MTL - Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife-Chapter 1201 Get up and drink

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The old emperor still went out of the palace, accompanied by all the emperors in Beijing to Yao, to see his only friend.

To say that Yao Xian passed away, officials and regardless of, all the emperors have come, and Wen Xuan Wang and Wang Hao, also personally went to the door. Tian Wudi will come, Yao family is not unexpected, after all, the old emperor and Yao Xian relationship is extraordinary. It’s just that Yao’s family is worried about it. I’m afraid that because of the death of Yao Xian, Tian Wu’s sorrow is too sad and hurts the emperor’s dragon body. It’s not a joke.

What can I do if I am worried? Out of such a big thing, who can stop the Emperor Wu of Heaven? The old emperor and Zhang Yuan both turned their faces, saying that if he was not allowed to go out of the palace, he would also send Zhang Yuan to the sin slave, and pointed to the nose of Xuan Tianfeng to ask if he had any human feelings and asked him if he knew Yao Xian. Who is it?

Xuan Tianfeng certainly knows who Yao Xian is. He rushed to Yao to arrive at the first time when he heard the news. Xuantian is not in the air, Feng Yu is not here, he wants to do a filial piety for the two, so the emperor of the emperor personally dressed up for Yao Xian, wearing a filial piety, stayed in the night before the spirit. Therefore, he could not refute the words of Emperor Wu of Heaven and had to accompany him again.

The emperor drove, the emperor drove, the people shunned, and all the Yao family rushed out to meet. Tianwu Emperor did not look at them, and stumbled and ran to Yao Xian’s hall. But before the mourning hall, facing the coffin, but did not dare to move forward, just stood there, staring at the ground.

All the emperors stayed in the courtyard together, and the chapter was far away. He whispered to Tianwu Emperor: "The emperor, go in and see! You are not saying that you want to give Yao Daren a column incense?"

"What is the fragrance? Who is the fragrance?" The old emperor suddenly changed his mind. "What do you say to Xiaoyuanzi? Lao Yaotou is good, why should he be scented?" After that, he looked at Yao Jingjun. "You are the size of the Yao family? What are you doing, and you are yelling at you! You are here to find him to drink. On the first day of the New Year's Eve, I will not go to him, too. I have to give you a face, and I have to ask this face back today. I don’t want to give up the old Yao’s head. If you hurry, go and call someone.”

These words are said to be on the scene, and people can be embarrassed at the same time. Everyone knows that the old emperor has a good relationship with Yao Xian. They have imagined the death of Yao Xian, the various reactions of Emperor Wu of Heaven, and even after Tian Wudi decided to go out of the palace, Zhang Yuan quietly informed the doctors that they were following. Now, I am standing outside Yao's house, ready to rush in to save people once something goes wrong.

Unexpectedly, Tian Wudi’s reaction was so special. He was not sad, no trouble, no heartache. He just did not recognize Yao Xian’s death. He imagined that Yao Xian was still alive, as usual, he As soon as he came, he would call Yao Xian to accompany him to drink.

Xuan Tianfeng said: "The grief has reached the extreme, that is, the painful thing is completely ignored. The father has his own choice, he chose to let Yao Shen live in his spiritual world, then for him, Yao Shen doctor He has always been alive." He said to Yao Jingjun: "Come with a pot of wine! The father wants to drink, let him drink once."

When Yao Jingjun saw Xuantianfeng’s words, he quickly went to get the wine. When he came back, he saw that the old emperor had already walked into the hall and moved to sit in front of the coffin and spoke loudly to the coffin. Emperor Wu of Heaven said: "Old Yaotou! How is your temper so embarrassing? Isn’t it that you are not as good as your drink? Isn’t that if you are old and old, your temper is not as good as before, why are you? Revenge? You have come to the door personally, you are hiding from seeing you, you see your temper, but also blame you? Lao Yaotou children! Don’t worry, we are all older, we can drink again. How many years? Come out and accompany you, it’s not easy to get out of the palace. Xiaoyuanzi sees the sky and looks at the palace. The stinky boys are also uneasy and the elbows are turning outwards. I don’t have a word to listen to. I’m here to fight with them. You have to miss this opportunity. Maybe it’s time to go to the next door.”

He said, he also reached for the coffin in front of him and made a loud noise. "Old Yaotou! Your house is still closed, this door is quite thick, and it has not been pushed open for a long time. I told you that this is old. If it is in the past, you will not close the door." Use it, lift your foot and open your door. Go ahead, hurry up, don't make trouble! Lao Yaotou! Lao Yaotou!"

Tianwu Emperor finally had a relatively fierce reaction. He stood up and approached the coffin. He lifted his hand and lifted it on the coffin. He screamed louder than the other, and he yelled at the name of Yao Xian. getting bigger.

Finally, the hand was numb, the scorpion shouted dumb, but the coffin or the coffin, the silk did not move.

Emperor Wu of Heaven stopped and looked at his shaking hands. Then he looked at the people standing on the side. He asked people: "How do you look at it? Don’t you help? Just look at someone. Toss here?"

Zhang Yuan wiped a tear, and the little **** was so shallow that he couldn’t see the scene at all. He stepped forward and said loudly: "Yao Daren has passed away. He can't come out to accompany the emperor to drink. Don't shoot, don't shout, go back to the palace with the Xiangzhu! The emperor, the slave is afraid, don't be like this again. It is."

"Nonsense!" Tianwu Emperor was furious. "Small distant child, are these years too darling for you? You usually bully and bully, but you can curse the old Yaotou? His relationship with him is Ok, you can't treat you badly because you are good with him! Are you as far as possible? Quickly take back those words and help you to call Yao Xian, as long as you can call him out, and go back and have a reward. You are not in the same place in the Zhaohe Temple? Go back and take it away, and reward you."

"I want that broken thing to do?" Zhang Yuan is also anxious, and there are still many outsiders in the room. In the weekdays, the mode of getting along with the old emperor was opened again. He shouted at Tianwudi: "People If you die, you are dead. Look at the whiteness of the house and look at the people who are hanging out! Don't lie to yourself, accept the reality? Or do you look inside the coffin, Yao Daren is lying there? Why don't you take a look? Look, you will see it!"

Tianwu did not dare to look at it. He listened to Zhang Yuan’s sentence, but he never dared to look at the big open coffin. In the end, he was forced to do nothing, and he still said hard: "That is asleep, who is not sleeping!"

No one can say that Emperor Wu of Heaven, the Emperor Xuantian of the Six Emperors took over the wine brought by Yao Jingjun, and handed it to the Emperor Wu of Heaven, and said softly: "The Father is not coming to Yao Daren to drink! The wine is brought. Don't worry if Yao Daren can't get out, you can drink outside one of the two doors. Who hasn't got a temper? Yao Daren is angry, you are embarrassed, this time you don't come back next time, you Have you been married to Mica for so many years, and still have another Yao Shen doctor?"

Tianwu Emperor stunned and looked at Xuantian Tianfeng. He took a long time to say: "You seem to have a reason to say it. Or the wind of the wind is learned, and the words are said to attract people to listen. But this time is not good. Can you let the palace go out next time?"

"Yes." Xuantian nodded and assured him: "As long as you want to go out of the palace, you can tell your parents that the children will accompany you, can you?"

Tianwu Emperor nodded, "Good." Then he took the jug in the hands of Xuan Tianfeng and poured a sip of wine into his mouth against the mouth of the pot. "Old Yaotou!" After a sip, I rushed to the rafter: "Don't drink, you can drink it inside! You know that you also drink alcohol. Usually, you drink a bottle of aunt." Don't let more drink, she is not here today, let's drink a little more. Come, do it!" He slammed the jug in one fell swoop and sipped himself.

This drink, from the noon to the evening. Zhang Yuan sat on the outside steps and could not help but wipe his tears. The old emperor is getting older every day, and he is confused every day. He used to lie to himself that the emperors are long lived. Even if they can’t live forever, they can live for at least a hundred years. The life of Emperor Wu of Heaven is still growing!

But now Yao Xian died. He suddenly felt very scared. He suddenly realized that many things really couldn’t be too good. Long live is a good wish. What is it for longevity? When the old emperor was young, he went to the battlefield and burned a lot of roots. After being in office for decades, he spent a lot of time and effort. Can you really count on his longevity?

At the thought of this, the tears of the little **** kept flowing. He was thinking, if one day the old emperor also drove him, what should he do? When I was young, I was sent to the net by the family when I was not sensible, and then I went to the palace to be an eunuch. In the first few years, he was an apprentice behind the old eunuch, but the sin was not ruined. It’s always unfavorable to have a knife underneath, especially in the first few years of cleansing, and often wake up at night. At that time, no one was in charge of them. The survival rate of the little **** was not high. Many people could not stand the torture and no one gave the good medicine. When they went there, they gave their lives.

He was a big man, survived, and had good luck. He recognized the great **** of the Tianwu Emperor as a master. Later, his master went to the royal palace. He wanted to take him away. Because Tian Wudi said that he was very clever and kept his sorrow, he stayed in the palace. From then on, he saw Tian's beside Tianwu, like a follower, and he could see him wherever he went.

He was only five years old at the time. From five years old to now, for more than ten years, he never thought that one day there would be no Emperor Wu of the world. But now, the reality is in front of him. He knows that one day the old emperor will go first in one step. At that time, he will be like a leaf falling from the tree, and then he will be helpless.

Zhang Yuan went back and watched. The old emperor was still drinking there. While drinking, he talked to Yao Xian. One sentence at a time, everyone’s nose was sour. The six emperors were on the side, and they spoke a few words from time to time, which calmed the mood of the old emperor. But at this moment, a sudden shouting came from outside the government gate, and everyone was shocked. Outside the door, he shouted, "The sky is shining!"

Read The Duke's Passion