving her any light from beginning to end.

The reporter saw Qi Xiaoyan and wanted to stop him. Qi Xiaoyan relied on the advantage of being familiar with the terrain, and left and right to dump them.

He walked to the headmaster's office, he adjusted his clothes, and then raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

Is the voice of the principal. The principal is usually not at school most of the time. Today, I went back to school deliberately. I am afraid that he came to deal with his affairs?

Qi Qi opened the door with a smile and walked in. The headmaster sat behind the desk, and the director stood next to him.

"Principal Zhao."

Qi Qi's laughter did not show up, but she always had a sober feeling, like a slice of mints eaten during the first class in the afternoon.

Principal Zhao nodded to him, with a small smile on his face: "Xiao Qi, I think you should know what I'm asking you for, right? I saw the news report. I shouldn't have questioned it. However, it has attracted so many reporters, and it will have a bad impact on you and the students. This is a school after all, and I do not want these things to affect the normal order of the school. "

"I understand, I will handle this matter."

"That's fine. You are a very good person. I believe you can solve it successfully."

I came out of the principal's room, Qi Xiaoyan called Yang Wei, and the other party hung up. He looked at the time. At this point, she should take a break during the lesson. It seemed that she intentionally did not answer her phone. He stood there for a moment, thinking, and put the phone in his bag.

After Yang Wei hung up Qi Xiaoyan's phone, the phone quickly rang again. She thought it was Qi Xiaoyan, and was about to hang up, but found that the caller was Fang Chengran.


承 Fang Cheng on the other side of the phone paused: "It sounds like you are in a bad mood?"

Yang Wei said a while, Fang Chengran smiled and said, "Did you not tell you that when you are in a bad mood, you have to eat something delicious, so that you will feel better. I heard that a new cake shop has been opened recently. It ’s so delicious, why do n’t I invite you to cake? ”

"Hmm ... I'm sorry I'm really upset today."

Fang Chengran was silent for a while, and said, "Then I will bring you to school at noon. Do you want chocolate cake, strawberry cream cake or matcha cake?"

角 The corner of Yang Wei's mouth moved, and she said with no bones, "Can I do it all?"

She Fang Chengran smiled down and said to her, "See you at noon."

He hung up the phone and went out. When Yang Wei organized the students to leave the school at noon, he saw the car parked across the road.

The eye-catching Martha naturally attracted a crowd of students, the fat security guard at the door blinked, and it turned out that the handsome Martha had not been out.

Liang Ming 灏 naturally saw his car. He walked over and knocked on his car window. The thief smiled, "Well, wait for me?"

Xie Fang Chengran handed a box of beautifully packed fruit cake to him: "You know what to do."

Ming Liang Ming took the cake and left: "Ah, I saw Uncle Zeng's car."

After Yang Wei sent the students away, he came over and knocked on his car window. Fang Chengran helped her open the door and turned over to lift the cake from the back seat. "Three are for you. Take this back to your colleagues."

Yang Wei smiled at the cake: "You think quite thoughtfully." She raised her head and glanced at Fang Chengran. "I have to go up and guard the students, otherwise you would visit the school cafeteria with me?"

Fang Chengran thought for a while and thought, "No, I'm very glad to see you. I'll invite you to dinner next time."

Yang Wei held the cake and looked at him for a while, and took apart the matcha cake: "Then let's get rid of it now." She said, handed a spoon to Fang Chengran, and carefully cut the cake from the middle with a knife. "This Half of it is yours. Give me the half with chocolate. I'm not afraid of getting fat. "

Fang Chengran laughed, picked up the spoon and ate. The cake was n’t too big. After three or two, Fang Chengran looked up at Yang Wei and asked, “Are you in a bad mood because of that report?”

Yang Wei didn't speak, Fang Chengran sighed softly and said, "Sorry, when I didn't ask."

Yang Wei wiped the corners of her mouth with a tissue and smiled at him: "The cake is delicious, thank you." She got out of the car with the cake and waved at him before leaving. Fang Chengran kept seeing her enter the teaching building before driving the car out.

Yang Wei hid her two cakes in the cabinet, and the other cake was quickly divided up by Teacher Yao. Yang Wei looked at her phone and there were no missed calls.

She poked her mouth, left her cellphone aside, and went to the cafeteria for dinner.

放 Before school in the afternoon, she couldn't help but pick up her cell phone and looked at it, but there was still no missed call. She hushed in her heart, but when she walked out of the school gate, she saw Qi Xiaoyan's car parked outside.

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