MTL - Divorce: This is a Trivial Matter-Chapter 31 Start reading

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Song Jin asked an hour off from the crew and went to the city to find Yang Wei. After returning to the crew, her status has been bad, and the number of ngs has increased significantly.

Zhang Cheng, who plays the leading actor, is also a little impatient: "Aren't you known as the entertainment industry learner? How many times do you have to repeat a line to say this?"

Song Jin raised his head and looked at him silently: "I am wrong, but your album sales are not good, don't let your breath down on me."

Zhang Chengyi frowned. "What do you mean? Do you really think that you are superior to a Xueba title? That's just the company's commercial packaging."

Seeing the male and female protagonists directly arguing, the director quickly ran up to persuade him: "Xiao Zhang, you are a male god, pay attention to manners, and Xiao Song, your condition is really bad, adjust as soon as possible.

Zhang Chengyi and Song Jin glanced at each other and returned to the rest area. The director was relieved that so many students were watching outside, he didn't want to wake up tomorrow to see the news that the male and female do not match.

When the sky was about to get dark, the director called for a job, and the staff began to pack things neatly. Song Jin followed the assistant towards the nanny car, and when one foot stepped into the carriage, someone called himself behind.

Song Jin's movement paused, and then came back to see Qi Xiaoyan walking towards his own direction. The orange-red sunset stretched his shadow behind him, where he could step on his shadow as soon as he lifted his feet, Qi smiled and said, "Do you have time? I have something to tell you."

Song Jin's mouth cornered slightly, and he took off the sunglasses on his face: "I'm going home."

What Qi Qi smiled about to say, not far away, the voice of a female student whispered: "Isn't that Professor Qi? He and Song Jin know each other?"

Song Jin put on sunglasses and quickly got into the car: "Get in the car first and then talk."

Qi Qi hesitated with a smile, followed her into the car. The nanny car finally stopped downstairs in the apartment where Song Jin lived. Song Jin's fingers lightly tapped on the back of his hand twice, then turned to Qi Xiao and said, "Go up and say?"

虽然 Although she used interrogative sentences, she pulled the door and got out of the car before Qi Xiaoyan answered. The assistant curiously smiled at Qi Xiaoyan from the rearview mirror. Qi Xiaoyan glanced at her and walked out of the car.

Tong Song Jin made a pot of coffee and poured two cups on the table. Qi Xiaoyan sat silently across the street, without the intention to drink. Song Jin laughed, took the coffee cup and took a sip: "Your expression is so serious, it always reminds me of Professor Joyce. Well, do you remember Professor Joyce? Although he only stayed here One semester, but it will be memorable for life. I still remember what he loved to say when he scolded people ... "

"I'm not here to tell you the old."

Tong Songjin's eyes moved, and the coffee cup in her hand was no longer silent. The two were silent for a while, Qi Xiaoyan was about to speak, Song Jin interrupted: "Before you say, can you listen to me first?"

Wu Qi smiled and nodded.

Song Jin held the hot coffee cup in front of her, and laughed a little self-deprecatingly: "Do you know why I entered the entertainment industry?"

"do not know."

Song Jin smiled with a bowed head: "This question has been asked by many reporters. My answer has always been that I want to challenge myself in different fields and see how much I can do. But in fact, I just want you saw me."

Qi Xiaoyan's eyebrows moved, and Song Jin looked at him with a smile: "Is it unexpected? I am also surprised. When I was reading, I always wanted to catch up with you, I think as long as I am good You will surely notice me. But after I was admitted to graduate school, I felt more and more pressure. When I saw your paper published in a well-known journal in China, I realized that I might not be able to reach your height in a lifetime. "

Wu Qi smiled and said, "You don't need to do this at all."

Song Jin looked at his eyes and tickled his lower lip: "Did you know that every time you look at me, your eyes are empty. Although you are looking at me, but when you look at anything else? There is no difference. Later, I found that my shadow will be clearer in your eyes only when I ask some more difficult mathematical problems. "

Qi Xiaoyan didn't speak, Song Jin continued: "But I couldn't go further in mathematics. I knew where my limits were. I also received a few good offers when I graduated from graduate school. I thought at the time , Ah, that's how it should be in my life, and it didn't take long before I saw the public recruitment of the heroine in Painting Soul. "

Song Jin paused: "I suddenly had this idea. If I were a star, you would have a lot of opportunities to see me, maybe a billboard on the roadside, maybe a TV on the subway, or maybe getting up early A newspaper of the time ... "She said with a chuckle here," So I went to sign up, and I didn't expect that I was suitable for this business. "

Qi Xiaoyan never spoke. Song Jin took a sip of coffee and it tasted a bitter: "Sometimes I don't know why I like you, maybe the expression of concentration when I talked to you? Or did you hold me when I was injured? A concern to go to the school medical office? Sometimes I also think that I may not like you, but your talent ... "She looked up at Qi Xiaoyan, with a different kind of emotion in her eyes," I After that, do you still have something to tell me? "

Wu Qi smiled and said, "Well."

Song Jin looked down and chuckled, "Well, I'll listen and listen."

Wu Qi smiled and leaned forward, his tone was as cold as a day for ten years: "I hope you don't bother Yang Wei any more."

Song Jin paused for a moment, and laughed out loud: "Harassment? Did she tell you so?"

Wu Qi looked at her with a smile, and her expression did not loosen at all: "I don't know what you said to her, but it is true that you made her very unhappy."

"She's not happy?" Song Jin felt really funny, "You should know how sharp she is, do you think she makes me happy?"

Qi Qi smiled and did not answer. After Song Jin was silent for a moment, she was a little emotional: "Since you like her so much, why do you want to divorce her? If you do not divorce, I will have no more fantasies!"

Her remarks were angry and angry. Qi Xiaoyan waited for her to calm down before asking: "Have you seen Yang Wei's painting? Her graduation design is a work called" Tropical Rain Forest Girl "."

He seemed to be remembering something, describing it in a hurry: "The blue sky, the colorful flowers, the lush plants, and the girl's long white dress. The large blocks of color are like colorful dandelions. , Filling the entire screen. "

Song Jin laughed with a grin: "So? You divorced her because the painting is too bright?"

"You've seen her paintings, you will understand that she is full of romantic feelings and likes beautiful colors, but my life runs counter to these. I promised to divorce her because I knew that there really was a problem between us. Its development is likely to evolve into irreversible consequences, and this is the last thing I want to see. "

Song Jin froze for a moment, watching Qi Xiao saying, "You are now in a tone that is like the tone of a tolerant husband when he talks about his wife longing for Huahua World. You believe that after she has experienced something outside, she will regain her Come back to you.

Qi Xiao said, "It should be said that both of us need some space to grow up. Yang Wei and I have never had a love experience before we got married. I have not pursued her, and I have not even proposed. This is indeed her regret. I Willing to fill this gap for her. "

"Have you ever thought about it, there is another possibility that she was chased away by others?"

Qi Qi smiled silently for a while before she said, "I won't let this happen, even if she still has others in her eyes, but one day, I will let her see me only."

Song Jin pursed his lips and didn't speak again. Qi Xiaoyan stood up from her chair and looked at her and said, "I think I have made myself clear. I hope you don't bother her in the future."

打开 He opened the door and walked out without a trace of nostalgia.

Qi Xiaoyan called Yang Wei a few times a few days later, and when Yang Wei saw the word "volume", she pressed it down. She was desperately drawing this week, and handed in her drawing on Friday. The publishing house was very satisfied with her paintings and gave her the remainder with great efficiency.

After Yang Yang took the money, her heart blossomed. She sent a message to Sheng Lei and Jian Shuang asking them to eat at night. Jian Shuang said that she couldn't come out with her at night. Sheng Lei promised very easily.

Yang Wei went to watch a movie with Sheng Lei after work, and then went to a barbecue restaurant where they often went, and ordered a few bottles of beer and a pile of meat.

Tong Shenglei watched Yang Wei eating meat while drinking and blinked quickly: "You have been a bit wrong recently, are you in a bad mood?"

Yang Wei immediately denied: "Who said that? I am so happy with the draft fee today!"

Tong Shenglei bit her ribs and looked at her look: "Don't you stop drinking under Professor Qi's control? Is it really liberating nature?"

Yang Wei hummed with a chin, "He doesn't let me drink, I don't drink? Who does he think he is?"

Tong Shenglei nodded slightly, before she asked, "Related to Qi Xiaoyan?"

眯 Yang Wei narrowed her eyes and said, "Don't mention him, and mention that you will pay the bill yourself later."

Xi Shenglei was threatened and started pouring wine to Yang Wei. She knows Yang Wei's little drink a little, but she has a few glasses to her stomach and everything is out.

"Song Jin ... do you know?" Yang Wei patted Sheng Lei's shoulders, and two clusters of cricket red had already flown from her cheeks.

Wu Shenglei nodded.

薇 Yang Wei was shocked and said, "She is Qi Xiaoyan's first love!"

Wu Shenglei said, "I know this. It's all published in the magazine. It's obviously Qi Xiaoyan. Let's get some dry goods."

Yang Wei grabbed her neck and said mysteriously, "The night I was robbed, Qi Xiaoyan was at her house! Oh, later I called Qi Xiaoyan away, and Song Jin's face became green. Run to the door of the school to stop me! "

The amount of information in this passage was too much, and Sheng Lei digested it for a while before saying, "When did you get robbed ?! Didn't you say you were stolen?"

Yang Wei's indifferent expression: "That's a lie to you, hey, you don't know, I was scared to death at that time, he was holding a knife, it was ... so long." Yang Wei gave her a comparison ratio.

Sheng Lei burst into flames and slammed the table: "You have been robbed and he is still at the house of another woman. That woman is so embarrassed to go to school to block you? Really think there are no adults at home, Bullying is over! "

Yang Wei nodded: "She also said that someone like me is not worthy of Qi Xiaoyan."

"Who deserves it? She?" Sheng Lei grabbed Yang Wei's shoulder and asked, "What about you? Let her go like this?"

"No, I bit her hard!"

Tong Shenglei's mouth twitched: "What about Qi laughing? Have you mocked him fiercely?"

Yang Wei made another drink: "I don't want to ignore him, he just called me and I just hang up."

"How can I do this! Don't scold him for a meal and I'm not relieved!" Sheng Lei touched Yang Wei's cell phone and dialed Qi Xiaoyan.

Qi Qi smiled and came out of the bathroom just after taking a bath. When she saw the word "baby" on the screen of her phone, she quickly walked up to answer the phone: "baby?"

"Who is your baby!" Sheng Lei yelled into the microphone, "Qi laughed and said you can, it wasn't long before the divorce, and I joined the female celebrity, and I still want to demonstrate in front of Yang Wei? Would you like to have a face? "

Qi Qi smiled for a while and then asked, "Are you Shenglei? Where is Yang Wei? I want to talk to her."

"She has nothing to tell you."

Yang Wei took a bite of lamb skewers and turned her head to look at Sheng Lei: "Are you talking to Qi Xiaoyan? Let me come!" She snatched the phone from Sheng Lei's hand and learned her tone of authenticity. Qi laughed and said that you are not human! You are an egg! Asshole! Stupid! Hairy eggs! "

Wu Shenglei: "..."

Yang Wei is indeed an art student, and she is so artistic.

笑 Qi Xiaoyan, who was on the other end of the phone, frowned, "You're drinking? Don't you let you drink outside?"

"You don't want me to drink, I want to drink, I'm furious!"

Qi Qi smiled slightly and said, "Where are you now?"

"I won't tell you!"

Qi Qi smiled and raised her head slightly, exhaling, "Yang Wei, tell me right now where you are."

薇 Yang Wei dropped the phone. She held Sheng Lei's arm and raised the wine glass on the table: "Come, let's drink."

Wu Shenglei now has some regrets. She should not pour Yang Wei's wine. She took Yang Wei's wine glass and put it aside: "Okay, it's getting late, let's go back first."

"No, I will continue to drink!"

Wu Shenglei had a headache: "Shall we go home and drink later?"

"No, drink here!"

Yang Wei said and went to get the wine glass again, the mobile phone on the table suddenly rang. Yang Wei glanced at the scroll on the screen and turned the phone aside in disgust. Sheng Lei also looked at the phone, neither of them answered. After the call was automatically hung up, it soon rang again, and the caller was still a quiz.

After repeating this way three times, Sheng Lei answered the phone: "What the **** are you doing?"

"Where are you now?"

Qi Qi laughed and said that the cold voice had become more chilled in the night. Sheng Lei held the mobile phone for a while and gave him the address.

The phone was hung up almost instantaneously. Sheng Lei put the phone back in Yang Wei's bag and snatched the wine glass from her hand: "What do you just drink and eat more meat?"

薇 Yang Wei seemed to make sense and picked up a string of mutton and scooped up.

After a while, Sheng Lei was also fortunate to have seen the initial d-level drag racing technology. Audi stopped quickly across the road and issued a harsh braking sound.

Qi Qi smiled and saw Yang Wei lying on the table, frowning and asked Sheng Lei: "How much wine did you drink for her?"

Wu Shenglei said, "You are saying this as if I was trying to do something wrong with her. Ah, but then again, who are you, sir?"

Qi Xiaoyan ignored her ridicule, and bent down and hugged the soft Yang Wei: "I'll send her home." After he said it, he walked across the road until the black Audi carried Yang Wei away. He hasn't paid yet.

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