MTL - Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife-Chapter 1177 Slaughter city

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The whole city was built like a zombie concentration camp. Those who temporarily recovered their senses under the Xuan Tianhua magic sound piano eventually returned to the city. Even if Xuantian Hua told them to stay away from home in the last moment, they couldn’t drink the water of the city, but where can they go besides building the city? Born here, grew up here, knowing that there are problems, but still have to come back here!

What's more, the magic piano only temporarily awake them, but it does not relieve the role of bliss in the body. Soon, the drug attack, the nerves of addiction stimulated them to fall into madness again. I don't know who was the first to start, and began to turn to the city to run, so everyone followed, and rushed back to Jiancheng, rushing to the side of each well, drinking a lot of water.

Many people were injured in this battle. When Feng Yuxi sneaked into the city, he saw a toddler who stood in the corner and held a broken arm in his arms. Looking around. The arm is his left arm, and the roots are broken, and the blood flows down like a column. The child was pale and his body swayed, and finally he couldn’t stand still. He threw himself to the ground. There is a woman on the side, like a child's mother. When she sees the child fall and wants to help, she has broken a big hole in her own abdomen. When she stands up, the intestines are flowing out.

They don't feel pain, even if they break their arms, even if they are smashed, they will die if they can breathe. As long as there is still a nerve connected, they can still act. The woman lifted the child up, dragged the child forward, walked to a well, and personally lifted a bucket of water. The two men squatted on the side of the bucket and sipped as if they were drinking the most delicious under the sun. The soup is full of satisfaction.

The doctor’s responsibilities prompted her to go up and help the little boy to put his arm on, at least to stop the blood, otherwise it would soon die too much and die. However, soon there are more seriously injured people into her eyes, not only children, but also the elderly, and even pregnant women. Everyone has injuries, everyone needs immediate treatment, but she has only one person, only one hand, so much, can not save.

Feng Yuqi had no choice but to stand still, watching, until a team of soldiers came from afar, she only returned to God and hurriedly hid in a corner. Then I saw that the team was looking for someone, the rummage was found in the city, everyone carefully identified, but everyone is not what they are looking for. She heard someone say: "The seven emperors of Dashun have been hurt like that. Even if they run away, they will not live long. What is the use for finding them?"

Her heart is "squeaky"!

Wound like that? What did it hurt? The people of Duanmu Anguo are also looking for it, which means that Xuan Tianhua did not die, nor did he fall into the hands of Duanmu Anguo. Therefore, the most important thing at the moment is that we should find out the person in front of Duanmu Anguo. No matter how many injuries, she has the confidence to cure the person.

Feng Yuxi finally glanced at the city of Zombies. She could do nothing. The amount of drugs under Duanmu Anguo was too heavy. These people have no medicine to save. The injured person will soon die, and those who have not been injured will not live for three months.

She originally wanted to search for Duanmu Anguo in the city, but the news of Xuan Tianhua made her anxious. Hurrying out of the city, I kept going back to Bincheng.

At that time, Xuantian Ming was standing at the top of the tower waiting for her. As soon as she saw the little figure from far and near, she immediately opened the door in the city. The first sentence when she met again was to ask her: "Is there any injury?"

Feng Yuqi shook his head. "No, no injuries, no one was found." She eagerly grabbed the arm of Xuantian, and gasped and said: "Seven brothers are seriously injured and do not know where to go, not falling into the hands of Duanmu Anguo. ""

"Severely injured." Xuantian Ming locked his eyebrows and was seriously injured, but did not fall into the hands of the enemy. Where would he go? "There are many mountains on the outskirts of Jiancheng. It is a deep mountain. There are dark guards around the seven brothers. Since you have not returned to Bincheng, you should go to the mountains."

"But Duanmu Anguo is searching." Feng Yuxi said, "Building a city is their sphere of influence. If they open the net to find it, they should find it soon?" She was anxious. "We just go." It’s a must-see, but it’s not too far away. Second, it’s a trip to someone else’s site. It’s not convenient to act. Xuan Tianming, you said, what should I do?” She looked up at him. “We can’t ignore seven. brother."

"Of course, I can't leave it." Xuantian took her hand and went to the city. She said while walking. "If you want to ensure the safety of your seventh brother, you must make the three-point land of the city into your own." You said... Did the people in Jiancheng still save?" He asked Feng Yu, "I mean those people who are not injured, can they still live?"

She shook her head. "It doesn't last long, up to three months."

"Three months." Xuan Tian sighed, "Three months is too long, we can't wait."

"what do you mean……"

"Siege!" Xuantian made the final decision. "Since the people have no way to live, then Dashun fights the massacre to save the life of the seven brothers. The name of the king will let the king come back, and the massacre will kill the city. In a battle, there must always be some trade-offs."

"Did you decide?" She asked Xuantian, and also reached out to hold his hand tightly. "If you decide, then I can do it for you. I am just a woman, not a name." Don't care, if the people in the world want to marry, let them marry me. If the people in the world want to marry them, let them marry me. My husband should not be misunderstood like this, I..."

"Woman!" Xuantian Shen sinks his face, and even the voice is cold. "Woman! Stand behind me!"

The Dashun Army began to attack the city and directly used the thunder and firearms. On this piece of land, the whole city was blown into ruins. In the city, 300,000 people and 200,000 sects of the squadron escaped. All of them lost their lives in the square of the square. Blood and flesh and mud became mud. In this winter, they became a nameless river.

A piece of thunder and thunder exploded and the earth was shaking, just like an earthquake. Duanmu Anguo, who was hiding in the secret room of the Zhizhou government, couldn’t sit still. Because the spy returned, Xuan Tianmu not only slaughtered the city in an inch and inch, but even personally took people to block the ten he had sent from all over the place. Ten thousand private soldiers. 100,000 people have been killed and there is no one left!

Duanmu Anguo was so angry that he did not want to fight the front of Dashun in this city. The 100,000 people were only trying to cover the ears of the new emperor. The corpse of this city can block Xuan Tianhua’s best. Can not stop, the next Tongcheng is the place where he will eventually fight with Dashun.

But I did not expect that Xuan Tianhua was seriously injured and escaped. If he knew that Xuantian was here, it would be impossible for the 100,000 people to fight against it. But now it’s too late to say that 200,000 private soldiers are half-cut in an instant, and Duanmu Anguo is distressed and unable to return to heaven.

He asked his men: "Can there be news of the seven emperors?"

Shaking his head: "There is not yet, the search is still going on, but there are too many forests around the city, so it is not easy to find."

Duanmu Anguo screamed: "He was seriously injured, he couldn't escape too far. The magical piano has exhausted all his internal forces. At this time, the seven emperors are no different from a gang without martial arts. Even if someone protects them, Unfortunately, our time is not much. After all, since God does not want me to do what I have done in this city, then I will leave it to Tongcheng and then liquidate the account! Can Tongcheng be deployed? ”

The answer is: "Adults rest assured that we have another 100,000 brothers already armed in Tongcheng. As long as the adults arrive in Tongcheng, we are completely safe."

"Yes!" Duanmu Anguo laughed. "As long as you arrive in Tongcheng, it is completely safe. What about Dashun's thunder? Let them see what I prepared for them! Let's go! Let's leave this ghost place, Dashun slaughtered the city, and in the future, the emperor of Zongyi blamed it, and some people took the charge."

Duanmu Anguo left, when the Dashun army entered the city, the horseshoes were not covered by the meat. Everyone was riding on the horse. The infantry did not dare to enter the city. The feeling of the feet on the mud was too scalp. It’s numb, not to mention the innocent people who died.

Dashun has played so many battles and has never done such a thing in the massacre. However, it is a last resort to build a city. Everyone has seen the madness of the Jiancheng people, and now they still have a lingering fear. Now these people have turned into meat, and they are on the horseshoe, but it still makes people feel wrong. It feels that these meats will regroup with adults and once again launch a crazy offensive against them.

Jiancheng was beaten down, but there was no joy of victory. People covered their noses with black towels and silently collected the corpses of the city. A bucket of water was lifted from the well to wash the ground of the city. But in any case, I can't wash the blood.

Xuantian meditation sent a large number of people into the nearby mountains to search for Xuantianhua. Feng Yuxi looked at the wells in the city one by one. Unfortunately, it was concluded that the water source of this city had been completely destroyed.

The army entered from the west gate and went out from the east gate. It was camped twenty miles outside the city. The corpses of Jiancheng were burned intensively, and the stench of the smoke was so far-reaching that even Tongcheng, which stands far away, could smell it.

They were temporarily stationed here. Before the seven emperors Xuantianhua was found, Xuantian had no intention of sending troops again.

The world is rumored that the nine emperors of Dashun slaughtered a city of Zongtang and killed 300,000 people and 200,000 troops in the city. When the words reached the ears of Xuantian, he only snorted, and then said: "This king will be slaughtered and told Zong Yi Guojun that one day, one day, the king will bring troops to the ancestral temple of Kyoto. This is the big match between him and Duanmu thieves to counter the rectification of Dashun!"

However, the story of the massacre is fast, but another argument does not go away. Especially in the next Tongcheng, people closed their doors at home and said that a big red man, Duanmu Anguo, who is surrounded by a secret emperor, gave a medicine to the people of Jiancheng, making everyone crazy. The medicine was in the well, and no one could escape. Even if Dashun did not slaughter the city, the people there did not live long.

So, when Feng Zhaolian's carriage entered Tongcheng, the most common sentence was: Can't drink the water in the well!

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