MTL - Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife-Chapter 1198 You can't hope no more

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Xuan Tianyi came to Fengfen, but it was not once or twice. It’s just that Fengfen didn’t know it. Most of the time, Xuantian was walking in the middle of the night before dawn. Therefore, he knew that Fengfen had recently suffered from insomnia. He was still unable to sleep in the middle of the night. He was not walking in the yard or sitting in the house. It’s a night. He was very distressed by Fengfen, and he wanted to go up and hug him several times, but he felt that the girl had nothing to do with him, and he appeared to be self-confident.

He came again tonight, listening to the Qi Fang said that a few days ago, he was on the sidelines, some people here smashed the phoenix powder for two days and two nights. He thought, just like the phoenix powder, this temper is what it means to be indefinite! But when he disappeared, he saw that Fengfenyu still sat quietly in the room as usual, and his face was peaceful, and he did not see a little angry look.

He thought again, Xu has passed a few days, and the gas is gone? But it's not right, just rely on Fengfen's temper, where is it so easy to get rid of the gas, normally it should be a month before it is finished. He came earlier earlier, and before he fell asleep, he wanted to see the status of the girl, and he also wanted to hear what Feng Jinyu had to say after he learned that he had another side.

However, there is still nothing to see. Fengfenyu has nothing to do with those things, and he has quietly lived.

It’s just that Xuan Tianzhu still sees that something is wrong. He didn’t come during the period of his previous years. Most of the time he came here was late at night, and he couldn’t see the life in this yard. It’s coming earlier today, plus the New Year’s Eve, people are sleeping late. When he comes, he just sees that Winter Sakura is feeding food to Xiaobao. It was half a bowl of steamed meat, obviously it had already been eaten a meal and it was hot. Xiaobao ate a bite, and from time to time advised the fans to eat a little. If you can't eat it, just sit there and watch it.

Later, Xiaobao finished eating and went back to sleep. He heard winter cherry and pink glutinous rice say: "Miss only eat half a bowl of noodles at night, or give you some food if you don't swear! This steamed meat young master also eats no Finish, there is the remaining rice in the stove, the slaves give you the heat, you can eat this steamed meat and eat it?"

Pink 黛 黛 黛 黛 : : : : “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ You clearly change the rest of the meat for the pattern, put some dried vegetables in it, Xiaobao loves to eat."

Winter Sakura is helpless. "Unfortunately, we can't afford the cook. What can the slaves do? This bowl of steamed meat is just some salt. Maybe the young master doesn't like it. Or... please ask a cook. Come? It’s not a good skill, just like a normal woman who cooks, how can it be better than a slave?”

But the pink swaying hand, "No, even if it is an ordinary woman, one month to give the first half of the two silver, that half of the two silver can buy a lot of things, if you eat light, almost one month is enough!"

Winter Sakura didn’t say anything after listening to this. After cooking the things on the side of the pimple, I went back to accompany Xiaobao. Xuantian listened to the conversation between the master and the servant, and my heart was not particularly tasteful. If you know that this girl is so bitter now, he should give her more silver when she first opened it.

Xuantian was distressed, but nowadays, two people have become like this. He just wants to give it, and Fengfen will not want it. He couldn't help it. He could only hide in the corner of the yard and watch the whitefly silently as usual. He quietly left before dawn.

It’s been a year with her! Xuan Tianyi thought, on the New Year's Eve, he was so good to accompany her, and he would not let the Shantou alone. Now Feng family is still alone in Beijing. This girl has a bad temper. She always refuses to reconcile with Feng Yu and Feng. She always refuses to say soft words. If there are two sisters around, he I can also feel at ease. Just like now, let him know how to be assured.

When it was dawn, Xuan Tianqi walked away. Fengfenyu stood up from the chair and had some numbness in his feet. It took a while to get a few steps. When she walked out of the house, there was no one in the yard who had secretly looked at her, and even the breath was blown away by the cold wind of winter. Fengfen 黛 did not actually see Xuantian 琰, but she had a feeling, just last night, in a corner of the yard, a person stood quietly watching it, one look is a night . She wanted to come out and see that her feet were on the ground, but she took it back. She knows that it is Xuan Tianyi. In this capital city, people who can think of it and secretly look at her are only one of Xuan Tianyi. But what about that? Now that they each have their own lives, she quietly lives in this small courtyard, and there is no competition in the world. He also vigorously puts one woman into the house and continues the days of his absurd prince. Everyone has their own choices, but there should be no intersection between them.

The white pheasant sat down in the yard, and the stone bench that had been cold for a night soaked her with a spirit, and the whole body was cool. But she didn't get up, so that the coldness spread all the time until the fingertips were cold, until the winter cherry blossoms came. She said to the winter cherry that advised her to go back to the house: "It doesn't matter, cool down. Ok, cool and clear-headed, can let me know who is right and who is right, what kind of life is what I should have."

She is very satisfied with the current state. Although she is poor, although the silver at the bottom of the pressure box is empty, she will have to find a way to make a living and keep the day. However, Fengfen’s thoughts, even if it has been so poor, is much better than the days in Fengfu. She did not want to understand, why did she like to fight so much in the past, why the former self is so concerned about a prostitute in the Feng family. Looking back now, what if she did the prostitute of the Feng family? Now the Feng family is gone. She is a prostitute and she is just a prostitute who has broken the family. She can never achieve another Feng Yu. In the end, she didn't have the same abilities as Feng Yuxi, and she didn't have the good temperament of Feng. She wouldn't be far-sighted. She stood on the wrong team from the very beginning, so that she has no friends and no friends.

But what about it? She smiled and Xiaobao! Regardless of who the father is, the mother is always Han, her brother.

"It’s good to have a loved one around." She smiled at the winter cherry, but the smile was only a moment, and soon it faded. She said to Winter Sakura: "After this year, I will return the sale deed to you, let's go! Don't wait for me, then go to find a good master and follow, so you don't have to wait like ten, you can't eat it for ten days. A bite of meat."

Winter Sakura, Feng Biao is willing to return the sale contract to her? This is one thing she dreamed of! This phoenix lady is tempered and irritated, and she is also a slap in the face. She used to want to be able to sell back her body and return to her free body. She once thought that no matter what kind of master, it would be better than Fengfen. of.

But now, when Fengfen 黛 really said that he would return the sale contract to her, Winter Sakura was somewhat overwhelmed. I also forgot my happiness, but instead I was in the same place, my nose was sour. Suddenly I felt that I didn't want to go. I didn't want to abandon Fengfen and go to a new life. I used to follow Feng Jinyu. Her life has been fully integrated with Fengjia and Fengfen. When I left, it was as if I was driven out of the house by my aunt, and my heart was uncomfortable.

She shook her head and said to Fengfen, "If the slaves don't leave, if the lady wants to save the moon, then I don't have to drive me away. The slaves don't want to spend money. I want to accompany the young lady and the young master. Now the days are bitter, but Nothing, what can you do if you are a man? You can have a big lady like this, and there is nothing wrong with slaves. Besides, when the days are good, the lady is not ill-served, good and good. I have never tasted wearing a slave, and I don’t regret this life. Miss does not have to worry about the days to come. The slaves think about it. After waiting for the slaves, they will go outside to pick up the needlework. If they can’t earn more, they will not make much less. At least you can eat enough."

When she finished, she didn’t wait for Fengfen’s words to turn back. She turned and went into the house. When she came out, she took a cloak and put it on the powder. A glimpse of the powder, "This cloak is a fox fur, worth a lot of money, I remember letting you take it out, how is it still?"

Winter Sakura sighs, "The slaves are not willing to be right. There are not many things that Miss brought out from Fengfu. You have always liked this cloak. We are still alive now, there is no need to sell it for silver."

After a while, I reached for the cloak. The white fox fur is a birthday present given to her by Feng Xiaoyuan when the former Feng family flourished. At that time, she was still young, she would be nine years old, and her body was not so good now. The cloak is now very small. But she has been very tight, and she is reluctant to use it. The hair color is still bright and beautiful now.

This is the only time Feng Qiyuan sent her such a good thing, or Han’s sorrow and trouble to help her. In the eyes of that father, there was always only the phoenix fish that was so beautiful, and the other daughters were in his eyes to pave the stones for the fish. Now, those who have been brilliant have died, but she has survived. Think about it this way, Feng Yuxi is still good to her, at least the person who has been against him, left her a living.

Fengfen screamed and smiled. She knew that her mood had changed so much today. She shouldn’t have done anything to break the slut. However, there is no regret in the world to eat, and now the truth is to use the mistakes made in the first time, the time can not be reversed, everything can not go back.

"My hope is gone." She whispered softly. "Second sister, can't make you hope again. Come back soon! I always feel that this capital is not as calm as it is!"

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