MTL - Divorce: This is a Trivial Matter-Chapter 2 First sight

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Yang Wei first met Qi Xiaoyan at the gate of Imperial University.

At that time, it was also early spring. Qi Xiaoyan wore only a simple white shirt and stood in front of the teaching building. His hair is long, covering his ears and neck, and he has some natural curls. If he follows the standards of high school boys, it is a typical prohibited hairstyle.

站在 He was standing in the sun, not knowing what he was thinking. A group of students stood on the steps behind the team arguing, seemingly nothing to do with him.

Yang Wei was almost certain at first glance that this man was the male **** Yu Qishi dedicated to the altar for four years-Professor Qi.

She Yushi Shi is her cousin, and she graduated this year like her.

Tong Yushi's hometown is not in city A. Her father found her an internship unit in her hometown. Today she will return to the internship after completing her business license. Yang Wei came to work as a laborer for her.

When Yu Shishi met Yang Wei, she couldn't wait to give her Professor Anli Qi: "See? See? That's Professor Qi, isn't he handsome?"

薇 Yang Wei nodded in agreement, and the girls who ran down one after another to find him confession can be seen-except that they did not look very good when they left.

Yu Yushi poked Yang Wei with her elbow and whispered, "Go and help me ask him for lunch."

Yang Wei: "..."

"Cousin, this is the only request of my life." Yu Shishi folded her hands and looked at her pitifully. "You are not a student of our school, and it would not be too tragic for him to refuse."

Yang Wei: "..."

Is it because she knows she will be rejected or wants her to show up?

余 Under Yu Shishi's soft and hard foam, Yang Wei was still cheeky-she would not admit that she just wanted to take this opportunity to talk to Professor Qi. As soon as she took two steps in the direction of Qi Xiaoyan, she got the attention of all the girls in front of the teaching building. She subconsciously took care of her hair.

When I walked to Qi Xiaoyan, Yang Wei found herself nervous enough to jump out. She stopped two steps away from him and whispered, "Professor Qi."

怎么 "How to prove that the circumference of a circle in a set of simple closed curves with a certain area is the smallest?"

His speaking speed is very fast and the sound quality is very special, like the most expensive piano played by the best pianist, clean and pleasant.

不过 Just the content of the words ...

"Ah?" This was Yang Wei's answer to Qi Xiaoyan at the time.

Qi Qi smiled and looked back at her with a slight glance. The person in front of him had beautiful curly hair, just reaching his chest, and the regular linen color shone in the sun.

He paused for three seconds before saying, "You are not a student of our school."

薇 Yang Wei was a little embarrassed and raised her mouth to smile at him: "I'm Yu Shishi's cousin. She wants to ... invite you to dinner."

The last four words are already too low.

Qi Qi smiled and looked in the direction of Yu Shishi, and Yu Shishi immediately sat down.

He turned back and looked at Yang Wei: "Sorry, I have already met someone at night."


Yang Wei smiled and interrupted him, then returned to Yu Shishi: "He said he had an appointment at night."

Wu Yushishi paused: "But ... I asked him to have lunch."

Yang Wei: "..."

No matter what, she can't go to the second time again, so they went to a small noodle shop for lunch. When Yang Wei came out of the girl's dormitory carrying Yu Shishi's large suitcase, a passing boy diligently ran up to help her carry the suitcase until she was taken to a taxi, but she still did not take her relentless eyes back.

"嘁." Yu Shishi closed the door and scoffed at the boy's behavior. "Why didn't I see anyone help me when I climbed up and down the suitcase on the premise?"

The driver in the front row said lightly: "Look at the face."

Wu Yushishi: "..."

Can she look at her face later and decide whether to pay the fare or not?

Of course she paid the fare. After Yang Wei took her to the coach, she completed her mission and returned to the city. As soon as I got into the taxi, I received a call from my roommate Jian Shuang: "Are you free at night, eat together."

Yang Wei hasn't spoken yet, Jian Shuang added: "Be more beautiful."

薇 Yang Wei's eyebrows moved: "Do you need to dress nicely with you?"

"There are four university professors besides me."

薇 Yang Wei was stunned: "Wouldn't you offend all the professors in the department?"

"Who told you to be a professor in our school?" Jian Shuangyi hated iron and steel, "All of them are professors at Imperial University!"

Yang Wei's mouth drew: "Shuanger, ten days before April Fool's Day."

Jian Shuang couldn't help but made a **** at the end of the phone: "I'll tell you straight, my cousin, four colleagues in their company have invited four professors from Imperial College to have dinner, but two colleagues have to work overtime temporarily, Can't come, is it our turn to make it for you! "

Zhi Jianshuang, her cousin Yang Wei, has met. I heard that she is working in a Fortune 500 company. She is very stylish and has the talent of a professional woman. She is the idol of most of the girls in her bedroom. Yang Wei thought for a moment, and said dryly, "Is this ... is it friendship?"

"No, we are called collective blind dates. University professors either write dissertations or do research every day. Personal problems can't be solved. We should care for them."

Yang Wei's mouth twitched: "Think of Professor Deng's head, are you sure you want to care for them?"

Jian Jianshuang was silent for a while, and said, "Eat western food at moonlovers at night, and the other party pays."

Lovers is a newly opened western restaurant in city a. Listening to the name shows that the subject is dog abuse. Yang Wei and Jian Shuang have never been to it once, but one of their roommates and boyfriend went to eat once and boasted about it. After some ideological struggle, Yang Wei and Jian Shuang never cheekily pretended to eat lily.

This time there is such a wonderful opportunity, without having to pay them, Yang Wei carefully considered it for a second, and happily agreed: "The deal!"

When changing clothes frantically in the bedroom, Yang Wei still couldn't help worrying: "Do we really pose as white-collar women in the top 500 of the world? Wouldn't we really help? The other party is a group of highly intelligent businessmen.

Zhi Jian put on a suspender dress, and took a moment to glance at her: "You just say that you don't talk about work at work."

Yang Wei couldn't help but give her a thumbs up: "High."

六 At six o'clock in the evening, Yang Wei and Jian Shuang arrived at the restaurant on time. Jianshuang's cousin was already waiting outside. She watched them for a while and praised: "The eye makeup is good."

薇 Yang Wei was a little nervous and was almost dragged in by Jane Shuang. When walking to the reserved table, Jian Shuang's steps stopped abruptly.

"What, what's wrong?" Yang Wei was more nervous by her.

Zhi Jian opened her mouth and opened her mouth again, and finally made a sound: "Professor Qi, Qi."

Yang Wei looked for a moment, followed her sluggish gaze, and a luminous source broke into the sight with arrogance-it was Professor Qi whom she had only seen in the morning.

Different from the simple dress at that time, Qi Xiaoyan at this time wore a most traditional black suit, but sketched out the lines of his body smoothly, looking elegant and highly tensioned.

It turned out that what he said about the appointment was a group blind date ... no, no, people like him need a blind date? !!

Ji Jianshuang's trembling voice came from the side: "Vivier, I'm a little nervous."

"I feel it." Yang Wei snapped her finger on her arm open, "Do you know Professor Qi?"

Jian Shuang said: "The children of our neighbors have been in the circle of friends for two years."

Yang Wei paused and looked at her sideways: "You actually kept me out of this for two years?"

Jian Jianshuang: "..."

重点 Is this the point now?

Yang Wei also realized that the point was not this, because she suddenly remembered that Professor Qi recognized her!

双 "Shuanger, I have a sudden stomachache and I leave first." Yang Wei wanted to slip away by the door, but Jian Shuang grabbed her wrist.

"Want to leave now? Didn't you see Professor Qi watching you all the time!"

Wu Jianshuang said this by gritting his teeth, Yang Wei trembled, turned his head back carefully, and accidentally hit Qi Xiaoyan's eyes.

His eyes looked as if they were electrified, giving Yang Wei an illusion of electric shock for an instant.

He's finished recognizing, he must have recognized me. Yang Wei was very sad at this time. She didn't even see the dinner plate, so she died before she went to school.

Due to Qi Xiaoyan's sudden appearance, everyone wanted to seize the chair opposite him, but found that he had been staring at Yang Wei and quietly gave up his seat to Yang Wei. When Yang Wei sat down opposite Qi Xiaoyan, she was moved to tears by their selfless dedication.

的 The three at the table next door have been talking, only Qi Xiaoyan and Yang Wei are silent. Yang Wei kept burying her head and staring at her handbag, Qi Xiaoyan said suddenly, Qingying's voice was like the red wine in front of her, slowly turning: "You are a college student."

Yang Wei: "..."

She knew she couldn't fool the high-wisdom merchants!

"I, I was just pulled to make up the number ..." Yang Wei whispered.

Wu Qi smiled and said: "Understanding, I was also pulled to make up the number."

The head of the Department of Mathematics cried in front of him for three days, and repeatedly promised that he would only be responsible for decorating the facade, and he would not care about anything else, and he would appear here.

Dinner was quite pleasant-except that Yang Wei wanted to lend her courage, but accidentally drunk herself. After dinner, everyone planned to sing k. Qi Xiaoyan saw Yang Wei drunk like this, so he raised objections. In the end, after discussion, Qi Xiaoyan was responsible for sending Yang Wei home.

On the road, Yang Wei shouted not to go home, Qi Xiaoyan had to put her in the hotel. Yang Wei didn't know what was going crazy, and when he was about to leave, he grabbed his tie and dragged him down.

This is the first time Qi Xiaoyan is so close to a girl. He hasn't recovered yet, and Yang Wei has kissed her.

In the words of a boy who had confessed to Yang Wei, Yang Wei was like a cake with a creamy aroma, which made people want to take a bite when they saw it.

Wu Qi smiled and tasted Yang Wei's taste, so she couldn't stop. One night *, because it was the first time, the cooperation was not very tacit-Qi Xiaoyan's **** tooth mark on his left shoulder was the best evidence.

后 After waking up the next day, the mess around the ground surprised the two people that something was bad.

One felt that he had strengthened a university professor through wine madness, and one felt that he had tarnished the innocence of others while others were in danger. Both felt that they should be responsible for each other, and quickly registered for marriage.

After learning that they were married, Father Yang nearly killed Professor Qi alive. Yang Wei claimed that Professor Qi was a high-level intellectual and a state-level protection animal. Father Yang stopped the killing hand with a twitch. After that, the two re-sponsored the wedding, and the guests attended the wedding with exactly the same shocked expression.

Because Yang Wei was graduating at that time, a lot of interviews were going to run, and the two did not go for a honeymoon, but they were scheduled to wait until the summer vacation next year and go to Europe's luxury eight countries together.

I just didn't wait for the summer vacation before they divorced.

Yang Wei drank the wine in a glass in one breath and drank her food. The marriage was too hasty and thoughtless, because the two people lacked the necessary understanding of each other before marriage, which led to the inevitable many contradictions after marriage. The two endured each other for a year, and still embarked on the road of divorce.

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