MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 776 Chong Chong Chong!

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Sword Card Masters Association.

The next day.

early morning.


"Get up now."

Xiaobai called him the bed as usual.


Lu Ming rose lazily and healed the uprising easily. This time he recovered quickly, because from last night to now, the uprising has lasted all night...


Would you like to tell Jiang Feng that he can actually hear it?

Never mind.

It is estimated that the mother-in-law will be blown to death in a blast...

Get out of the room.

Lu Ming happened to see Jiang Feng coming, and he came out with a limp... His face was pale and his legs were swaying like cotton...

"Lu Ming."


"Is there any food in the cafeteria that I can make up, I'm a little hungry..."


Lu Ming flipped through the menu, "Noon foods include char-grilled turkey, crispy roast chicken, red braised chicken..."


Jiang Feng's face suddenly changed.

for a long time.

He walked with his legs in between, "I won't eat these, I'll go outside and find them."


Lu Ming scratched his head.


I never heard that Lao Jiangtou doesn’t eat chicken...

Never mind.

Let them go.

Back in the room, after having breakfast with Xiaobai, let the two children find Xi Yin to practice and study, Lu Ming returned to the office, his face dignified.

After a day of rest, his mental state has recovered.

at the moment.

There are still many things to deal with.

such as--

Seven nations!

Although a sudden shuttle took care of everything.

But somehow, Lu Ming always feels a little weird. Too smooth, let alone say, the change of the Yuzhi Kingdom and the change of the Eternal Kingdom are also very strange...

Just afraid.

Really beware of it.

"Little sword?"


"how do you feel?"

"Can't feel..."

"? Can't feel it?"


"The problem is serious..."


Xiaojian said in a deep voice.

As an ancient sword, its only advantage is intuition!

And now...

Can't feel it?

how can that be?


Someone blocked everything.


Lu Ming narrowed his eyes.

He thought the enemies were all of these seven kingdoms...

Never thought about it.

The possible outbreak of war was resolved peacefully, and several countries were conquered incidentally, and another enemy that had never been seen appeared...

of course.

Not necessarily a new enemy.

Mysterious Kingdom...King Yuzhi...Eternal Kingdom...

Lu Ming thought for a long time.


What he thought of, rekindled the flame of the association.

"Senior Huoer."

"Call Mom."


Lu Ming wiped his sweat, "Can you contact Yun Yi Kingdom?"


Huoer said with satisfaction.


Flame burning.

Huoer contacted his nephew again.

"I want to ask one thing."

Lu Ming's expression was solemn, "Why did you invade the human world?! Invade the human world, just to take away Xiaobai? Is it your own meaning?"

"Also be it."

The Dragon King thought for a while, "When I was sleeping, I couldn't sleep at night, and the idea suddenly flashed in my heart. I couldn't have a baby, just let Xiaobai come back and give birth, so that the royal family would stay."

"of course."

"Think about it now, and I don't know why I thought that way."

The Dragon King smiled bitterly.

"Can I see where you were sleeping?"

Lu Ming asked suddenly.

"of course."

The Dragon King said indifferently.

for a long time.

He looked at Lu Ming, and then Lu Ming saw the jade bed where the Dragon King was sleeping, a crystal clear treasure, and...

The familiar breath above.

"Relics of the Mysterious Kingdom."

The little sword took a breath.


Lu Ming was shocked.


He contacted the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Beasts again. Sure enough, the situation there was exactly the same as the Kingdom of Yun Yi, but it was also because of an idea suddenly that night, so he invaded humans.

of course.

Lu Ming also found something familiar, a treasure from the remains of the mysterious kingdom.


Face to face with one person and one card.


Things are more troublesome than expected.

No wonder there is something in the major worlds that provokes the human world...

No wonder that even though Lu Ming used the Internet to calm down the war, they have been constantly trying to invade the human world...


and many more.

If so, the deep-sea kingdom...


The little sword looked dignified.

and so.

This matter, in essence, is the remnant of a certain mysterious country, secretly letting the human world and several countries continue to dry up? !

of course.

Also a possibility……

It is one of the countries now!

"This is simple."

Lu Ming sneered.


He let Xiaohu shot.

Little Fox is now the head of system management and the head of data flow control, almost controlling the network lifelines of the seven countries.


In the major plans such as the Goddess plan, the greening project, and the game plan, Little Fox screened out a batch of qualified undercovers based on the big data to spy on the news.


The news is coming-the royal families of the seven kingdoms all have relics of the mysterious kingdom!


That's right!

All seven nations! ! !

According to an undercover investigation, these leaders were originally opposed, but suddenly they changed their minds one day or were killed directly...


Only with the union of the eight great countries!


Only now has the situation!


Lu Ming and Xiao Xiaojian were shocked.


of course.

In the course of the investigation, there are still unexpected gains.

The prince of the Eternal Kingdom, the prince like the salted fish, one day, after acquiring a powerful sword, suddenly became ambitious.

This prince who only wants salted fish every day.

From that day on, he suddenly began to swear to become stronger. For this reason, he did whatever he could to improve himself in various ways, and even... to force the most powerful spirit at that time to submit to him.


Lu Ming was shocked, this familiar plot...

Brother Cat? !


When he looked at the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the black cat was awake, and his killing intentions were awe-inspiring!

"No wonder..."

A cold voice came.

Brother Cat's voice is as domineering as ever, and... Yujie.

"I said."

Brother Cat sneered, "Why did that waste wood suddenly have the courage to ask me to settle the accounts...Why have I been scrapped, and now it's getting better again..."

In her identity, who dares to touch her in the Eternal Kingdom? !

In her capacity, how could she not consider the situation of the royal family?


Just by all means.

The prince's actions that day were beyond her expectation... Even the strength of the prince was beyond her expectation... I thought it was my mistake, now it seems...

"Mysterious country?"

There was a cold flash in the eyes of Brother Cat.


Lu Ming took a deep breath, his face dignified as well.

Such a means.

This layout.

This is a real turn over for the cloud and the hand for the rain!

can only say……

Is it worthy of the ancient kingdom? !

of course.

The most terrible thing is-

If the mysterious kingdom is not one of the seven kingdoms, where are they? ! Where did they do all this in secret? !

The human world?

Do not.

There is no information about them here.


Where are they again? !


"Things seem complicated."

Lu Ming rubbed his head.


Xiaojian is not in a mood to joke.

Mysterious Kingdom...

Where are those people hiding? !

of course.

No matter where they hide, sooner or later they will show up!

By the time……

It's a real confrontation!

According to their layout, it should be to let the seven nations continue to shoot, consuming the strength of the human world, and then wait until the consumption is about the same...

of course.

The plan was messed up by Lu Ming's various plans!

Therefore, only the kingdom of thousands of beasts and the kingdom of Yun Yi came to hunt down Lu Ming...

"What if they successfully killed you and destroyed the Nine Star Alliance?"

Xiao Xiaojian suddenly asked.

"Isn't that better?"

"Should several countries fight for the attribution of the human world?"

Lu Ming sighed.


Little sword is distressed.

To put it bluntly, that is to let the human world and the seven nations consume each other, and when they finally make a shot, it can be regarded as a kind of carduelis.

"what should we do?"

The little sword whispered.

"What can I do?"

Lu Ming suddenly smiled, "Only become stronger."


"Since the other party has been waiting for so long, we should not mind waiting any longer. Before that, we can improve our strength with peace of mind."


"Of course, since the other party is so arranged, the time when they appear can also be finalized-when one of us and the seven nations lose, they will definitely appear!"

Lu Ming sneered.

The so-called chess player is only when it is not found. Once from behind the scenes to the stage, once discovered, the chess player becomes a chess piece.

Behind the scenes?

does not appear?

Ha ha.

Not only do they appear when the human world and the seven nations lose, if they are right, wait for a day when several nations announce cooperation...

Ha ha.

Do you keep hiding?

and so.


They only need to face up with several other countries on the surface, secretly absorb their elite disciples through other plans, and transform into sword card masters...


Force them to come!


"Can't beat it?"

Little sword bb whispered.

Now is the question of timing?

Now the problem is that you don’t even know who the enemy is! How many enemies are there? ! How strong is the enemy? ! It's hilarious to flick people out and beat them!

"They must be strong, but the strength is limited."

Lu Ming is very sure.

"how do you know?"

Xiaojian is puzzled.


Lu Ming glanced at him like a fool, "Because if it is really strong enough to sweep across all the countries, they will have come out long ago, so why hide it now?"


Little Sword suddenly.

It turns out so.


It's still a bit confusing, "What's the use of transforming your sword card master?"

To this.

Lu Ming just smiled slightly.

"Ha ha."

"You will know..."


That day.

The policy changes of the Sword Card Masters Association, all resources are open, and the welfare is rich, which makes all humans greedy and even the creatures of other countries are attracted.

The dragon in the kingdom of cloud, the bird in the kingdom of feathers, the cow in the kingdom of beasts...

and many more.

The number of sword card divisions has skyrocketed again.

of course.

Considering the situation of the Eternal Kingdom, Lu Ming still made preparations to prevent the new king from killing him.

Only, soon he got the news: the new king, closed.

? ? ?


Lu Ming was stunned.

He thought that the other party would kill him directly!

"How is it possible to kill the past?"

Undercover bluntly, "This new king is not stupid, you easily wiped out the kingdom of Yun Yi and the kingdom of beasts, how could he go directly to death?!"

"The king is now closed and breaking through."

"According to the guards at the door, the king once said a word before stepping in - he can't get out of the barrier without breaking through."

Undercover is sure.

Lu Ming: "..."

God?? Can't get out without breaking through.

His video was fooling, but I didn't expect...

and many more.

Lu Ming suddenly thought of the kings of other countries.


He immediately asked Little Fox to investigate, and it turned out...


Almost all the powerful people in the country, after witnessing Lu Ming’s power, learned that the Nine Star Alliance was closed, and announced that they would not break through the second round!


They are well aware that Lu Ming, who has already ‘stepped into a new version, has new information, and even obtained new equipment to open new levels’, is not an opponent!

The Dragon King of Yun Yi Kingdom can't hold Lu Ming's blow, can they do it?

Obviously not.


They also closed down...

Even if there were instigators behind the scenes, they also planned to find Lu Ming after the second transfer.

As for true and false...

This does not need to be considered at all.

Lu Ming's combat effectiveness is down-to-earth, destroying the deep-sea kingdom, conquering the kingdom of thousands of beasts, and the kingdom of Yun Yi. ! !

and also.

Even if the above are all coincidences...

Nine Star Alliance is always true?

According to their undercover news, now that the Nine-Star Alliance is retreating through breakthroughs, can Lu Ming still go to harm their own people? !

Obviously not.


Right now, whoever breaks the second turn has the advantage!

Little Sword: "..."

Lu Ming: "..."

Ah this...

This situation was completely unexpected by him.


Who could have imagined that Chu Xiao had a random second turn, and as a result, all the big brothers of the country now went to the second turn? ! Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

and many more.

if so……

Suddenly he jumped in Lu Ming's heart, they wouldn't...




In the endless black.

"What's the plan?"

"The eternal kingdom is okay. The prince casually teased him and killed his father."

"What about the Yuzhi Kingdom?"

"It's strange that I released his inner desire to let him see that his sweetheart was humiliated by Lu Ming, and he didn't even want to kill him..."


"It's true. I clearly loved my sweetheart like that, and I was magnified countless times. He could calmly watch his lover be humiliated..."

"Are we found?"

"It should not be, it may be that this king has strong will..."

"It is possible, continue to interfere."


"What happened to Lu Ming?"

"It has been investigated clearly, from the battlefield ruins to the major game worlds and the cat... everything is being deployed, but now there is a problem..."


"Lu Ming is too strong!!! We still can't figure out his combat power now! No matter what plans we, Lu Ming might be clever and forced to end!"

"what do you mean……"

"One: To continue to investigate Lu Ming's strength, we must fully understand. Second: Become stronger!"


"Then... from today, everyone will be closed and the goal is to make a second turn! The day when the second turn is broken is the time when we destroy humanity!"



Shadow floating.

In that strange darkness, endless darkness and coldness flashed through, for the new goal, for the second turn, rushing! ! !


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