MTL - Divorce: This is a Trivial Matter-Chapter 28 Start reading

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Today is Friday. Many young couples ran out to eat, watch movies.

Yang Wei and Qi Xiaoyan are standing in the peach store, and the clerk is showing them the new features of peach 10.

Yang Wei thought of her brand new peach 9s, and her chest was sore again: "Don't buy such an expensive mobile phone, if it falls again ..."

"You run out to try it alone so late?" Qi Xiaoyan glanced at her obliquely, and put the white mobile phone back in the box. "Help me wrap this up."

"Okay." The salesman looked at him with a smile, "Please pay the bill over there first."

Wu Qi smiled and walked in the direction she was pointing. Yang Wei followed him to the cash register and watched as he handed his card to the cashier, and his eyebrows jumped slightly: "Swipe your card?"

Qi Qi smiled and looked at her sideways: "Did you pay this month?"

Yang Wei: "..."

"I also have a deposit!" She raised her chin in disapproval and watched Qi Xiaoyan. Most of the daily living expenses at home were paid by Qi Xiaoyan. Her salary has not changed much in the past year, which can be used to support Xiaobailian !!

"Please sign here." The cashier pointed his fingers together and pointed at the place where he signed. Qi Xiaoyan retracted his eyes, quickly picked up his pen and signed his name.

Yang Wei glanced at his beautiful characters as before, left the corner of his mouth, followed him to get his mobile phone, and walked out of the store.

When I arrived at a shop selling ladies' bags, Qi Xiaoyan looked up and walked in again. Yang Wei now understands it. Qi Xiaoyan made a special trip to buy her something, or did she make a special trip to be the head of injustice?

She glanced at the logo on the store door. This brand of bags is considered to be a medium price, but there are also bags that she can't afford for a month's salary. As the saying goes, Yang Wei is now epiphanyed by eating a glutton, and the wallet itself is too valuable to die.

She picked it at the counter for a while, saw a purse of cherry blossom powder, and gently tapped on the glass with her fingertips: "Can you take this out for me?"

好的 "Okay, please wait a moment." The salesperson opened the cabinet and took out the wallet. Yang Wei took the purse for a while, and the color was very positive, and the leather was also good. The hand-painted cherry blossoms above were also very design-oriented. The most important thing was that the price was relatively cheap.

In this way, there will not be a tragedy of buying a wallet and no money to put in it, let alone the tragedy of the wallet itself.

Yang Wei was satisfied: "That's it."

谢谢 "Thank you for your patronage. Please pay here."

Yang Wei saw that Qi Xiaoyan really planned to pay the bill again and called him: "Mr. Qi, we are divorced, and it is not good to spend your money like this."

Wu Qi smiled and looked at her, and went to pay the bill silently.

When she came out of the store, Yang Wei was still emphasizing to him: "Even if you lent me, I will pay you back when I get paid." Well, although it seems that one month's salary is not enough.

Qi Qi smiled and stopped, and turned into the snack restaurant next to him: "Let's have dinner first."

喂 "Hello, did you hear me talking?" Yang Wei frowned and followed him in.

I was at the peak of the meal, and there was almost no vacancy in the shop. Fortunately, a table around them had just left, and Yang Wei sat down. Soon a waiter came over to clean up the table. Qi Xiaoyan handed the paper bag in her hand to Yang Wei and said to her, "You sit here, I'll order, what are you going to eat?"

Yang Wei raised his eyes and glanced at him: "How can I have the mood to eat out today?"

"Do you still expect you to go home and make it? I've seen the refrigerator. It contains only one tomato and half a cabbage."

Yang Wei: "..."

Then you can do it by yourself!

She looked up at the price list hanging on the ordering table and quickly said, "I want a bowl of red oil dumplings, a bowl of sweet water noodles, a sad jelly, a bowl of noodles with cold noodles, four fried dumplings, two roast wheat A slice of cake is pineapple-flavored. "

After Qi Qi laughed, he left without changing his color. Yang Wei was puzzled in his heart. Did he really remember everything?

The ordering table is also lined up, Yang Wei pulls out the mobile phone she just bought and starts to tinker. Today she wore the black a-line skirt that she bought last time, and the upper body was matched with a puff-sleeved white shirt. The whole person was a little retro. Because the seat is not far from the door, many men who come in will look at her more.

Yang Wei connected to the shop's wifi, and just downloaded a software, she heard an unfamiliar male voice ringing opposite: "Beauty, alone?"

Yang Wei looked up at him and looked at him. He was a little flat head in a blue shirt, and he looked pretty white. Yang Wei blinked, and before speaking, Qi Xiaoyan came over: "Sir, do you have anything to do with my wife?"

The look of the blue shirt suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He glanced at Qi Xiaoyan and turned to look at Yang Wei, as if he was confirming with her. Yang Wei smiled at the corner of her mouth, paused in the blue shirt, and grinned at the back of her head, "Haha, I'm sorry to disturb you." After that, she quickly ran back to the table near the window.

Wu Qi smiled and glanced at the table and sat down opposite Yang Wei: "Well, even sitting here can distribute hormones."

Yang Wei smiled slightly at him: "You are not bad." She glanced at the female high school student at the table around the corner, and the three of them were laughing as they watched Qi Xiaoyan whispering.

Wu Qi smiled and glanced at her finger, and asked, "What about your wedding ring?"

Yang Wei stunned for a moment, and slaps into his hand 瞟 "Let's put it at home." Think about it carefully, it seems that after taking off the wedding ring, someone started to talk to her again.

She thought Qi Xiaoyan had something to say, so he ended the topic like this.

After the waiter put the snack on the table, Yang Wei checked it. When she saw that there were only two fried dumplings, the villain smiled and smiled at Qi: "I ordered four fried dumplings."

Wu Qi smiled and said, "There are only two fried dumplings left. I will help you order a dish of steamed dumplings."

The waiter brought over the steamed dumplings when his voice fell. Yang Wei flattened her mouth and picked up the chopsticks on the table: "Don't you order it yourself?" She just ordered all the vegetables on the table.

Qi Qi smiled and picked up chopsticks and clamped a steamed dumpling into the bowl: "I have an obligation to help you finish the rest."

薇 Yang Wei's heart jumped inexplicably somehow, but it was a very ordinary word, but from Qi Xiaoyan's mouth, it was just like romance.

Yang Wei buried her head and silently resolved the food in front of her. Thinking of Qi Xiaoyan not eating spicy food, Yang Wei took the cold noodles in front of herself. Qi Xiaoyan looked at the red peppers in her bowl and frowned unconsciously: "Aren't your stomachs uncomfortable?"

"No, it's delicious." Yang Wei raised her head and blinked at him. "Do you know why this jelly is called sad jelly? Because everyone who eats it will cry sourly and look sad. Same. Would you like to try it? "

"... you like to eat more."

"Ah, good things should be shared together, come here, don't be polite." Yang Wei carefully took a jelly powder and sent it to Qi Xiaoyan. Qi Xiaoyan stared at the jelly in front of him for a while and opened his mouth to eat.

Yang Wei, for a while, Professor Qiu Qi really ate! She's just kidding. This jelly is really spicy ...

Swallow all the jelly in her mouth, and carefully observe Qi Xiaoyan's expression. Qi Xiaoyan coughed while covering his mouth, his face changed from red to white and from white to red. Usually, there was a layer of water in his cold eyes.

薇 Yang Wei lay on the table with a sullen smile, and took a photo of his mobile phone and took a picture of his face: "Professor Qi, you are really crying, this expression is so sad."

Wu Qi smiled and said, "..."

He picked up a fried dumpling with chopsticks and put it in his mouth, trying to cover the spicy taste in his mouth. Yang Wei pushed the plate with pineapple cakes in front of him and suggested, "Sweet and shocked."

Wu Qi smiled and looked at her without saying a word, but her eyes were still a little red, like a haunted anger.

薇 Yang Wei stowed her phone and continued to eat jelly. Qi Xiaoyan said that his breath was relieved for about five minutes before he came over. He picked up a tissue on the table and wiped the corner of his mouth: "I'm full."

His voice was a little husky. Yang Wei laughed and looked at him and said, "Is it hot and full? Professor Qi, you are so good at feeding. It will be enough to give you one jelly for each meal."

Qi Qi looked at her with a smile and raised her brows slightly: "Is your stomach made of titanium alloy?" Such a spicy thing will not cause stomach perforation?

薇 Yang Wei blinked and said, "Is your stomach made of tofu?" A jelly powder turned him into a rabbit.

Hmm ... hmm, suddenly I want to eat rabbit head.

薇 Yang Wei swallowed the saliva, wiped out the rest of the food on the table three times, and returned to the community in a special car with Qi Xiaoyan.

"Sleep early at night." Qi Xiaoyan told him, and drove away without looking back. Yang Wei poked at his car's taillights and jumped upstairs. When she got home, she threw her contents on the sofa and planted them all by herself.

Stretched out comfortably, Yang Wei touched the box containing the wallet, took out the wallet and opened it for a look. There was a card in one of the wallet's slots, and Yang Wei thought it was something like a brand introduction. When she took it out, she glanced at it suddenly.

Now buy a wallet and get a bank card? She didn't see the event happening in the store!

She frowned and looked at the bank card held in front of her. This card number is a little familiar ... wait, isn't this Qi Qiyan's card?

Read The Duke's Passion