MTL - Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife-Chapter 1232 Masters, without this

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Everyone is amazed, only the royal king, where is the makeup for the sister, clearly is to prepare the dowry! These more than one hundred wooden boxes were carried out, fearing that the palace of Li Wang would be scared by this momentum.

I want to say with a sigh: "I was still worried that the four sisters would marry in the past and would be looked down upon by the people of Li Wangfu. After all, we have no mothers behind us. Now, I can rest assured that these things and money are given by the second sister. Things, don't say a Li Wangfu, it is enough to buy two cities, who dares to be our sister."

Feng Yuxi told the fans: "I will give you all that I can give, but I have to go there in the days to come. These can support you, but can not support the true feelings between people. Relying on gold and silver, but the person who spent the rest of your life, if one day he only looks at your money, then don't hesitate to leave him."

Her words let the white 黛 and think about it all at once thought of the original Fengfu, Feng Xiaoyuan Fu Shen's upper position, Shen's heart full of joy and thought that Feng Qiyuan is her heart, also miss her so many years to stay in Fengtong County care The old lady also made a living for the Fengqiyuan science test. Who is thinking, Feng Xiaoyuan can not have that heart, take care of the old woman for too many years? He is not grateful. Exhausted family wealth? He also felt that Shen was too embarrassed. It is true that Shen’s wealth is true, which gives her a position as a mother.

Therefore, Shen is actually a poor person. She and Feng Xiaoyuan are fellow villagers. They have known each other since childhood, and they have been years before Yao’s unknown. She was indeed virtuous before marriage, and she took care of the old lady for so many years without name. The old lady may have promised that she will be the wife of Qianyuan in the future. Whoever thought, Feng Xiaoyuan as the champion, forgot the childhood of the childhood, turned to the daughter of Yao family in Kyoto Wang, and took the official movement of the Yao family. This is undoubtedly a great blow to Shen.

Fan Yu understands the meaning of Feng Yu's words. She nodded her head and promised: "The second sister is relieved, I am marrying him. It is because he really treats me. If one day is really absent, I will never be wronged." Himself."

Yan Dongying was also listening on the side, thinking that she would convey this to the five halls, let the five halls understand that their own lady also has a backing, don’t think that they are married to him, the emperor is married. Marrying is love, not power. If love is not there, Miss has a more powerful second sister waiting for him!

Fanling looked at the wooden box in the courtyard, a total of one hundred and twenty-eight, and made her an enviable marriage. Her nose was sour, and she took Feng Yu’s hand and said, "Second sister, I did that kind of thing at the beginning, and then I continued to be embarrassed with you and my three sisters. I didn’t expect you to forgive me, but I am so good. I used to think that this life is a tragedy, no relatives, no friends, barely alive, but I can’t feel a little bit of alive. I didn’t expect that there was anything in the night, this love, you call me Why are you still?"

Feng Yu smiled bitterly. "Where is my sister who still makes my sister feel good? I don't want to take the initiative to be embarrassed. I am either you, or the original Fengshen fish. Before the enmity, I was a pro. I always wanted a family." It’s a pity that the uncle’s kindness is filial piety. It’s too difficult for the Feng family. Fortunately, it’s all gone, don’t think too much, it’s a new beginning. After that, it’s good to enter the door of Li’s palace. In the past, I have forgotten everything in the Feng family. Remember, from now on, you are the daughter of the Xuan family, the royal family. Your name will be separated from the Feng family, into the royal genealogy. You no longer have to regret this life is difficult The prostitute, because, you will be like me, the emperor is righteous, our sisters, and finally equal."

The tears of the white scorpion flowed and finally became equal. How many years have she waited for this equality! She used to want to make her identity so noble. Now, everything that I want is finally there!

Feng Yuxi wiped her tears for her, and her heart was filled with emotion. In fact, I thought about it. The original Fengfen, who was trying to get close to Xuantian, was just a 10-year-old girl. What did she care about with a 10-year-old child? That is, the children of this era are too precocious. If they are in the afterlife, if the ten-year-old sister says that she likes her brother-in-law, the relatives will only be regarded as a cute joke. It was also that she was influenced by the environment of Fengjia, and now she jumped out of that strange circle, looking to the future, and the weather was fine.

The sisters and sisters were crying and laughing. At this moment, they saw the outside of the door and sneaked in a surprise. They said loudly to the fans: "Miss! Someone came to give gifts, this time is the royal palace, yes Your Highness will give you something!"

Fans were surprised, turned to look at Feng Yu, and saw Feng Yu smiled and nodded: "He is a brother-in-law, from tomorrow to your younger brother, this gift should be sent."

The people who came to the royal palace to give gifts came in, and there were jewelry clothes and food and snacks. It was Mrs. Zhou who gave gifts. She went forward and first gave Feng Yu a ritual according to the rules, and then she gave a big gift to the fans. Pink 黛 黛 赶 赶 赶 赶 赶 赶 赶 赶 赶 赶 赶 赶 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 周 周However, Mrs. Zhou said: "Even if you haven't used it in the past, you have to do it now! You are the prince of Li Wang, who is the daughter of the Royal Zhengzheng Jingjing. It is the same as our royal prince. Li Wangzheng was accepted." After that, seriously finished the ceremony, and this was up, and he said to the powder: "The royal wedding gift of the royal king to Li Wangxi, carefully selected from the royal palace. The jewellery and the four-season dresses from the hands of the tailors in the palace dressing workshops are from the Xianya Building, and the royal king said, and sent them to you tonight."

In the small courtyard of the white pheasant, cheers, everyone is more interested in the wine of Xianyalou. After Mrs. Zhou left, the people hurriedly set aside in the yard, the masters fell off the table and toasted drink.

At the same time, at the end of the Li Wangfu, the five emperors Xuantian sang listened to the next person's return, saying that the powdery scorpion was drinking, and he was so anxious that he stood up and wanted to go outside the house. The next man was so scared that he quickly stopped him and kept persuading: "Your Highness can't go! This big marriage is very particular, and the newcomers will never see the first night!"

"Where is it so particular? Didn't you hear that they all drank the wine at that time? The king of the wine does not know the amount of the wine? The mouth is drunk! This is so drunk, how to get on the sedan ?"

"Oh my Royal Highness! You don't have to bear this heart, not that the royal king is also there! How can she let Wang Hao get drunk, even if it is really drunk, there must be a hangover!"

As a result, Xuan Tianyi was relieved. correct! There is a doctor in it! Then don't be afraid.

However, the doctor is not useful. Before the big wedding, you can drink more. And not only the phoenix powder sip more, Feng Yu 珩 also drank too much...

As a result, the next day, the five emperors personally came to pick up the relatives, and they saw the quietness of the small courtyard, and there was no need to send the bride's lively joy at all. He screamed in his heart, **** it, the gimmick will not be repentant, right?

In fact, the situation in the yard is like this - "Miss, wake up! Li Wang's happy sedan is carried to the door, is the five halls personally come!"

The person who was called Fengfen was still asleep.

"Miss! Get up! Blink! Don't bring this!"

The person who was called Feng Yuxi was still asleep.

"Thinking, wake up, your child, just drink a lot of wine when you just got it. If you want to have three long and two short, how can you call your mother?"

The person called Feng Fengxiang, still sleeping.

The three sisters of Fengjia, who slept one more than one, completely forgot about the big marriage today. When Feng Zirui and Xiaobao drunk were not awake, Zirui took Xiaobao and ran outside the door. He looked at Xuan Tianqi, who was riding on a high-headed horse and a red robe. He said: "Sisters are all drinking. More, one did not wake up, would you like to change your day?"

Xuantian sizzled, "No! This king is not easy to wait until this day, she is drunk, fell asleep, this king will also take people back to the government!" Finished, turned over and went straight into the hospital .

After a short time, I saw that Xuan Tianqi really took the phoenix powder out. The bride was wearing a red robe and wearing a Xipa. Her arms were hung on the neck of Xuantian, and she could not see whether she was awake or asleep. As a result, onlookers talked about it, and some people said, "Where is the groom coming to pick up the family? Shouldn’t it be the matchmaker? The groom waits at home."

Others said: "How many times have the five princes been married, not fresh."

Someone immediately replied: "Hey! This time is different. This time it is Yongzheng, and the sly is the four ladies of the Feng family. I heard that Yu Wangxi and the four ladies are well together, and the two are sisters. Well, the status of Miss Fengjiasi is quite different from before."

Argument on the argumentation theory, most of the people's eyes are still attracted by a pink robes, and I feel that the clothes seem to have a dazzling brilliance, and the phoenix pattern that seems to be faint in the sun's radiance. Most people don't know this thing, but they still have eyes open, and they marvel: "My God, isn't that the legendary good man?"

"Good person Jin? One of the five treasures, only one good person in three years?"

"It should be! Only good people can shine such a brilliance, and only good people can present a faint phoenix pattern on the material without any drawing."

"Miss Feng Si can't have that thing, and the five emperors are hard to get. It is said that all the Wubao fabrics of Dashun were given to the Yunxiao Niangniang by the emperor. Later, the nine emperors gave the royal king a lot, this Fengsi Miss The good man Jin should be sent by Yu Wang."

"Yu Wang's shot is really wide! It is really good to be her sister. This Miss Feng four was not conscience until she found out that she was good with her sister. The days before were wasted."

Listening to people's arguments, Xuan Tianyi is in a good mood. Look at the bride in his arms, and the happiness of his face can’t stop...

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