MTL - Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife-Chapter 3 Scrape

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Feng Yuxi knows that the so-called guarantee can not verify the true and false, you only have to choose to believe or not. She also did not mind to guess that the bodyguard named Bai Ze would send people back safely or half-way murder. It is always necessary to give this person a leg. After finishing the leg, she has to go back to the small village, the original mother and brother. Still waiting for her.

"Come on!" She said no more, half a squat to the Jinpao man, and simply scratched the wounded material.

The Jinpao man looked at her movements and felt clean and neat, and did not hesitate to start, just like doing things like this on weekdays. How can a child who is in his early 10s?

“Is there wine?” she asked as she looked at the wound.

The old man quickly opened the medicine box and took out a small pot. He was a little embarrassed to say: "I usually drink two, and take it with me."

"Well, this habit is good." Feng Yuqi took over the jug and then bluntly said: "Bai Ze, go get some water."

Bai Ze saw the Jinpao man nodded and then turned back to the stream. When I came back, I didn’t know where to come from a broken jar, holding half a can of water in front of a few people.

Feng Yuqi took the water and did not raise his head. "First rinse with water and then disinfect with wine. It will hurt, you will endure it."

Unsurprisingly, the Jinpao man is another sentence: "Nothing."

She raised her eyebrows. In fact, there was disinfectant alcohol in the pharmacy, but she couldn't change her bottle. The child's cuffs are not that big, and there are too many things to wear.

"That started." Feng Yuxi no longer said, carefully deal with the wound.

Clear water, spirits, disinfection completed. Bai Ze found a wooden couch and gave it to the Jinpao man. Feng Yu swayed his hand. "No, take it away, bite in your mouth."

Bai Ze didn't listen to her, she only said: "It's not as simple as scraping meat."

"I know." She shook the bottle in her hand again, shook it almost, and sprayed it on her knees.

The unique sound of the spray and the misty medicine made a few people get a glimpse. The Jinpao man was good, only the eyes showed curiosity, and the other two were exclaimed.

"What is this?" Bai Ze stunned and grabbed Feng Yu's wrist to stop her from spraying again. "What medicine did you give to my family?"

"It’s painkilling." She told the truth, and then said to the Jinpao man: "Do you feel that you are starting to numb?"

This medicine works very fast, and it can exert local analgesia and anesthesia on the affected area at most.

The Jinpao man also felt amazed, as if his knees began to panic for a moment, and the pain was followed. And this medicinal benefit is good, all the wounded areas are covered, and the place where there is no injury still feels full.

He looked at the bottle in Feng Yu's hand and saw that she was too embarrassed. "That... wait until you have finished the injury. If there is any left, then... I will give it to you."

He is not welcome, "That, thank you."

"It's up to you." Feng Yuxi pushed the old man around him, "scraping the meat."

She could have done it herself, and Feng Yuyi absolutely believed that it would be better to handle it by her. But can't be rich! Really can't be too rich! She has to remind herself that she is a 12-year-old little girl, a little girl.

The old man is also counted on the road, not much to say, from the medicine box touched a scraper and began to scrape the meat to the Jinpao man.

For a moment, bloody, seeing Bai Ze is frowning, Feng Yu and the Jinpao man are like nothing.

Just because she believes in her medicine, and he really does not feel pain! I couldn't help but lick a few more eyes on the pill bottle.

The old man's technique was also skillful. After a while, the rotten meat was scraped clean. Bai Ze took the water and rinsed it again. Feng Yu took the opportunity to spray another medicine, and the man in the robes was directly hurt. "I didn't feel the pain, you saved some."

"Cut." She gave him a white look. He lowered his head and didn't say anything.

The old man held the upper and lower knees with both hands, Shen Sheng said: "To bone, after the end, I will use the medicine to cover the affected area, and the rest is nursed back to health."

The Jinpao man said that the old man no longer said more, and his hands were pinched for a while, and suddenly he tried hard, and he heard a "beep" and one leg was connected.

"Give it to me here, you pick up another leg." Feng Yuqi held a thick wooden branch in his hand, took the medicine box of the old man, and looked up.

The old man also saw that she understood the medical principles, and she did not stop it. She went to the other side.

There are some Chinese herbal medicines in the medicine box, not many, the basic ones are still enough. just……

Feng Yu is worried that the injury is too heavy. Even if the bones are connected, it is impossible to use these simple herbal medicines for trauma. The conditions in this mountain are too bad, humid and very susceptible to infection. What broke this age, what Dashun Dynasty, she did not mention in the historical textbooks she read before, it is estimated that it is unlikely to have anti-inflammatory drugs.

After thinking about it, I reached out to the sleeve and transferred a small packet of topical antibiotics from the drug.

This was when she was out of the army with a large self-styled belt, returned to the pharmacy and then into a small package, loaded with more than 50 small ziplock bags.

"What is this?" Bai Ze was curious, but she no longer doubted her.

"You don't understand when you say it." She didn't mean to explain too much. "In short, it's only good for his injury. It doesn't hurt."

She poured the powdery things into the affected area, wrapped them in the cotton cloth in the medicine box, and then fixed the knees with a simple bracket made of the wooden branches.

Just finished here, the other leg was also connected. She treated it the same way, until the two legs were finished, the old man always figured a sigh of relief, and then looked at the Jinpao man with trepidation.

The man stared at his legs and looked at him for a long while, then he raised his head and thanked the old man, and then ordered Bai Ze: "Send the gentleman back to Fucheng."

"What about you?" Bai Ze did not trust that he stayed alone here, his eyes cast on Feng Yu.

She had to accept her life, "I left to take care of him."

The old man also said: "I will send me out of the mountain, I know the road outside."

Bai Ze will not say more, pulling the old man and quickly leaving.

When they walked away, Feng Yuqi picked up the pottery jar on the ground and went to the stream to get some water. When he came back, he had two white pills in his hand.

"Take this to eat." Both the water and the tablets were handed to the Jinpao man. "If you don't eat it, you will probably have a fever after a while... Hey, fever, once it's hot, this leg will be cured."

The man did not ask much. She gave it when she handed it over and saw her squatting: "You are not afraid that I will give you poison?"

He snorted, "The poison can be done so delicately, then I will eat it when I eat it." In the speech, he reached out to Feng Yuyu, "Give me."

“Hey?” She squatted, then she remembered and handed the spray in her hand. “There is a lot left, so it’s enough to use it three times.”

He looked at the bottle in his hand and learned her previous action to press at the nozzle. Feng Yuyu quickly stopped - "Don't press!" and then personally guided. "Look here, there is a small mouth, put this right in The affected area, then press it again, you can spray it. Like you just, it almost sprayed into your eyes."

He is very taught, "Thank you."

The two were sitting and no one spoke. The Jinpao man closed his eyes and leaned against the trunk. He didn't know what he was thinking. Feng Yuyu put his right wrist on his wrist and his mind was directly tied to the pharmacy.

At the right wrist is a phoenix-type birthmark. She had it in her previous life. She didn't expect a cross, not only the birthmark, but also brought the pharmacy.

The pharmacy is still the same as before. The first floor is western medicine and Chinese medicine, and there is a wall of Chinese herbal medicine.

The second floor is mainly for simple medical equipment. It also hides some special medicines that can't be found in the market. Most of them are brought out by the troops, and the miracle drugs she collected from all over the world.

One of the counters sells medical aids such as gauze, tape, cotton balls, alcohol, iodine and the like. In addition, her lounge is also on the second floor, 20 square meters, built-in bathroom and bathroom. There is also a microwave in the fridge.

On the table are her usual cosmetics, snacks in the drawer, and a jewelry box. She doesn't usually wear jewelry. It's not very valuable to put it in the pharmacy. Most of them are made of silver. I used to look good and bought it, but I didn't wear it. There are also some gold ornaments, diamonds, and rubies.

These things were originally her most common, but now it seems, but it is like a world... Oh no, it’s really separated.

Feng Yu sighed in secret and subconsciously refused to do more analysis on the sudden explosion of the helicopter. She knows that it is not just as simple as an air disaster. In fact, the reason is actually guessing seven seven eight eight eight, but I don't want to admit it.

No matter what, re-live once, I am still quite satisfied with this pharmacy. There are only two of her previous masters, one Chinese medicine practitioner and one Western medicine doctor. Traditional Chinese medicine is the ancestral craft. Western medicine is a practical experience of more than a decade of research and development. If snoring can also be a skill, then she is quite good at work, at least one-on-one, and the iron-blooded men in the army can also deal with a tie.

But are these useful in this era?

The thoughts are gone, and the thoughts are drawn back from the space.

Not far away, there was a shadow, and she watched with vigilance. The Jinpao man spoke up: "It is Bai Ze who is back."

Feng Yu got up and said, "Since your people are back, I will leave."

He nodded. "Go. Be careful."

She sucked her nose and the night in the mountain was still quite cool. "It's really unfair. I also have a share of your leg. I don't want to let Bai Ze send it to me." After that, I didn't wait for the other party to answer the question. I just waved my hand. "I said it. But... "This girl’s eyes turned. "I have done the disaster for you. Should you give me some compensation?"

"Well?" The man in the robes was slightly stunned and then smiled. "What do you want to pay?"

She licked her fingers and said: "I not only help you cure the wound, but also have three medicines, and also sent the rest of the medicine to you. How much do you say these values?"

He is helpless. "I know that your medicine is hard to find, but I can't get the money right now." While he said, he untied a brocade bag at his waist and slammed it. "Up to twenty-two. It’s all broken silver, and it’s convenient to use it in the mountains.”

"Twenty-two?" She thought for a while, and did not figure out what the concept of twenty-two is.

He thought she was too little. "If there is a chance to see you again in the future, even if the girl asks for a thousand dollars, I will not say a word."

Feng Yu Dome does not like to listen to such words, and I will have a chance to see you again in the future. In this case, most of the exports will never be seen again.

He couldn't help but look at his eyebrows. The purple lotus looked more and more people couldn't move their eyes. She felt that she was dying.

"That's it." After taking the purse, Feng Yuxi still squatted a few times, quite sinking. Then according to the original master's mind, he pointed out the direction and strode forward.

The Jinpao man looked at the little figure who was far away, thin and pitiful, and barely reluctant. There was a faint smile on the face that had not been much expression. This kind of laugh fell in the eyes of Bai Ze who just came back. It really shocked the dark guard who grew up with him.

"Lord, Master." Is it laughing?

"Well." He regained his gaze. "How is the matter going?"

"Send it to the mountain pass and get stunned. If you can wake up before you can save your life, you have to look at his own creation." Bai Ze said, he took a look at Feng Yu's departure. "Master, do you want to go there? deal with?"

"No." The Jinpao man answered very quickly. "We will come out early tomorrow."

"Subordinate to obey!"


Feng Yu returned to Xiping Village with a huge sum of twenty-two. The concept of this huge sum was that she found it from the memory of the original master along the way. In this mountain village where one or two silvers are enough for a family of three to live for a month, twenty-two is indeed a huge sum.

When I returned to the village, it was already bright. Along the way she picked up a lot of herbs and mushrooms, and tied them back with vines on her shoulders. Since the mountain is for the collection of herbs, it is impossible to go empty-handed.

Looking for the direction of forgetting to go home, I have heard a noise when I have not waited for the place. There are shrews on the streets, children crying, and women begging for mercy.

She is going two steps, and sure enough, the accident is the home she wants to return.

Xu, who was not burnt in the mass grave last night, was pulling a woman's arm and dragging it outside the yard. A five-year-old boy next to him cried and helped the woman who fell to the ground.

Xu's foot kicked the little boy away, "Go and go! You have to move me out from here, the house I have to take back, I want to continue to live and give me a one-year rent!"

The woman on the ground is too weak to be able to withstand her. She can't help but drag her down, and screaming in a hurry, and eagerly seeking: "Wait for our aunt to come back? Even if you want to move, you have to wait." The child is back!"

"Auntie in your family? She has already ran! I said that I went to the mountains to collect medicine. I have not seen it for two days. I have not ran or been eaten by a wolf. What are your expectations?"

"My sister won't be eaten by wolves!" the little boy shouted. "My sister won't be eaten by wolves!"

"Auntie will not leave us!" The woman also refutes Xu's words. "Please let us wait another day, one day."

"Not a day! Get out of the way!" Xu lifted his foot and shoved it on the chest of the woman on the ground.

But this foot has not waited for the actual situation, suddenly a pain in the leg, pain, she stood still standing, one **** sat on the ground.

The strange things that happened in the mass grave last night echoed in Xu’s mind. Just like that, just like a sudden attack, it hurts and is terrible, and can’t hide.

Xu’s “Wow Wow” was blamed, and his eyes gradually set in the direction outside the yard. Seeing the girl who was thrown into the mass grave by her and her own man, she was coldly looking and stepping towards her step by step.

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