MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 763 The legendary Lu Ming!

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"what's going on?"

Lu Ming was a little embarrassed.

Seeing a group of monsters staring at the banner with bloodshot eyes, his mind moved slightly, and he dropped a banner with a grave head card in another place.


The monsters looked at it again.

Ah this...

Lu Ming jumped.

Not scientific!

This flag is obviously only useful for cattle...

and many more.


Lu Ming recalled the country of YD, YL and YH. According to this setting, could it be because these monsters are all brothers coming out of the arch dam? !

And the real body of the grave head card is actually the tauren must die?

Do not.

This is not scientific.

Lu Ming shook his head, and the grave head had tested him countless times, and there should be no such effect.

He remembers that the white-boys and others have tested it when optimizing the system. If the tauren really has to die, the Emerald Boys can’t run...


It should not be this.


Only one is possible.

"Little King?"

Lu Ming whispered.


The prince looked dazed, "Adult President, I am a prince, I am not surnamed Wang, my real name is..."

"This is not important."

Lu Ming interrupted him, "The point is-everyone in your kingdom of beasts has thousands of bloodlines?"

"Yes indeed."

The prince affirmed, "Last year we counted the average blood parameters of all the animal populations in the country. I remember last year: 1024 kinds of blood per capita."

of course.

Speaking of which.

With tears in his eyes, the prince said, "Except me... I'm the one who pulls the hind legs for the country, the kind that pulls the eggs."

Lu Ming: "(╬◣д◢)"

Before Lao Tzu crossed...

Not only the average salary, but also the average height, and the average consumption, even the average internet speed...

Only the average weight can beat a dozen.


And the average length of Lu Ming...


He had a deep understanding of the prince's suffering.

"It's hard work."

He patted the prince's shoulder, "Do you have any advantage?"


The prince thought for a long, long time, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "My battlefield remains relatively high-ranked!"

? ? ?

Lu Ming's face was black.

God?? Rank...

I used to be Cai Wenji, the national costume, did I show off?

"Who is Cai Wenji in national service?"

Xiao Xiaojian suddenly wondered, "I remember what warlock piling chicken you said last time..."


Lu Ming was expressionless.

Gan Li Niang!

Can you drift on this broken road?

He is simply too lazy to bother about the little sword now. Now that he already knows the per capita of Wan Shouguo...ah, it's wrong, if the beast averages 1024...

"Do you have the blood of a cow?"

Lu Ming asked.

"Of course."

The prince took it for granted, "A thousand species, most of the creatures in nature naturally cover, what is the blood of the head, the blood of the cow, the blood of the buffalo..."

"and many more."

"Basically everyone has several."


"I heard that the male's favorite is the blood of the old yellow cattle. Because of hard work and hard work, the farming effect is excellent... The female's favorite is the blood of the cow, because it is whiter and more abundant..."

Said the prince.


Lu Ming was silent.



Let's skip the blood of the yellow cattle and the blood of the cows. In short, on average, everyone may have several kinds of blood of the cattle. If so...

Lu Ming didn't seem strange at all.

He had originally prepared desperately for the seven-star card and the eight-star card, but it was impossible. Everyone ran away, but he never thought of it...

The final effect is actually-grave head card!

The flag stands!

Wan Niu worship!


if so……

Lu Ming was shocked.

And at this time.

The generals and other monsters have just rejoiced from the influence of the flag, gathered rage, and prepared to destroy Lu Ming again, however, another card fell...


The world is quiet.

Only a pair of blood-red bullseyes...

"Ah this..."

Lu Ming trance.

At this time.

The support of Wan Shouguo also came over.



A breath of terror appeared.

Although this group of strong palaces are not as strong as the generals, but each one is also of great strength, it seems that there is also eight-star strength!

The key is...


"Bold demon!"




Countless monsters swarmed.


Lu Ming stared at them, they rushed over their heads, and after approaching the banner, they snapped and fell directly from the sky.


Binocular blood red.

Staring at the banner.

Lu Ming: →_→

Green Dragon: →_→



A large wave of support was defeated.

Although each of them is very powerful, he restrained himself as much as possible, no trampling accidents occurred, the kind of self-mutilation disaster happened...


This is only the case.

Everyone is still in place, watching, watching...

Don't dare to move.

I’m afraid I can’t control myself anymore!


of course.

If there is only the general and this wave of support, it is too small to look at the country of thousands of beasts, as a powerful top country!

How could they only have this strength?


Just a moment, another wave of support arrived.


Without exception, as long as it is close to Lu Ming, as long as it appears within the banner, all the support will fall down in full, his eyes are red...

Lu Ming: ヾ(????▽??)ノ


The second wave of support will destroy the group.

The third wave of support will destroy the group.

The fourth wave...

The fifth wave...


The most powerful army of the whole beast kingdom fell here.


The monsters stopped in a circle.

Roughly gasping.

Binocular blood red.

Dangdang the hilltop is like a mountain god...



What no one knows is that just on the observation deck of the palace, a monster holding the latest communication device looks at the scene of the hilltop from afar.

"what happened?"

Asked the companions around him.

"What happened there."

The monster said tremblingly, speaking while shooting.

"Can you take pictures so far?"

Companion is curious.

"of course."

The monster said nervously, "This is what I got from human beings, the latest p40p series communicator, super long distance!"


The companion scratched his head, "I don't know, I also go online every day, and I also visit human forums every day. I see that humans often discuss 4p or something, how can there be p40..."


The monster glanced at his companion and looked disgusted.

What a website!

Could you avoid those unscrupulous places?

Never mind.


Right now, what they photographed is the most terrible.


He took the film very seriously, until no one came back, and then quietly spread it to the Internet and the Internet they shared.




Sword Card Masters Association.

Xiaobai, they are also very worried about Master's safety.


Not too worried.

Since Xuanjing's launch, the whole process of networking, everyone can also understand the status of Master in real time, so even if you travel through the world, don't worry.


Xiaobai quietly turned on the communicator.

enter password.

In a secret corner, I found a character tag-granddaughter. (The parental control is starting, the coordinate address is being positioned.)


Xiaobai glanced with satisfaction.

It seems that Master is still very safe now.


at this time.

Ms. Tian came over worried, "Sister Xiaobai, is it alright to grow up?"

"All right."

Xiaobai is happy, "Why are you here?"

"I'm afraid of something going wrong."

Ms. Tian said in a deep voice, "I am not worried about the safety of the grown-up, but I heard that the sisters of the Thousand Beast Kingdom are full of exoticism..."

"There are vixen with cat ears."

"There are also various strange forms..."

"Everything is old."

Tian girl said worriedly.

I heard that those people would have more tricks...

Can she not worry!


Xiaobai was in a trance.


Is it like this? !

"Little Sister Bai."

"You have to go for it."

Tian Tian said, "In case the grown up brings some girls back..."


Xiaobai was also distressed.


Yes, it is.

Master brings people every time he comes back.

Although Master has not brought the girl back for a long time, the old man and the dragon that he brought with him several times, but in case he is broken by the green belt...

Yes, it is.

Lulu is from the Emerald Youth League.


After thinking about it, Xiaobai felt a little worried.

However, at this moment, the data center reported an amazing news-someone uploaded Lu Ming's video in Wanshouguo! !


"Yes, what should I do? Do you want to let it go?"

"Look first."

"This content..."

"send out!"



for a long time.

A mysterious video was posted on the Internet, which caused a sensation in the world. Not only the human world, but the rest of the country was terrified.

Everyone knows Lu Ming.

Everyone heard about Lu Ming's rumors.


The real understanding of Lu Ming is limited to words, only to legends...


This time.

The video appeared.

In the unambiguous video, people saw Lu Ming with their own eyes, and for the first time saw the true fighting power of this legend! ! !

In the picture.

Lu Ming stood there calmly.

A group of enemies appeared, Lu Ming just waved his hand casually.


Countless people froze on the spot.

No one can get close to Lu Ming in the vast kingdom of beasts!

Thousands of soldiers?




The strongest general?



Lu Ming stood on the top of the mountain.

Around him, from the middle of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, he surrendered to countless creatures and looked at the top of the mountain densely, like a pilgrimage! ! !


"It's terrible! This is Lu Ming's strength?!"

"Last time someone said that Lu Ming had only six-star gods, these **** scammers!"

"That's it!"

"It must have been Zhang Yang who spread the rumors again!"


"Lu Ming has the power to destroy the country alone!"

"very scary!"

People were terrified.

"I heard that this is a world gap opened by the Kingdom of Beasts..."

"Did you say that Lu Ming deliberately? I deliberately released news that human beings are very weak, he only has six stars, let Wan Shouguo take the initiative to attack..."


"so bad!"

People are astonished at the truth.

The discussion on the Internet exploded directly.

If the demise of the deep-sea kingdom is just an accident, then this time...

Lu Ming is too bad!


of course.


On the top of the mountain.

Lu Ming didn't know about it yet. The appearance of the grave head card created a miracle. Thousands of cards were dropped and directly eliminated the kingdom of beasts...


No one dared to move.

"In this case……"

Lu Ming was shocked.

in case……

If you can conquer the Kingdom of Ten Beasts, wouldn’t it...


Lu Ming's heart surged.


Just as he was preparing to conquer the kingdom of thousands of beasts, he keenly discovered that our general Tau Tau had turned his attention away from the banner...


how come?

Lu Ming was shocked.


He soon understood.


Come to think of it, this is the problem of the threshold that Senior Yin said last time...

The stimulation of the flag is the strongest stimulation for the blood of the bull's head, but in the strong stimulation, if the stimulation time is long...

I'm immune.

Not only does the threshold increase...

There may be resistance.

What is that sentence?

Drought and drought


Although these creatures in the Kingdom of Ten Beasts have bovine blood, they are not real cattle after all, so after the first dilemma, they have gradually loosened.


Lu Ming whispered.

Without any hesitation, he let the two dragons leave with the sledgehammer and prince.

of course.

Before leaving.

Lu Ming still gave a cold glance to General Niu Tau, "It's going to kill you all this time, and if you dare to step into our human world next time..."


"I plant the banner in every corner of your kingdom of beasts!"

Lu Ming said coldly.


Gone away.


They stepped into the gap of the world and left.

for a long time.

When the gap in the world gradually began to close, the power of the flag gradually disappeared, and the generals and others were completely relieved, and the body recovered.


The general general roared, and his heart was angry, and the terrifying power in the body had nowhere to vent.

"Lu Ming!"


"I will destroy you one day sooner or later!"

The general's intention to kill was awe-inspiring.

How humiliated has he been!

Lu Ming...


"Wait for the next world gap to open..."

The general was in a good tone.


At this time.

The soldier next to our general said weakly, "General, this gap has not been completely closed, we can still open it. If you chase it now, it is too late."


The general's murderous air suddenly solidified.


His eyes glanced faintly.

Gan Li Niang!

The gap between the world is not closed, don't I know?


The soldier knew that he was wrong and shut up.


The air is full of embarrassment...

for a long time.

The general coughed, "The overall situation is of the utmost importance, and Lu Ming should not be caught in the plan to get away from the mountain."

"Yes, yes, the general is right."




Light and shadow flicker.

Lu Ming and others have already returned to the Jianka Division Association.

Rescue plan-



Xiaobai flew and rubbed.


Lu Ming smiled slightly and moved the little girl down.


Before he could say a few words here, he suddenly received the news of the Nine Star Alliance-two seams appeared in the endless sea!

Connected to two different countries!

very dangerous!


"If they were rushed over by the opportunity...not good, UU reading I saw them coming! Damn, this time, I'm afraid it will be big..."


The summoner's hurried voice froze before he finished.

"what happened?"

Lu Ming sank in his heart.

Has something happened?


The summoner's face was dumbfounded, "They saw me, and filled the gap in panic... What are you talking about, fill in..."

"Never let Lu Ming come over..."

Lu Ming:? ? ?



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