MTL - Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife-Chapter 1203 Great funeral

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Xuantian said that he is not afraid of dragging, but he is afraid that he will miss the old seven even more when he wants to follow himself. If he wants to suffer, how can he stand up?

The carriage galloped on the way back to Beijing. I wanted to rely on the car to close my eyes, but this **** was also raised. The carriage was bumped and she would cough. The body was weak and seemed to fall soon, but she still insisted. Let the car stop and get to the capital at the fastest speed.

Xuan Tianyi can't stand it anymore, and blames himself: "I shouldn't tell you this news. What do you think you are sick with? It's still tossing. If there is a good, how do you let me live? Want me to breathe with you, or keep a sigh of relief for a lifetime?"

I couldn't help but push Xuan Tianyi. "You don't curse me, I can't die. When my grandfather was there, I couldn't be filial in front of me. Now he is gone, I can't wait to go back and send the last trip, then, I always get his head to go to the top of the column, and if I don't do anything, I am sorry for my second sister, I am even more sorry for my conscience."

"That is your grandfather's grandfather." Xuantian was a little angry. "It's not your relatives. As for your own body, don't you care about it, just to go back to the top of the column? Fengxiang, when can you? Think for yourself?"

I want to frown and unhappy to him: "You can't talk like this! Since ancient times, you have been respectful, and your second sister is a prostitute. In the past, Mrs. Yao was also the mother of the family. We all have to recognize the mother of the mother. For the pro. I have been called a grandfather since I was a child. When the Yao family has not left the capital, he has indeed fulfilled his obligation to be a grandfather. I can feel it when I have not been loved by the Feng family. Yao family treats me like my second sister. I have never been guilty and ill-treated because I am a prostitute. So, for me, he is a pro-foreign, Xuan Tianyi, just like that, don’t say it later."

When she spoke, she coughed a few times, and she saw blood on the parchment. Anshi couldn't bear to look at it. Don't go too far to wipe his tears. I want to hold on to An's hand and say, "Mother, don't be sad, I feel much better today."

Anshi had no choice but to be more and more helpless to this daughter. She said to her: "Don't you say that? You have to live well for the sake of the mother, but why did you live like this? Well, I don't want to be sick." You, returning to Beijing, since you are sick, so many doctors in Yuzhou can't find out, even the doctors in Baicaotang are helpless. It is better to go back to Beijing. Maybe the doctor at that end can have a way. If you are not good enough, you will stay in Beijing, wait for Miss II, and there will be a way to wait for her to come back."

She did not want to refute, she also wants to stay in Beijing, but it is not for her own illness, but because the news in Beijing is more smooth, she just wants to know, this sudden strange disease, whether it has anything to do with that person. .

She closed her eyes slightly, stopped talking, and twirled Xuan Tianhua over and over again in her mind. In recent days, as long as I think of that person, I will be very scared, and my heart will not be like the past, even if I can't be together, at least I know that he is still there, where, and then watching and thinking far away, is also full. But now this kind of emptiness, as if that person is no longer in the world, the earth is big, and it is impossible for him to find that person in his life.

I feel very sad. For her, she has not expected to have any results with Xuan Tianhua. As long as that person can live well, it will be very good for her to occasionally hear some news about him. But now, why is there such a bad feeling? She clearly refused the marriage contract with that person, just did not want to bring him any disasters and dangers. Is this not enough?

Bai Furong is also in the carriage, accompanied by the thought, not to say a word. Her impression of Yao Xian is actually not profound, and there is no direct contact between the two. She is not like Feng Xiang, and she is with her. She is an outsider to Yao, and she could not rush back to Beijing. Yao Xian is the grandfather of Feng Yuxi, and she does not say that she has a deep friendship with Feng Yuxi. She has also been blessed by Feng Yu. That is the grace of life and the grace of regeneration. Now Feng Yu’s monk is on the battlefield of Zongtang. As a sister, she should take the place for Feng Yu. She knows that Ren Xifeng and Fengtianyu in the capital will definitely go to Yao’s home to send Yao Xian’s last trip. Unfortunately, Xuantian song can’t come back. It’s too far away from the ancient desert...

Indeed, the ancient desert is too far away, even if the Yao family had already sent a letter to Yao Shu in advance, but until Yao Xian was about to die, the letter still failed to reach Yao Shu’s hand.

At that time, Yao Shu was a guest at the ancient palace. In this new year, he was invited by Xuantian Tian and Brahma to live in a palace in the ancient palace. Yao's letter was not received, but the other side of Brahma left the news of Yao Xian's death through his own channel. He told the news to Xuan Tiange, and then he was worried by Xuan Tiange. How do you tell Yao Shu?

The road is too far away, and even if Yao Shu goes back immediately, it is definitely too late to send funeral. This time, even if the speed of the footsteps will be more than four months, if you stay in Beijing for a few more days, half a year will pass. Yao Shu is an official, leaving for half a month, but leaving for half a year is a bit too long. But Yao’s family is very close to his family. If she doesn’t say anything about this matter, she will be afraid to complain in the future.

Xuan Tiange has been entangled for two days, and finally told the news to Yao Shu. Yao Shu did not believe it at first! It can be seen that Xuan Tiange is serious, and then think about it, no one can make a joke about such a thing, only then realize that his grandfather is really dead. For a moment of grief, I fainted.

Xuantian song has no way, so I have to look at it first, then rush to Dashun Kyoto Flying Eagle to pass the book, let the six emperors Xuantian Tianfeng prepare for the end, once Yao Shu wants to return to Beijing, the desert has to take over It can't be empty for half a year. After all, it is the border. Even if she is the queen of ancient times, this kind of thing is sloppy.

Brahma left because she felt that her own lady had some big problems. Since he married her, he said that he must have made a good relationship with Dashun at least when he was alive, and he would not have to take advantage of the border. In. But think about it again, this thing is still more cautious, he does not move, does not mean that others do not move, in case someone with a heart is hidden in a corner, when the ancients have to carry a pot, not worth it.

So he took the initiative to help Xuan Tiange send the best flying eagle to send a letter to Dashun Kyoto, and also sent the best doctor of the ancient 照 to look at Yao Shu, once he wakes up, he will send out the ancient 蜀, is to stay back, look Yao Shu himself.

At the same time, Xuantian Ming, who was far away from the city, also received news. Yao Xian passed away. This Feng Yu's most concerned relatives left the world. Although Feng Yuxi was psychologically prepared, he still felt that if he said this actual news, it would cause too much blow to Feng Yu.

However, he did not say, but did not mean that Feng Yuxi did not know, but Feng Yu did not say it, he took this matter in his heart and chose to forget it. She wakes up as usual and sleeps as usual. She will help Xuan Tian to train the soldiers during the day. She will use the skills of the shooting and the squadrons led by He Gan to speak over and over again, and will enter the space every day. Go to Xuantian Tian to do the test. It was no longer mentioning Yao Xian’s business. From that day, she was crying back on the street and was returned by Xuantian. She seemed to have passed the page and never mentioned it.

However, just like Yunxiao said to Emperor Wu of Heaven, there are some things that you didn’t happen without acknowledging it. Some people don’t exist if you want to forget. Yao Xian’s death still brought a great blow to Feng Yuxi. Xuan Tianming often wakes up at night, but when he wakes up, Feng Yuxi is still asleep, the kind of crying is natural. No need to deliberate, even in the dreams are also tears.

He was distressed, no longer let her go to the big camp, no longer let her use her intensive busyness to paralyze herself. He took her shopping, tired and took a break, hungry and ate at the street stall. Feng Yuxi said: "In the past thousands of weeks, we have eaten like this on the street like civilians."

Xuantian nodded, "If you like it, let's go in the future."

“Where?” she asked. “A thousand weeks? Yes! It’s going to go for a thousand weeks. I have to send back the ash of Feng Zhaolian. Right, I have to bring a black pear, her brain is not very Clearly, there is not much overlap with Feng Zhaolian, but I love it at first glance, and then I imagine that I am a lotus king. When I have more fantasies, I become true. I just followed us from the northern boundary to the capital. Now she lives in Lianfu, I am I still don't know how to tell her about the death of Feng Zhaolian."

She started this incident, and Xuantian was very bitter in her heart. She only said that she would swear, and you don’t know how to open this mouth. I don’t think so? He reached out and licked her hair, and finally said: "Don't be afraid, no matter who you are, you always have me."

Yao House was mourned for nine days. On the ninth day, he took the spirit out of Beijing and went to Yao’s grave.

The Yao family is a Beijing-based prosperous family who has been growing on this land for generations. The ancestors chose the ancestral graves in a feng shui mountain range 30 miles away from the suburbs of Beijing. They prayed that Feng Shui Baodi would be able to protect the descendants of the children for centuries.

On the day of the funeral, Yunxiao came from the words, still a filial piety, wearing white flowers, dressed like Yao’s children.

In addition to her, all the emperors in Beijing have come, with their own Zhengyi to send Yao Xian the last leg. There are countless people who have spontaneously made funeral teams on both sides of the street, accompanied by crying, and have been walking from Beijing to Beijing.

Yunxiao walked with the Yao family's children, and he was very filial and looked extremely abrupt. Everyone knows that Yao has no daughter. The only daughter, Yao Yurou, has died many years ago. But this cloud is clearly standing in the position of her daughter to send Yao Xian, which makes people somewhat puzzled. This is the most special nephew, for more than 20 years, I don’t want to see the emperor’s nephew. Why is it because a Yao Xian actually went out of the palace and was buried in a filial piety?

The so-called human words are awesome, guessing and guessing, some words are not very good...

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