MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 774 return.

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Yun Yi Kingdom.

A mountain range.

Lu Ming and Huoer girl also squatted in the mountains and rubbed any door.

The mother-in-law's little hand kept floating on Lu Ming's body, transmitting energy to him, hoping he could open any door as soon as possible.

Now that they have talked to the Dragon King, naturally they don't have to chase the whole world. Just rubbing one in place, even if only a door to the human world, is enough.



Opening any door is still the kingdom of Yunyi.


If any door opens, it still remains.


Lu Ming rubbed a hundred arbitrary doors in one go, and the world behind that door was still so familiar.

"Lu Ming..."

Huoer girl's tone is quiet, "Can you do it?"


Lu Ming was a little embarrassed, "It's coming soon, it's coming soon."


Huoer sighed.

To be honest, she is now a little worried about her daughter's future life...


Lu Ming sighed.

It seems that the moon is really dark today.

Three hundred did not come out before and after, like a pool that was secretly changed by the programmer...


"When I rest, my energy is exhausted."

Huoer said.


She sat cross-legged and began to absorb energy.


Lu Ming said respectfully.

And this time.

Xiao Xiaojian suddenly said, "Lu Ming, what if the chance of opening any door is really one in ten million?"

"Then let King Yunyi open up for me."

Lu Ming said lightly.

"Ha ha."

Xiao Xiaojian pouted, "Did you forget that in order to prevent the invasion of King Yun Yi, we blocked all possibilities of invading the human world."

Lu Ming: "..."

"and so."

Xiaoxiaojian hey, "You may never go back to the human world, and then, you can only spend the rest of your life here with your mother-in-law..."


Lu Ming's face was black.

You sister!

His feelings are firm, only Xiaobai is alone! Even if Huoer is excellent in all aspects and still the mother-in-law, he will not be shaken!


The little sword is confused.

Although its language is not good, even if is it weird to use? What does it mean even if it is a mother-in-law?


Lu Ming coughed, "don't care about this."

for a long time.

After Huoer's recovery was complete, a pair of slender jade hands pressed down on Lu Ming's body again, and began to fill energy into Lu Ming's body.




Failed again.

In front of you.

Doors leading to various parts of the Yunyi Kingdom have appeared, however, none of them are the breath of the human world, but instead are bathhouses of various dragons.


They no longer need to cross.

If you find that the breath is wrong, you can turn it off at a glance.

According to "Speeding Law"-as long as your hand speed is fast enough, you will be able to close any door before the dragon takes a bath.


No problem.

"Come again."

Lu Ming gritted his teeth.

at last.

Before Lu Ming squeezed the mother-in-law again...


A unique door appeared, and just at the moment of opening the door, Lu Ming felt a familiar breath of the human world.

"I'm coming!"

Lu Ming was excited.


Huoer was also excited.

at last……

Finally coming!


When the door appeared, Lu Ming pushed the door open and looked at it, suddenly surprised, because the other side was not a human world, but a strange place.

This is like a deep tomb.

The surrounding is full of familiar human breath, but there is also some breath of the kingdom of Yun Yi.

"It's not like the human world."

"It's not like the country of Yunyi."

Huoer is also very strange.

"what's going on?"

Lu Ming scratched his head, "Tomb Raider?"


He walked down the ancient tomb.

I was surprised to find that this turned out to be an artificially opened channel...


That's right.

Manually developed!

Because there are obvious artificial traces in that channel...some traces of things from the human world can also be seen in the channel...


There is also something about Yun Yi Kingdom.

That feeling...


Lu Ming's complexion became strange.

Someone is smuggling between the two countries? !


Lu Ming and the two walked quickly to the end of the passage, which was still a tomb. Lu Ming didn't quite know where this was, but in the tomb, he found something...

The ancient traces on the wall are like a profession...

"Little sword?"

"look in."

Xiao Xiaojian watched it for a moment, and his look became strange. "It's like a lost profession in ancient times. I remember what it was called..."


Lu Ming seemed a little impressed.

Not an impression of this profession, but a person of this profession... If he remembers correctly, Zhang Xiaofa passed on this profession...

and so.

This channel was created by this product? !

This goods...

Smuggling? !

Or smuggling between the two countries? !

What is smuggling?



Lu Ming felt ridiculous again.


It is estimated that I think too much, how can that little fellow Zhang Xiaofa...


Suddenly there was a cry of exclamation, and there seemed to be something coming out of a counter next to him, Lu Ming rushed subconsciously, and then silenced.


It was a pile of CDs.

Every piece is printed with familiar text...

HD or something.

No code or something.


There are many young ladies who look hot.

"Ah this..."

Lu Ming was speechless.

This familiar style of painting, familiar booty...

Real hammer.

Who else besides the **** fat man? !

and so……

After gaining ancient heritage, this guy finally sold discs from his previous school and developed into...traveling the world to sell discs? ? ?

Cow batch!

What can Lu Ming say?

He tried to contact the fat man, but unfortunately, there was no reply from the communicator.

"The traces of this passage also have some time difference."

Xiao Xiaojian estimated, "Although the distance of this channel is very short, from the perspective of time span, it takes about a year to dig it out."


Lu Ming understood.

One year...

Zhang Xiaofan didn't reply to himself, but Lu Ming saw his circle of friends.


Click to take a look.

——Hahaha, finally arrived at the place where my idol came! ! !


Lu Ming scratched his head.

Zhang Xiaofa's idol?

"It should be Jiang Feng."

The little sword whispered.

Jiang Feng?


Lu Ming remembered it, Zhang Xiaofan said that his most admired idol was Jiang Feng... Wait, Lu Ming didn't know it at the time, now it seems...

Therefore, what Zhang Xiaofa admires is-Jiang Feng dares to ride a dragon? ? ?


Lu Ming sighed.

You look at who these are! ! !

Never mind.

He continued to turn down.

——It took a year, and finally completed, hum, and finally can go out!

——The happiest in the world is to wander the world with the people you like... Although the day of mining is a bit bitter, but someone is accompanying.


Fatty looking for an object?



Fatty object... that doll.

So, the two of them are finally together?


Not bad.

Lu Ming was very pleased.

Zhang Xiaofan's circle of friends was updated only a long time ago. I can see that after this guy became stronger, he finally lived a happy life with that guy.

of course.

He didn't expect to sell discs in another world...


can only say.

No matter which world people are in, the demand for such things is so strong!


They turned the tomb and found the entrance.


An ancient stone slab was pressed down, and an entrance appeared. They disappeared into the tomb, and when they returned to sight, they had already returned to the human world.

"The human world has such great potential."

Huoer sighed.

of course.

I added a sentence, "It's still so mean."

Lu Ming: →_→

At this time, if you admit that you know this person, you might be killed?

Never mind.

Go back first.


Light and shadow flashed.

Lu Ming's hand-back card was opened.

at last--

Back to Tiandu.

in this way.

The tumultuous journey of Yun Yi Kingdom is the end.



Lu Ming returned to the Jianka Shi Association.


Xiaobai came up as a tiger.


Lu Ming touched the little girl.


Xiaobai slipped smoothly.


Not stuck.

"How do you know that I am back?"

Lu Ming was puzzled.


Xiaobai's big eyes blinked innocently, and then quickly hid the communication device. "Of course, Master and I know each other well."

Lu Ming: "..."

Is it OK to be monitored by my apprentice every day?

Never mind.

It's not a big deal.


"Look at who I brought?"

Lu Ming said mysteriously.


Xiaobai's eyes fell on the Huoer girl. Somehow, this girl has a very familiar breath, and...

This figure...

This is full...


Xiaobai brightened in front of her eyes, "Is this also the sister who is going to enter the door?"


Lu Ming couldn't laugh or cry.

He glanced at the mother-in-law, are you still talking?


Huoer girl also looked at him suspiciously, very confused, would you like to say hello? So, she strangely greeted Xiaobai, "Hello."

"Hello there."

Xiaobai responded.

? ? ?

Lu Ming trance.

and many more.

What are you two doing? !

It's normal for Xiaobai to be too young to remember when he was separated from you before, but after you separated, you didn't even know your child? !

"Don't you come to see your daughter?"

Lu Ming poked her mother-in-law.


Huoer nodded her head, "For the time being, my daughter should be seventeen or eighty years old... That child should be slim now."


Lu Ming recovered.



He remembered.

Therefore, Huo Er did not know that Xiao Bai entered the fountain of life...


Same as my sand sculpture father!

At first glance it's biological!


Lu Ming poked the mother-in-law again.


Huoer blinked.

She still appreciates the Lu family.

"in fact……"

Lu Ming sighed, "In order to avoid chasing and killing, Jiang Feng threw her to the fountain of life, so youth has always stayed like this..."


Huoer's body suddenly shook, and when he looked at Xiaobai, he burst into tears. This, this one who looks like no chest or no **** is her child? !


This kid never had enough to eat...

What a miserable!

Huoer hugged Xiaobai in the past, "My poor child... woo woo."


Little White is at a loss.

Immediately, she felt a familiar embrace, that familiar (. person.)...

I remembered!

She ate it as a child!



"It's me! It's me……"

"Ooooo I finally saw you..."

"I'm suffering from you, the child is wooing"

The mother and daughter wept bitterly, so that the mother and daughter were affectionate.


Just a moment.

Xiaobai wakes up, "Mom, I have a question."

"You said."

"Mom, did you (. people.) do it later?"

"how is this possible?!"

"Then why I didn't!"




Lu Ming coughed and flashed a little farther.

It was okay at first, it was a touching mother-daughter dialogue, but how did you talk to (.人.) Above, cough, it's strange to be embarrassed...


Xiao Xiaojian gave Lu Ming a contemptuous look.

Mother and daughter chatting, why are you embarrassed to overhear!




Huoer called Lu Ming over.

"What's wrong with Xiaobai's body?"

Huoer said right.

"I said that."

Lu Ming blinked.

"Did you get the holy water of darkness?"

Huoer frowned.


Lu Ming nodded, "I have helped Xiaobai lift the effect of the fountain of life, but I haven't let the dark holy water directly help Xiaobai recover..."


Huoer wondered.

"Because it's not easy to control."

Lu Ming sighed.


Huoer understood, "Come on, I can accurately restore Xiaobai to her age."


Lu Ming was a little embarrassed, "I don't mean age...but body."



Lu Ming coughed, "That is, if Xiao Bai is three years old, how should the body control? How will it develop?"

"just in case……"

"In case it's the kind that the seedlings promote..."


"Three years of growth out of thin air, without supplementing milk and various nutrients, is not easy to control."

Lu Ming was worried.

? ? ?

Huoer's face was dark, "Are you scorning my daughter?!"

"of course not."

Lu Mingzheng said, "I like what Xiaobai likes, mainly because Xiaobai's obsession is too heavy, in case she hasn't grown up yet..."


"I worry that she can't stand it."


Huoer took a deep look at Lu Ming, and then accepted the explanation, "Then let you... This is your time after all."

"and also……"

"Thank you."

Huoer said right.

after all.

Lu Ming went to save her back.

She waited for so many years, but did not wait for Jiang Feng, but waited for her son-in-law... or ordered a daughter-in-law's son-in-law for her daughter when she was just born.

"No problem."

Lu Ming smiled slightly.

"I want to ask you something."

Huoer was a little embarrassed, "Jiang Feng..."


" Lu Ming remembered.

The original plan was to rescue people together with Jiang Feng, but as a result, any door suddenly opened, leading to some inexplicable trip, and somehow to save people back...

and so.

It should indeed be said to Jiang Feng.


He immediately contacted Jiang Feng.


The phone is connected.

A familiar gasp came across.


Lu Ming: "..."

Ah this...

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