MTL - Divine Card Creator-~ Extra (1)——French Language

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Sword Card Master Association.

In a barren ruin, the disciples pitched their tents. Before the Sword Card Master Association was rebuilt, they could only practice temporarily in the ruins.

of course.

This little matter has little effect on the disciples who have experienced life and death battles.

apart from……

Old Jiangtou.

"Lu Ming."

"Help me find out if there is a tent with good sound insulation."

Old Jiangtou asked.

Lu Ming:? ? ?

"Why do you want the tent to be soundproof?"

Lu Ming was puzzled.

"Yes indeed."

Lao Jiangtou subconsciously replied, and then came back to his senses, "Ah, isn't this cultivation? I'm quite dynamic in my cultivation, and I'm afraid of disturbing the children."

"It's okay."

"If you can't even do things like anti-environmental interference, why should you become a disciple of the Sword Card Master Association?!"

Lu Ming sneered.

As a sword master, you should never be distracted.

"Really all right?"

"It's okay."

"That's fine."

Old Jiangtou left.


That night.

Nightmare noise swept the big tents.

The next day.

Everyone got up with huge dark circles, and the cultivation efficiency of the disciples of the Sword Card Master Association fell to the freezing point for the first time, and each of them was wronged and turned into single dogs.

Lu Ming: "..."

Sweet pear girl.

You really...

Dare to go to heaven!

Huoer is not that human beings don’t understand the market here, you old head...

Forget it.

What can Lu Ming say?

It is not easy for the husband and wife to meet again, anyhow they are also the old man...


It seems.

The recovery of the Sword Card Master Association must be as soon as possible.


Lu Ming was busy choosing the location of the new association headquarters again.

As for the association's disciples, Li Haoran was very relieved to deal with it, but for the spirit body, there was a little fox, so he basically didn't have to worry about it.



Somewhere in the tent.

The little fox appeared, pointed the country, and made a row of spirit bodies in front of him, listening to its lectures, about the system flow, about the host.



After this period of hard work, Xiaoxiaohu has successfully matched those newly-introduced Sword Card Master disciples with the spirits perfectly.

it's here.

Owning a system is the most proud thing!

it's here.

Only the most elite sword card masters are eligible to have the system!

of course.

Once some people were dissatisfied with their spirit bodies, Xiaoxiaohu also rematched them, making every elite disciple stronger!

Let each disciple find a size that is more suitable for him.

At this moment.


Zhang Yang walked in.

"Why are you here?"

Little Fox was curious.

"Ask something about the system."

Zhang Yang was expressionless.

"You said."

Little Fox said solemnly.

"I think everyone has the system as standard."

Zhang Yang was very puzzled, "Why are your spirit systems all kinds of auxiliary systems? When I came to me, it became...this?!"


He displays the system information.



"The system binds successfully."

"Your system-the strongest beating system in history has been successfully bound, and you have received the most points from the hardest beating! You need to accumulate [Beat Value] to earn points, and you can use points to exchange products to increase your strength!"


"Novice mission released!"

"Being beaten by the Seven-Star Grandmaster, rewarded with 100 points."

"Being beaten by a female master, rewarded with 200 points."

"Being **** for a whip, rewarding 300 points."


? ? ?

Little Fox looked dumbfounded, ah...

for a long time.

It quietly called the public spirit body over, "What are you doing?!"

"According to your tutorial."

Zhang Yang’s spiritual grievances, "Explore the host’s heart and make a system that best suits the host... The system I created is a perfect match for Zhang Yang..."


"But you can't use that."

Little Fox whispered, "You are not stupid, this thing needs to be packaged!!!"


The spiritual body is confused.


Xiaoxiaohu glanced at the system content.


It organizes the system to complete.


A new system was born.

"Perseverance system-I will assist you to become the strongest existence of the Sword Card Master Association!"

"Every fight against a blow is the beginning of your improvement! We use skills and system assistance to help you become stronger and more determined when you are attacked!"

"You can improve yourself through [Perseverance]."

"how about this?"

Little Fox asked.

"this is not bad!"

Zhang Yang's eyes lit up, "I want it!"

You take a look.

What kind of **** beaten system, is he the kind of person who actively seeks out someone to beat him? !

Looking at the perseverance of others, only when you are beaten, when you need it most, will you help yourself. This is what you need!

"Ah this..."

The public spirit body looked dazed.

Obviously just changed the name!

To this.

The little fox smiled without saying a word.


The spirit body whispered bb, "If this is the case, won't you take the initiative to get beaten? How can I improve?"

It needs to be beaten to improve.

As a steelback spirit body, it needs to be beaten.

"rest assured."

Little Fox comforted, "As long as you play normally, you can definitely improve."


The spirit body is in a trance, is that true?

for a long time.

When Zhang Yang and the spirit body left, the little fox smiled, hiding his merit and fame deeply.


of course.

These are the old people of the association.

The new elite disciples also have various systems.

such as--

Anger value system.

You need to accumulate all kinds of anger before you can redeem points.

The core of this system is an ancient spirit body that lives on anger. As long as you have enough anger, it can help you improve yourself.

and so……


Isn’t that the core of the system?


and this.

It is tailor-made for Tian Girl——Furong system.

As the spirit body of Miss Tian, ​​Little Fox is sure that he is the person who knows Miss Tian the best...Um...Of course, except for the president.

after all.




Except for the president, she is the person Tian Miss is most familiar with.


When Xiaoxiaohu was busiest, it still separated a computing core to help Miss Tian and gain cultivation power by accumulating lotus value!

"What is the Hibiscus value?"

Miss Tian was puzzled.


Little Fox whispered, "Have you ever heard of Lotus Flower?"

Girl Tian:? ? ?


All day long.

Little Fox is busy, helping the disciples solve intractable diseases.


All kinds of system problems.

Some spirit bodies came over to protest, saying that the host was not good enough, too unreliable, and caused trouble all day long, dismantling the world and the earth.

Some disciples came to protest. The matching system at home is really not good. What are the [voyeur value], [influence], [licking dog value] and so on...


There are also some bugs.

Although Xiaoxiaohu has made the spirits work hard to learn all the languages ​​recommended by the chairman, such as java, c#, c, php, etc., they will still overturn.

such as--

Influence system.

Get influence points based on how people perceive you.


How do people define this?

Does it count if you brush yourself?

How to open a trumpet?

Does a relative brush count?

Is it counted to start an anchor and send a video guide?

and many more.

Many of the problems that Xiaoxiaohu faces are such boundary problems, some are errors in spiritual perception, and some are errors in programming.

What can it do?

Teach one by one.


"look here."

"The C language is the best for setting the system boundaries, only one is needed..."


of course.

What Xiaoxiaohu didn't expect was that apart from the conflicts between the disciples and the spirit body, the spirit bodies also had contradictions. In the past two days, the spirit bodies often broke out internal conflicts...

Little Fox:? ? ?

What contradictions can you make?


It deliberately went to understand it, and was shocked.

A certain spirit: "php is No. 1 in the world!"

Then I was beaten by someone who learned another language.

A certain spirit: "Java is the best in the world!"

Then it was beaten by the spirit body that maintained the system.

Little Fox:? ? ?

Sweet pear girl.

Can the rice circle set not be brought in?


That night.

The sky is dim.

Xiaoxiaohu's work is over.

"it is finally over……"

The little fox stretched out, showing a pure white fox figure.

As the top three spirit heads of the association, it has been basically transformed, and now it also has the work of the spirit body department of the association, which is considered a small achievement.


Also has various side jobs such as writing.


What disappoints it is that it can’t find its kind. The frozen fox seems to have really disappeared in the long river of history...


I am afraid that I will be single for a lifetime.

Thought of this.

It feels that the entire world has changed color, a faint melancholic purple covering the entire world, making people sad from the bottom of their hearts...

and many more?


Little Fox's face turned dark, "Little Snake?!"


The little snake crawled out slowly.

"I knew it was you!"

Little Fox's face turned black.

The marquee that the dog said is coming all day long to make trouble.

"I call it an atmosphere..."


"I don't think you need to worry too much."

The little snake comforted, "Although I don't know much about your ice-bound foxes, there is not much difference in body shape between you and the white fox. In terms of physiological structure, there should be no problem..."


The little fox's face turned black, "Making a fool! We are reproductively isolated from ordinary foxes!"

"That's great."

Little Snake envied, "You don't need to be responsible scumbag."

Little Fox:? ? ?

and many more.

Did Xiao Xiao Snake learn from Xiao Xiao Jian? !

All day long...



Little Fox looked at the seasons, and suddenly came back to his senses. Is it possible that Little Snake’s youth has come? !

"Little Fox?"

The little snake came over flatly.

"What are you doing?"

Little Fox is full of vigilance.

"Look at it."

"You have been very busy recently. There is no one to take care of Miss Tian, ​​right?"

"and so……"

"How about the temporary system that made me a girl?"

Little Snake was excited, "I can also transform recently...I think I am getting better than the heat...I used to be a python, but big or small..."


The little fox was furious.


There was a loud noise.

A snake shadow hung on the wall and turned into a sticker.



Little Fox sneered.

I want to pay attention to the girl, I want to be beautiful!

Say it again.

The snake is really messy!

It turns blue to things outside of your own race, really... As a snake, shouldn't it be the little female snake that you like? !

You are not the president, are you? !

Even cats...


Little Fox's body tightened and hurriedly looked around.



Not felt.

In short.

It feels that it is now a CBD white-collar worker who is in a high position and has a successful career but is infertile...It's okay to lose hair, but it's also a serious problem without offspring...



When the president comes back, chat with him.

There is no ice-bound fox anymore, we can make another one!

If you can make it, you can naturally make a Frozen Fox 3, Frozen Fox 4, Frozen Fox 5, Frozen Fox 6, and so on. It's best to be all females... No, not the best, but Must be female! Otherwise, if something happens, he will have to join the Emerald Youth League...

In short.

Three wives and four concubines are best to be neat and give birth to a bunch of cute little foxes... They are also perfect foxes. Thinking of this, the little fox is full of excitement.


Bright futureヾ(??°??°??)????


It has heard bad news before this beautiful dream has started to come true.

"Not good."

"The president was beaten in the next city!"

Someone yelled.

Little Fox:? ? ?


The city next door? Now anyone dares to be the president? !


PS1: After finishing the book, I have been sorting out the information of "Super God Card Maker", and I have come up with water...cough, write an article.

PS2: It seems that there are still activities in the book review area this month. There are some fan titles for giving away.

PS3: Happy birthday to our young little fox~

PS4: The rest of the fan is still writing, no details →_→

PS5: This generation is too expensive to afford.

PS6: Hey, hey.

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